Tomorrow Daily - 135: Biodegradable robots working in your body, the Godzilla Hotel and more
Tomorrow Daily - 135: Biodegradable robots working in your body, the Godzilla Hotel and more
on today's show scientists are working
on tiny little robots they work inside
your body and then dissolve a brand new
themed hotel in Japan so you know that
you're gonna want to see it be good and
a kinetic sculpture that can probably
play violin better than I can unless
you're a robot that plays the violin in
which case actually this story is
probably about you tomorrow daily
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily and the best
geek talk show the known universe I'm
your host Ashley skellige enemy as
always kill anonymous hold on when I
open my eyes you better be there okay
you're there that's me are you we're
Alison Rosen er yeah not mod or Kim or
or Alison I'm just me just they're about
to get a homeless guy off the street we
were running out of justice I assure you
that at this point I should not be gone
any more that is a planned absence so
unless there's like an emergency I
should not be gone there you go they're
getting their stitches out on Friday so
it's hopefully we're gonna die at this
point okay all right there would be out
of the cone zone that we have stitches
free Friday I'm very excited the little
one has decided the code is nail weapon
he knows how to he's weaponized the cone
oh yeah so he likes to swing it into the
other dogs and he runs into our the
backs of our legs and so it's like I
have all these little like cut marks on
the backs of my legs
yeah he's a brat so but anyway I cannot
wait to tell you about this first story
and actually all of them are pretty good
so let's hit that point
okay so you're gonna have to stay with
me a little on this one okay put your
science hat put your lab coat on and
let's be scientist all right so this is
from John Hopkins University so there
are these tiny biodegradable micro
grippers that they have designed to go
to specific places in your body complete
a task and then dissolve and that's what
they look like that's them right there
smaller than a penny is what they were
very tiny yeah they're showing for scale
they should smaller than penny okay so
before you're watching these things and
they're kind of they look like flowers
blossoming okay and then like
contracting or starfish or starfish yeah
so before they made these micro groupers
that were very similar to this but they
were metallic and they used them in a
live pig to get bile duct samples but
the problem is is that and then you they
would like use a magnet to guide the
micro grippers out of the pigs body but
the thing is is that there's no
guarantee that they could get all of
them like it's kind of difficult to get
all of them so they realized really the
way forward was to make them
biodegradable so here's how they did
that this is insane I can't believe that
we're talking about this being like a
thing that's we're gonna experience this
in our lifetime this is crazy
so we've seen hydrogel on the show
before I remember they have cube of it's
like one of the lightest materials
possible think it's 99.7% air create
extremely like it's extremely sure it's
transparent you can see through okay so
they made these little my robot micro
grippers out of hydrogel and a polymer
like a stiff polymer it had to have a
little bit of shape so they had to put
this like stiff polymer on it to be able
to like contract and expand otherwise it
would just be like this little floating
aerogel in your body and they had to be
able to attach some magnetic
nanoparticles to that that stiff polymer
okay so now that they have this magnetic
stiff Palmer and the hydrogel together
they're able to send these things in
through a catheter if they're small
enough when they're cold they ball up so
they send them in through a catheter
because they're super super small and
go in your body and then using magnets
they can direct it direct it to the
location it needs to be at okay and then
it gets their hand and then it gets
there and it warms up and it opens and
then it can flip backwards on itself to
collect whatever it is it needs to be
collecting so let's say you have some
kind of a tumor and they're not sure
they want to biopsy it well now in the
future hopefully soonish you're gonna be
able to go in and surgeons are gonna be
using these nano like micro grippers
send them in your body get get material
bring it back out of your body and then
test it like without having to cut you
open at all these little like nano -
that's really cool awesome like I saw
the story they obviously made it so they
after they grabbed the thing they do
what so they can there's a couple of
things like you can extract them this
the polymers you can extract if they're
magnetic you can extract them or you can
have it send data like you can pull them
or you know somehow get them out or they
have but they don't just did great in
your body
well the hydrogel means that yes they
can it can but they don't they face
there's a mistake and one of them is in
there I think the way exactly there's no
guarantee that they can get them all out
cuz I think that the idea here is that
they would send like many in to you like
because they're tiny so it's like you'd
send a whole bunch in there and then you
know maybe you get a few of them out
with like the right amount of biopsy
material whatever it was that they
wanted to go get they're saying that
even like at some point you might use
this to like attack tumor or I mean this
is like crazy futuristic medicine at its
finest to the John Hopkins University
people are just so that's so impressive
and I just thought it was so so cool and
the goal and like I said is to have have
these be able to perform surgical
actions like collecting tissue for
biopsy in a very non-invasive way so
that's the whole entire point of those
micro grouping things so yeah if you're
if you're a kid watching this show like
when you're an adult and you need to go
to the doctor a whole bunch cuz you get
old like us yeah they're gonna put
starfish in your body you're gonna put
tiny robot starfish in you that collect
your stuff instead of having to cut you
open which is pretty awesome so yeah
that's super cool I just thought that
was so awesome in the video was just so
weird and creepy and yeah I just love it
so tell me that all right oh okay where
we go all right so meanwhile and
Japan that's mine that's why I'm like a
little just small graphic meanwhile in
Japan they've decided that they're going
to make a hotel and a movie theater
themed after Godzilla Godzilla cuz even
of course the guess who's making it of
course the creators of Godzilla so it's
not gonna be just some fan it is Toho
the studio behind Godzilla oh my god
there's a bill that a movie theater yeah
these are these are renters these aren't
real they're building they're building a
movie theater that is going to have a
Godzilla's head popping out is going to
glow it's going to roar every now and
oh boy see it's popping out it's pretty
big that's a huge head and it's gonna
look over at that little square okay so
it's gonna look over directly at a hotel
which is going to have Godzilla themed
I love this renderer it's like he's like
hey guys that's the that's the low-end
room there's two rooms okay the low-end
room is like around like a hundred and
two hundred dollars the high-end room
the Godzilla room is 300 $334 there are
days you got a big hand
get a big Godzilla claw a big Godzilla
clock awesome ready to smash you into a
million pieces it's really awesome
there's also a yeah that's that's so
there's the cheaper one is the expensive
one this is gonna come out in April this
is actually right around the time as a
new Godzilla movie that uh it seems like
really good timing yeah it's pretty cool
so yeah again it like lights up the the
one in the movie theater like lights up
it roars like you're sitting there
trying to sleep in the hotel in every
like hour it's just like yeah and you're
just like oh Godzilla I mean if you're a
big Godzilla fan it's pretty awesome
yeah pretty great I'd stay there I'd
stay there it's a very popular area so
it would become just kind of cool to
just stay there
I would totally stay there so okay how
about $34.00 hashtag of the day teeny
hotel if you could have if you could
stay in any themed hotel what hotel did
you stay in like and what kind of been
and what kind of amenities would it
okay do you want to go first I know I've
said is yours a sad one great okay mines
fallout oh it's really sad because it'd
be like
skeletons everywhere and be super dirty
everything be rusty and then like the
guy working the front desk would be a
ghoul yeah it'll be bad and their beer
ads like I'd get radioactive from going
there they'd have to pay with bottle
caps that's the upside do you pay with
bottle caps that's the upside my kid all
right what do you got um the fallout
hotel it's like you have to actually
fight for your room like you knock on
the door and someone opens it like who
are you and then you have to just like
kill them and then it's going to back go
talk to them I would say for me if I
could pick any universe I feel like this
is gonna tie into tomorrow show but I
feel like I would stay in a replication
of I like the gold saucer from final
fantasy 7 oh I think that'd be really
fun and I'm bad at this yeah Lars and
there should be like chocobo racing you
embed on and stuff and roll a wagon
I would totally stay in that hotel and
they could do that in Japan and I
guarantee you there's Square Enix listen
if you want to make some extra cash I'm
just saying this is a really good
opportunity for you you're welcome yeah
but I would say the gold saucer would be
really funny you just call it the gold
saucer pretty amazing I feel like all of
ours are video games always video game
related yeah although I mean I could
imagine somebody saying like oh I'd love
the same like Battlestar Galactica
themed hotel where it's like you're on
the you're on the ship we run out of
food and water yeah and you have silent
that and then while you're sleeping you
hear all along the watchtower no they
just pump that through the entire hotel
so that no that's the right answer most
annoying they're all annoying Hotel
ideas so what is it TD Hotel seedy Hotel
TD hotels thank you I think you guys are
gonna come up with some really good ones
for that
okay so last story of the day we have
talked about this violin bought this is
really cool
there's a guy out there named Seth
Goldstein he is a retired mechanical and
bio engineer and he's got free time on
his hands he's retired he's not like he
likes to tinker with stuff and he's
really good at tinkering with stuff so
in his spare time he makes these kinetic
sculptures and this is one of them it is
called Robo Bo w boom he's probably dad
it might be a little bit of dad
okay this is a full-sized violin that
this robot is playing and it's kind of
crazy how it works so the bow is being
pushed by an arm by real like a robotic
arm and then you can see the violin is
tilting back and forth to take sort of
mimic the way that you would do it if
you were holding it on you're holding it
up to your chin so it uses mechanical
fingers to pick the frets and that this
is kind of a neat part so he made this
custom software that enables him to play
notes on a keyboard what and then it
translates that meaty information into
instructions for the little mechanized
fingers from the fret you teach it notes
this so he's playing the piano and then
the this is it's not teaching it but
it's it's translating that into movement
on the fret board of the violin so
that's how it's able to play Wow like in
it so if you can play the piano you can
play the violin okay you can now play
the violin with a giant robot as long as
you can actually make the robot and also
the software program that was customized
to be able to do that so you have jobs
so here's those are the those are the
little mechanized sort of actuators here
so it's like he'll play and then it
takes a note and then it okay right I
need to be pushing this this part of
string or whatever really impressive and
he did it all by himself that's the
thing that blows my mind like there's
the software program just you know
whatever as you do is separate do we
know I don't know but I think you should
marry us the show like just we'd like to
read now kiss the show tomorrow Daley
Goldstein that's fantastic I wonder if
he's going to tackle any other
instruments or if that's just like the
one thing he did so he did he did at
this kinetic sculpture a while back and
I forget what the name of it was but it
was basically a robot that just tied a
tie over and over again like a tie knot
and it was like it just would tie it and
tie it and then retie it but it was like
the fact that he does this by him salt
like for fun he's just tinkering this is
like pretty remarkable and impressive I
mean he's kind of like the Chinese
farmer who made the horse no no way way
more advanced he's not like the Chinese
farmer that didn't nobody is maybe
someday that
snowfoot that's true he is one of a kind
scene one of a kind robo robo nice job
on that pun more so alright guys we're
gonna take a quick break and then we are
gonna come back with Mod Squad there's
really a couple there's a really good
one we have this week and then we have
your user feedback for your extra senses
now you guys have some really good ones
oh and then of course there are phone
target for the day so don't cook way
tomorrow daily welcome back to the show
we've returned we've returned it's
Wednesday which means it's a kind of a
grab bag of segments that we have but
this time around with Mod Squad
I feel like graphic like served like the
monster like 1960s sort of mod I don't
know you're gonna rip off somebody see
that get that like that especially to
Brian tongue it's go straight right to
be cheap so this week I'm odd squad I
found a couple of modern consoles that I
thought were really cool and there are
older consoles which to me makes it a
little bit more interesting so if you've
ever wanted a toaster that doubles as a
console you are in luck because that now
exists um actually I'm sorry the toaster
does not work so I should clarify but
the console in the toaster does work
this is the nin to stir and this is made
by a Finnish artist named Jarno Kutta oh
boy Kota Luo Pio Kotov whoa Pio he
mashed together a 1950s toaster and an
NES and this is not a mock-up this is
actually a working console you can put
the cartridge in one of the toast slots
like as if it were a piece of toast oh
and does it go down what do it
watch you'll see him put in ducktales so
when you pop through his console and
then he presses that in and then up
there you go and that's how you turn it
on oh wow and then then the controller
goes into the other toast the toast lot
so that's that's how it works that's
super awesome yeah way to go I totally
love that I just think that is so free
cool and I so he's done a few different
versions of this before he did this it's
an Knin toaster 2.0 and other people
have done mods like this but I think
that one wins style points like for days
style points like the 1950s toaster is
really good yeah some people have done
with newer toaster ok that was a cool
toaster and then the second one is from
Miko mod make a lot actually he's pretty
like famous on the internet for doing
console mods ok and this one in
particular is actually 10 years old like
this has been around for 10 years B just
put up on eBay
and sold it and I'm having a final
fantasy kick
I feel like this week's and be final
fantasy week for you guys for me
he made this PlayStation he made Midgar
oh wow
on top of a Playstation works working
PlayStation lights up got to blow it up
man Midgar lights up it's really really
cool looking and he did a really good
job so he sold this thing on eBay for
the 10 year anniversary of it being like
in existence and he ended up getting
like I think was 860 bucks for it not
bad yeah so for an original ps1 I'd say
it's a pretty good school yeah a little
bit of an upgrade so really cool really
cool mods that I saw this week over and
just out and about around the internet
but but now it is time to talk about
what you guys think so it's time for you
our user feedback okay so we asked you
guys our mod and Cale asked you guys
what extra sense yes would you why and I
like that you said sense of humor I'd
like a sense of balance sometimes I feel
a little clumsy maybe I could just be a
little bit less like a like a dying
giraffe yeah
sometimes I'm almost 6 feet tall you
guys I'm really weekend cold so people
falling over um
tillie wrote in to us and said the I
would like the ability to see Wi-Fi
signals yeah I like that
well which ones are locked as well yeah
which was safe secure Wi-Fi maybe
blinded it it's all Wi-Fi everywhere um
Neil wrote in and said I would like to
be able to sense what a woman is really
feeling when she says no oh man this
guy's a stand-up comedian like that guy
that made me that made me laugh yeah
that's good I like that
shawn rhoden and said I want to be able
to smell and taste colors
aquamarine looks delicious it does what
do you think aquamarine would taste like
I feel like it would taste like a
macaroon blueberry blueberry like real I
say I feel like really lightweight like
kind of sweet kind of a like a cookie a
really nice could go for cookie yeah
something like that
um and then hey soos wrote in and said
an honor of Carl Sagan a spidey-sense
for the detection of the immense amounts
of baloney on the end I like that that's
real good sense baloney a lot of baloney
on the internet and then Tim wrote in
finally and said I just want people to
have common sense
oh listen Society humanity you're gonna
need some cream for that sick burn Tim
just put on you just FYI all right
thanks for joining us on tomorrow daily
we'll see you guys
one weird from this burn yeah I'm gonna
need to go to a burn unit immediately
these are some pretty smart ones like
this really good yeah nobody was just
like I want to know where a teddy bears
are you know like they were actually
really good so I mean that would be like
a maybe like a four year olds know we're
teddy bears yeah I'm like we're teddy
bears I'm really lonely all the time oh
boy it's time for a very last piece of
user feedback it's our phone tiger for
the day
all right so our phone tartar for the
day is Troy which is a really cool I
thought there's a cool name Troy yeah it
seems really strong yeah I don't know
anyway he wrote in and said I'm sorry I
was just a little tangent rodas at
friends and I were in Vegas for New
Year's took a panoramic pic with iPhone
6 time to our ride perfectly so as to be
at the top as the Sun was setting oh
yeah love your show you guys crack me up
petroi yeah it's a really good picture
that is the biggest ferris wheel in the
world it even is bigger than the London
Eye is it really a ferris wheel
yeah I have an innate and honest fear of
ferris wheel sure why I won't rhyme
because neither will terrify the one at
Disneyland that has like the oh the
things it doesn't slide down nope
yeah definitely not yeah there's
something wrong with Ferris wheels and
I'm sorry
people who like Ferris wheels they're
not okay we are not okay with the ferris
I know that's weird
that's I didn't believe that I didn't
know that we both had a fear of Ferris
wheel here today I don't like that
entertain Heights in a moving bucket
just seems like why it's not necessarily
the actual ride it's falling to my death
inside that bucket that makes me say I
had a nightmare about one recurring
nightmare I like how this turned into
fear share yeah phobias what's your fear
tog refer of the day your feet ographers
great lots of color panoramic yeah Troy
you're braver than us way to get into
that giant Ferris wheel and take that
picture because I would garrote us this
is the scariest episode that we've ever
had I feel a little bit of vertigo
looking at that picture so thanks a lot
yeah jerk if you want to be considered
for phone tahg refer of the day feel
free to email us tomorrow at
send us a little story send us your
picture and and we'll take we always
look at everything
can't feature everything but we always
see it in our email and then you can
always send over story ideas you can
send over hashtag of the day and if you
want to find us on social media because
you absolutely hate email or you don't
even know what it is because you're like
a millennial next-gen post email person
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if you don't have an email or
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this contract boss this contract is
gonna expire in 30 seconds you're fired
snapchat that's like a snack I'm good
but if it went away in 30 seconds what
would you say like I never happened
yeah yeah anyway so if you're watching
on YouTube don't forget to subscribe and
like the video and if you're on
soundcloud well sorry I don't do we're
not there but if you're on iTunes and
you're listening to the podcast don't
forget to rate and review yes and we
will be back if you want to find us on
our own personal social media come
harass us on the Internet we love it
Kayle you are a kill a lot of us and I'm
at Ashley's gala that is it for today's
show we will be back tomorrow with a
whole new weird wonderful docket of
future tech and geek pop culture and
everything in between
for you to enjoy and talk about but
until then a bigot humans I will see you
guys next time bye
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