These Street Fighters engage in Mortal Kombat for $500 every week
These Street Fighters engage in Mortal Kombat for $500 every week
so we heard there's this place you go to
in Southern California where you could
actually fight other people in person
inside video games where you sports
arena it's a home for competitive video
games so it's kind of like a fight club
I more or less oh yeah mentally I guess
start in a garage and now they're taken
up by 13,000 square feet how did it get
from a garage to 13,000 square feet you
know like every inherit gamer they play
with their buddies and then you play
with your buddies that gets old after a
while do you want to play against other
buddies and they tell their buddies and
they told their buddies and so on and so
on and so on they bring in more and more
and more people into this maybe they
streaming out live to tens of thousands
of people that watch it every Wednesday
night till three o'clock in the morning
okay but what about the rules of Fight
Night you know what I'm not in a
fighting scene I think you're gonna have
to ask these guys oh I will I will ask
oh I would say the number one most
important rules you got to get hyped
hype hi oh gotta get hype getting ready
to get height gotta bring your by stick
boom Fight Stick do this 45 bad oh I
can't use this otherwise you just stuck
watching I mean that's not bad either
you always have to play at least one
round you have to enjoy you don't touch
my hair you can get salty about it even
if you lose never touch my son's eyes
that is the Holy Grail that is up you
have to enjoy and if you notice that I
said you have to enjoy twice I said that
because it's that important you really
need to enjoy thank you what first rule
is there are no rules no rules I mean
someone gave me the CEO of this building
I need some answers I am the CEO a level
up LLC oh okay there is a CEO I used to
be one of United State Street Fighter
champions in the 90s and I made it a
point hey I'll throw some events and see
what the new generation got a awesome
they are all sucks so I'm like what can
I do to help them level up their
performance we obviously outgrew the
garage now here we are six years later
at the e sports arenas I call this the
modern age arcade it's just like a club
you come here 930-10 sign up beat some
ass get your ass beat collect some money
collect some tears go do it again if
this is your first time you must fight
wait I gotta fight I'm going to need
some help
I heard you're the best
can you teach me to be a champion what
do I need to know well lesson number one
you have to be patient already at a
disadvantage I see lesson number two def
will stay calm and strike two lesson
number three you're going to learn how
to rush down you to learn how to rush
down you are not a rusher hold about
already a little lost but willing to
learn teach me your ways okay
I did it unless is it time for you to go
be in determining out now that I'm the
best congratulations on your second
place tonight thank you so now i'm a
master Street Fighter which means it's
time to register for this tournament to
show everybody who's boss I'm ready to
enter sign me up sorry registration
closed about 20 minutes ago typical you
come next week though we're here every
wednesday ok I'll be back next week I'm
coming for you I'll be here so I may not
have registered for the tournament and I
may not have become a street fighter
champion last night but it did make some
great new friends y will be returning to
destroy next week in the next Wednesday
night fight
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