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Tokyo drifting on a go-kart

if you're havin Tokyo and want to do something really fun try driving around the city streets on a go-kart dressed in a Super Mario onesie the services provided by marika which has six stores in Tokyo you get to live out your videogame dream that is the you dream of being in America game told you before 1 that this goal cuts don't come with seat belts there's nothing quite as scary as driving in between buses and container trucks as you can see but the experience of zipping down Tokyo streets in a go-kart is seriously awesome of course safety is very important and you need a valid driving license to book a ride there are plenty of costumes who choose from and each right can cost up to 8,000 yen or about 35 u.s. dollars you sure to check out my full review of the two-hour ride on CNN I'm Aloysius slow reporting from Central
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