This is how the Nazi Enigma machine works (CNET News)
This is how the Nazi Enigma machine works (CNET News)
well this is the Enigma machine it's
basically a typewriter keyboard with a
light panel now the keyboard only has 26
letters there's no space bar numbers or
special characters and that was done on
purpose because those kinds of
characters would help give away the code
the way it works is quite simple really
it's a typewriter so you press a key
that looks like a typewriter and
eventually a light bulb lights up and
the light bulb that lights up will light
up a letter that's different than the
key that you pressed and so that's the
coding now here is the German plug board
plug board allows you to switch one
letter to another let's say the e if I
press the E and I want to change that e
to a different letter I would put that
in here and let's say I want to change
it to an I I would move it here the
second thing they would have to do is
open up this machine and here's the
inner lid and then here are the three
rotors and the way you would take those
out is you have to release the pressure
on them like this and that loosens them
up so that now that they can be removed
each wheel has a notch and that notch
tells the next wheel next to it when to
advance one and so that notch is movable
and the way you do that is you move this
little lever out of the way you can see
it's now in position four which is the
letter D and I'm given a letter to move
it to let's say the letter eight now
each one of these has a Roman numeral on
them one through five and I happen to
have one three and two here and let's
say that that's the that's the position
that you're told is an operator put them
in three two one now I'm going to put
those in the machine I would close this
up and the next thing I would do is I
would set these on the correct positions
for the day let's say it's five ten
fifteen so I will put this on position
five the next one on position ten
and the next one on position 15 and I
can start taking in receiving messages
let's say I want to send a simple
message like Hello okay I've got my days
setting I'm all ready to go so I'll
press first the H for hello and I note
the letter that's that lights up it's a
cue then I press the E and a cue lights
up again now I'm going to press the L
twice and I get an E and a K you notice
two different letters lit up
I press the O and an H lights up so now
I would give this message to the person
that would send this q q EK h now i'm
the the new operator and now i'm going
to type in these letters and note what
letters light up it's like type the q
and an H lights up I press again now an
e then I type the e letter and you see
an L light up I press the K and you see
the L lights up again and then an H and
the Oh lights up so I just now decoded
that message to the original message
that was sent to me hello the beginnings
of computing is directly attributable to
the Enigma if you had a hundred thousand
people with a hundred thousand Enigma
machines all testing different settings
of that enabling machine to brute
strength break it it would and they
could do that test a different setting
once a second twenty four by seven would
take twice the age of the universe to
break the code so that's why the Germans
had such confidence that it wouldn't be
broken when we look
the technology that was available they
just did not foresee that Turing would
embed a computer to break the code
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