when you walk into the Electronic
Entertainment Expo this year you don't
just see games you see the massive
marketing budgets these game companies
have on display they've built incredible
booths like this one from Mafia three it
recreates a street in New Orleans
complete with a band and fortune-tellers
where you can get your palm read you
have a longevity line you're gonna live
a very long life to get under the
balcony just open up this bookcase
Capcom's resident evil 7 had a booth
that resembled the house where the game
takes place we got a short tour of the
inside as well Bethesda had a great
display for prey just like walking into
a starship and for Dishonored 2 fans
look at this impressive setup it felt
like you were in the game one of the
most impressive and massive booth builds
was from Nintendo they put a great
amount of detail into their Zelda booth
just the entrance alone is incredible
inside the booth not only changes
lighting in color to represent night and
day but certain areas of the bootham it
smells to help immerse you in the game
environment you can check out more of
our e3 coverage at cnet and gamespot com
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