Tomorrow Daily - 130: Firefighting robots, BitTorrent's original content plans and more
Tomorrow Daily - 130: Firefighting robots, BitTorrent's original content plans and more
on today's show a robot fights fires
aboard a Navy ship bittorrent has
decided to make original content bit
torrent of all people it torrent and an
air conditioner that follows you around
a room kind of like those paintings at
the haunted mansion they're watching you
Cale tomorrow daily
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm your
co-host ashley's together Jodi's always
punch in the sky kale anonymous what's
up what is it Tuesday Tuesday oh we
mentioned we mentioned we're actually
pretty taping the show it last Thursday
I guess if you're watching this on
Tuesday because my dog is having surgery
or has already had surgery if you're
watching it on Tuesday yeah so what's up
future people so hey kosher how's your
dog feeling uh you know I'm hoping she
hasn't died at this point but don't go
into a giggity things went perfect she's
resting in a cone comfortably at the
house and I'm watching her and also here
at the same time which is really bizarre
very cool we're gonna have some really
awesome guest posts coming in this week
and then also a little bit next week all
day Joss Whedon right yeah Joss Whedon
and we also have Robert Downey jr. is
going to show all of Avengers Avengers 2
so it's gonna be good we're gonna run
age of Ultron just for you guys on the
show we're gonna do that um but you know
we are gonna do we are gonna hit the
headlines by God all right so there's a
robot it's fighting fire it's a fire
fighting robot this is crazy i saw this
video and I was just like whoa this is
madness uh this is called safer s AFF I
our shipboard autonomous fire fighting
robot that's what is surely more it's
developed by virginia polytechnic
institute and virginia tech they work
together they designed it to be at and
this is kind of cool part of the
firefighting equipment on ships so this
robot is like designed at some point
they want it to be part of the equipment
on a ship for fighting fires like
activate the robot that's the idea sir
you say it's like a fire on the shipper
like get the robot like that's instead
of the fire extinguisher like activate
the robot super weird um so he's pretty
tall he's five foot ten he's about 5
foot 10 oh I mean anyways about 140
pounds so he's actually the size and
weight of a person which is pretty
awesome you see him right here in this
video he's got a hose and he's gonna
come but he's gonna fight this fire that
happening moves so slow he does move a
little bit
slow and fires don't exactly move that
slow so here's sort of the long-term
goal of this project i'll explain so
this has been a four-year project just
to make that robot he can walk
autonomously and grab a hose so that's
at least one thing he can do alone okay
but he does need the help of an
instruction from a human operator so
someone else would be controlling this
robot away from the fire so that it was
not dangerous but the robot would then
go and fight fire so here's here's what
it looks like i'll tell you what's on
there so he has dual cameras on board
cool his two cameras he's got laser
sensors for distance measuring to know
like how far away he is from a fire
that's miles things like that he's also
got thermal cameras of course to detect
where there might be fire so that's how
he decides like oh there's a fire over
here like I know where I'm going because
here on my thermal camera there you see
right there oh nice there's the fire
it's 99% sure that that's a fire so um
in the future they want to do a couple
things with these robots and so again we
like to talk about goals here on the
show so the goal of this robot there was
a goal a they want these to be these
robots safer to be able to be on all
navy ships and act as firefighting
equipment which is really cool but the
other part of that is is they want them
to be smarter obviously over time and
have a better battery usage over time
better battery but the other thing they
want to do is they want to make other
robots similar to this robot that detect
things like corrosion and leaking in
ships oh that would be great yeah which
is really smart and so on and also one
of the big things with this robot is the
goal is is that sailors are not being
put in danger if there's a fire on board
yes and in this robot it's much less
they're in danger enough already exactly
being in the middle of the ocean so that
is mean being in the Navy oh that's your
fire yeah that's it does seem like a
thing and in danger of each other
because they're in tight quarters you
just like probably goes that's supposed
to mean anyway correa's like Lucky's
putting out that fire right there and
it's gonna be awesome that that they can
do that and that there's a robot that
can live on a ship like that's pretty uh
pretty right so that's safer the fire
fighting robot who works for the Navy
okay there you go nice like waiting list
of robots yeah for some listing now like
that's crazy well it's cool another
rescue robot
they're all kind of its like its
detection kind of rescuing safety sort
of thing so awesome yeah pretty good I
dig it yeah alright so now okay let's
talk about bittorrent because this story
is crazy to me okay but I think that you
of all people who kill is really into
like the business of Internet original
content so I have a feeling you're gonna
have some really great insight into this
if this if this goes off like BitTorrent
wants it to be this is going to be
really good at like it as in comparison
to a lot of the other digital original
content that's being made so k right off
the bat bittorrent is hoping to make
original series they're partnering with
rapid I studios to make content the
first run of the content of the platform
well so basically the content is gonna
run on BitTorrent for 30 to 60 days that
you know okay yeah okay and then it'll
move elsewhere okay so what's crazy
about this is they're hoping for a 9010
split in the revenue with the ninety
percent going to the Creator okay Wow
which is like quite a lot so there's a
lot of reason to gravitate and put your
content and make it with rapid eye and
bittorrent okay um so also bit torn is
bragging and saying that they will they
have a larger audience they're saying
that they can reach more people than
amazon prime video netflix and hulu
combined home combined okay so not only
that's actually not only a user base
come to us we have a bigger audience
than all three of those jerks this is
what they're saying and also you get
more money so it's like can't we pay you
like this so you can make it rain
there's gonna be free and premium
versions of the original content wow
that's so I mean this sounds really cool
like I don't I don't have a date of the
that they plan to launch yeah I'm sure
they'll announce all that stuff but
that's pretty cool this is good torrent
of all places you I guess they're trying
to add some stability so ya know what
they're doing well I'm sure that like
the torrent the torrent business is
getting a little harder to be in it is
shaky so I I would imagine this is kind
of a good move on but this seems like a
run at YouTube because there's been so
many YouTube creators really
dissatisfied with the revenue share oh
and so this feels like a really big like
okay let's make a run at YouTube well a
lot of people are just getting
frustrated with the YouTube platform in
general because it's really hard to just
make a splash on YouTube right and also
you have to fully fund it yourself and
then hope that you make revenue somehow
because its nickel isn't done and this
is BitTorrent giving money to creators
to make whatever they need to make right
then get 9010 rub yeah I've set a time
and time again this is the net this is
the next step for people that actually
want to put some work in time and have a
dream and stuff like that into this
newer digital media content because it
yeah you want to make this higher level
content but all the people playing video
games and cat and blogging and stuff
like that are gonna get way more views
for than you because they can do routine
content right I'm quick tone turnover so
that's interesting no and it's it's
definitely great that there's another
challenger entering the arena that's
very true to it more competition just
means better stuff for you and me and
everybody watching so I always like that
I'm a bit Tory that is pretty delightful
yeah that's a fun one yeah I like that
so uh the hashtag of the day ooh today
is TD torrent and the question is what
is your favorite illegal download that
you've done no although it could have
been the question of the day is what
kind of content do you want to see
BitTorrent make like do you want them to
do sort of the netflix route of let's
make dramatic like high budget stuff
like house of cards orange is the new
black like maybe bring back some other
canceled short like Arrested Development
or do you want to maybe see them go in
indie route and really kind of find
these sort of unknown up-and-coming
makers who are kind of that community
like it should they foster that or
should they go with like high-end
contact probably going to have to
gravitate towards the towards the indie
stuff because right out of the gate it
looks like you're making the content ish
and you're not going to be able to get
IPS I mean that's why I'm Netflix and
Amazon are able to get that is because
they already have the like the revenue
Wow yeah I think I would like to see
them be able to take like make a fallout
like a bioshock sirs or some sort of
like a fun IP that people are like there
could be so much more there's so much
potential there I was going to say what
should one thing that no one else is
doing like Netflix Amazon Prime and that
seems like one of the things that not
really we're seeing I know we saw Xbox
we saw Microsoft Studios yeah halo night
yeah I'll think about it that was really
cool I had all that stuff in one place
and like there was like it was all the
track content it would be a really great
launch for bittorrent too because people
are already this is already stuff they
have in their brain and they'd be like
oh yeah I want to see that I'll go to
bed tour so yeah that's what I want what
about you I i would say i would like to
see them fostering content i do agree
that it needs to be indie and i would
like to see them fostering content and
maybe doing things like do you remember
a project greenlight on HBO yeah yeah
i'd like to see them do some sort of
thing like that where they can get
viewers involved in choosing the kind of
content like Amazon doesn't I like see
them right I'd like to see them do stuff
like that with really young creators so
like they unlike they even said their
demographic is like 14 to 25 oh really
so I'd like to see that that's her main
demographic a bit torn I'd like to see
them taking kit like kids like 14 to 16
years old like what can you do what's
your ideas like how can we make this
into a series and I that'd be really
hopeful yeah I get this some of the
revenue and hopefully make more content
right exactly and also like I feel like
that age group is thinking of things
that people our age are just not
thinking of because it's just they have
so much imagination and lost it we've
you know we've lost a little bit of that
magic that you have when you're that age
and I feel like that's a really big
opportunity for bittorrent it would be a
waste if they didn't take advantage I'm
definitely keeping my own bittorrent is
definitely gonna be a really interesting
one yeah really i even i am i am just
like maybe I have an idea in my noodle I
want an ID to pursue yeah exactly beyond
ninety percent of your revenue it's
super attractive to anybody make me sick
favorite any cream all right cool let's
talk about smart air conditioning cuz I
thought this was AI thought this was
pretty cool um no no pun intended uh
cooling I didn't actually do that on
purpose I probably know but it was
Christmas awful
so MIT has this lab and it's called
sensible City lab and they do all kinds
of weird stuff and their surrounding
like how to make places more efficient
energy wise water-wise all this stuff so
they paired up with his Italian
architect named Carla Roddy to create
this weird ceiling installation so
that's what we're seeing on the screen
right now you see these they almost look
like Pistons hanging from the sky yeah
and they have LED lights in them and you
can see there's some sort of like mist
coming out it looks like they're
basically trying to knock people out
like in a superhero movie or the limo
haha I've got you now and I'm gonna
knock you out yeah alright but actually
what it is is all of these installations
these pieces work together and they
sense when a person is under them and
they spray a cooling mist on to them so
as you're walking through and only
sprays where it should be like where you
are so it follows you around the room
and sprays you and keep you cool now
here's why cuz that seems really weird
yeah it seems kind of jump it is now the
place that they unveiled this in is
Dubai and Dubai is a place that is
extremely difficult to keep cool during
the during the summer which it can get
very very hot there especially outside
so and you also are wasting a lot of
water when if all of these were on at
the same time yeah so all these were on
same time you wasting quite a bit of
water and in places like Dubai probably
not the best idea ever to waste waters
so this is solution to a problem then
I'm totally a solution to a problem so
um they asked they said you know it's so
hot and it's so water intensive to use a
traditional air conditioning system
anywhere like why don't we just
individually cool people as opposed to a
space and so this is what they're kind
of doing so the mist cools the air as it
sprays out so the mist comes out it
starts cooling there around you but it
also cools you down and so it saves
energy and water compared to traditional
AC and they unveiled it at the Museum of
future government services during a UAE
summit last week all right um which is I
and this is the other thing I like about
this architect is that apparently before
this he had come up with this heating
system that actually and this sounds
insane infrared beams that follow you
through the walls and keep you warm so
it's like a heat beam like through a
wall like following you through a
building and that's how it keeps you
warned like that's the heating system
this guy's scary it's like really it's
intense little bit like I kind of like
his ambition and he's got some really
cool like futuristic kind of weird ideas
but I really like this and I thought
that was so funny we were really helpful
if you're like carrying around a dolphin
too they keep him wet keep him wet yeah
well like this in case there's a beach
dolphin and do by which i mean we see
that a lot so our beach did like a seal
or something that you just need to keep
moist you just walk it under just help
please that's cool yeah just really
interesting I just thought that was
really fun and also this architect just
has like wacky ideas about you know
heating and cooling and other stuff too
and um he also did you uh that robot
bartender on the I don't know if it's
the cruise ship one but like he also has
a mixing like a bartender sort of escrow
this guy's awesome so he's like really
into futuristic design but anyway that's
it for our headlines we will be right
back we have new releases because it's
Tuesday and then we also have instead of
user feedback we're gonna do itunes
reviews and of course a phone talker for
the day so don't click away it's
tomorrow daily
welcome back to the show we've returned
it is now officially time because it's
Tuesday to talk about all the cool stuff
that's coming out this week that you can
get your hands on if you're so inclined
so this is new releases
all right first up highly anticipated
PlayStation 4 game the order 1886 my
skin looks beautiful it really does look
really good if you like that action
adventure stuff mm-hmm I mean it do you
know what it's about it's like alternate
history London mm-hmm it's like a whole
secret organization fighting like these
half-breeds human look really really be
it looks like so real looks super good
yeah I 73 was it last year yeah
incredible looking can I just say at e3
the line for this game was insane like
I've never actually taken back I've seen
lines longer than that at e3 but that
line was crazy and i would i would go so
far as to say maybe one of the longest
lines at the show last year that was
this was like one of the things
everybody wanted I don't know evolved
was pretty long involved was pretty long
did you hear about everybody like the
uprising the evolved uprising people are
real mad about the DLC anyway yeah let's
take this moment for yeah this is all
about the order so if you want to play
the order it's on PlayStation 4 it is
out actually today so you can go grab it
if you're if you have a play session for
laying around oh yeah um it's not Thank
go pick up a playstation 4 and then get
the order don't do it the other way
around cuz i would be weird or not
sponsored by now and then also coming
out later this week kales favorite game
of all time i'm guessing just an
advanced already go beyond the rainbow
curse yay kirby kales uh chemspider and
kales fighter in Smash Brothers is d
today King Dedede yep that's the scales
jam king of Dreamlands so he's all about
Kirby yeah and this one is just about
Kirby for but it's a as always Kirby it
does a curvy as a property always does
some weird things there was a pinball
game there was one where he could ride
things there was one of these diamonds
and in this one you you basically lead
him like on a pad like a roller coaster
nation rope and you can do multiple
players to this is like up to four
players and it looks again once again
unique but it's using the same character
so it's a lot of fun it looks like a lot
of fun it and I heard that it's not as
expensive as normal games like forty
dollars I want it yeah I want to say
it's not the fool
59 99 everybody's asking for her game
but if you just picked up a new DS you
know why not try it out oh yeah you can
use some of your amigos including the
ddd one which comes out on friday which
you are gonna be standing in line for i
kinda wish I can't wait um and then also
coming out this week today actually is
dead or alive 5 last round which you
know like I like the Dead or Alive
series yeah I'm a battle arena toshinden
girl okay really listen that's my fight
jam like I really like that one but a
lot of people are excited about this
because for the first time as far as I'm
aware this is dead or alive 5 is gonna
be available on PC which means people
going to be able to mod it oh no that's
not good well yes first thing the
developers Team Ninja is basically
saying like they're really the if people
do inappropriate things with modifying
this game which I'm sure they will that
they will that this is basically a test
of the users and if they can behave
themselves then maybe they'll release
another game on PC so i'm gonna go ahead
and guess this is all the first and last
Dead or Alive released on PC yeah I'm
putting money on the on the girl on that
one she just kicking that guys but she
was um but yeah so that's out today if
you want to pick that up for xbox one
xbox 360 playstation 4 and PlayStation 3
and then movie wise this week Hot Tub
Time Machine 2 is coming out oh yeah so
I'm really excited about that I love
Craig Robinson he's like one of my
favorite comedians and this I thought
this is really interesting like
basically they had all used the original
hot tub to go make themselves like
famous and rich and all this other stuff
and then they find out things I've been
horribly wrong as their famous rich
selves and they have to go back and find
out like where exactly things went wrong
and so they go to fix it and like all
that stuff yeah some fun time travel
goofiness yeah some really i mean it's
absolutely ridiculous obviously
ridiculous premise but it's a hot tub
time machine but i love know what you're
getting when you go see this movie
exactly i don't complain exactly right
and i loved it in this movie Craig Craig
Robinson makes up the song stay by Lisa
Loeb and that's like one of his hits
yeah he rips off other musicians yeah
it's fantastic
um so that is your new releases now that
we're done with that that means it is
time for your user feedback what I I'm
kind I like maybe a little bit I sit on
a throne of lives today we're not
actually doing user feedback because we
didn't have a hashtag of the day Clyde
but I decided to pull some of our itunes
reviews that I never redress though I
pulled a couple of them that I i thought
was delightful and we should want to say
thank you for writing these nice things
about us manic schizoid wrote to wrote
in and said I like the topics the host
come up with the discussions are more
along the lines of how my friends and I
would discuss news and tech the hosts
are complete geeks and proud of it Oh
rule it's a happy space and it's one of
the things I try to watch as often as
possible that's the review we hope for
that's the review of a lifetime yeah
honestly I could just I'm good it's
really cool all right what else you got
forever zero wrote in and said this is
the best swan show haha oh if you don't
watch every episode you don't get that
you missed that joke but it was but I
appreciate it cuz we were here we
definitely were here when I don't get
each other but yeah kill for God ok I'll
explain it to him when it's over but
great job forever zero so that was a
couple itunes reviews that I thought
were entertaining and then of course we
were very last piece of user feedback
which is our phone talking for the day
okay so George sent in this picture and
i have to say because my dog had surgery
Oh tugged at my heartstrings a little
bit inadvertently like he didn't know
when he's sending this picture of his
dog and said hello there guys I'm a huge
fan of the show from Greece oh he sees
all the way in Europe I want to go to
there he said you are big in Europe no
we're not I don't think we are but you
know what George to you we are and
that's what matters that is all that
matters to us here are a couple of
photos taking on the iphone 6 plus love
you guys um I picked this one because I
just that dog is so cute what's your
dog's name let's name the dog they never
named the dog I'm gonna go ahead and say
that George is actually the dog and took
the picture is it I got you know I
George's actually George is the dog and
the George watches the show we're huge
in Europe amongst the dog community and
the owner is also named George Oh
perfect yeah is it jet do you think this
dog is little George or big George this
is definitely big George George man I
agree I big George um uh your dog is
adorable little George um I think it's
the best ever George George of Greece
yes oh gee I guess nicely done GOG
George agrees hello everyone from Greece
hi Greece you know your people both of
the people that watch both named George
yeah totally cool um so that is our
phone time of the day if you want to be
considered for your phone tog raphy you
can email it to us I send us a little
story and all that stuff always named
your dog tomorrow at cnet com unless you
want us to name it for you and you can
also send over story ideas tips tricks
whatever I we don't we'll send us
anything we love your emails and then
also if you want to find us on social
media you can find us on snapchat Tumblr
Facebook Twitter Instagram all tomorrow
daily and we're also on google+ at
tomorrow daily TV yeah and if you leave
a rate and review on iTunes now like
will potentially read it my read it on
the show I'm always watching some great
reviews and also if you're watching on
YouTube don't forget to rate like and
subscribe to see that all the good
things but that is it for the show if
you want to send anybody the show just
send them to tomorrow daily com so easy
way to fine
and then if you want to find us on
twitter if you want to want to check out
check out my dog's well-being i'm sure
i'll be posting updates of her in a cone
for two weeks we've a show about i have
two dogs and cones right now to docs
I've got ya I've got puppy who just got
fixed and I've got other puppy who just
had major surgery so they're both in
cones and miserable and i'm sure i'm at
home right now laughing at the fact that
they are both in cones like running into
walls so ok yeah i'm at this point in
time tuesday they should be not
miserable enough to like they can walk
around himself yeah real dogs yeah
they'll be a real dogs supposed to make
one anyway that's it for the show guys
you can find me on social media at
ashleys gather and i'm at Killaloe this
and that is it we will be back tomorrow
actually kill we'll be back tomorrow
with the one and only Alison Rosen is
gonna be guest co-hosts I don't like her
more than me I'll be very sad I'm just
kidding you can totally love Alison
Rosen cuz she's awesome and then also
we're gonna Kim Porcher from The Young
Turks from nerd alert she's gonna be
coming over and also we're gonna have
other guests the week after that so
we'll get into that on Thursday but
anyway that's over the show guys kayle
kayle be back tomorrow until then be
good humans will see you next time
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