hi guys this is bryan bennett for cnet
and right now we're taking a first look
at the stir kinetic desk now this is a
very you know interesting piece of
hardware it may look like a standard
desk or ordinary piece of furniture but
what it actually does is it is designed
to have multiple configurations where
you can use it as a standing desk or use
it as a regular desk where you would sit
down like you would at a conventional
desk so what's really interesting about
this desk is that it has a infrared
sensor which will basically sense your
presence when you step up to the desk
when you sit down when you stand it can
tell how long you've been doing either
activity and then also keeps track of
you know how many calories you're
burning if you're standing vs sitting
and you can use that data to you know
predict you know the health benefits
also there's plant support to link you
know popular fitness apps and hopefully
fitness trackers and those sort of
platforms into what the desk is
recording and to access all the
information you have a really nifty
little gadget right here it's a small
touch screen that's right built into the
surface of the desk there you can see
all your stats how long you've been
standing how I've been sitting you can
also control the position that the desk
is in whether you want it you know all
the way up like in standing mode or in a
sitting mode the desk will also suggest
when it thinks you should take a break
if you've been standing too long and you
don't want to stand all day it will
actually do this sort of breathing
motion you know going up and down slowly
to say hey maybe it's time you change
position all in all it's very
interesting device it costs 3890 and
that's certainly not a inexpensive piece
of furniture but for all the kind of
technical hardware that's packed into
this thing it seems very compelling you
can see on the top of the desk here on
two sides there are two doors where you
can access lots of charging ports and
ways to connect you know your laptop
cellphone that type of thing without
having to have wire
go all the way you know running down and
you know tripping up the whole setup so
that's a very cool cool looking device
it's available in a few different color
choices as well so if you want to pick
up a stir kinetic desk for yourself it's
available now at the website stir works
calm and you know you can decide what
not this fancy piece of hardware has
your name on it I'm Brian Bennett for
cnet.com and we've just taken a first
look at the stir kinetic desk
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