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The best free movies to catch online in August

the net district nine streaming news and more coming up hey everybody and welcome to net picks this is your resource to finding out what to watch online besides this show that is it's time to talk about a bunch of free video I'm talking about crackle if you've got an apple TV or Roku you've got access to crackle first up let's talk about some awesome movies that arrived in August these movies are available for free but they do have commercial interruptions 2009's district nine is available the movies about aliens who came to earth and we're forced to live in government camps it's a really well told story with excellent visual effects one of the best horror comedies out there Shaun of the Dead is streaming for free on crackle learn the origin of the phrase you've got red on you and this mean what does it mean the movie that shaped many people's view of the power of the Internet the net starring sandra bullock is also streaming right now and a guilty pleasure of mine the very dark comedy jawbreaker is available on crackle for free from the why did this happen department fourteen years after the original a sequel that i don't think any of us saw coming Joe Dirt's two beautiful loser you know sometimes some people have more money than sense and that must be the story of how this movie exists on to what's on crackle for just August that's right available for one month only leprechaun leprechaun to leprechaun three guess what leprechaun for in space leprechaun five in the hood leprechaun six back to the hood also the following movies are leaving by the end of august Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon I know what you did last summer meet the fockers snatch and u-571 and let's talk about some streaming news there were all kinds of rumors and news about pornhub introducing a netflix purport the company did introduce a ten dollar a month paid tier that's ad free and at HD take that for what you will variety was quick to point out that paid pornography it's nothing new and the company behind pornhub has many other paid services as well there's also news from netflix that it will introduce the new mr. peabody & sherman show and being made by DreamWorks Animation by the way if you're looking for a kid's movie that even adults will enjoy the mr. peabody & sherman movie is surprisingly good it's also on netflix right now and over at amazon the second season of transparent now has a release date december 4 2015 to find out more in the streaming world check out cnet com for a complete list of everything coming and going online check out cnet com / net pics amaya's actor and I'll see you next time
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