Chief Ed zoom and bacon so much to learn
so little time at two cute
good day Internet I'm rich demuro with
CNN TV and you are in the queue more
tech than you can shake a mouse at oh
stop your squirming for a sec and check
out our must click moment the bus change
the cheese grater the ThighMaster jockey
hoping to score a viral touchdown with
the new campaign urging americans to
stop squirming the site featuring 30
popular squirms for guys and girls
complete with flash video explanations I
love it when companies coin new names
for emerging technologies like when
Verizon was unveiled I tell everyone it
meant on the verge of a new horizon now
sprint has zoom it's the new brand name
for their WiMAX mobile internet wimax is
4g wireless broadband really superfast
the service similar to Wi-Fi but it's
more reliable since it uses a licensed
part of the spectrum sprint working with
major electronics makers to build zoom
capabilities into devices like cell
phones laptops and even digital cameras
look for service starting in 2008 first
there was spam and now legit companies
are making bacon the latest silly net
name comes from a brainstorm of tech
geeks at a podcast camp in Pittsburgh
yes the city key to the Industrial
Revolution and ketchup now making a new
name for itself as defining the side
order we're seeing in our inbox every
day bacon is middle class email you know
the Facebook alerts twitter follow
updates amazon recommendations the stuff
we don't exactly have to read and it's
not spam but you can live without it
that makes sense on Entourage turtle
prides himself on rare and expensive
kicks you'd be hard-pressed to find on
anyone else's feet now with nikeid you
can throw away those plans to set up
your own sweat shop no cutting fabric or
stitching here just an easy-to-use
website that lets you customize 19
different sporting goods including
sneakers shirts and watches start with a
blank slate or one of nike's pre-made
templates then choose colors of
everything from the tip airbag soul and
swoosh you can even add cheeky sayings
to the back of your left and rights 200
bucks in four weeks later anyone who
really cares about this stuff will be
jealous finally the beta Swahili is
apparently all the rage these days when
it comes to naming new sites must be the
only unread
surnames left so ebay has kijiji and now
Microsoft has two fede what does it mean
do research the site helps people use
the web for research projects that
require more than one sitting there are
ways to search the web news RSS feeds
pictures and books you can easily save
and label clippings for later the slick
site powered by Silverlight Microsoft's
answer to Adobe Flash you have to check
out the tree view whoa look at the time
that's all there is for today I'm rich
demuro with Cena TV in New York City and
I feel like I learned a new language
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