XM and sirius offer a la carte and
freeze your phone and bust a name it's
acute and then what's going on I'm rich
demuro with Cena TV in New York City and
this is the Q tech news that'll make you
so inside baseball now on to your must
click moment time to soak up the Sun
it's the dell Winston school solar car
challenge the program started in 1993 it
teaches high school students had a build
and race them the cross country event
started in round rock texas and ends in
upstate New York there is even a stop in
my old stomping grounds of Shreveport
Louisiana choose your own adventure
that's what XM and Sirius will offer if
their merger is approved the company is
announcing a la carte programming plans
for seven bucks a month you can choose
50 channels and add more for a quarter
each for 15 bucks you can choose 100
channels both plans lets you bypass
customer service and choose your own
line up online the new plans will only
work with new radios and only if the
merger is approved very cool because
most of the time you only listen to a
few channels anyway amp'd mobile might
not be as pumped up these days but there
is an interesting answer in their
customer service faq that means you
won't be left totally high and dry under
the general Q&A section among
tantalizing tidbits such as customer
service will not be available after july
twenty third and amped is potentially
suspending US operations on july 24th
there's a question that says when i
decide on my new wireless service writer
can i take my phone the answer
surprisingly yes if your service
provider uses cdma which is the network
of sprint and verizon very interesting
stuff here the question is how will they
implement it since don't those phones
have to be unlocked somehow moving
through the queue career website vault
unveiling its top 10 internships for
2008 those on the list Academy of
Television Arts and Sciences Apple city
google inroads morris arboretum nih
northwestern mutual financial network
PricewaterhouseCoopers and XM radio no
serious though there are even videos you
can check out before sending in your
resume the rankings are based on
substantial work more than just
hey file these kid pay perks and the
resume radiance factor basically how
good the internship looks to potential
employers finally goes bust a name it's
the beta the website proudly declares
you can still find good domains and it's
somewhat true they'll have to point o
site much easier than those domain name
suggests errs you find on domain
registration sites the site combines
what they call linguistic data like the
source info with an easy-to-use
interface pop in a few words and domain
name combinations appear along with
whether they're available one more click
will let you register rich qcom anyone
go get it I'm rich demuro with Cena TV
and you are all cued up don't say it and
tell you so
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