one of the most common questions we get
here no matter what time of year it is
it should i buy a new laptop now or
should I wait for the next generation of
hardware Scott and I fundamentally
disagree about this so here's some
highlights from our debate of course
you're going to wait to get a new laptop
Intel's Ivy Bridge processors are just a
matter of months away and you want to
wait for that you do not buy just before
a new piece of hardware comes out and
that will mean getting more computer for
the same amount of money would you buy
an ipad a month before the next iPad was
released of course you wouldn't of
course there's always going to be
something newer and shinier around the
corner the countdown clock it starts
taking the moment take the shrink-wrap
off but that's fine because these Ivy
Bridge chips the high-end ones may come
out soon but the everyday ones those are
going to take months longer and who
knows when your favorite pc maker is
going to have something that you want to
buy with the new hardware in it I say if
you want a new laptop just buy it now Oh
dad come on what is your laptop on fire
I mean if you have to get a laptop right
now than sure you could spend the money
and you won't regret it but with those
laptops coming out within a matter of
months with better integrated graphics
sure you're going to want that you're
going to be able to get more laptop for
less money that's a no-brainer you see
Scott you're obsessed with specs but I
know what people do with their laptops
they're on Twitter they're on facebook
maybe they're watching Netflix but
that's generally it you're not
sequencing a genome you're not running a
CGI render farm so it's more important
to just get something that you like
whether it's this year's laptop or even
last year's is probably fine so should
you buy a laptop now or should you wait
read the rest of our debate online or
vote in the poll tell us what you think
you should wait number
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