The new Seagate Backup Plus is not only Fast, it's also Fat
The new Seagate Backup Plus is not only Fast, it's also Fat
hey guys the moves here and this is the
all-new bike up fast used to be three
panel for bowdry from Seagate now
judging from the look though I believe
the name should be off by one letter
take a look here this is the old backup
drive from CKD it's not exactly very
slim but it's quite thin and the new
drive right here take a look there you
go we've got it is not slim at all in
fact is very fat easily the fairest
portable drive you've seen on the market
and that's because it's fat for a good
reason on the inside here there's not
one but two internal hard drives
stacking on top of each other they all
come buy into one single volume in a red
zero configuration and that means two
things number one you got the most space
now this is the very first purple drive
that offers you 4 terabyte the kind of
capacity you always see in must lhasa
drive like this one right here and the
second thing is is very fast in my
testing it offered the sustain will
won't copy speed up some 230 megabyte
per second that's by far the fastest
ever seen about double the speed of
others now despite the fact that sue
drives on inside this is still bust our
meaning it doesn't require a separate
power adaptor it does come with two
cables down now the first one here is
the standard used to be flippin old
cable right here that go with this
standard USB 3.0 port right here of the
drive the second cable is a y-shaped
cable just in case you need to use to
use P port from a computer to draw
enough juice to power the drive the DRI
also come preloaded with Seagate
dashboard backup software that works
pretty well my trial and that also
allows you to backup social media
content your mobile device and also
backup to the cloud now the drive here
is pre formatted for Windows but it
comes with software driver that allows
your Mac to also read and write to it
and that means you have to reformat it
to make it work with both platforms so
what's the catch there's one well
because a bread 0 the drive here
has higher risk of their loss that's
because if one of the drives on inside
fail it will lose data on both that
reason is a backup dry because you use
it to host the backup copy of the data
and not the single copy of the data
remember that now judging from the speed
though if I also want to use this one
here to host hard data such as movies or
photo that you are working on we in that
case make sure you back them up
immediately to another drive when you
are done ASEA is quite sure about the
drives quality and back it up with a
three-year warranty
that's quite decent but not as sure as a
five-year all things consider this drive
here is totally worth the street price
of just $270 it is the fastest and also
the highest capacity per boat drive on
the market you can fight for now really
now for more than you drive here check
out my fool with Viacom basically it's a
piece of hardware that prints excitement
when you show something like move your
drive is so fat and cue I love it and no
that's not what you said you heard that
from me first and that means that is the
truth and that's because of course I'm
down low and this has been the first
look at the backup fast turbo drive from
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