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This faux canine cadaver aims to help future veterinarians (Tomorrow Daily 376)

greetings citizens of the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best speak talk show in the known universe I'm Ashley scanner and i'm jeff cannata and we're here to get you some science headlines you probably don't think too much about how veterinarians actually train for surgical procedures but you're about to we've seen human training dummies used in all kinds of medical applications CPR lectures and even surgery now companies sind a ver is hoping to help veterinary schools with a lifelike canine model it has synthetic organs bones muscles veins ligaments and even fat and is made of materials like water fibers and salt they're so realistic they can potentially replace living animals in training procedures which definitely seems like a humane solution to a little-known problem they're currently running a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo and they are hoping to raise 24 million dollars to give or donate 1000 of these dog dummies the dog dummy dog dummies to veterinary schools around the world kind of amazing this is amazing but it the saddest thing is finding out how they've been doing it up to this point without a dummy it's like it's obvious but you just don't think about the fact that they have to use real animals to to practice on so terrifying Thank You technology yeah for stepping in and saving thanks nicely saving the lives of dogs yeah good stuff Harvard is back in the news with their Bionic leaf bionic leaf 2 point 0 is the product of a research team at Harvard University previous versions of the leaf could self heal and work with impure water the newest version of the leaf is ten times more efficient than actual plants at converting sunlight into biomass and can split hydrogen from oxygen while submerged in water which can then be collected and used to make fuels team lead Daniel no Sarah says quote this is a true artificial photosynthesis system unquote and hopes to use the technology soon as an inexpensive renewable energy source to power homes in developing countries that's awesome ten times the power of a real plants amazing we have the power to rebuild the plan six million dollar lease yeah I hope this hope these are inexpensive enough to actually become practical ways to you know send to developing countries yeah and even I mean even modern countries so I'm I'm into it anytime we can make things more efficient always good uh would you like to talk about on thursday I'm both so good i like i like the artificial dog because i think a lot of people are gonna have very strong feelings about this is the application i agree this I agree so if you guys want to get in on that conversation and we know you do you want to use the hashtag hey TD to come talk to us on Twitter yeah then we can incorporate what you have to say into our deep dive discussion on thursday's episode yes and we do love your comments we do and with that being said let's check out a photographer the day our phone target for today is Lucas who took this on an iphone 5s Lukas writes hey guys my name is Lucas I think the best way to pronounce you guys would be Lucas haha I'm Brazilian and this was the selfie I took in the Inca city of Machu Picchu last month it was taken on my girlfriend's iphone 5s on a selfie stick shame on me I know I know it looks like I'm kissing this llama but I was actually feeding her with a leaf sure Lucas I love you guys show it's been the best way I've found to make my girlfriend see tech news with me as always you have my permission to use my picture big hug big hug right back atcha Lucas and big hugs it out cute llama I hope you didn't spit at you yeah they did you spit they do spit they're adorable and it looks like it's really enjoying its time and it's so nice and sunny there what a great selfie that is this is turning quickly into my favorite theme it's been pretty good like I was worried we were just gonna get a bunch of bathroom selfies of people are like hey here's me like in my bathroom like most people do on dating apps but no it's the best be these are pouring in and we totally appreciate it if you want to be our photographer and see your selfie themed for June picture just send us your photog raphy to tomorrow at cnet com yes and include how to pronounce your name that we don't care how simple it may seem ooo no matter how simple it may seem send us how to pronounce your name attached pitcher tell us a story about it give us permission to use it and of course tell us what device you took it on because we like to know those things do we do so that is it for today's show you can find us on social media or at tomorrow daily com it's the easiest way to share and we would really love it if you share the show with friend um we'll be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird science fact meeting science fiction and becoming reality for all of us to enjoy but until then be a good human you guys next time
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