riding the Green Wave to work digitizing
space and ebooks that smell like the
real thing but on your helmet this could
get rough
hey there what's going on I'm rich
demuro with Cena TV and you are in the
queue thank God I could finally unlock
my iphone tools all this just to go to
tmobile nevermind let's get you start
with your must click moment a
one-stop-shop of NASA imagery available
soon the space agency will work with the
internet archive of San Francisco to
digitize their collection of pictures
film and video everything will be
available online for free the full
project will take five years good luck
finding the moon landing film moving
through the queue here's a nifty way to
commute to work how about taking an
electric motorcycle inertia the world's
first zero missions battery powered bike
delivering 45 miles of freedom on the
open road on a three hour charge the
carbon fiber chassis ultra strong but
super light weighing in at a tree loving
275 pounds you too can help save the
world and look awesome doing it for just
12 grand the inertia bike goes on sale
next summer I'm still not convinced
printing pictures at home is any easier
than going to the drug stores that
doesn't mean lots of Americans haven't
started the equivalent of a digital
darkroom and that brings us to your
quick quiz what tops the wish list for
home printer owners is it the ability to
connect wirelessly longer-lasting
digital photos higher quality digital
photos or cheaper ink cartridges take a
second to think about it the answer
cheaper ink cartridges this according to
a survey by ipsos insight an
overwhelming amount of consumers want to
print cheaper today there are lots of
options like refilling or no name brand
ink but the big names criticize these
alternatives saying you'll sacrifice
some quality time for the beta and today
a site I used to use religiously is
getting a refresher bloglines was one of
the first web-based RSS readers a great
alternative to desktop downloads that
tied your feeds to one screen the beta
adds a new personalized start page that
lets you quickly scan your favorite
feeds in seconds a three pain view that
lets you treat feeds like your email
inbox and drag-and-drop feed management
for a little taste of web two point oh
and your feed reading upcoming features
include a mobile version and the ability
to send save and share posts finally in
a survey sure to get a company in a show
like this cafe scribe is introduced
musty ebooks the digital textbook
company recently surveying college
students and found they love the smell
of their physical books that newer old
book smell apparently the only thing
keeping them from buying lower price
digital versions of the textbooks so in
an attempt to win over smell conscious
students the company including a musty
old books scratch-and-sniff sticker with
every ebook sold in September that
explains why college students spend so
much time in the stacks I'm rich Demuro
would see that TV in New York City go do
great things
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