utter the words killer robot and it's
almost impossible not to picture the
Terminator the time-traveling autonomous
murder machine that absolutely will not
stop until its target is destroyed the
t800 is the work of science fiction but
the campaign to stop killer robots a
coalition of more than 50
non-governmental organizations believes
nations must act now to ensure a machine
is never given the choice to take a
human life the campaign is trying to get
an international prohibition legally
binding to stop autonomous weapon
systems production development and use
of these an autonomous weapon system is
a system a weapon that once it's been
activated or launched decides to select
its own target subtract some selects
targets and kills them without further
human intervention so our aim is to
prevent the kill decision being given to
machine in other words we don't want
machines to be delegated with the
decision to kill launched two years ago
the campaign to stop killer robots says
we're all too close to giving already
advanced robotic weaponry the
responsability of killing campaign
coordinator the Human Rights Watch has
previously pointed to hardware such as
u.s. anti-missile tech South Korean
century robots all the UK's prototype
unmanned Taranis aircraft as examples of
the kind of systems that could be made
fully autonomous letting a computer pull
the trigger
a scenario that the campaign says would
be pragmatically and morally problematic
can they weigh up the advantage against
the potential harm to civilians is that
is that possible who would be
responsible for for a strike when
essentially it's the machine that's been
pre-programmed to pull the trigger do we
want to live in a world where we have
given machines the power to take human
lives without a human being even being
there to pull the trigger when the
target is being attacked as technology
advances AI is poised to become a bigger
part of our lives from everyday gadgets
like robot vacuum cleaners to emerging
tech like Google's self-driving cars
robotics professor KNOLLE Sharkey is
keen to point out however that the camp
gripe is with autonomous machines that
kill not with AI in general if they
developed autonomous bomb disposal
robots that would be a great technology
but there aren't the billions of dollars
going into that that there will be into
autonomous weapons so the only thing we
want to stop is the kill decision being
made by machine all the other
technological developments before that
point are fine with us the campaign
hopes that the world's nations can agree
to ban killer robots akin to
international agreements on other types
of warfare for instance chemical weapons
that kind of global agreement is a huge
task but those involved say they are
making progress so since the campaign's
launched in 2013 the United Nations body
tasked with banning weapons has taken it
up it's on the agenda they've had two
international discussions on the topic
and they will decide at the end of this
year whether to continue discussions or
to move into a negotiating mode towards
an international treaty that's what
we're pushing for and we think it's
inevitable it's almost a hundred years
since the term robots was first
introduced and humankind's fascination
with the idea of a deadly automaton has
never waned from theater to the silver
screen we get a giddy thrill at the
notion of our own mechanical creations
getting out of hand turning against the
human masters it's all rather poetic
when you see it on screen but the
killing machines of real-life are more
mundane and a lot more frightening the
real ones are worse than many ways they
will look like tanks they will look like
ships battleships they will look with
jet fighters they may look a bit like
some futuristic like something Batman
would fly but that's what they'll look
like it's not so long ago that people
didn't know what drones were but the
idea of drones flying around firing
missiles was totally you know crazy but
now it's suddenly completely you know
and it sort of almost inevitable part of
conflict and as I think we we need to be
aware that actually what we're looking
at systems that are on the brink of
emerging and we need to draw the line
now otherwise we're going to be
sleepwalking into a system where we have
fully autonomous weapons and we can't
turn back do you agree with the
campaign's goals or do you have some
reservations let us know and stay tuned
to seen it
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