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Tomorrow Daily - 142: Pancake printer is our wacky, delicious future

on today's show stroke victims using robot hands to rehabilitate themselves and the selfie of the future is here ah crap great and also a very interesting capsule for natural disasters it's awesome tsunami already tomorrow daily greetings citizens of the Internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best week talk show in the known universe I'm host Ashley scattered Ramiz always kill anonymous pretty good forget tea you're pretty good pretty good episode rockin that to you actually you know what this episode sucks we say every episode is amazing well this one is terrible he's lying it's gonna be let's see if you can even make it through it yeah it's gonna be do that it's always a good episode yeah there's some good stuff today so let's hit the headlines what they're gonna hit they're gonna hate this first one yeah excellent I mean it's just terrible for everybody involved just a sad story know it's crazy lifting stories cool medical tech so usually when we hear about like robot hands or you do prosthetics yeah alright so this is a little bit different this is actually serve up it's kind of like a power glove but ok I got times like a hundred way better use case okay so um when people have strokes they can be it can be really devastating for them and a can a have a really long time to recover fully or sometimes not at all so this is an awesome thing that comes from the researchers at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK they have made this robotic glove that it is meant to help patients in stroke recovery so they've made to prototype devices so they have these you can see they're doing like fingers flexion all this stuff they're just kind of showing you the glove they combine this glove with games like I in software so like there's games and basically you if you've had a stroke you have limited maybe mobility in your hand or your arm you put this glove on and then it has like three different types of games you can play that make you move your arm it's like it's a crab oh here it is right here said ok they're showing you like what's a hand opening and closing and stuff like that so there's a couple different games there's a clam hand so they use you're like a clam and you gotta close your hand up to like close the clam that's and then there's a crocodile jumping in sort of movement game that makes you move your arm around and then there's a ball and a maze that like makes you flex your muscles and like move the ball around inside the maze that's fantastic so now it's not just about someone like being like oh I have to squeeze my hand 500 time times you this diamond actually it actually works with your brain which always wants to like yeah like these fun goals and in little tasks and stop my god yeah so um it's literally putting rehabilitation in their hands like it's actually like putting it right in there and it's really cool because they were saying at once they play these games the data gets sent to their physical therapist and the physical therapist and say okay well you're doing really great on this but maybe not so well as this so we're gonna up your time on it like they can really see over ahead of time like how well they're doing in sort of adjust hat which games they're playing like an app for how long and it's they've seen pretty good results so they have 30 patients do this and they said if they practice about a hundred minutes a week so little over an hour and a half they showed clinical improvements so there were actual quantifiable improvement shown that you know because they were you know working on specific hand movements with this device that's crazy so the game was actually involved in the rehabilitation yeah sure of course it's just like they when they release like they think it was either the we're that we fit and they gave him telling retirement homes and the old people showed more activity all right Debbie yeah they're playing the game they were bowling and exactly and it's also a specific movement and it's it's engaging like you're really into it and so it's you don't feel like oh I'm so bored with this like I just want to stop doing this like I'd rather be doing something else eight people are having fun then it's a little easier for them to go through rehab so up next streamlining and improving the device based on what they've kind of taken notes on thus far and then they actually want to get some funding for commercial prototypes so maybe we might see this someday as a thing that you know everybody gets to use which is any stroke victim would be able to use something like that sounds yeah that sounds like an awesome way to rehabilitate somebody so now I want to talk about a robot that is just that's not just about everybody it's just about you cuz this is a selfie drone this is created from the University of Zurich now check this drawn out or right so what this drum does is it flies away from you it's fully autonomous it drive flies away up to you and then what it does is it does a 360 degree scan of you oh this is yes see so there is you have to light you have to lay down on the ground it's kind of a bummer so I know that it's kind of like some space kisses right out I need to take a selfie as you can see it's flying around to him isn't him I think it's a I don't I can't allow or monitor is Chinese you know were just jerks um at that kratom and and scanning him look he's puts his hands off cuz it's like its autonomous yeah I wants to show he's not controlling it right so it's yeah okay there it's making a 3d a selfie of this person so Wow yeah and it looks like it's not just like it doesn't look like it's just you know like kind of scanning a little like a spot like it this is actually it's moving around it's moving around making sure it gets every single little thing there's like a composite 3d model like this is serious business yeah and he's olya they're moving he's moving around hey don't do that it's not gonna mess it up is it no I don't think so i think whoa whoa this camera is like action apparently you know it's not like super perfect but I mean look well that looks pretty good it's pretty good at skinning see the camera you can see what it's looking at everything I wonder what that like okay so now I'm curious as to what the finished product of this actually looks like is it is it the bits probably not the best ever like you said I'm not amazing no it's not it's not the best but it's pretty pretty close I'm pretty close look at yeah there you go you can actually see oh it got likes the shirt and some of the details in his hoodie yeah see some of the things you couldn't have gotten if it didn't move around and get them get you from different angles but because it was moving around it could get a more 3d sense of this face instead of just getting a top-down that weirds me out a little bit well you know there's always a group people out there excited about selfies exact 3d selfies yeah selfies everybody um all right so going back to helping people again instead of being yeah we had our selfish break we are selfish break let's move on to helping more people so funny that this story actually we're doing today because exactly 34 years ago in 2011 yeah was the tsunami and earthquake in Japan like I remember that um so if you if you were living under a rock at that point this terrible earthquake and and subsequent tsunami hit Japan has caused all kinds of devastation you've heard of the Fukushima meltdown like that's that's that earthquake that was like the aftermath of that earthquake and that tsunami so this guy who lives in Palo Alto his name is Chris Rock Robinson he's a designer and he was super affected by the images that he saw on TV and him and his friends were talking about like how like how the world would you survive that kind of a disaster like that's crazy and so instead of just leaving the conversation at that like most of us would going oh well you know something we can do about it he was like I'm gonna do something about it and here it is this is called the tsunami ball hahahaha now you'll notice it's not a sphere and he was saying in this this is like a 24 minute long video and it's super fascinating he was saying that he researched why not we don't really see spherical objects in the ocean like boats or craft like watercraft and there's a very specific there's a whole bunch of different reasons that's why it's a bad idea so he's like so I realized I had to make something a little bit different than a ball that he's because he wanted it to have like this basically like this little spherical capsule that you could hide in when a tsunami hit and then you would survive so he's been building this thing for a couple years in building it since 2012 so it's been a few years and basically the capsule lives in your yard and he was saying like this thing would live in your yard and then in the event of an emergency would get in it and brace yourself for impact and this thing is like hypothetically because obviously it hasn't been tested in a tsunami hypothetically would be able to withstand the impact of water and debris and in that situation it would stay floating and then it would Ken it would keep its writer safe for a period of time like to get rescued which is pretty awesome he said it was inspired by escape pods like I guess some oil rigs have escape pods and he was like okay I'm gonna kind of do something like that um and it's made of marine plywood like dozens of layers of marine plywood arum aeromarine epoxy and flotation foam if what's this guy's job he's well he's a designer like that's so he did was he funded for this no I think he's just doing this in his own spare time like this is like a fun project for him like he talks about how it's been really interesting because a lot of it's been trial and error because he's like I've never you know made anything like this before um so it still floats it's 22 feet long and the plan is to test it in a pool first yeah it does and then and then if that works they're gonna toss it in the ocean and see how it does for like a day or so and he was saying that cuz it's in his backyard and there's like a hammock in there and stuff like he was like relaxing and I was watching this list thing is crazy you I highly recommend that you spend like half an hour and watches thing it's really it's a testament to how cool people some people are like they just do think like that's pretty cool um he said he might rent it out on Airbnb because it's in their backyard if he's like yeah I might running out on Airbnb ones have done tarea de and therefore Airbnb he just like spend the night inside the tsunami ball and listen bonus if there's ever natural disaster in Palo Alto if there's a tsunami there oh yeah you know highly unlikely but if that ever happens I mean you're probably in the safest place in the city oh yeah they're a look at ya hammock got everything you need everything you need in the tsunami ball you're just like what I think it's awesome I'd say yeah how like wait did it say how long you worked on it still working don't work in I he's been working out for three years said yeah three years three years so he started in 2012 and now he's still working on not I'm not throwing me shade it's just no tea no shade worked worked real hard on that thing yeah and that's not as full time jobs really impressive full time job alright so we're gonna take a quick break we'll be right back with a round of back in her hackett literally and we have your user feedback which is going to make you and all of you so happy because i'm going to have to apologize and then our phones are for the day so don't click away it's tomorrow daily welcome back to the show you know we like to feature a specific crowdfunding venture every week on the show yes we do and then we like to tell you if we like it or don't and I have a feeling guys are like this one its back your hackett how many times kale have you made pancakes for breakfast which also pancakes greater than waffles superior breakfast food um oh I will literally fight you after the show for that so how many times have you been making pancakes you're like I wish I was a pancake artist like every time right cuz that's how I feel oh yeah I mean yes a hundred percent so uh here's the thing there is now a pancake bot and it kind of is like a 3d printed pancakes 3d print pancakes okay so this little girl is drawing a picture of a rocket we're watching the video right now if you're listening is you draw a picture of a rocket and it's inside the software and what happens is this amazing pancake bot draws in pancake batter the lineart and then fills it in so it does the lines first so that when you flip the pancake over the lines are darker yeah and the fit than the inside filling part of the pancake right uh this is pretty much the greatest human event this is not a pinnacle of useless of advanced civilization guys this is the pinnacle this is really good the time acing this is the top this is where it ends with there's no way okay so now it's going for a detailed Eiffel Tower so we're gonna see how well it actually gets like the cross beams and whatnot yeah so here's the thing so it it basically like you can trace over stuff like you can import an image and then trace over it with your with a line art like simpler line art so it's not going to be perfect but look at that some crazy good details basically done okay now we got our shock and awe out of the way let's get reality in there all right i'm gonna add some i'm gonna add some fill in some information just like the pancake vodkas um you can save your designs to an SD card so you don't have to keep doing it over and over again you can you can save your designs this one they drew this and they imported it and then what they did was you can actually stop the pancake bot and you can do a different color batter no use food coloring and add in like color batter so he's watch your gonna see the guy and he's gonna hand fill in all the other stuff with like a blue pancake batter and then flip it over and it's so awesome okay so while he's doing that um it's they have pre-loaded pancake design is chicago bulls yeah i'm assuming so um so it's okay so that's what it does very clearly it's a pancake maker you can make your own designs listen I'm really excited about this like bear with me uh for like I said pre-loaded pancake designs early bird has already sold out they've already met their goal like their they've blown past the fifty thousand dollars they do how big is this thing you haven't said how big it is I wish they want to it's not very big they they show like the three different prototypes on the Kickstarter site and it's like the first one is insane it's like this giant contraction yeah and apparently he got guilted into making it because his daughters thought he said he was gonna make like a Lego pancake printer or something like that and he was like cuz he commented on something on the make kind of made him feel bad so he built it and then he realized wow there's really something here and then he streamlined it and then there's like the second version and this version is super nice it's like Bruce Lee made it because he told me promises daughters yeah come on Pizza cupertino machine that and there in the video there in the video it's adorable so he made them a little pan k and then they that's them the draw that draw the rockets and stuff of pancake rockets so I'm no that's adorable it is super adorable so the early bird was 149 the regular retail price is gonna be to 99 but on Kickstarter if you spend 2 99 you get to so they do two for the price of one if you do it or you get one for one I think it's 179 oh yeah you have to look at your computer though well and it has to be near yours no no it's an SD card so you know you are burning brighter okay you load it on the SD card and you put the SD card in the pancake bot nice i'm just saying my birthday is coming uh it delivers in july if your that's really soon you persons okay so get non your and cake I backed it this morning I was like done I put my money where my mouth was I was like I'm in sign me up so I say back it love pancakes pancakes are my favorite breakfast food really I love pancakes oh it's the best I back in your I'm not gonna buy one it's my enthusiasm I back don't know the awesome adorably sorry breakthrough in the adorable story like it's yeah I mean it's not look very expensive know it all things considered with the software and what Ron pancakes yeah definitely definitely packet and I have no more breakfast food in the world 3d printed breakfast foods um so yeah that's pancake bot so nice nice work pancake all right guys every every single day we like to talk about what you think about the show so at this time for user feedback I have an apology for everybody yeah because pancakes are not better than waffles shut your mouth bite your tongue lest you be struck um so I said I yelled at you guys yesterday because I said nobody wrote about TD house yeah at the pet house and you were wrong about it I may have missed typed in the hashtag on twitter search so I may have missed all of your really nice pieces of feedback about the pet house so I yelled at you for no rule I know and I would like to apologize to you yeah but i will say that i was happy that because of my mistake I dove into the YouTube comments and pulled some nice for some good stuff from there okay I feel like something good still came out of it my terrible mistake but I messed up uh-huh and I apologize okay I'm not above apologizing I'm not too proud to beg your forgiveness okay so where are we at now alright so now we're gonna actually talk about the TV pet house hashtag okay okay yeah we're gonna talk about low weight but all right it is a little late I get it um but and then and then we'll do yesterday's hashtag tomorrow that makes sense yeah yes yeah no that's good yeah so um okay so or i'm sorry yes that's what we're gonna do is that what we're doing yes I don't know what we're doing yes just read today this is yes this is go throw up there all the first one please TD penthouse Hogwarts theme that's from that's from Nate any sent a picture of his dog sleeping on a couch it's cute super adorable yeah alright so and then we have the next one from raw dead fish says no robot kale or robot Ashley too witty and hunt me down and kill me hashtag TV penthouse I agree that we got that second part right yeah that we would hunt you down and kill you um okay and then we had Frank who said a dog house that has a custom-made oculus VR so they can play with a cyber dog and a built-in 10 foot high ferris wheel a dog Ferris with I like that oculus VR for dogs got goggles goggle v r dr dog we are I think do because they actually have doggles right for like dogs who like ride motorcycles and stuff no no listen I don't know anyway we got one more I think um and it's from Neil and he says my pets a dream house to be for my dinosaur dog gate would open welcome to Jurassic bark wait a minute he's still part of mine he did the only thing he added was welcome to Jurassic Park which I guess is you win it's true you win it's true um so we'll have TD first tomorrow which is the first person camera wait we have one more do we yes oh that's right we have Jerome's Photoshop Jerome was like challenge accepted in kharghar no more gold booms please CD shops can we get yeah there we go yeah so yesterday we got that picture submitted in our photographer and then from Molly and I said what would make this better and I said jeff goldblum with floaties on his arm and I was right and I said left shine we're both Lee you gotta give him credit though because he put love sugar Inferno Fire and added smoke and Jeff Gillooly is running away from the fire just as he always does please take a jog he's taking a great jog down the beach with his floaties and then as when he's done with his job he's gonna get in the ocean swim around a little bit and left shark will join him no go left shark too busy partying he's you're busy worshipping at the fire pit as a left sharks dude all right so uh so that is our house or user feedback day again I'm sorry I am an idiot and I messed it up but again not too proud to admit my own mistakes um if you if we also are very of course as always our last piece of user feedback which is our photogra for the day this lovely picture comes from Stephen Stephen census in and said hey guys i just wanted to share this photo with you and really hope it makes the show i snapped these little cuties with my iphone 5 whilst taking a watch walk along the beach last summer which I'm assuming is the exact same location that we saw in that previous photo shop right yeah this is rare for two reasons number one snapping a butterfly and a be together and to Scotland actually had a hot sunny day I love your show and I never miss an episode love and peace Stephen that's an amazing photos that's from Scotland look at that look at that butterfly I know it's so good my father buzziest little bugs over there fuzzy a little bee I just want to pinch his little cute be cheeks he's adorable I just want cuddle him until he stings me and dice then I'll be sad please don't sing me be cute super good so Stephen that was pretty great it's good good picture I can't think of anything I would add to that one I mean there's all right it feels like already photoshopped good gravy lady fern gully maybe had a fairy in there so that's like make it the trifecta of adorableness from the forests and the beaches anyway if you guys want to submit your phone tog raphy you can email us tomorrow at cnet com send us the picture obviously a little story about it if you will and also what device you took it with and and we see all of them we may not be able to feature all them but we do see all of them you can also send us tips tricks story ideas uh fashion tips coupons coupons I'm all about that food food you email us pictures of food and of course if you're on social media and you hate email you can also find us there we're on snapchat tumblr instagram facebook and twitter at tomorrow daily and then we are tomorrow daily TV on google+ and if you're watching on YouTube don't forget to leave a comment and like this video and subscribe to seeing it there's no clue you can subscribe to just our show right there's a tomorrow daily like sub yeah I know we have like a show page and I like I don't really get pulled over there or I I gotta look they were managing so many things it's really hard and potentially managing them very poorly so I really need to go any potentially we are we are managing them very poorly poorly i would say i stay on top of the tumblr like there's always I thought yeah the phone tog refers are trouble girl I don't know what the is that it I tell your time lateral tablet but ok and then and Twitter like I try to stand out alright so where I'm on Aug to comment but I don't we should do the other jerky guys subscribe to that and just be updated with that no you don't you know and if you're just hearing the show like if you're listen yeah if you're just listening on the iTunes podcast don't forget to rate a review and also if you're everywhere don't forget to follow us on our own personal Twitter's yes i'm at ashley skeleton on that kayla and that's it for the show today we will be back tomorrow with a brand new doc of weird future check science robot space pop culture everything in between science fact science fiction crashing right here this is what we do but until then vegan humans will see you guys next you
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