look at that we're halfway through me
and while the price of stamps just went
up i'm happy to report the queue is
still free and back in front of our
trusty window hey there i'm rich demuro
with cnet TV in new york city let's get
you started with your must see moment
yahoo searching for the greenest city in
america the winner gets a fleet of
hybrid taxis or cash for greening
projects the search engine kicking
things off in the green apple by
donating a fleet of hybrid taxis the
greenest city in america to be announced
on jun 8 the quest for easier access to
websites on mobiles and smartphones
continues mobi says it's registered
500,000 domains but another mini trend
is growing the MDOT google yahoo twitter
a scan even YouTube have them em domain
com for a mobile version of the website
katie fehrenbacher of GigaOM talked
about the trend in a recent post i know
i always try it when i'm looking for a
mobile phone friendly website there's
even an MC netcom for reviews on the go
but the award goes to ESPN for making it
really easy it only took me an hour to
find mobile app ESPN go com / wireless /
ESPN / redesign / index so when in doubt
give em a try American is expected to
spend nearly 260 billion dollars online
this year almost twenty percent more
than last year but where are they
spending it that's your quick ways
excluding travel which category rakes in
the most online sales is it computer
hardware and software autos & parts home
furnishings or apparel accessories and
footwear if you said apparel accessories
and footwear give yourself a gold star
according to shop org Americans spent
more online on clothing last year than
computers for the first time in history
liberal shipping policies and new
imaging technologies helped ease
consumers and boost those sales time for
the beta when Photoshop is too expensive
and you're anything but an image
manipulation expert why are discom makes
easy just upload a print and you're
ready to make changes the site packs
basic features like resizing and
cropping but also lets you remove redeye
and add cool effects changes are
immediately shown on screen you can then
save your work of art and various
formats or email it right from the
program best of all it's free and
there's no sign up necessary now when i
was in college across the country for my
parents i always thought it'd be cool
like a video conference with them
problem is webcam search your
complicated and video phones they never
really took off but if i had eighteen
thousand dollars a month I might have
invested in one of these HP halo video
collaboration studios is a virtual
meeting room plasma screens line the
wall while cameras and microphones just
blend in the person you're talking to
can be anywhere in the world and it
feels like you're just sitting across
the room from them DreamWorks and Jerry
Seinfeld big believers and you can get
the full story by checking out my
segment the new edge 2 point 0 virtually
face to face is on cnet TV how cool to
be if they had restaurants with that
technology and I guess you'd have to eat
dinner when they're eating lunch for
breakfast or something like that alright
consider yourself all cued up I'm rich
demuro with cnet TV in New York City
don't sat in tell you so
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