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The weird world of Nintendo's New 3DS XL

everyone I'm Jeff Bakalar joined by Scott Stein hey and we want to talk a little bit about the new Nintendo 3ds XL we really do this kind of stuff but it came to our attention after we just received this new system it's been out in other territories for a couple months only came to the US or it's coming to the US February 13th there are some very weird things going on with this system and I brought Scott here to help us talk about just why it's so weird let's talk about the biggest glaring thing right away there are a couple of weird things yeah the most glaring would be how do you charge this how do you charge this have you charged this ecosystem because when you buy it out of the box there's not one of these it didn't come with a charger that's a charger it doesn't have a charge they are very useful you need one of those to charge this system you get about what six hours of play time five hours of submitter it's not like you're gonna go a week right out of the box a suddenly hours of play time in there on your own so T soon so we want to bring that up because people should know and that is a pretty massive omission it costs 110 dollars dollars I don't understand why they couldn't put this in the box there their reasoning is that oh you probably already own one of these I don't know god if you have a Nintendo handheld collection right you know you may be a first-time owner and this is a $200 system or college system so no charge you could throw in the charger very strange the nice gesture just a little word of warning if you're in the market for one of these it doesn't go in the charger you can get one on Amazon for like four dollars up you get that's not an official one you see an official one for the Nintendo 410 yeah and then these go back to like the DSi so the room ones you can buy that go to USB which I find grip for traveling so there are a lot of them floating around out there but the point is you're going to find one right okay so that's issued one which is shocking and upsetting on numerous elves don't get me wrong we like this it's it's a really solid system and the 3d tracking is great I like the feel of the buttons and you read that in the full review and you can fine now the details what we do like this video is more of like what head-scratching what do you mean okay so this is the 3dsxl the original right here and if you look on the side there's a there's a nice little SD card slot super easy to open up and save all your games on that you can download games to it great there is not an SD card slot on the new Nintendo 3ds XL there's only a micro SD card and that micro SD card slot is only accessible by on by unscrewing the back of this thing okay now Scott tell us what happened when you unscrew the back of your new 3ds it's a fun little night project the first time I tried to go get myself a micro SD card for expanding yeah a transfer everything over and B an SD card adapter if you don't want to spend hours with the wireless transfer you set up with a computer then you gotta unscrew this and and I opened in it didn't really want to open all the way it was sort of opening like a book and I finally didn't tell me what to do so I went and then the plastic tabs on the front snap spin-offs on the front of his case I mean it's a tiny you don't really see much of it there's more under on the underside but a routine you need to do this to swap out it's a very simple micro SD card you could have a dad or for that sure and you're going to have to unscrew this screw it back on and then you're not even getting to the transfer process which is not as easy to say like you know like the PS Vita even allows multiple systems a few systems to use that ID this you have to transfer everything over right to the new system so there is a trick and I'll try and explain this really quick so what we're complaining about is the fact that the old format was an SD card the new format is a micro SD card to get all of your transferred stuff from one to the other if this is something you want to do there's a way to transfer all of your regular sized SD card stuff to your computer from your computer install that onto a micro SD card then you take the micro SD card put it in a regular SD card adapter hop it into the old 3ds and then initiate the transfer process to your new 3d XXL everyone got that and then it will ask you to swap them towards the end of the process it's so bad process feels like minor brain surgery is to pull that off it's kind of a hot mess in that regard it's nice that it doesn't use expensive cards like the Vita but you know microSD are more expensive than SD you're right if you get a lot of storage super easy to swap so that's basically and finally there's one thing that we were just talking about in terms of like how this is just like a step a half step up upgrade right what were you saying yeah well it's like what is this really it's nice that it's it's better made but it looks so similar to the XL that it's not like you're getting a smaller system you're getting a little bit zippier system sure you're getting extra buttons so what's that is no buttons what's going on so now I can only use these buttons on games with the it's very conclusive making games that are going to use those buttons they claim a whole new class of games might take advantage its midway through this handheld cycle it's not even it's doing well but it's not like skyrocketing right and you also have this getting this extra controller nub looks like came off a ThinkPad right this is I think that's a hot nub it's a thick pad nub instead of red it's gray it's nice for camera controls but what's going to use that the problem is not even how well it works is what games are going to say I'm gonna make a game just for you new consoles it's strange but that's why we love Nintendo they're crazy they've been testing us 3d it glasses-free 3d in the first place why did they do that or the dual screens the stylist lots of weird things in in Tendo and there that's what they do a lot of strange stuff read the full review we're actually going back and sort of tweaking it adding in a lot of the strangeness that we found in the new 3ds XL scott stein thank you so much for being there helping us sort out all the oddness look Nintendo we still love you stay weird keep doing your thing and thanks for watching the video
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