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The Fix - Shoot better video with your smartphone

with a few simple techniques you can get really good looking video from your smartphone I'll show you how to make better use of the built-in tools you already have Plus how to upgrade with some affordable accessories lighting is everything but even if the lighting looks right your phone might end up exposing the wrong area so use your camera's exposure and focus lock feature to set the lighting and keep it that way throughout the recording if audio is important and the video isn't terribly long there's a simple trick for getting clearer audio just cup your hand around the microphone tour the direction of the audio that way noise you don't want gets filtered out finally don't forget about composition just like with still photography use the rule of thirds to place your subject away from the center to make a more interesting shot with those tips you're already leagues ahead of everyone else but if you really want to step up your game get some add-ons even a little bit of jitter can ruin a great video so if keeping your elbows firmly to your side won't cut it use a stabilizing accessory these range in price and style but the point is that they give you one-handed control that cuts out a lot of the shake that can often ruin smartphone videos this one from Photojojo is great because it also flips out into a mini tripod or you can screw off the top and mount it on a standard tripod if you want clearer louder sound out of mic there are plenty of cheap options but this one's from Dayton and it's only 20 bucks on Amazon and finally the default app on your phone is fine for basic recording but apps open up a whole world of features and if you're too lazy to edit there are even apps like Magisto which automatically splice together your footage for you
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