hi guy doubles here and this is the all
new seated slim purple drive now that's
been managed slim drive on the market
and this is actually the second from
Seagate itself succeeding the oh go flex
slim that came out two years ago of all
of them Seagate does have my type of
slim because take a look here the to
drive they are very very thin either
drive on the market not so much
for example this WD my passport slim
right here
it could sleep never be because for now
is almost double the thickness of the
Seagate drive that said the new sigit
slim is as slim as is older brother but
now is also much shorter that's because
it doesn't use the Oh detachable adapter
design anymore and that means you cannot
use it with any connection type you want
such as Biwi Aur isara
but just USP at the try support USB 3.0
but also what would you speed 2.0 and
all you needed this cable right here to
make it work on the inside the new slim
drive here houses a 500 gigabyte
internal hard drive that's been at 5400
rpm now this is not the fastest spinning
speed of a hard drive but in my testing
the dry actually very fast offering up
210 megabyte per second of real-world
sustained copy speed now that is as fast
as any USB portable drive can offer at
that speed you can finish the entire 500
gigabyte in just about an hour and a
half now the fast performant is not the
only cool thing about the new drive here
it also comes with very good software
con Seagate dashboard dashboard is a
great backup solution for home user and
also come with software driver to make
the drive here work cross-platform for
example this one here is pre formatted
for Windows but come with driver to make
a Mac walk with it both read and write
similarly if you buy a sleep for Mike it
also come with driver to make any
Windows computer to access the Mac drive
seamlessly and that means the driver is
a great choice for a mix Windows and Mac
environment the new Seagate sleep is
available in just one capacity of 500
gigabyte and cost just $60 a very good
deal if you ask me so one downside
though it
with just a two year warranty and not a
three or five year you can find out more
the drive at my full review a calm but
the take away is this it is truly a good
and slim portable drive I hope that
vendors will learn how to call a spade a
spade and not naming their product
something they're not for the rest of
you guys out there do not even think of
naming yourself do Angie I know it's
tempting but really you're not I already
am and that's because I'm don't go and
this has been the first look at the
Seagate slim portable drive
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