
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - 117: Upgraded Atlas robot, an adorable robot press conference, and more

on today's show the darker robotics challenge just got a lot more interesting and we'll explain why harbors going to help you fight aliens it's Harvard is going to help you find it at Harvard Harvard and Japan through the most adorable little press conference ever with robots kawaii tomorrow daily greetings citizen to the internet and welcome to tomorrow daily the best week talk show in the known universe one of these days one of us is gonna punch the other on accident I can already see that happening it'll be great for the Blue Bombers out for the rest of the episode it'll be grateful developers here I'm host Ashley scale that Jeremy's always kill anonymous how's it going you're just about to fly off to join everyone else at it packs out to the Alamo know if you're gonna be at packed south it's in the basement of the Alamo packed south what no it's Oh the Pee Wee joke remember Oh goes to get his bike at the basement the alimony all like that I totally miss that one man sorry it's really excited about that pack south is a huge like gaming / nerd convention that you can go check out here it is new this year so it's it's San Antonio cuz you usually pax east in Boston and pax prime in Seattle but you're not just going as a tourist you're going for your for your charity yeah yeah i'm a board member be allowed to talk about that yeah yeah we can i'm a board member take this which is a charity dedicated to mental health awareness for gamers and people who write in Game Journalists all that stuff um and we have this really cool thing at pax where we do an afk room so people who feel very overwhelmed or maybe you just need some quiet time can come to the AFK room and like relax for a little bit and there are also mental health professionals on hand to talk to you if you need to talk to somebody that's super cool I'll I can you go to take this dot org and that's our that's our charity you can check it out it's I'm really proud of it yeah show me a part of it that sounds cool glad I'm glad you're involved with that alright so also glad glad you're involved with the headlines yes Lotus really to go yeah Logan was on it very good because I think he was waiting for me to say he's too much more pro than we are she really is he's on it um okay so there is a thing called the DARPA Robotics Challenge I don't know if you're familiar with this we actually need to go because it's local its gonna be in I think Pomona so it's a little bit inland by 30 minutes away but it's it's gonna be here and we can go spectators can go for free so um the the Pentagon actually has seven teams like competing in this Robotics Challenge like they have seven and they all use this robot called atlas and so atlas has been around for a while oh yeah this was like previously it's been like very tethered and moved kind of slow I had some issues now this is the new atlas they've been okay so they're showing up to Ellis cuz there's a new rules there's a bunch of new rules this year in the DRC which is no tethering so it can't be attached to anything it has to be able to get up and recover if it gets stuck without any intervention intervention day and it has to operate its on its own during short communication blackout periods and the reason why is because the theme this year is search and rescue so they're like if there's a communications breakdown let's say you're in an earthquake zone and there's no cell service or any you know there's any no communication at all just electronic communication there was this footage isn't from this this is like before this is before so they uh this is DARPA TV they just released this video about the new atlas and the new atlas is meets all those criteria and has been rebuilt 75% of it has been rebuilt and so pretty much from the legs up like they were saying from the knees up this robot has been rebuilt it it's lighter now it's got farther range because it uses less energy it has more dexterity it's quieter apparently the teams had to use hearing protection to be around the robot before and now they don't so they don't they don't need them that's a big hurdle the job a big that's a pretty big bonus there and and so yeah each team each of these seven teams has to use atlas they'll start with Atlas and then they have to sort of differentiate it in their own way to compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge quickly can you explain why the Pentagon is doing that well so um okay so DARPA and Boston dynamic boston dynamics is now owned by google so but before Boston Dynamics you should work very closely with DARPA and DARPA is sort of a government-funded radix yeah so I would imagine this is sort of a way to get their robotics people into this robotics challenge and to make them you know make cool search and rescue robots things like that like I I don't think it's so robot president yeah not not yet I mean well who knows I mean we always say like whatever we think of or what's out there is usually like 50 years behind what like most governments have available to them I don't know who knows it could be that we have maybe brocco bomb is a hologram I don't know that's everything makes sense know-it-all it's all coming together so it's not his off everyone isn't coming up his batteries are running batteries are right gotcha Britta it's gonna be over soon um but yeah so that's what they're doing over at DARPA and then I believe when does it end when is it when can we I think the competition is in isn't spring or early summer so it's like may I want to say to me hey okay it's in a few months there's a few they have a few months but it's not like a year from now it's it's soon they only have I think out 134 days they have a count down the websites 134 days to take jar for robot right all right let's get started all right so it meanwhile while that's happening search friendly you're going to be able to take a class to search for aliens presented by none other than Harvard Harvard yes so basically this is a free course that you can take online and it combines astronomy chemistry planetary studies and biology oh I like that in a class called super Earths and life by Demeter sasselov professor at Harvard author Dmitri says Allah so the goal yeah what's going to this whatever cuz here's the thing like I'm I am certainly no scientist or an astronomer any kind I'd you could have fooled me the goal here is to give facts that will help students learn more about alien life how we look for it and how it relates to our place in the universe so it's going to be you're going to help you on your searches for super Earths exoplanets and life elsewhere I did this I like that is it's free it's absolutely free on a site called EDX the EDX platform so if you're interested you couldn't go to EDX oh I've heard of EDX so this is a this is X a platform where a whole bunch of like world's top universities offer free classes like that was coming I was getting to that you and if you but if you don't want to take it you can donate to them and it as little as five dollars so they can they can they can decide whether or not to make this like a normal course at Harvard also so it starts februari it starts in February februari tail still time to register yeah you still have time here's the here's the thing lasts for six weeks five hours a week so it's gonna it's gonna take some time but you gotta do this at a curious mind horse you know this is something that you know the Harvard hasn't done before it's really like there's like testing this hours like oh hey let's offer this is free and then it's kind of see how see how it goes I already feels about it I took a out of this i went to EDX is the first time I've ever been there to that website it's really interesting a lot of different courses on a lot of things that you should just check it out see if there's anything that interests you but I'm just being able to learn for free my guy why not yeah why not exactly and all just powered cool knowledge is in fact power that is not how r helps you punch people that's also true with your brain with your brain so people with your mind that's pretty cool the course again is called 11 super Earths and life if you end up signing up for it please let us know yeah love to hear what comes of it and what you learned that that actually brings us to our hashtag the day I when you do that I know hashtag TD class and we I want to know and I think that you guys are gonna come up with some really good stuff what kind of future class would you want to learn if it was available right now like about the future just I mean anything that's like sort of in our realm so like would you want to learn about robotics would you want to learn about how to you know what what how to you know how to spot exoplanets so this this class is geared toward finding alien life right now didn't have her space here's mine I would want to learn like an Ender's Game how to do like battles in like zero gravity do you member in Ender's Game light get float around and they're like shadow you had it they have to learn how to move their bodies to like land on perception she would say yes in case the world starts spinning use there's no up and down so you have to like learn how I just like how to expand awareness what about you I think I would want to know this is gonna sound really dorky but I think I would want to know just you know hug I think I would want to know how to create my own 3d printer like I I feel like I would want something I would want to learn that but however apps yeah yeah oh that's kind of cool yeah like how to use everyday household items eternal like I don't really learn how to use a 3d printer I'll figure that that's fine but like I feel like really just if I could just put something like oh yeah okay I got this old like printer spool I think this we put it all together and make 3d printer that's idea why I was impressed her I'm always impressed by people who do this on the internet just like oh yeah we threw a bunch of like weird stuff together we made this like random thing that can prepare for jury room wow thanks exactly so I'm what's the first thing you'd print I draw a food prayer I was doing your prayer prayer you are guilty printer printer printer to make food you are in an endless loop your inception in yourself right now it says there's different layers of your printer I thought you didn't really put a printer in your printer so you can print while you print have you printed Ashley and then it it it wants to print a printer that i'm done with this show i printed about it yeah i print a tiny k like yeah i'm in my pocket a little killed away like a your security players that's exactly right exactly right okay so our last story today of the week i guess cuz it's thursday oh I love this so much it makes me like a little bit like Oh squeeze this is adorable but it's also a little creepy so be prepared this is from an osaka based company called v stone they introduced a new pair of these two little robots here a little baby little cute little dorable baby robot or creepy depending on where you fear creepy murderous robots depending on your phobias um they introduce these robots at the mere icon tech museum in tokyo and here's the deal with these two robots so they're talking to each other right now in the video but v stone introduce them to reporters by using another pair of larger androids like humanoid androids the robot robots introduce our own robot ladies introducing these two robots oh my god here we go at the inception and these two robots had a conversation with the two bigger robots what can they say to each other what's the conversations consist of so they had a whole like a bunch of weird like kind of contextual conversations about different things but the the point of this is that they were saying these would make nice little sort of virtual compare not virtual robotic companions I think one of the things they mentioned was the possibility of like one of these talking to the L like an elderly person in Japan who came home they were alone because there's a very aging population in Japan and there's there's actually this is like kind of an issue that Japan is facing is they're not having enough people have babies right now and so there's been a very big shift into like just aging population without a lot of replenishment on the low end with kids so they were saying that they have they're gonna have this really big older population in Japan is sort of elderly population there thinking these robots make good companions I might be helpful for reminders and and different things like that telling the weather served companion o companion bought for your you know coffee table yeah we should totally expect more of this from Japan they're definitely beat us to the companion totally made Tamagotchi that's member that is true they did but they were called sota and calm you they talked to each other they talked to the bigger robots which were like those full-size lady robot say oh yeah those terrifying nightmares they are tarrant they're truly I saw that it was like hey you have mail and all this stuff like oh yeah any other actions that they described that they do so they mentioned that the purpose of this like this idea is to develop a fully autonomous interactive robot and so this is sort of the first stage of that and there they were saying that we might see these two smaller robots come to market at some point for under a thousand dollars so soda is powered by which is the one on the right here the little one that looks like almost like a mega man astro-boy yep exactly it's powered by the Intel Edison chip which is pretty cool and then they can talk to each other in Kimber's and then calm you the one that looks like a little baby is more sophisticated and is powered by Raspberry Pi and has a little bit more like actuation eyes and things like that so so you can add stuff zoom ibly to it yeah I'm assuming these will be like maybe if they do go to a consumer market it would be like oh here's the basic one and then here's the one the articulation is actually pretty impressive the baby's the baby one has like I think 14 actually like they have like that in its eyes as opposed to I think it's eight in Soto one of these yeah I can't Leo's with you I wanted to I mean amazon echo is just like a tube that talks to you but it's like I want a little robot that was she made it like that's yeah give you put some pardon not to get to veer off a little bit but do you remember those little robots that we were given at the kikis the little one that like has he moods yeah they had moods and stuff like that and I got like really addicted to like when I was like man I'm can't believe that happened in the game and then I make him sad yeah like really like sadness like see I need press feels like I just need some friends I need them I'm gonna need them to come via robot flesh meet friends are not happening yeah q4 meet friends alright guys we're gonna take a quick break we're and be right back with a round of into it because it's Thursday and we're excited about stuff and then of course your gears our feedback and our photogra for the day so don't click away it's tomorrow daily welcome back welcome back to the show we've returned I like that you always have like a little little dance gone well we can only hear the bass I know we clearly have the base of the walls so yeah yeah Tokyo gets really into it is that's why I into it this week which makes a while yeah um it's Thursday which means we like to tell you guys all the stuff we're super excited about so this is into it all right so I saw this and it got published like I don't know like eight or nine months ago and I don't know how i missed it but I saw it recently like look two days ago and I was so excited because I love sci-fi films oh yeah old sci-fi new sci-fi it doesn't matter love middle middle range weird 50s beasts be sci-fi b-movie sci-fi I love it all it's great um and this really awesome video went up oh and it is the history of sci-fi films in four minutes and it's like this really great compilation of all of these fantasies so because it goes in order then they had a Louie buñuel there that we just saw yeah kind of I think it goes in order by time and so it's it's got so many great sci-fi moments films brings me back to my childhood in 1930s in the 30s I know when we were you know when we were just getting out of the flapper flapper era we're just trying to figure out ourselves Einstein's no movies are they show TV to like you leave twilight zone no it's film specifically sci-fi film so there's a lot of really great stuff though it's like good guy indiana jones and signs and I it's baseball yeah that must be powerful so do they have like music or like what's the they run through it like you can hear the audio and I want to say I'm like I will have washed it two days ago so I I can barely remember because I my brain is not actually Napoles all right um I want to say they put like a little bit of either the sound effects or music underneath it but it's you can hear ya I just I really love this I think it's so great i love that i've seen every single one of these no i am watching and i'm like okay i feel really good about my sci-fi movie cred because i've seen like pretty much all but now you know homework if you're watching it you don't recognize no that's that's the cool thing it's like if you're not if you love sci-fi films and maybe you see something in that compilation that which is how I felt there was like maybe like three or four things ice on there my gosh I don't know what that is and then I kind of like did some research and I'm like okay I have to see this and there were like movies from like a 30 oh yeah but um yeah I just I really liked that I thought it was really cool that somebody kind of put that together that's really cool how kids are you gonna put a link somewhere so yeah it'll be in our show notes which is it's an article but we'll also have what's the title again just in case it's a called a century of sci-fi in four minutes and if you go to if you go to our tumblr we have a direct link to the article that has all of our show notes keep forgetting we have a tumblr yes I always put the direct link to our like article instead of just the video so that way people can see all the links to all the stories oh ok so if you go to the tumblr which is this the easiest way to get to that article page otherwise you have to really dig through our river on Sina which can be a lot because we publish a lot of stuff every day if you just go to tomorrow daily tumblr com you can click on the most recent winner you get to look at the phone target for the day two we always put up the phone toggle for the day ok cool yeah that's great you're famous on tumblr chromatography you are famous on tumblr ok so my into it I had a problem when I was talking to Logan was like what are you into and I was like I don't know I just finished a bunch of stuff i just finished the Saints Row game I just finished bioshock asian whore American Horror Story just ended like a ton of stuff just ended so this is what I'm about to get into which is csgo which is counter strike global offensive which is let's just lose right now which is huge right now on which and I never actually had this time in my life oh I never had a counter-strike he's gonna say you never had a counter-strike bender I never did I was analyzing Unreal Tournament girl I was uh I was Splash Damage games so like quite honored Wolfenstein enemy territory Wathan Sonya I played quake in yeah I'm like high school do you know I did a bunch and I did like i did call night I did timesplitters I did halo I did everything but dynamism counter-strike so I'm really looking forward to getting into it apparently like everybody's so good this because they've had it like baked into their just the DNA yeah so I'm very scared they have these new there are gonna be very great that you can unlock okay I'm describing this that everyone's like yeah kale we already know I know but they have all these crates that you can so I'm ready to get an addicted to that ready to live stream the slogan say he's gonna jump on with me so we're both going to die hand-in-hand side-by-side and an side-by-side tourist world perfect Logan and Kayla lose so that's what I'm about to get into delightful you should all we should if a bunch of you are playing we should get like a whole tomorrow daily group yeah you should follow kale on Twitter and so he has going on because I'm sure yeah I true that he'll get a wrangle you all like cat you're not it you're not a csgo player right that's not your jam you have a lot of jams but I have a lot of jams but fun fact I actually I used to play Unreal Tournament professionally I was signed with a league oh my god it's a long time ago I but yeah that was the thing you trash talk I imagine you were trash talker um no I lost a lot cuz it's a bunch of it was against a bunch of dudes who literally spent you know 18 hours a day playing unreal tournament yeah but I did okay I wasn't very I wasn't great but I was good enough to get signed is there is there videos up some I don't think so no it's just like pre YouTube era sorry huh I've had a very weird I've got a very weird life you guys that's all I'll say about it um well from the from the weird to the pretty awesome it's time for your feedback all right so hollow whoa this is the hololens feedback we asked you guys use hashtag TD hololens tell us what you'd be using for you guys came out in full force for this yeah name is a powerful Twitter handles I've never seen before you guys welcome to close oh very first one though is from jos way who says unrelated to the hololens but the only reason i made this twitter is to use your hashtag keep up the good work yes welcome to Twitter you're gonna waste a lot of time gratulations yeah Adam road chosen said i would use hololens to compare the virtual versions of new products to real objects that I already on whoa love that's whoa that's a good one that's an incredible answer that's using your brain that's yet to that's right oblique a harvard class my brand god you are already a doctorate alright alright sciency Chris wrote Rosen said pair it with Siri or Cortana and boom one step closer my very own Jarvis throw a little hot rod Radner why did the quote well our DJ well our DJ there that's incredible yeah I you know they're gonna do the voice interaction yeah I'm sure that meant I don't think I don't think it's I don't think it's loaded into hollow ones no code but it's all over windows 10 Cortana's everywhere i'm going to rahul wrote to us and said i see it being most useful for education how to videos will be redundant imagine learning how to fly a spacecraft that again using your brain there I love that because it's like you're seeing it and doing it you don't have to just watch a video and then hope you get it right do you remember that episode of simpsons maybe do maybe don't it was like the school had gotten budget and so they were like what do you want to spend it on at least was like we need to get like this virtual thing she puts it on and it goes hello Lisa I'm Genghis Khan come join me look you'll you'll kill who I kill you'll eat who I hate and pillage the town's iphone they'll be like that's exactly what you want so yeah education czar great education you could go back in time you can see like a Roman Empire as it as it used to exist like you can walk through Rome in like two thousand eight I love all of this i love that nobody's like I go to cow tippin like his they're all smart as well Barney wrote to us and said seeing my virtual girlfriend walking around the house LOL haha you know what you get points for honesty Barney you admitted shoes virtual get points for that ok I'll give some points for that that's honesty points I'm not gonna make a comment on this one alright ms wrote choice and said I would really like to play first person shooter games like BioShock Infinite and Skyrim using the hollow lens love that I can't imagine blame like fallout though or doom yep I would end up with Revere psychological trauma my place you could play those with the ocular with oculus yeah so I mean but I mean like oh you know I was just thinking would be amazing is you know that app runs on bees run have you ever heard of this yes yeah were they like partial zombies so well I'm saying like you basically yeah you put on your hollow lens if it was lighter weight than what they have but you put on your Hall ones and as you're running it's like you hear the the cues you have the cues to sprint and do things whatever and then it and then also you can see like stuff running yeah so the first time you start swinging and while you're running an idea money when I would yeah that's crazy i love that you went to fitness yeah fitness weakness would be good um augmented fitness but yeah so that's are those are our user feedback and then of course we always have one more piece of user feedback and that's our phone tog refer the day you know Stewart wrote to us again well I don't think he's ever written to us before uh he said I took us on my iphone 6 as we were flying to LA from Fort Lauderdale the skies above Florida have never failed to provide amazing views and my incredible look look real that is actually flying yeah oh yeah real looks computer-generated mm-hmm I was a ridiculous sunset looks like there should be like a quote and inspirational quote oh yeah like never you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take your let your limits are only as big as your fist yeah yeah whatever no somebody make that take this picture will put it up on them we'll put it up on our tumblr just take this picture and put make it an inspiration inspirational quote you typically says it you can even yeah yeah you're gonna be like Iggy Azalea or something like that whatever you want whatever you want what you said I think that I think that really limits are only as big as your fist yeah that's true your mind fist if you're going to harbor on your mind fist what is this guy's name I Stuart so thank you holler yes do it well played my favourite viewer for sure yeah a new favorite Stuart so rarely happens so good love ya all right well if you want to submit your phone tog raphy you can email us tomorrow at cnet com you can also send over your user feedback if you if you don't want to use social media but hey if you hate emails and you do want to use social media can find us tomorrow daily Facebook Twitter Instagram tomorrow daily TV Google+ and tomorrow daily tumblr com and if your inspirations are bigger than your fists don't forget to subscribe on youtube and also add alike and leave a comment there's been more common slightly so kudos to you even if you're just saying first first which I mean help your family's probably go first I try to do do you print as I say I go on their voice and don't like kale give you any guff about that because whenever kale gets a first he prints it out and brings it home like a magnet sometimes I'll spoof one anyway and also don't forget if you're listening on itunes thank you for listening while you drive and getting some information leave a rate and review yeah and yeah you can still stick with Swan high for any of the weird any it just throw people off when they go to those using your face is it your limits are as big as your fist make sure to mention that tell us what you think your limits are bigger than yeah in the in the review it's definitely your fist but it could be other things yeah my figure than a extra large pizza pie that's right and if you want to share the show with anybody and you don't feel like typing in a whole bunch of letters and slashes and dots you can just send them tomorrow daily com it's a really easy way to find it and of course find us on twitter i'm at ashleys together and I Matt Cail anonymous and that's it for the show this week you guys have a great weekend we will be back on Monday with a brand new docket of weird wonderful awesome tekky science geek gaming pop-culture stuff but until then be getting this we'll see you next time you
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