This robot is extremely excited to deliver your groceries
This robot is extremely excited to deliver your groceries
what's better than having your shopping
delivered straight to your door having
it delivered to your door by a robot
we're taking a look at a local delivery
robot that's built by starship
technologies let's investigate so let's
talk about the robot itself that's got
GPS so that it knows whereabouts on the
streets it is it's got nine cameras
around it if you open it up here you can
see it will hold about two to three
shopping bags so travels about six
kilometers per hour and the idea here is
that you wouldn't own this it would be
owned by for example local businesses or
supermarkets and when you ordered from
them this thing would be sent all the
way along the pavement to your house so
what happens when it encounters an
obstacle well that's quite cool actually
this thing is described as being semi
autonomous so what that means is that
for the most part it'll be able to
navigate its own way around but if it
encounters an obstacle it will basically
send a message back to its control room
where a human where the computer will
take a look at its camera feed and
assess whether or not it can proceed or
whether it needs to reroute now I asked
about security if this thing that's got
your precious shopping and it wants to
stop someone from running up and running
off with it well apart from the fact
that it's quite heavy
I thought that basically because this
thing is covered in so many cameras and
sensors and it's got to wade audio as
well basically the idea is that you'd
have to be crazy to steal it because
you're going to be so clearly identified
so it's still in the early stages it's
in testing now I have to say I do like
it though I think it's a cool idea it
doesn't hurt that the robots really cute
and this one we're seeing here is being
controlled by a game controller but
ultimately I would like to see these
rolling around streets I think there are
a lot of potentially brilliant cases
where this could come in handy for
example if you were buying some clothes
I really like that do a robot rolling up
you opening it up trying everything on
and the stuff that you don't like just
popping it back in the robot and sending
it back to the shop finally I'm told
that the robot hasn't yet been
officially named so if you have any good
ideas maybe pop them in the comments all
right that's all for now but check out slash n WC for much more
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