black burying your iPhone the purchasing
power of heavy gamers and enhanced CDs
make a comeback the cube starts right
now hey there glad you made it I'm rich
demuro with seen a TV in the city that
never sleeps now on to your must click
moment living on the edge at the sky
deck 88 in Melbourne Australia get high
for just 12 bucks that's the price for a
ticket that'll take you to the edge a
glass cube that sticks out from the rest
of the building letty use skywalk nearly
a thousand feet above the ground watch
off you just say something now if you've
been holding out for an iPhone because
the lack of corporate email support
there is hope and I have experienced it
a company called synchronic a-- has a
service called mobile gateway
three-point oh it lets you check your
company's email on your phone the secret
is in the sink sink ronica uses outlook
web access to send the messages to the
iphones built-in email program plus you
get full two-way functionality delete
something on your phone and it's gone on
your desktop there should be a consumer
version of the service soon it's not
perfect but it does work in gaming news
while China is limiting online play time
for teens it turns out heavy gamers
spend the most money on games first in
China the government instituting new
rules requiring gaming companies to
install special monitoring software
after three hours underage players are
encouraged to go get some exercise
meanwhile the NPD group here in the US
says that heavy gamers who play about 40
hours a week make up only two percent of
the gaming population but by the most
games averaging 13 in the last three
months compared to 24 casual gamers
there's just too many jokes to do there
so I'm not doing any remember enhanced
CDs the ones that would auto run a
multimedia application when you pop them
in your computer for ripping well
they're back and a new push from
Hollywood Records CD view plus albums
that's what they're called will hit
store shelves in August starting with
the pop trio Jonas Brothers the CDs
contain a digital magazine from
publishers in EO the flippable pages are
filled with text video and pictures no
screaming girls though there are lyrics
behind-the-scenes stuff and printable
photos the content is
use for the CD and it's not just some
repurposed filler finally the site
there's a new web two point O site
released every 60 seconds according to a
fact I just made up for only go to web
2.0 lets you see all the fancy little
logos on one big page born mid last year
if you can believe that the site is a
directory of web two point O
applications and services they're about
1400 of them listed the site lets you
search by keyword and tag and sort by
date or name surfers be where you could
probably spend an entire eight-hour day
on this one you can call it research
like I do before we go a quick reminder
best by giving out four million bucks
for their 2008 teach awards applications
are open for the innovative use of
technology in K through 12 classrooms I
just thought that was cool so I pass it
along to you finally to everything I
mentioned here in our blog its blog cnet
TV com I'm rich demuro in New York City
go do great things
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