
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The best of E3 2018 according to Wil Wheaton, Ron Funches and Patrick Rash | Stream Economy #8

hi friends welcome to the GameSpot co-op stage here at e3 2018 I'm Ashley ask Ewa you may not know me if you watch a lot of GameSpot I'm over on Sina and I hope the show called stream economy and I thought it would be really fun to bring some of my friends here to the show and talk about their favorite games and maybe their least favorite games that they've seen during the show and during all the press conferences so hello and welcome I'm ashley Esqueda and let's introduce our lovely guests to my immediate left here I have Wil Wheaton oh oh favorite people in the whole world one of my second favorite people in the whole world thank you and of course my third favorite person in the world Patrick Ryan hey guys who is who is we're really feeling our Brittany's yeah yeah Britni Mike's yeah where we actually are Sauron you know I love her anyway I don't care we are using these are our real voices we're not we're not lip syncing all right well let's jump right into it so one of the concepts of stream economy is your time is money and so we want to make sure that you know what you should be investing your your time and your energy your feelings and so I'm stead of money cuz who cares about that so let's talk about the show and some of your favorites we'll start out with that I know all of you have some specific games that you want to talk about so let's start with Ron what do you want to talk about okay okay well I didn't expect that I would like fallout 76 I didn't think I wanted to fallout that's online with people but it looks really fun it looks almost Monster Hunter ish in a way yeah and then also I get to build my own settlements in the end and bomb my friends take with you I'm really I was also very skeptical because they're like oh it's it's online and there's gonna be other people and those are the other kind of NPCs right we're all kind of our own folks and I was like oh I don't want to play fallout online but then when they said it would only be dozens of people on a server as opposed to hundreds or thousands of people on a server all spawn camping the same quest right I feel better about that and now I've decided I'd like to live my life in the wastelands as a traveling band with three other people so the trailer the trailer is so great it made me listen to the bluegrass roots playlist on Spotify and I love the Fallout universe so much that I if that might actually get me out of my multiplayer games must die cocoon are you gonna join my band I'll join your band yeah I don't know if I have 12 friends right here I think we got 76 you know I think so I'm of the same mindset as I don't love a lot of people in my gaming experience you know unless they're there for a reason I don't want to be competing for the same you know like bort us cuz six other people but you know I like the fact that it's the apocalypse and maybe we'll run into somebody maybe we won't and not necessarily gonna be there you know the way destiny was where they're always there so you know yeah I'll get it on the band I do like that they kind of retcon to the entire Fallout franchise by saying well this is why the wasteland the Weiss society has not been built back up and all of those previous fall outs because you guys have all just been nuking each other this I didn't like the idea that humanity learned nothing from the great war because when that eventually happens of course we'll learn nothing for nothing you also really like control right yeah I'm excited about control I love remedy I love the work that they do quantum break was one of my favorite games the last couple of years it was a really fun game I thought it was really fun very underrated I thought the TV show aspects of it was pretty good as well but I'm okay with them getting rid of the TV show focusing all in the game it looks like a mixer like quantum break and in this game I love called psyops back in the day with all these psychic powers and telekinesis and I'm really excited about it looks beautiful yeah that trailer looks really amazing one of the trailers that I saw that maybe you guys might have missed was ghosts of Tsushima no I saw it that looks that's that sucker-punch game that we were talking about and like oh my god like does anybody has anyone played or seeing ghosts over in the Sony but it looks amazing it's so beautiful open-world samurai gonna live my Kill Bill fantasy I'm so excited for it okay so well what did you what have you seen out of the show that you're really excited about i i am beyond excited for The Last of Us - yes it is I think the best game trailer I've ever seen in my life the most beautiful cinematic just the technical prowess of that trailer blew me away it was almost breaking - like the happiness like juxtapose war it's like brutal dogs it just like it was like all of the emotions I had from finishing the last of us had settled down into this like emotional silt in my psyche and that was just like a wave that stirred it all up oh hey remember all your feels and I'm really excited for it and I love that in in that trailer they resisted the urge to go from this beautiful cinematic like like narrative experience in the trailer they resisted the urge to move from that into and now here's our gameplay better than that I thought they definitely so glad they didn't do that and I just like if I were handing out awards I would give them all to whoever cut that trailer why don't you just bring your own awards every year all right the we t4 trailer I love the most goes to the Last of Us and Ellie Velez go team yeah okay Patrick so what about you what did what have you seen that you're the most excited about I think I'm excited about Tomb Raider honestly like I love Tomb Raider and I love that she's gone full Rambo this time and just you know mud all over her face going stealth mode just brutally killing everybody like I love Tomb Raider and I like the trailer they like she caused the problem you know she's the one who had woken whatever's going on you know she always just runs into these tombs willy-nilly and she's like I'll take this I'll take this I'll take this and you know who cares what happens so I like that they're gonna deal with some of the consequences this time and I'm just I'm really excited I'm glad it's not an exclusive this time I was so mad last time yeah yeah I'm glad that it's not even a I don't even think I've time Dix no just like straight up everybody finally I played it the demo of this at a few weeks ago and I have to say there's there's a sequence where you are running away from a lot of water so like a flood sequence when you're running and they take you off the rails and normally in a game like that like you're kind of going through and it's sort of a QuickTime motion and you're you're pretty well-protected you just have to hit the buttons at the right time my friends I got impaled so many times over and over again on a spike because I couldn't make one specific jump I kept trying it over and over again and then finally I figured out like oh I'm actually going completely the wrong way because they don't show you anything like you they just say look it's just like Lara is figuring it out so are you yeah here here's an emergency figure it out I was a little kid I had a reoccurring nightmare that I was caught in a flood don't play I was caught in a flood and like 1:00 in the LA River like with the concrete channel and you can't get out check it out and Venus the water in there like getting anxiety just listening to you talk about that yeah maybe I maybe I'm gonna give that a pass very stressful okay so we talked a little bit about games you're super excited about that our triple a huge game so there any like smaller sort of indie games that you've maybe seen that excite you and anyone can jump in on this it's not necessarily an indie game but I'm really excited for that jump game that looks exciting where I can fight in our Udo and go yeah I'm super excited about that he's bringing all my favorite anime characters together to fight each other I'm all about it they should just jump in the Super Smash Brothers and put it all together we go we should stop by Nintendo and just let them know just in case they're looking for more than the 65 fighters they already have they could just add a few more cool in there what I love is that Nintendo is like hey people who love smash here's a giant birthday present with a pinata and a cake and like a million dollars and everybody's like yeah but that one guy I like can't say that now because everyone's in this game that's not what Twitter says Yeah right it's mad someone's left out well everyone's mad about waluigi yeah yeah i understand why luigi stands i understand i had to ask my friend Felix what the name of their game was because I've seen it and I didn't know what the name of it is I'm beyond excited for it so my friend Felix works for a studio called fin G okay and they have a game coming out called that is like you look like you're like a little kind of like Elfie Nome kind of person and you're like cruising around like a Super Mario Odyssey style kind of platformer thing and it is freaking adorable and it is exactly like I started gaming on the Atari 2600 I really came of age playing on the Nintendo Entertainment System so platformers are like that is where my heart and soul live yes I love open-world they're great but like a little platformer where I can predict what I'm supposed to do this game looks amazing and I love that it's a tiny little indie title yeah I am I really so I'm really into indie games that's like Ike weird little indie games are some of my favorite games I recently picked up west of loading on the switch which is awesome you should totally play that if you haven't played it but I'm really excited for as a as a Kickstarter backer a part of the Kickstarter backers I am really excited for blood stains on switch and ps4 like it's coming out on like almost every platform I it's basically Castlevania it's it's Symphony of the night and so but but remade like for a new era and a new name and all that stuff with ego so I'm really looking forward to that I get to play in I think tomorrow so I'm like really excited about checking that out okay so we've talked about big games talk about little games now we get to talk about games that like may be questionable like I'm and I don't mean like quality wise cuz there are great games out there but things that maybe you're not super interested in playing like your saw it and you're like wow it's a really big game it's not for me but other people I'm sure love it for me like guys I gotta be honest this is a big confession please don't rush the stage and cause a riot I don't know how excited I am about death stranding yeah I'd same I don't get it I don't get it and I so I love Metal Gear and I love Hideo Kojima's games but I see every trailer for death surrounding and I'm like this game is getting weirder and weirder and I don't know if I enjoy the idea that it's weird for the sake of being weird and so uh yeah this trailer to me is crazy if anyone understands it please come on stage and explain it to me because I would love to hear your opinions but for me like the whole thing where norm arenas is carrying a suspended baby inside a backpack and then he's carrying more stuff in a backpack and he's sort of a katamari but a human it's really bizarre and I don't know what is going on here in him I you know what I eat baby I don't but when I mean did you see this trailer guys think I watched a I have I'm on a riding deadline so I had to choose the trailers that I watched before I came in today I didn't watch this but I will say this just based on my knowledge of Kojima this trailer looks super weird this game looks incredibly bizarre but everything he does has an internal logic I know like maybe maybe maybe part of what is going to make this cool is like maybe as a player you have to do some work and meet him where he is I don't I don't mind reiative Lee after to him a little bit yeah I really don't mind that especially at a time in prometheus five like the trailer for a like so many games are so derivative of the same five ideas that like I just love that if you're if you've had it with first-person shooters if you're if you're bored to death with like with multiplayer battle games here's something that is super weird and way outside of that it absolutely looks so so I'm willing I'm willing to in favor in the back end you know I don't get it these spaces and walk into me i'ma buy it I'm a player Jonnie Jonnie letter C Oh Johnny God you know probably the world spanning gorgeous with ladders history I want to play the game where you play as Johnny ladders and you walk around all different game anymore Tron just cancel this for you when they announced the mobile Elder Scrolls game yeah blades way scrolls black oh man I was so excited because I I live in Skyrim so Ashley and I are extraordinarily good friends in real life yeah and we talk about games all the time and one of the things that has come up for like two years is hey will why don't you play Skyrim and the answer is always because if I do I'm just gonna fall in it and never leave so according to my dashboard eight and a half days of game playing ago that's a 24 hour games of gaming ago I started Skyrim so I was you're gonna get it you're definitely gonna get a tweet from Felicia Day about this I know because I teased her so hard about it yeah I know and now I'm gonna start fighting with her about how my houses are better than hers but I was so excited for this game and right up until they were like and it's free because there's another way to say that which is this game's gonna be awesome until we bring in the microtransaction give us all your money idiots ha ha ha I'm super bummed about it I was so excited it looks amazing I know okay so fallout shelter did any of you guys play fallout shelters yeah my olaf all shudder so if you play fallout shelter Bethesda I think has done a really good job of giving you a game that you can literally just play right like you don't have to buy anything you can buy the lunchboxes and get like extra characters legendary vault dwellers things like that but like you don't need it and I think for my first year of playing fallout shelter I never bought anything yeah but it was a year and then you gave in I was like I feel like I've given this game so much time that I'd like to give money to the developers like I felt like she's like sure I feel like I've gotten so much value out of this game that paying ten five bucks for a lunchbox or whatever feels okay like I that's kind of how I judge my free-to-play games now cuz there's still many of them and I have a feeling we're gonna be seeing even more going forward like fortnight is a really good example I think they've done a really good job of giving you a free game that is extremely full and like fun and people really like it and my god they're the for tonight pro-am yesterday it was like a stadium that they filled up it was crazy but you can also just customize your character and buy like cool clothes or you know dance moves or whatever it is like cosmetic stuff but see like I never really participate in the microtransactions like I don't know what it is it's like a thing where I just I mentally refuse to do it like I'll go to Starbucks every day and spend five dollars on a coffee but it's fake Alliance for a new outfit I'm like no I will not I will put that i star play i will play for sixteen hours to get that outfit but I will not pay fifty cents for it I'm seeing I'm a person who's like I'll spend that money and I don't have a problem spending money on games I fully believe in supporting developers I want to pay to support development I want to pay to support my fellow artists hey you want a pair yeah shut up and take my money I agree and they don't give me part of a game give me a demo I'll take a demo no box meet no link box everybody overwatch is the only one that did it right and then they started put in they put it in my son's for the game and ruined it they put it in my NBA 2k game and ruined it put in my wrestling game and it ruined it I hate it just let me again they said let me pay upfront I'm happy to play 60 if 170 tell me you want 70 right don't you come by and then try to just steal money from me and that's what it feels like there was some way that they could because there is a thing about like when a game is free-to-play it absolutely opens that game up to people who don't have $70 and on a game and it involves them in the gaming community and I'd like that's rad and I'm super okay with that likes are cool but I wish there was a way that if you are fortunate and you can afford to just pay upfront you can just sort of like oh cool I want to opt out of this part of the thing I still want to be in the economy of the game and still want to be in the world of the game where they say like if you pay X amount of dollars it's ad free right you unlock all the stuff yeah but if it's all cosmetic stuff then a lot of people go well that's not worth it I don't want any of this other cosmetic stuff except for this one thing like you know I'm eight so it's like it's a tough thing but the good news is is that this year at the show like there was very much a de-escalation of loot boxes like even you know battlefront they were like yeah we're done with that now like we're gonna go ahead and like them companies are learning their lessons very quickly like eh you know learn to really lessen this year and I think that that's probably the case you know I just don't like the games that make you pay to keep playing like some eight eight hours where you can play again right by this and like no now that's never fun never nobody wants to do that I like your don't loop box me I think it needs to be a t-shirt okay right there come back next year alright boxes yeah I think I'd be really good okay so other games you're skeptical about is there anything like really big that you saw they were like oh I don't know I'm in a little go ahead good just a little bit about smash brothers because I was just really hoping for a new game you know and I understand that they're given a lot with all the new characters and everything but it is basically the Wii U version of the game and so I was a little disappointed by that but I'm sure I'll get over that quickly you're like just a little iffy about about paying a full 50 60 for it again that's fair and know why Luigi yes don't be an add-on later you can pay for I'm too old for Luigi like waluigi kate like was introduced to the world when i was already like a curmudgeonly old man yeah I have no emotional investment at all as long as like Wario I'm yeah I'm even too old for Wario but like as long as I've got my Mario and I've got my Louise Smash Brothers oh yeah I'm Way too old for Smash Brothers yeah it's not free I don't get it at all my kids are crazy about it well my kids my kids are in high school their friends would come over they would fill my house with the stink of sweaty teenage kids and they would have these crazy Smash Brothers tournament things that they were nuts about and I was like anybody want to go to the arcade and play karate champ a little bit yeah and they were like you're lame I was like I know I know please let my brothers know like you can't play Smash Brothers you're bad at it yeah oh so bad at it I like to watch it yeah I'm terrible at it I got to see that they like so much fun but I'm just terrible I'm that guy going off every time I'm one of those cars that's just animated guys but I'm kind of just going in a circle and you're like why are those people fighting over their lives down yeah it's too much for me play smash yeah I get it for sure yeah I love Smash I'm just a little bit I just wanted a brand new product but that's you're open for all new yeah I I get it I think I think it's a good point I think it's a good is a good argument to be made does that a lot they did it with Mario Cart it was basically the same game again and I think an important thing to keep in mind is so few people got a Wii U that they like I loved Mario Kart 8 and I was really sad on Wii U that I had nobody to play with my little game dad no one to play with this is so depressing and now I get to play tons of people on the switch and so I I get it like in a way I kind of understand like though well we have this like amazing engine that we had and used and like why not use this again yeah can - we've seen like a lot of you know what you can do with Smash Brothers you know like it's is what it is yeah the concept is there you know you can update the graphics and maybe a few of abilities but for the most part to get you know the game is the game at this can I like I do like that it's an ultimate mode with everybody like I think that's really cool um okay so I am curious because this is a game that people have been waiting for for a really long time what you guys think and feel about Kingdom Hearts 3 does anyone have a strong opinion about Kingdom Hearts I thought the trailer was really weird like the very first one the Pirates of the Caribbean one way it was just like randomly cut together of all the people having played Kingdom are no I haven't but if I can play as Keira Knightley I'm in all right have you guys I have I am so far out of the demo for that game I've never played it the only thing that I even know about their bad head looks just like Sora's hair well oh well sure that that is that that head picture everywhere is Instagram and I'm like it's just like Sora well all I know about it is what my crew who look from Penny Arcade talks about but my information about it is like three years out of date I just like I rarely feel like well I'm a 46 year old dad and I really feel that way is when Kingdom Hearts comes up ah a nerd I thought you'd be really into this I know that's what everybody says I know I listen I'm with you I'm shocked played Kingdom Hearts I have play Kingdom Hearts I don't like it I don't care for it I don't it's guy seems like I'm very middle-of-the-road RPG to me with a bunch of Disney elements that I also don't care about Disney function I'm sure that was interesting that wasn't the controversial statement I expected it happy people understand just shudder this project get back to work on the Final Fantasy 7 remake and forget about this we didn't hear anything about Final Fantasy 7 remake I also made a joke yesterday that I think we should have Aerith and Smash Brothers and then her trophy would be like Sephiroth come down and stab her boiler alert guys but then it was a stunt because everyone would be crying all the other fighters would be crying because it was so sad like anything music would play it would be a really good that would be a really good ultimate idea of a stun attack that just emotionally take me back to my 16 year old self in high school playing Final Fantasy 7 it's like oh like that's that was my emotional stunning that was a good one I know I'm I'm with you i am i think ff7 doneita don't need the Kingdom Hearts I'm excited about Kingdom Hearts but also like really I think I'm really need that Final Fantasy 7 remake news yeah I just like a new sequel to the old Genesis Aladdin game over Kingdom Hearts give me that oh man that was a really good game great game me so many memories oh my god that escape from the sands like it's so good just putting your head underneath the Mickey Mouse ears and getting a free life that was the best try November when that game came out and it was like how did they do this animation okay look like the movie like that was it's rare that a game excites me the now the way that I go ahead to the Cave of Wonders and without the escape was so good okay we got like three minutes left okay I think we got like a half hour look producer look in our show us a half an hour right not an hour okay I just want to double check I got really scared there for a second okay I want to do a quick fire questions for you I want to give everybody an idea of what kinds of gamers you are based on these quick questions and I'm excited to ask them to you because I think they're gonna be very illuminating so we'll go through them really quickly favorite game of all time cata Maradona C good one Super Mario 3 called 1964 that is an aged well book publishers please make a katamari dama C for the new generation of consoles can I say I saw the bandai namco team when they came in and I begged them for it in the green room earlier today I was like Hello please I need Katamari on switch thank you very much yeah yeah we all need that I think we can all agree we do okay most hated game of all time lop head I hate it I hate because I love the music I love the art I think in the story world I love everything about it but it is so fucking hard it just goes like hey guess what will you're old you're slow terrible at everything you don't have enough time basically our depression in a game yeah I hate it time toys I hate the way that makes me feel because it's beautiful and it's perfect in literally every other every other way I feel like with cuphead it's the game that I love but hates me back I'm like a piker it's like I act their dysfunctional relationship I am it's true what about you I mean Kingdom Hearts I hate oh we knew that but we're gonna go at your way which is a game that I think I should love but I hate is a blood-borne like I just can't I'm horrible at it I want to be good at it it makes me feel unskilled as a video game player it looks beautiful it's a very obtuse I don't I don't I wanna like it but I don't I don't that and also fortnight alive yeah that's mine I feel so I've never okay I have never my life felt old as a gamer until I played for a night and I was like I am the oldest person in the universe am I too old to play video game II have an existential crisis it was that bad yeah I like it but I did horrible in the program yesterday so now I hate it I would say for tonight for those same reasons it's not that I hate the game I just hate that I'm I don't get it like I would like the building just blows my mind like I'm like I'm putting the wall down I'm like no that's the floor and then I'm dead yeah it's no impressive to watch people who know how to play I'm like oh no that's the ceiling not the wall and then I'm dead yeah that's the first time I ever played I saw nobody and I did nothing and I finished third play the game so badly but I just am NOT its hide yeah I want to be good at it I'm so bad at it okay well the first game you ever played on the Odyssey console it was a it was a bowling style game the ball was square the pins were square and the balls where you could because because it was 1975 like it was they even have been a forbidden game and that was that's the first one that I remember playing when I was like 5 or 6 years old alright the first one I ever been playing was pong playing pong at like my uncle's house or something like that he owned it and then but the first thing I owned and was was the NES and playing playing the first Mario and that that was like when I was like okay this is my life now yeah yeah yeah I would say Mario or duck hunt you know there's the first one I remember like just taking the gun and putting it right on the screen and you know like not getting away this time and the dog I'm like that's probably duck hunt amazing I think mine was the Smurfs on ColecoVision oh my god did you know how lucky you were to have Kaliko so we sadly have to wrap up the show I am gonna say what is your number one bye to wrap up the show just real quick title by it yours take your emotions stuff them into this game that I saw at e3 I need to think so gopher head get control there's all these other games that are gonna sell well just fine remedy is a great developer I love the work they do it looks weird and amazing try control it looks good do it Resident Evil 2 remake Resident Evil has a special place in my heart the whole series so play it definitely play it now yeah the new spider-man game because my friend Yuri Lowenthal is spider-man in that game and Yuri is in everything you know and has worked on everything and you've heard his voice everywhere I have never seen him as happy and excited as he is about being in this game and I want him to get to do another Spiderman it looks amazing so I hope you will too so yeah so bye spider-man alright well I that is it for us you guys please give him a huge round of applause to all of our wonderful guests you you guys all have stuff going on will you're at will w on twitter i am and you will be promoting all of your things I will excellent Ron you're at ru right you have like two different Instagram and Twitter handles so well at ron funches on twitter and then just at run Funch on instagram but only if you're attractive and Patrick what's where can people find you just at Patrick rash on Instagram and yeah that's about it or game face on PlayStation Network yeah actually yeah come play overwatch play overwatch with me alright everybody thank you so much for watching stream economy we had a great time we would love to see you we do our show stream economy it's a little parody on mad funny we have a lot of fun I get I get hit in the face with a pie sometime please show up it's override the peanuts it's not funny if no one shows but that is it for us thank you so much for watching and have a great III bye everybody
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