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Tomorrow Daily 123: Raspberry Pi 2, Minecraft 'Game of Thrones,' designing with robot arms and more

on today's show Raspberry Pi has a new board and we've got all the details you can now go to the land of westeros kind of and I'll tell you how and a new art installation is letting users manipulate a robot arm to create furniture I'm gonna have it make me an Iron Throne I'm gonna have it to the robot tomorrow daily greetings citizen to the internet welcome to tomorrow daily must keep talk show one of these days I'm gonna get knocked out in the known universe I'm your host Ashley scouted join me as always the man the myth the legend kill anonymous I had an energy drink today I can't tell I just can't not with you this is going to be an action-packed episode so if you're driving if you're driving be very careful okay I may get amped eject you may get so Jack that you just like start swerving and in Craig demolition derby people just don't do that don't do that but you're gonna want to but don't thanks for joining us today we've got some weird wacky stories for we do we do so let's hit the headlines alright so most people know about raspberry pie oh yeah cheap little bored you can program all kinds of stuff with it it's great any that people have done with it there is now raspberry pi 2 so we got it whoa board it's out it's available as far as i know i've seen it sold out in quite a few places even just by this morning oh wow um but it's the same price as the original Raspberry Pi board but it's got some really significant upgrades and I'm gonna go over those with you right now it has got a quad core processor it's six times more powerful as the video says right here it has a gig of ram so they are they're doing quite well in upgrading this little tiny this little tiny board you know and also I thought this was very interesting again same price as the original but usually use linux to work with raspberry pi but microsoft is now going to be making windows 10 like a version of Windows 10 to use with the little tiny raspberry pi 2 yes so the model oh my god that's that's fantastic because I don't know anything about linux oh yeah yes fantastic well and also I really think this is a great move by Microsoft because they're introducing because a lot of people or a lot of parents will buy a Raspberry Pi for like their kid who might be into coding so to get them into Microsoft's ecosystem early is like a really good strategy for them in the long run in terms of like coders and engineers and stuff I think it's a really good idea and obviously that's going to be like a side benefit but it's still a really clever way to sort of get I younger are people sort of aware of Windows a little bit more in depth but it's going to be a custom version of Windows 10 it's not going to be full windows 10 euro just boot up to the to the Start menu oh it's somebody will figure it out that it's going to be a developer version that is specifically designed for the Internet of Things for Internet of Things development so they really want people to do things like home automation and you know just random stuff like it so Internet of Things it is connected they want you to be able to use this sort of special version of Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2 so this is uh I think it's awesome amazing news I think it's super cool like i'd say like a 15-percent of the stories that we do on this show in some way there's a Raspberry Pi involved yeah Lamar's real what do you believe there have been so many crazy ambitious projects done with raspberry Pi like there was a supercomputer some people took 64 raspberry PI's and built a supercomputer with that nothing I guess stamp them and put them all together and also yeah this was the other thing I liked is anything that you made with the original Raspberry Pi it's totally one hundred sent compatible at the second board so you can carry on your projects anything that you're working on on the original Raspberry Pi board you can bring that on to raspberry pi 2 and yeah 35 bucks same as same as same as the original brilliant and the the version of Windows 10 is actually gonna be free so the specialized raspberry pi 2 version windows 10 will be free for anybody who wants to develop so pretty awesome what's the bad news there literally is not a downside I didn't see one can we just end the show right there I feel like yeah it's the end guys that did be back tomorrow with another with another what is it talking talking weird wonderful all right no but seriously listen yeah okay pretty good I'm so raspberry pi 2 there you go okay all right tell me about Westeros okay so a lot of people have seen Game of Thrones and just love the beautiful world of Westeros it's also very dangerous okay I don't want to go there seems really scary for a lady moving on ladies and gentlemen behold Westeros in all of its glory kind of cuz it was made in Minecraft this is in Minecraft yes so this is made of Minecraft it's a recreation uh it includes place like King's Landing the wall lots of other cities look at this video of King's Landing that is insanity it is crazy i've got some stats for you because okay to really get the scale of this you see how beautiful and big it is and uh but but the stats are really works gonna drive it home secure at the scale is 501 square miles that's as big as Los Angeles okay um it's based on the books it's based on the story between books 1 & 2 it took hundreds of people to like oh while to make over a year to make this thing to actually make it they used world painter which created the basic terraforming of the world of Game of Thrones okay and then they did a couple more Tara forms and then they went in and had to actually build in the ville de structures as you can see if you're watching this it's a time lapse of people going in and piece by piece if you slow it down you see people piece by piece making them putting these down block by block again I remind you that this was mostly made off based off what the descriptions in the books yeah not so they use the the television series is a little bit of a reference and if you want to go watch the video it's actually neram narrated by the the guy that plays brand in the television series so it's great it's pretty cool if you want to see more you can go check out Westeros crafts com they have faq so you can find out more about it you can you can go and look at the map that you can't download the map yet and I can I help them build if I'm really into Minecraft yes you can you can donate you can help them build uh I don't see any creepers or spiders or anything I don't see any White Walkers they're not real on the FAQ there's there's a question that's like control point can I go on their role play I think alike well we're not your dad's doing wait i doing that yeah hold on you little nerd but it's it's pretty cool we've seen a lot of impressive scale things we've even seen people make like cities from Westeros but not the entire thing there's other places now throw a lot of mine and they're saying they're gonna get to them but right now they're working on finishing it but over a year to make this that is not a people so I don't care what you think about Minecraft or if you think people are wasting their time seeing credible still impressive that they put this much work into it and it's pretty much the only place that somebody's made Westeros you can actually go into so haterade or not it's still pretty impressed I just feel like like I don't play minecraft but i will say that i love seeing what people make because it reminds me of you know in the 90s when people are making those crazy lego sculptures but this enables people to make Lego ask things like with blocks in huge scales like you're saying yeah just que los angeles sighs like I just los angeles square feet wise believable that is that is crazy and it's so impressive and and so fun that people are so into minecraft like i love their enthusiasm i love their enthusiasm it's very cool that they're they're fans of Game of Thrones that much too so well that brings us to our hashtag of the day no it doesn't it does oh it's actually I promise you it does our hashtag days TD blocks and the question is what universe of world would you want to be able to wander around in rebuilt in Minecraft okay you go first i think i would like to either see the jet like the Jetsons oh that's a really good choice like I'd love to have the Jetsons in Minecraft because it's so like low res and it's all futuristic stuff I think that would be really cool I think I'd be my first choice and it's also very shiny world where like not you know women are not murdered constantly like in Game of Thrones right girl about that all right yeah or just people in general and murdered constantly in Game of Thrones so I feel like it'd be a little less dangerous but i don't know i mean like working at Spacely sprocket seems like there's some OSHA hazards happening there anyway where what about you through deep uh futurama I would love to see if you trauma God won't they'd have to build the different planets you know like the slur planet and then you know like um area where the school yeah omicron persei eight like just a whole bunch of them it would be great I love what would Sadler's homeworld I am all of this happening there that sound good to fly around a different planet get in your minecraft uh you get in your yeah grass planet express yeah your planet express you'd fly around in your little blocky planet express I like it I love it there you go so tvblox tvblox tell us what what place you'd like to see in Minecraft and then go do it yeah then go make it and then show it to us and you're late we're gonna feature you on the show actually wouldn't mind see Rodgers I wouldn't mind to see nuts which somebody asked to have made notches new mansion I'm she just bought that man he just bought a mansion from jay-z and we're gonna do some research we're gonna do some research on that and see if we can't find it this week maybe that could be your into it I'm in two notches notches minecraft house ok so this last one I thought was super weird but also kind of cool so I love this idea of art installations involving robots and this has been kind of a recurring theme you know this is from design studio Crom why Sir in Germany it is an interactive installation called Robo chop this is a very short video because it's a time lapse but you can see this robot arm is taking cubes outside of like a storage unit and then I slicing them up and putting it back in ok so the cool thing about this is is all of those little pieces of things all those cubes are designed by people through an app so this is awesome anybody online can use one of the projects for robot arms there's four different robot arms and you can control its actions so you open up the app and it shows you this 50 centimeter like styrofoam ish cubed foam cube and you can work with it you can manipulate it you can like do different things to it in the app and then when you're done carving out like your sculpture or a piece of like little like model furniture or whatever then it uploads it to the cloud and then the robot uses this crazy this like hot wire cutting unit so you can see it's like that sort of slingshot looking thing on the bottom and it cuts up everything into the exact shape that you want and then after it's done it they pack it in a box and they shipped to your house will you get it yeah you actually get the cube it's awesome Wow wait how big was the q50 centimeters ok so it's centimeters yeah that's the metrics is cuz in Germany yeah so um we'll do the math after will do the math after good American stupid America um so yeah so that's how you control it and they're gonna let people next month from March 16 through 20th in Germany at sea bit which is a trade show for technology in Hanover they're going to do it's going to be on display and people there are going to be able to control the robot and also people on the internet that will be able to control to make it DD we could try that's connected dude we should try to you we should try to get in and see if we can make a cube I don't I'm sure they have like a limited amount of foam cubes that the robot can make at a certain amount of time but we can always try to get in so but yeah it's gonna be at sea bit and I just think it's really awesome that like you're gonna be able to control this you know manipulate a phone cube and then some robots gonna cut it up for you then ship it to your house that's fantastic that's so cool we need my edge of this robot just making stuff well there's so much negative space yeah we're trying to be abstract because it was an artistic story see like priests are gonna take the one shot of kale yep see look at all of that news on me I'm looking at all the dreams that I look these are all kales dreams right in here so anyway enough of that distraction that's really cool yeah it's awesome so there's but there's an app for it so people can download it yeah cute look up robo chop on the Internet Robo chop design installation or Robo chop robot arm and you should be pretty fun pretty easily find it cool um yeah that's it for our headlines for today we're going to take a quick break we'll be right back with a with our new releases because it's Tuesday and it's a very movie heavy week and then we also have your user feedback and our phone target for the day so don't click away tomorrow daily welcome back to the show your you we we always want to like jump right in we have to wait and we just get we're like just frozen in anticipation of coming back from break um k let's Tuesday it's your favorite day of the week I know cuz i get to see what all the new stuff that i have this week yeah that is true it's new releases so this is a pretty movie heavy week there wasn't a lot of games that i saw that i was just like oh my gosh this is amazing yeah that's bummer um but it's it's kind of that part that time of year we're not a lot really getting released so um but we picked three movies that i thought were of interest that you guys might be assured of course raspberry pi 2 also available this week so that's a new release but movie wise Jupiter ascending coming out this Friday in theater I can't wait to see if this is good I there's a lot of questions a lot of questions surrounding this one kowski the cows keys have put this together um this is a pretty pretty epic in scale mm-hmm I guess mila kunis plays a russian immigrant who has the same sort of genetic makeup as like the queen of the universe or something i had something like that and it's a very it's all very fascinating channing tatum is sent to kill her and of course falls in love with her and then they are you know they don't even want to know any more about it i won't tell you anymore this is dr. Cornel just jump in figure it out but it looks so it's like it looks very grandiose and grandiose and and detailed and Wachowskis of course who made the whole matrix series and then also what was that other movie they may raise them didn't know yeah yeah yeah they made Speed Racer to a lot of people love that movie don't even love that my mom yeah so there you go but yeah I'm in know I it looks really good it seems like it's a little the premise is a little ridiculous but it also seems like it's really good fun like a good fun popcorn movie so I think I'm in on that yeah um just do whatever you want I'll go see it I know it's like just take my money also coming out this weekend the spongebob movie up I'll see that too Tom Kenny I'm I totally dig this so apparently Antonio Banderas plays like a real life person not at not a cartoon character on an animated character named a burger beard I'll see it yeah so they have to go they don't have their burgers in bikini bottom they got to go and they gotta get this book as far as I don't know I'd I'm really terrible with the whole spongebob lore but that's what it appeared to be by the trailer now they have to go to the land of humans and and they it looks great I mean the animation for them looks fantastic yeah they go to cg as opposed to and the other ones yeah it's pretty cool and it's one of those live-action kind of cartoon mashups that I think I'd actually like to see I would enjoy as opposed to our field makes me very sad I really hope that they are eight because one thing that they had with the original spongebob series was the they had really good animation timing yeah like everything was quick and fast so hopefully they can pull that off with this I mean that's ultimately yeah ah yeah actually that's a big question for you but I mean I don't care are there reviews out for this uh yeah people are saying it's good yeah I'd like I've seen people say it's very enjoyable and it's uh you know it still holds the spirit of the series you know to heart where you have the sort of double layered jokes where kids think it's really funny but then adults kind of get the second meaning and it's even funnier to them and I don't know it looks really fun I alright I will go see I do yep um and lastly coming out this week I guess in a limited release but because it's an indie film as the voices with ryan reynolds and I find this premise crazy but also very intriguing to me so i guess ryan reynolds it has some mental health issues and his dog and his cat talked to him and he actually voices both the dog in the cat as well as like he plays him you know his character oh I think I've heard about this and the dog is like super good and like tries to tell him to have a good life and the cat tells him to murder people of course he does a cat because pastor evil um so yeah he like ends up I think he and he's like a serial killer like he's got like a refrigerator filled with like women's heads or something it's like crazy so it but he voices both the cabinet on which I thought was super fascinating for saying you almost don't even recognize his voice for either of them what a strange weekend for movie what a weird got the suit guy concept sci-fi Meister basically sci-fi porn not much it's important it's just like free games i partially then all this like kitty flashback yes 4g animated and this weird indeed film with murder and cats and dogs talking yeah very strong us know if you're gonna see any of these in which one you're gonna see cuz you're are you gonna see all three god i want to see all these I kind of do do I know so that's those are our new releases this week i'm i'm fascinated i'm in i feel like i want to see all of them so there you go uh but now as always every day is time for your user feedback yesterday we asked you guys use the hashtag TD teach to tell us what fun thing you teach a robot to do if you could teach it anything right you said what'd you say I said well I said something really lame at first then I said surfing yes it had too much fun yeah I said sunbathing I've cap yeah so Caleb wrote and said robots pouring wine as the dream come true robots cooking food is the meaning of life nice yeah i'm wearing wine though that's not really a somali a tree that's that's this but that's serving you that's yeah for you yeah it's fun yeah you didn't know success there Rick Rick wrote a good one in and said picture said T at robots on pogo sticks will it be funny or scary I like that they're good is that a futurama I think that's a I love that's a futurama picture on the on the right side I love on the left it's a happy robot on a pogo stick and on the right it's like evil murderous robots I'm pogo sticks a fun fact about futurama robots did you know that they all have square pupils oh I didn't any anybody anybody or character that's a robot in the series has square people so take a towel rewatch even when someone's a human so when there was a Lucy Liu episode where she was a robot she had square people so interesting I didn't know that that's a fun fact alright that's it that's you know the show hey guys we're gonna end the show twice today early a Glen wrote in and said it certainly would precede our annihilation by the robots but it would be great to teach them parkour I like that one as good that would be terrified really scary Sofia cosmic discourse wrote in and said I'd like a robot that fills in all common fields of paper from legal documents that's also not a fun thing the robot fun for you not for the robot but Joey wrote in and said robots don't have emotion so it could not find it fun well at least not yet so thanks a lot touche Joey way to make us look like dum-dums thanks Joey Joey just owned us like no bar data from from Star Trek The Next Generation yes I don't think he did well thanks Joey fun unless there was something wrong with his programming thanks Joey that's the end of the show thanks for joining us on forever uh Stefan rodin also as a side bar and said I suppose a recreation of Minecraft and unreal 4 would look like this and sent in this side it's just life is forest with a minecraft pickaxe right in there I those great um so that's where you guys wrote in and of course our very last piece of user feedback is our photog refer of the day Depot Road in that's a solid name that's a pretty solid man Depot wrote in and said hi my name is depot I wrote from italy but i was born in bangladesh um the photo with the pink building was taken in italy those others are from London where I spent my winter vacation love the show me and my brother Fabio are big fans and then sent a pizza emoji why does his family have great names I know Fabio and depot then we'll dig så you know he was born in Bangladesh she wrote from Italy there are cool names there wow that's really cool what a nice what a nice vacation I know what a really nice winter vacation I wonder if he had any pizza and Italy I I hope so yeah you know we didn't they didn't really make like we made kind of the vert Americanized beat that doesn't mean they don't make good pizza it's true I have a pizza and every city in every country and every every country I love in London I didn't do sorry yeah you know maybe depot dude maybe he had depots put it on point a very cool picture yes super awesome um I I mean I like them a lot but they're definitely kills new favorite you can't speak for me on that just guessing okay is it true is it your new favourite jury's out jury's out this is deeply upsetting you're changing the entire this is groundbreaking I feel like the earth is gonna split open and swallow us because you're changing it too busy thinking about pizza at the fair enough all right well he did write in a pizza emoji so I'm gonna blame that on depo sorry depot I don't know what phone you took that without ice cream you bone Fabio very cool hi depot and Fabio if you guys want to send in your phone tog raphy to be featured on the show you can email us tomorrow at cnet com tell us what device you use tell us a little story about it and and we'll check it out and then you can also email us your user feedback if you hate email that's cool we're on snapchat Twitter Facebook Instagram or tomorrow daily on all those things tumblr tomorrow daily and we're also over on google+ at tomorrow daily TV someone on my livestream by the way talking about email so where my livestream was like uh email what is this the 90s exactly say something guys do you don't use email that's fine yeah well you know we use it for business I sure I can't like tweet at you to like her new blue oh but anyway oh if you're watching it on YouTube don't forget to rate and and then subscribe and leave a like and also close the browser when you're done um and also if you're listening on the audio podcast hello Mickey's here Oh God and don't forget to rate and review and and don't forget to like I guess you could subscribe to it too yes so you can do all those things all of us personally on our Twitter's yeah I met Ashley a skeleton I'm gonna kill anomalous and that's it for today's show we will be back tomorrow with a weird wonderful docket of awesome technology we're actually ending actually things yeah we're actually gonna end the show at this point in time um so so come back tomorrow come hang out with us but until then be a human zabal seen xxi you
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