Tomorrow Daily - 122: Google growing human skin, Jennifer the skiing robot, NASA's SMAP, and more
Tomorrow Daily - 122: Google growing human skin, Jennifer the skiing robot, NASA's SMAP, and more
on today's show Google is growing human
skin in a lab but I promise you it's not
for the reasons you're thinking of a
robot learned skiing and hockey and just
better than us in a lot of ways yeah and
NASA I got it's snapped up into the sky
this weekend if you don't know what ass
map is we're gonna tell ya kale to sera
greetings citizens of the Internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best ski
talk show in the known universe I'm your
host Ashley skele and join these always
in a fantastic t-shirts mr. Kalin
onymous this t-shirt is so loud it's so
loud and so gravers came over and we're
like turn it down hoot are yours yours I
love this I love this shirt turning my
spirit animal it's a pretty the belcher
pretty great sure yeah anyway so it's
Monday and we have again a little bit of
housekeeping but this is sad
housekeeping oh ya um a couple of our
colleagues industry friends passed away
this last sort of few days I guess look
at last week or so and it's a really big
bummer but we wanted to tell you a
little bit about them so I will let you
start with Monty ok first off Monty Oum
of roosterteeth fame has passed away he
was use a part of roosterteeth he was
one of the one of the people that kind
of took the art of machinima to the next
level machinima is is making movies in a
gaming world but but he was a he was one
of the people from my past and he's
inspired a lot of people that were
created that that couldn't make stories
and anything else they didn't have any
ability to and he was able to do that
and he was a really inspiring
hard-working guy and he was 33 years old
so yeah really really sad so our
thoughts go out to the friends and
family of monte and the people at
roosterteeth so and then and then also
we lost a great video gaming journalists
andrew yoon some of you might know
andrew from weekend confirmed from
shacknews joystick he was at use over on
joystick for a while great guy i had
never met him personally but honestly
was one of those people legitimately I
never heard somebody say a bad thing
about him it was just it's super rare to
hear about people like that in the
industry because everybody has bad days
and it just seemed like every time
someone talked about Andy Yoon it was so
positive like he just seemed like a
really enthusiastic guy he loved video
games love technology and and passed
away at the age of 29 again way too
young and a tragic accident last week
just really shocked a lot of people and
so we're we're bummed we're super bummed
and we hate to start the show on such a
low note but we felt was really
important sort of honor those those
friends of ours and the rest of the
industry's because everybody's just
really bummed out today so we're going
to try to give you a good show we're
going to try to entertain you but but
you know hug hug someone you care about
today is what we're saying so what's at
the headlines okay so Google is growing
human skin in a lab all right I'm out of
here yep let's all just pack it in guys
it's not for cyborgs it's not 14 1,000th
don't worry it's not quite yet enjoy for
to send back in time to save John Connor
it is synthetic human skin but they are
they have used real human skin so this
actually comes from Google X labs and
the Atlantic did this really great
profile on them they are Google X Labs
is trying to create a wearable that can
detect diseases impending events like
heart attacks and even cancer in people
and so here's how they are thinking they
might be able to do it so you would take
a pill with nanoparticles in them and
these nanoparticles would have markers
on them that could attach themselves to
cancer cells or different types of
markers that they would be looking for
and nothing else Wow so the wearable
would then detect those nanoparticles
and the cells that they're attached to
via the light emitted by the cell so
this your cells emit light and since
that means it would have to see this
very very faint light through your skin
they have been very seriously
researching skin which is super
fascinating to me they have been growing
really lifelike skin because they need
to make sure it works on different skin
tones and different skin thicknesses and
different just all kinds of stuff so
they're also they're also using actual
human skin that's been like donated
through science like when you when you
die you can donate your organs while
your skin is actually the biggest organ
in your body it's like most large
surface area so you can donate your skin
and a lot of people kales like I will
not I will not be doing that um but yeah
so apparently google x wants to make
this like crazy wearable that if you
wear it it can detect and say the
monitor you like all the time you have
these nanoparticles and i'll say hey
something's wrong you need to see a
doctor but I mean obviously no real
world testing or anything like that like
they haven't made some like crazy
medical breakthrough but I just thought
it was super fascinating that they're
like growing synthetic skin in a lab and
like testing out this wearable and they
want to use nanoparticles which is crazy
early take a pill these little particles
in it they can attach themselves to go
crazy I just think that's so neat it's
such a testament to how far we've come
in in medicine in like 50 years or even
like 10 it's just really unbelievable so
I just thought that was that's
definitely one of those tech that you
put on the list that in five years like
everything's just gonna be completely
crazy yeah i'll have like nail
technology yeah just like Oh in a
headset instead of having to do anything
it's just always something wrong with
you here have this pill it's got
nanoparticles in it and look for that
specific thing to be wrong with you
weird yeah it's pretty soon this shows
me hosted by Ashley button caillebotte
yeah we're actually just made of more
about than human right that's really
exciting and Google's behind it so you
know they're not gonna give up
apparently they forward quite a bit of
money into this medical like a lot of
advanced medical research so there you
go tell me about this robot okay so
let's talk about Jennifer Jennifer is a
robot that is just having a blast and
then she is skiing to call her jen know
you can have a name Jennifer Jennifer is
a skiing robot but yeah she does both
skiing and skating she is made by none
other than Canada so Canada of course
Mickey manitoba canada in the autonomous
agents laboratory i was like an awesome
lab now she's been playing hockey since
2012 so she's she's actually been
playing sports but the skiing is Brandon
Ruger doors and why didn't they
have heard a Super Bowl commercial no
they've created robots like this before
that play sports and have won
competitions prior to creating this
robots okay so they what they're doing
so the goal here all right what's the
gall so the goal here is to use the tech
here to pave the way for robots that do
firefighting and rest
as always it's always something about
rescue Alan and the reason is because
the robot second play sports have the
ability to complete multiple tasks and
adapt to changing situations and
environments okay so yeah like I mean
obviously this jennifer is out you know
and with the snow it's changing the
ground changes so I would imagine this
would be really good for researchers to
sort of test how well it can do in an
environment where it needs to sort of
adapt to you know to its surroundings
pretty quickly and as and constantly
changing so right and this seems to be a
theme with people that are creating
robots is that they have them adapt to
some sort of sport jennifer is actually
gonna compete in may of this year at the
International Conference know in a
national conference of robotics and
autumn thought ama AMA automation sorry
automation Wow there you go our best of
luck to jennifer and bring home the gold
look forward to seeing Haneda what other
sports that she picks up so robot well
who knows volleyball but it seems like
cuz it's Canada it's gonna be mostly
poutine making oh and hockey and maple
syrup I don't know something like then
um maybe she'll be Mountie she could be
a cop yeah I'm aware Canada jokes in
yeah yeah I got lots more tell you know
your hashtag of the day you've been
waiting for those Canada jokes as always
you're like who's that world my mustache
I put on my snidely whiplash cape I was
so excited to be evil oh I knew you were
gonna bring out the cabbages it's true
historisches I think they're so polite
timer so nice yeah i know many canadians
i just love them are so delightful um ok
so our hash tie today is TD teach mm-hmm
and the question is what fun thing would
you teach a robot to do if you could
teach you to do anything ok so it has to
be like a sport or something fun I feel
like I would teach my robot to walk my
dogs and that's not fun well it's fun
for the dogs or I guess it is gonna be
fun for the robot I would teach the
robot oh fun for the robot hmm that's a
good i'm gonna go first i thought oh my
god sunbathing you teach her on to just
just some
then I'll sunbathe and it came and it
would be a solar-powered oh so it'd be
like this why just collecting in and it
would just it would use the energy to
stay like this I think they have those
are called solar panels I think it's
just a piece of metal layer panel laying
out in the Sun I think we've already
invented that um I mean I would really
like to see robots surfing I think that
would be really fun yeah but yet have
some good I've it guess who this is
something but I think I get way down
there Skye that's actually terrifying I
via get in the water scuba diving road
blackpool super cool alright so and then
lastly I we we were gonna talk about
this on Thursday but then they delayed
the launch so we had to push the story
back and make sure they launched it into
the orbit good call that and and we
could actually talk about it so NASA JPL
launched their SMAP satellite this
weekend it was a successful launch
here's some of the video this stance map
stands for soil moisture active passive
and it's a satellite observatory so this
is kind of crazy because you would
imagine that if you wanted to study soil
you would have to do it on earth but
that is not so so what's map is out
there doing is it's it's up in orbit
it's checking out the earth and it's
designed to monitor the earth soil
moisture the top two inches of our soil
on earth day and night it can see
through clouds you can see through some
vegetation like medium amounts of
vegetation so it can it can measure the
moisture in our soil from space like all
it's insane so it blows my mind that's
even possible it's a three-year mission
and the point of this mission is to
monitor the earth soil moisture and
track the effects of drought so what
they're saying is they will be able to
make these sort of unprecedented soil
maps from space they're going to have
these like crazy detailed maps that
we've really never had before that are
global so to be able to track everything
and they're saying that these maps would
hopefully in a perfect world be able to
improve climate and weather forecasts
monitor droughts predict flooding crop
yields and famine so if they say like
well hey like we're noticing this
pattern here and this is going to be a
good crop yield or bad or you know this
is what we've seen over the last three
years but super fascinating
and if you want to follow them on
Twitter you can go over to /
NASA SMAP sm AP and look at the updates
and I actually got to see this the snap
at NASA JPL before the end of the year
last year I got to go and see it while
they were working on and getting it
ready to like launch so it's really cool
i guess like look down into the into the
lab and like everybody's in these crazy
you know all white outfits with like
they're totally free of contaminants
because they don't want to send that up
and it's oh my gosh it was so cool it
was really really cool what wait how
long is it gonna be up there three years
three-year mission so and there it's
going to monitor like it uses radar and
radio meter a radio radar and
radiometers to check the level the
moisture level in the surface the top
two inches of soil it's only two inches
and and then and it's over the entire
planet right and they're gonna be
monitoring the entire planet earth it's
gonna help everybody should I mean
hopefully it will I think this is just
super fascinating for me I mean the fact
that we can we can monitor that yeah
space click in orbit so good job now
yeah that'll definitely help us out so
that's good yeah so on that is it for
our headlines will be right back we have
a back at her hackett that's for the for
the phone tog refers out there oh and
and we also have your user feedback from
last week and of course speaking of our
phone toggle for the day so don't click
way tomorrow daily
welcome back welcome back to the show we
have returned with a monday edition as
always of back in ER hackett hackett
you're just right up front I hate this
thing what am I talking it's called
print with a why print with a wide for
those us Millennials so like the spell
things going to see on the end Prince um
no it's print and it's a phone case but
it's a special phone case that is a
photo printer so you drop your phone in
there pop it in there and it doesn't
work via bluetooth that actually uses
your connector so your power and then
and you print out little pictures on
your phone you can just print out like a
little polaroid camera man turn your
smartphone into basically you know the
equivalent of what a Polaroid cameras
are just pretty awesome that's quirky
it's super twee it's a little bit you
know it's a little hipstery but um but
they make a good point in the video like
they were talking about how like oh
maybe you're all out on a night you know
night on the town with your friends and
it's a good keepsake it's funny like you
know maybe you I don't know maybe
there's some rom-com some sort of meat
cute you know it's just I can write on
your little pictures make a little bored
I don't know good get physical with it
let's note its adorbs it is a slightly
adorable um I just thought it was really
interesting that it's compatible with
both iOS and okay uh Android oh that's
great usually it's like it's only one or
the other I I have to know this looks
kind of expensive okay so it is ninety
nine dollars which is that's that's not
that expect terrible no um I was
expecting it to be like 199 because that
seems to be like the entry a little
price point for everything on
Kickstarter that's like technology face
however I'm sure that the printing paper
or whatever is expensive in fact you do
in fact need to buy printer paper um so
you get 10 sheets so it's basically like
buying a printer at home you get like
starter yeah like starter ink and like
but it doesn't use ink which is nice or
cartridges it's like almost like a Z ink
or whatever you know Polaroid hazards
um so this is uh it's all done in sides
you don't worry about anchor cartridges
but you do have to buy the special paper
so two special paper that is I think
they said $25 for 50 sheets that's not
bad all right fifty cents of sheets kind
of expensive I mean when you think I
mean when you break it down but I mean
if your print if you like to if you only
need 15 50 might last somebody a really
long time yeah so poor in my last
somebody like three weeks I don't know
what I don't know what your photographer
like day one you'd go nutso and then and
then you then ain't really I wouldn't be
so the rest of the 11 months in the area
be like high school you like it the guy
I like you know exactly there's the
treat you know oh look here's my
breakfast cereal um but yeah the other
thing that I really liked was this the
app the print app has a really awesome
feature it's called it's a augmented
reality scanning so let's say you have
your your print and you hold the picture
up the physical picture that you took
you hold it up to the app and it will
show you the few seconds before you snap
the picture as like a living photo wait
hut how does it do that it's a it's
augmented reality so what when you take
that picture it takes video of like the
few seconds before you take the photo
and then you when you put when you hold
the printed picture up to your app in
the camera it looks like the picture is
animated looks like it there's a little
video of it I was on board till that and
then your I don't I don't like it what
is because usually people are like okay
hello alright well it's just many people
like this yeah it's it's I I mean I I'm
not sure I'm not sure that's as cool as
it sounds it sounds cool but like people
aren't like yeah fireworks wash and then
they're like it supposed picture I get
it but it's not if it's like an action
shower you're out you're at a party or
something then it's great it's really
granted to look very lifelike and funny
and you can always relive the moment or
whatever you know like camera picture
enthusiasts like to you know real at the
moment like everybody likes that so um
teacher it's cool feature I don't know
that I'd buy it so I'm gonna say hack it
it's not for me how much was $25 for the
things yeah it and a hundred dollars is
the fee went like once it's up
to kick-start it 99 bucks how much is it
what you print I don't know how much
it'll be when it actually like really
probably retail no I think he'll be like
probably 130 150 probably 150 something
like that but the earliest oh man I wish
I would have gotten in on the lowest
level backer like the early early bird
they only had 20 of them they like put
aside 20 earliest birds and it was like
30 bucks or 40 bucks or something it was
super cheap or maybe 50 but is under
fifty dollars and then after that it was
like oh it's 75 and then I I am going to
speak for myself and not others and say
hack it okay what I me too I definitely
I definitely think some other people
like my sister wouldn't love it 100% I
know lots of people love this me
personally I don't see myself using it a
lot and also it's not so far I did not
see any compatibility for phones like
the note 4 or the iphone 6 plus its kind
of smaller ish phones so I saw like the
galaxy s5 like when I saw saw the iphone
6 but I didn't see the the note 4 was
not in there or the or the 6 plus so
there you go cute cute adorbs like it
like I said great for other people maybe
not for us double hacks double axe it's
terrible all right you guys let's let's
try to start a cheer everyone up with
some user feedback oh wow you're really
putting this on the users to cheer
everyone up and you're going to because
they were really good so last week we
asked you guys to use the hashtag TD
unreal to tell us what old retro game
they'd want rebuilt in Unreal Engine 4
ok um so Frank wrote to us and said I
would love to see half-life two remade
yeah using Yui for and maybe fallout 3
to the wasteland done in ue4 would be
awesome Kayla greece's yeah did I not
say that did it was that you mentioned
you wanted to make me play fallout but I
don't think that was I didn't say
fallout 3 alexander otras is at how
about pong no I think if you did in a
real like real life scenario it would be
kind of food are we really tough away uh
Stefan 7 rotisserie minecraft might not
be that old but a super realistic
recreation of it would be
awesome but then is it really minecraft
you're in Minecraft right now
technically yeah you go out more
insulation right now no I mean just go
out to the forest and it's just really
high res minecraft true that's Stefan
right yeah III just a pile of stuff what
would that look like yeah Stephanie got
elaborate yeah you gotta maybe give us a
visual visual cue of what it would look
like maybe with something called
Photoshop what do you got next hey-soos
wrote to us and said I'd love to
experience a remastered system shock 2
oh my god if the rights issues could be
resolved and even tagged IG Levine like
that wow that's a blast from the past
yeah yeah totally and then Rob emailed
us and said number one Jedi Academy
number two star citizen oh wait star
citizen isn't that being rendered in a
real bore I don't know it's well it's
pretty looks gorgeous anyway PS i would
like to see if these fort i would like
to see these four Series in this game be
developed using Unreal Engine on oculus
rift I would like to see the beat
Resident Evil series Silent Hill series
Assassin's Creed series and dying light
Mandy wants to see a lot of horror stuff
yeah you like survival horror rob we get
it good looks super good choices yeah
really good choice upper pong all right
now you thrown any he ran up in the air
but there you go all right I think
you've just doused Alex and haterade
just like poured it over him I'm sorry
I'm sorry hopefully its horn yeah pong
um okay guys it's time for our last
piece user feedback which is of course
our photog refer of the day
you know Kylie I wrote to us and I
thought this was really interesting he
didn't say quite what phonies but said
we got some new we got some awesome new
lenses for our telescope and I couldn't
resist the opportunity to use them to
once again show how phones can be used
to take great photos please enjoy my
attached photo no way that's our moon
that's fantastic so I'm assuming he just
you know put his phone through this yeah
yeah put put the lens right up there on
the eyepiece and snapped a snap to pick
the moon just pretty cool that's pretty
great yeah I totally dig that I saw and
I was just like oh that's delight
ingenuity is allowed during the phone
tog refer totally true saw the drone
photo which cheated but still was
amazing but what's a great job yeah
you're definitely my favorite beers yeah
very creative um really creative maybe
like a 90 on a scale of 100 so not quite
my favorite not quite yet but if you'd
like to be in contention for my favorite
photographer today or if you'd like to
be Kayla's favorite phone card today you
can email us tomorrow at cnet com you
can also send it to your user feedback
there or if you absolutely hate email
you can find us all over social media
we're on twitter facebook Instagram
snapchat and tumblr as tomorrow daily
and then we're on google+ as tomorrow
daily TV hey if you want to see pong
made an unreal engine I don't forget you
and you like YouTube don't forget to
subscribe like and leave a comment and
also if you're listening on the on the
podcast hello everybody we're checking
your base our radio don't forget to rate
and review and I don't know this is
really gonna subscribe on there too well
yeah you can you can always subscribe to
the podcast alright cool I we do it we
do video version of the podcast we have
a snapchat did you say that we do have I
did much of the snapchats we don't have
a like a lower third for that she just
gonna have to but we have a contest it's
it's tomorrow daily on snapchat but via
basis it's joe parr yes tomorrow daily
one one one word all lower case and
we're doing a contest as to whose shirt
was better so you guys can tell us we're
gonna cool and your snaps send us your
snaps anyway that's it for today's show
we'll be back with a whole new docket of
weird wonderful awesome science geek
pop-culture gaming whatever floats our
boat news
tomorrow but until then began humans and
we'll see you guys next time
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