hello and welcome to inside scoop I'm
Sumi das with me is kent german senior
managing editor for cnet Kent thanks for
being with us sure so I don't know
what's more fun actually hearing the
announcement of when the iphone is
released the new iPhone or the
speculation that leads up to that you
manage a blog for cnet the iphone rumor
roundup and there are some new rumors
that are being bandied about now the one
that I heard about recently is the
connector yeah that's the latest rumor
and it looks to be one of the more most
probable is that so right now the iphone
and most Apple products that are mobile
have a 30-pin connector and apples use
that for years and it's going to be
smaller some people say it's going to be
a 19 pin connector which means it's just
going to be a little narrower ok so this
is not good news for me because I'd like
to take one charger with me for my iPad
and my iPhone so now I'm gonna have to
take an adapter well it's not it's not
useful for anybody that actually has an
iphone right that right now you will
have to buy a new you want to buy a new
charger and actually you have to buy a
new connector for your car any kind of
product you use your iPhone iPad with
you'd have to buy a new connection with
ok the other rumor that we've been
hearing about is the screen so what's
the verdict on the size of the screen
well the screen could be bigger and we
really hope it will be bigger because
right now the iphone is a 3.5 inch
screen which was great when it came out
but you know a lot of android phones are
for 4.5 it seems kind of small small so
we really hope it's bigger so here it's
going to be bigger but also it's going
to be wider so it's kind of a bigger
aspect ratio so think of it like used to
have one of the regular TVs and then you
got the widescreen TV it's better for
movies and video so might be a two
things just bigger than wider and
obviously that's gonna allow for
hopefully 16 by 9 right sure ok so where
do these rumors come from well they come
from a lot of places he would hear them
from analysts to follow Apple we hear
them from suppliers or case makers in
Asia that are making the components that
go into the iphone and they snap photos
or somebody reports on them and then
somebody said oh this is what it is so
it comes for a lot of different places
they never come from applet so of course
they're pretty tight-lipped yeah and the
manufacturers that manufacturing
companies Foxconn pegatron that are
making these products sometimes workers
leak information sure usually see soda
we call mr. blurry cam photos because
you see just this blurry photo I don't
know why everyone
can't hold a camera straight when they
take these things yeah you'll see oh
here's a mock-up or here's a case or
something like that okay couple of other
rumors about the device as well 4G yep
should be 4g though maybe LTE so and
hopefully it'll be 4g around the world
so right now a lot of cares LT is
incompatible will be that means
hopefully you be able to use it on AT&T
possibly verizon and we travel or
seasoning 4G there and anything else
that you want to tell us that I could
have NFC which of course let's have
purchase things on the phone that's a
that's something it's getting started
it's on the samsung galaxy s3 could have
a big faster chip it could be could have
a world phone service as well so we're
even allowing you to switch back and
forth so those are the biggest things
we're seeing right now okay and do you
give any of those more weight than the
others I think they're all pretty
probable I think bigger screen NFC 4G or
the things that we'd really like to see
on the phone and I think we'll probably
see all right Kent thanks so much and I
think will be probably checking in with
you before the phone releases for more
rumors right we're more updates almost
every week so check back often alright
kent german senior managing editor for
cnet thanks so much for inside scoop I'm
SI me das thanks for watching
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