This fake Super Mario Run game is a terrible Flappy Bird clone (CNET News)
This fake Super Mario Run game is a terrible Flappy Bird clone (CNET News)
watch out Android users fake Super Mario
run games are trying to fool you and
some are making it on the Google Play
one of the first fakes we found was
called Mario run jumper and it was just
a terrible flappy bird clone with the
sad Mario icon awkwardly spinning upward
every time you tap until you hit
something Nintendo's Super Mario run is
the hottest game right now in Apple's
App Store within hours of it launching
the game ranked number one on the charts
under free and top-grossing the game is
free to try but it costs $10 to unlock
all the levels it's not available on
Android phones yet but some developers
are trying to take advantage of the hype
by pushing out fake Mario games and this
one made it into Google's official app
store even ripping off Nintendo's iconic
music after reaching out to Google for
comment a spokesman said the app had
been suspended this particular one may
have not been harmful but many fake
Android games tend to be malware in
disguise Android users should also be
careful not to fall for any scammers
offering downloads of the game outside
of the official Google Play Store there
is no version of Super Mario run on
Android anywhere so if someone is
posting a download of the apk file or
Android application package it's bogus
and likely malware Android folks just
have to wait or borrow a friend's Apple
device I'm Bridget Carey get a jump on
all the hottest tech news as
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