The biggest space stories of 2018 | Watch This Space
The biggest space stories of 2018 | Watch This Space
tonight 2018 we laughed we cried we shut
a car into space it's been a big year in
space and most of us haven't even left
the earth so what exactly did 2018 bring
us and when is Elon Musk gonna return
that space Tesla to the garage and
Claire Riley welcome to watch this space
from the Senate studios in Sydney this
is your weekly guide to everything on
earth you need to know about space and
tonight power drills on Mars galactic
troopers defending our interplanetary
borders 2018 has been a pretty wild ride
and here at watch this space we're
taking a look back at the biggest space
stories of the year in the only way we
know how with terrible puns and topical
humor about Soviet Russia first up time
to bake the universe's biggest birthday
cake because NASA turned 60 it was
created with the stroke of President
Eisenhower's pen in 1958 why the
Russians are coming the Russians are
coming just don't panic
NASA has taken us to the lunar surface
out past the farthest boundaries of the
solar system and it's even got plans to
get us on Mars we sure have come a long
way since racing Soviet space dogs to
the moon but after such a big milestone
there's no doubt the next 60 years will
look very different for NASA as it
partners with companies like SpaceX to
further its goals and continues to prove
its relevance for the next era of space
travel and on the topic of a new era in
space welcome to the age of Donald
Trump's space force in June this year
President Trump announced plans to form
the sixth branch of the Armed Forces the
space force it is not enough to merely
have an American presence in space we
must have American dominance in space so
important that's right Uncle Sam is
putting on his Astro helmet and
defending America's interests in the sky
we don't know a great deal about the
space force but the administration was
still putting the final touches on a
plan in December and vice president Mike
Pence says it will be created by 2020
but rest assured that in the coming
decades as we expand our space horizons
and explore the infinite beauty of
realms untouched by human hands the
military-industrial complex will never
be too far behind us speaking of hot
takes put on your oven mitts we're
touching the Sun that's right our next
big space story of the year was the
launch of the Parker Solar Probe in
August the Parker probe set off to fly
closer to the Sun than any human made
object has gone before the probe is
exploring the Stars Corona
that's the fiery ring of plasma around
the Sun that for some unknown presumably
terrifying reason is actually hotter
than the surface of the Sun earth space
just when I thought I had you figured
out the Parker mission sent back its
first photo inside this atmosphere in
December and it's a cracker next NASA
hopes the mission will teach us more
about solar wind and how energy emanates
from the Sun and affects the rest of the
solar system but it wasn't all new
missions this year 2018 was also the
year we said goodbye to some old friends
after launching in 2009 and spending
almost a decade finding thousands of new
planets beyond our solar system NASA
announced in October that the Kepler
space telescope had been put into sleep
mode and just like your beloved
childhood pet it wouldn't be waking up
just a few days later NASA also
confirmed that the dawn mission which
has been investigating the two largest
objects in the asteroid belt was also
being sent to the great space farm in
the sky but we're old missions passed on
new spacecraft came up in their place
while Kepler is gone the test mission
NASA's transiting exoplanet survey
satellite will pick up where it left off
hunting out new worlds and finding
planets just like our own which leads us
to our favorite space story of the year
that's right we're talking about NASA's
insight mission to Mars after blasting
off in May 2018
NASA's insight Lander successfully
touched down on the surface of Mars on
November 26
let's do impressive feat in its own
right before you even consider they had
to program the entire landing sequence
beforehand and reach the perfect speed
and angle to get the Lander through the
Martian atmosphere and onto the surface
without falling over all while being on
an eight-minute communications delay but
insight is already an overachiever
it's sent back selfies and even recorded
the sound of MA
and wind and that's all before it starts
drilling deeper into the red planet than
ever before so there you have it five
big stories from an impressive year but
here at watch this space we like to
celebrate all of our space achievements
large and small so as we end the year
and as we end the first season of the
let's look back at all the weird
wonderful and downright insane stuff
we've seen this year Oh could i get some
backing music please like the time nasa
shot four hundred and fifty thousand
gallons of water into the air for
science all the time the astronauts
found a hole in the International Space
Station and plugged it with their thumb
and then there were the Martian dust
storms and the first SpaceX launch from
the west coast lighting up the
California sky
who could forget when Buzz Aldrin
schooled Twitter users on his selfie
skills or when Richard Branson finally
sent people into space with Virgin
Galactic after promising to do it for
literally ten years and then there was
the Japanese Space Agency's photos from
the surface of an asteroid and of course
Elon Musk literally shooting money into
the sky when he straps a Tesla to the
side of a rocket so if 2018 has gotten
you down with politics climate change
and whatever the hell's happening with
Bitcoin at the moment just remember how
much we've achieved away from Earth and
remember we're just getting started
we'll see you in 2019 with more watch
this space and in the meantime goodnight
and Godspeed
that's not normal I don't what does this
sound up to I don't think anyone's
really looked into that it bothers me
maybe the Sun doesn't even exist BAM get
flattered thing I'm a no Sun up and then
one day I came back to a party like six
months later and now like oh yeah the
cat died except in this instance the cat
is Kepler I guess and the vast abyss of
space is the crushing loneliness I felt
it's really a small miracle that they
let us have this show for so long 2019
I'm hoping we can just come back and no
one will know
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