hi guys this is bryan bennett at cnet
appliances and we're taking a look at
the lse SG 68 toaster for two hundred
and thirty dollars this device offers a
very high-end look artistic style and a
very unconventional design but
essentially it is a toaster when you
boil it all down the Alessi actually
makes toast pretty well it's a little
bit on the light side but it does toast
bread evenly and like many other
toasters out there it has a bagel mode
so you get a nice warm outside and a
crispy crunchy inside something very
nice especially if you like to do your
bagels with cream cheese or butter one
thing I personally don't like about this
machine is that the controls are split
on either side so you have controls on
this side controls on the other side and
since this machine is so wide it means
you have to basically view it from the
front and that might take up a lot of
width on your countertop also I don't
like how the actual buttons and controls
don't have written actual instructions
they just have little symbols that are
kind of confusing if you don't know what
they mean so 230 dollars is certainly a
lot of money to drop on a toaster
basically if you want a high-end device
that's going to make a serious design
statement and a lot of impact on your
countertop this is it I'm Brian Bennett
for seen it appliances be sure to check
out my review of this toaster and other
toasters at cnet com
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