This space-walk VR game will make your stomach drop
This space-walk VR game will make your stomach drop
if I puke just keep filming keep going
I'm Jeff Bakalar from CNN com
we're here at AMC Theaters in Times
Square we had to come here to check out
a demo of a drift I'm gonna get a chance
to experience a drift in an oculus rift
VR headset
drift is the story of an astronaut who
wakes up floating silently in space and
when the debris of this destroyed space
station with no idea how she got there
and a damaged Eevee a suit leaking
oxygen so her goal is to stay live you
know and along the way you you meet all
of the crew members who are on the
station they're now deceased because of
this event we're definitely trying to do
a cinematic game wow this is unlike
anything I've experienced an oculus
before that's for sure so right now I'm
going through a like a tunnel here
OTT and I can see earth
it's very far away oh no I do not
supposed to look down just I mean it's
just the space station has just been
obliterated oh man all these particles
are just sort of like floating and I'm
looking at one like right on my nose
right now just like a piece of debris
and that feels weird it's like pretty
and terrifying at the same time
and I don't know I don't think I've ever
really felt anything like that before
besides like maybe skydiving yeah and
like a really weird sort of vomit thing
but a good vomit thing where you're like
hey if I throw up right now it wouldn't
be the worst thing in the world all
right so that's it a drift is out this
summer for PlayStation 4 Xbox one PC and
eventually all BR platforms for CNN com
I'm Jeff Bakalar thanks for watching
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