Tomorrow Daily - 144: The best robot training montage you'll ever see
Tomorrow Daily - 144: The best robot training montage you'll ever see
on today's show Robert Downey jr.
otherwise known as Iron Man it gives a
bionic arm to a very special recipient a
photographer goes remote spelunking in a
cave with the drone and also we're gonna
show you the greatest robot training
montage video you've ever seen in your
life and that's a guarantee
tomorrow daily
bringing citizens to the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk-show in the known universe I'm your
host Ashley sceva joining me today
because kale is off gallivanting around
in Austin with the likes of Sir
mix-a-lot and other Oh famous folks
Brian Bishop of the Adam Carolla Show
best-selling author and also co-host of
the podcast the film vault my god that's
an impressive resume that is a the world
that's why we asked you to come back
because your resume is just it's like 30
pages yeah it's overwhelming what's the
other halfway through like fine just
have the guy on no it's just a Nobel
Peace Prize just go the list goes on and
on volunteer work I mean it's really
impressive I do appreciate I appreciate
you having me back and I'm excited to do
the show yeah we have some really good
stories today and we're happy to have
you too so uh why not well let's not
waste any more time let's hit the
so this video has been making the rounds
on the internet right obviously
onion cutting ninjas kicking up dust
everywhere because I got a little there
was something in my eye a little dusty
in the dusty it was really terrible I
mean like I don't know what was going on
but it just it felt like maybe a
windstorm kicked up in my house no
excusable allergies the changing of the
weather has to be a change in the
weather spring is coming is the season
our point is got a little misty Brooklyn
so there's a guy out there named Albert
Manero and for this is first and
foremost this guy to me is a hero he is
a Fulbright Scholar and he's also a
doctoral student in mechanical
engineering he partnered with the man
himself Robert Downey jr. as Robert
Downey jr. it basically was playing Tony
Stark to present these fantastic Bionic
arms that Albert makes to this kid Alex
so Albert has a volunteer group called
limba limitless but with a little bit
less like limb limbs you're googling in
its limbitless yeah that build and
donate 3d printed bionic limbs to kids
in need and so usually it costs about
$40,000 to make a bionic arm I'm shocked
us that little it which is expensive but
also sometimes you see some of the
things that these arms can do and you're
like that actually seems incredible like
a bargain and these were this was 3d
printed right this is okay so yeah
they're printed and he was able to
Albert was able to make this bionic arm
not the one that Robert Downey jr. is
going to show you but the one for Alex
the kid has is way more impressive it's
so so cool it's an actual like Iron Man
looking bionic arm he was able to make
it for just three hundred and fifty
dollars in materials if he should point
out if they haven't seen the video the
viewers that the child was born with an
underdeveloped arm this he has one arm
he has an underdeveloped arm his right
arm is underdeveloped and he is so
adorable in this video he first of all
we love both of you and I love this
Bryan we were talking about how when he
when this kid realizes when Alex
realizes it's really Robert Downey jr.
you can see on his face he's like keep
it cool man yeah cool keep it together
keep it together I know
oh my gosh this is our man I'm so
excited and it's really neat because
Robert Downey jr. comes in he of course
puts on the Tony Stark
pitamah the persona he's so cool but
he's also so kind and compassionate to
do this and they compare Bionic arms
right which is fantastic and I love that
he tells Alex he's like my yours is
better it is better and my favorite
moment like you mentioned is actually
when Robert Downey jr. realizes the kid
knows who he is
he looks character for a second he does
like a genuine fist pump like he's like
really excited that this whole thing's
working is like yes yeah yes genuinely
like cool with the whole thing yeah do
we have like a producer Logan do we have
a clip of like hit them actually talking
together I don't know if we ran the one
with the it was probably in there but it
was early on it was probably a third
sure so yeah it's so great and we I just
want to let you guys know that if you
would like to learn more about this
particular project my this is actually
part of an initiative that Microsoft is
doing called the collective project and
they are featuring stories about
students who are kind of making really
great positive changes in their
communities and so Albert totally wins
our good human award yeah high-five see
you Albert but you can go and look up
hashtag collective project that's like
how you can find out more about
everything and I'm sure if you googled
Microsoft collective project you'd be
able to see all the other projects that
they're doing but so awesome limitless
but Li MB IT and just great stuff from
Albert so thank you Albert for being
such an awesome person helping out a kid
in need and making it so cool and keep
it up
yeah keep up the great work um so tell
me about these son
drums flunking I appreciate when you
pick the stories for who's gonna say
what you give me the one with the the
obscure Vietnamese cave I don't try to
pronounce your design that was on
purpose in Hong Son Doong that's
actually great prudence is that it home
sung dong they is apparently the is it
the world's largest cave and we have a
largest cave it's in Vietnam it's three
over three miles long is six hundred and
sixty feet high 490 feet wide that's
gigantic this photographer Ryan Ryan to
boot he decided to get a
a quadrocopter he got a canon camera a
gopro and he basically sent it into this
cave and made this beautiful six-minute
video that I would kill I would call it
very tranquil like it's got beautiful
photography and beautiful sound and the
music I mean we're seeing the footage of
this video and it's really amazing to me
that there's all this flora there's like
trees and an entire ecosystem inside of
this dad is crazy three to four hidden
cave it's pretty amazing if if you're
watching this at work and you're
distressed out take a little break once
you're done go watch a six-minute video
of like this crazy cave exploration you
know tiny people are in this video and
that's that's the thing that blew my
mind when we checked out this footage
was you it doesn't look really large
until you see people for scale yeah
that's helpful when there are people and
they show the cool time-lapse
photography inside the cave with the
shuns like the sun shining through it's
yeah this makes me want to go there but
I also am like I'm always scared of like
a natural disaster blocking my way and
then I'll just never get out yeah but
what a story but what a second story to
tell cave how'd you get here yeah I've
got some great video I've got some great
drone footage so I this is a he actually
use don't see a DJI phantom 2 so this is
a pretty expensive drone if things like
1,600 or a couple grand okay she's got
some expensive gear going on here but
some of these shots you're never gonna
get any other way so drone drone
videography really this the only way
you're gonna get some of these shots the
next frontier is inside the cave I mean
you kind of like poked or like this one
you kind of poked around a little bit
got time-lapse what I'm talking about
people are that's amazing it's just I
mean really guys this is this makes me
want to go explore things except not
explore them I almost wonder it's worn
by proxy well let's see how this is
thinking I'm like this guy is gonna make
a killing at some point creating these
videos for virtual reality tours like
let's do that like so then that way I
will have my oculus rift next year and
then I'll just put it on and I'm like
hey guys I want to go to Hong Son Doong
and I wanna I want then I just pay my
five bucks or 10 bucks or
I get my little virtual tour and then
I'm good sounds fantastic I think it
sounds let's go right now let's let's do
so actually that brings us to our
hashtag of the day which is hashtag TD
Explorer and I'm really curious as to
what thing would you want to send out a
drone to see for you but would not want
to experience yourself so for example I
would love to climb Mount Everest via
drone right but I don't actually want to
be out in the snow and almost like kill
myself right getting up there that makes
sense yeah so send a drone that I not
actually experienced it yeah something
you would you wouldn't actually want to
be over be somewhere else you'd be
somewhere else and then you just send a
drone to go check it out for you
probably my own funeral like that's a
good answer I'd be somewhere else very
creative you would be it would be my
baby watching I got a bitch other
technicality Ashley yeah that is a
technicality but I will accept it I will
accept it well we'll we'll bend a little
space-time continuum a cup that's all
it's all good clearly I faked my own
death in this scenario or else and
you're in a cave very impossible to go
to exactly that's exactly what happened
so that's your hashtag add a TD Explorer
and then we have we've got to talk about
this robot montage so I saw this this
and just thought it was the best because
you know robots are people too except
they aren't and this YouTube user names
summer travel uploaded this video that
just brings me so much joy
these are Boston Dynamics humanoid
robots so if atlas and pet man this is
Alice right here pet man's a really
scary one looks like an actual pearl as
opposed to Atlas is not the scary one oh
yeah yeah the friendly looking what no
that's the last thing you ever see right
there I know I just I'm gonna do push up
and then shoot you oh well my nightmares
are nice and I stocked up for a while no
oh yeah you're gonna definitely but the
nice thing is is they set it to the
Scarface theme and I set it to credit to
these guys for not sending it to a very
obvious song solver rocky or something
they're gonna pick I consider a semi
obscure song from yeah from Scarface
soundtrack it's a pretty great ad style
workout montage yeah and they're working
out they're climbing stairs do push-ups
they're stumbling
rocks they're doing all kinds of stuff I
mean it just oh it's so good getting hit
by weights there's a boy over there far
more agile and athletic than me oh yeah
no I can't see I wouldn't be able to
climb myself up onto that look it he's
gonna jump
nope injury right there that's uh yep
that's definitely something that will
chase me and beat me like I yeah it will
chase me down this was no way this
activity results in me sending a drug
yeah exactly it's a precursor yeah
that's this is a prequel to much to our
previous story so I really love this but
I had to ask you because you are one of
the hosts of the film but in your
opinion what is the greatest film
montage of all time oh man
there's so many and of course the
obvious answer is like you know rocky 4
has a great montage rocky 3 every rocket
has a Blood Ties there's one I would
recommend people will track it down on
youtube or on the internet and find it
it's a you ever seen the rules of
attraction with james van der beek
I haven't okay there's a very NSFW
montage it's very good very funny but
put your headphones on you'll want to
play us and blast this one in the office
but it's very funny it's about a guy's
trip to Europe it's condensed into about
two minutes and it's it's a good it's a
solid montage funny little adult humor
but good stuff I really like the one
from I like the montage parody I in
Captain America
yeah very self-aware moms are so good so
good um but yeah so that is our set of
headlines for today we're gonna take a
quick break we'll be right back with the
weirdest back at our hack one of the
weirdest backer Hackett's I think I have
chosen on this show it's so strange and
also we have your user feedback from
last week and our phone talker for the
day so don't click away it's tomorrow
welcome back to the show once again I'm
here with Brian Bishop best-selling
author and crawl show right thumb vault
all true philanthropist that's true
playboy billionaire working on it
working on okay good I like it so every
week we like to talk to you guys about
crowdfunding projects that are trying to
get off the ground some of them make it
some of them don't we like to say if we
are into it or not so this is back at
our Hackett I have some questions about
this okay this is called rocket book all
right let me explain rocket book to you
so this is a notebook which seems pretty
straightforward a notebook like a tablet
or notebook like something you write in
physically write in notebook I'm already
losing for you get your things
yeah okay so the idea is you have this
notebook 50 pages you use a pen special
pen okay called a pilot FriXion pen okay
and you write in there and then you use
the app or you use it like a regular
like you would pen and ink yeah
pen in a book and along the bottom there
are some little symbols you can mark
them and then the app actually will read
all of these things and send your stuff
- whatever cloud service you work so
like let's say you have the crown goes
to Google Drive and then so you scan it
as though you the scan a check to
deposit yes very similar and it uploads
that I believe is a JPEG to any of these
services which is pretty cool is
Evernote and you got email Dropbox
Google Drive all that good stuff um so
here's where it gets weird
okay so you've uploaded your notes you
got everything in there and oh man your
notebooks full like you 50 pages that's
a lot of notes but you know hey maybe
you are taking a an O chem class or
something sure oh and you got a you you
go buy a new notebook usually not with
rocket book because it is microwave safe
and this pen the pilot FriXion pen right
the ink disappears when it is exposed to
heat you pop the book into the microwave
yes set it and cook it set it and forget
it okay 30 seconds and you cook it and
when you're done the book is blank and
you can start all over again wow that is
that not the weirdest thing that is
weird I also read and you're in the
notes you sent me that it can be done up
to 25 times
what it is or some number like that yeah
so they say they recommend in the FAQ
they recommend 25 erases like around
that amount ok so you get about 25
notebooks sure 50 pages each what's the
retail on this do they have any 25
dollars okay so it's a $0.50 of page 2
bucks a page you get 2 bucks a page 25
um it's 25 bucks and you got a 50 page
rock book comes a pen friction pen and I
think for higher levels of commitment on
the for backing on crowdfunding you get
like colors well sure yeah yeah all
these different weird things um but yeah
25 erase cycles they say that you have
June 2015 delivery so it's not going to
take forever thank God I can't wait for
my microwave book your microwavable
notebook um and apparently they're
definitely gonna happen because they
asked for $20,000 in funding and they
still have like I think 19 days left and
they're over $300,000 good for them
because we on the film wall where your
producer Logan knows we have a term we
liked it called needlessly elaborate
this is needlessly elaborate there are
many PC er ways and cheaper frankly
teachers not maybe there so you know
we're saving trees I don't know if you
are I don't think you're Bert hurting a
lot more than the production you're
radiating yourself if you microwave in
your writing like I worry about
radiation like I just and also it this
ink supposedly disappears when exposed
what does it go first of all yeah
where's the movie NV where does the
pooka well know it's like in Harry
Potter you're writing to Voldemort
obviously you put in the microwave all
your text actually gets uploaded to
Voldemort cloud services timely
reference super timely it's only 13
years old ten years old whatever um so
my question is this we live in Southern
California yes we do it gets very hot
here okay that's highly value what if
you're just bench and you're like
sketching and then all of a sudden it
just goes your magic ink is floating
away you're chasing after people chasing
after magic invisible ink in the air
would not be the weirdest thing you see
in a normal la day no that's very true
especially not in Venice Beach no
yeah anywhere near the water that would
not be the weirdest thing you saw in the
day another guy chases a little lake I
think I see people already doing that
but yeah so that's that is rocket book I
thought it was very interesting
super weird but also kind of one of
those things where it's like like you
said needlessly elaborate but also maybe
some people obviously did $300,000 worth
of people very very cool it's cool and I
appreciate the technology involved for
sure and hopefully this can be used for
something worthwhile someday but I can't
combine this I mean I was just thinking
about maybe like for school so you have
like you up there don't know all the
kids these days just bring in their
laptop or pet notepads or whatever I
don't know I mean I think I like to make
like I feel like if I write something
down I remember it better type it down
type it so I like I feel like I might
use this for like a lecture based class
or something like that I don't know like
that seems like the thing I would use it
for and then it's like every year you
don't have to keep buying notebooks you
just throw it in the microwave because
you I'm doing this I'm never gonna do it
again you just microwave it no I think
this could actually have a specifically
good application I used to actually be a
high school football coach for two years
and obviously we would take notes and
game stats & drop plays and some
okay we're dealing on notepad or you
know quite as easily yeah there should
be actually be a good thing if you're on
the sidelines maybe I know lacrosse or
soccer or football especially and trying
to draw up you know stats or notes or
plays or whatever and then you could
scan them and upload them so that would
actually be an interest and then
everyone has access to like that it's
like so tough yeah it's as if you're if
you're an NFL coach or even college
coach you have a staff of 25 30 people
so you see that being actually a very
specifically good application okay fair
enough fair enough I just convinced
myself you did so are you gonna say back
in are you in back at or half these guys
don't need my help obviously they're
over through her mm would you buy it you
know what I would actually I would in a
shark tank style I get behind this and
try and pitch it to like the NFL in two
doublea's okay good all right I like it
I say back it if only for I would I
would back it in a business sense and I
would try to get it into university
bookstores okay that's where I would try
to get into okay guys so we have to talk
about you now it's time to talk about
you it's user feedback
so last week we did a story about the
Netflix hack day where they were able to
get Netflix running on an 8-bit NES
right and it was awesome and we asked
everybody to use the hashtag TV rig to
talk about like well how they would sort
of rigged up ways new ways to watch sure
nice to watch alright
so Tyler wrote in to us and said use
binaural audio for TV shows to create a
sense of realism or use oculus for TV
shows to where you can interact inside
the screens hmm I understood most of
those words yes this is seen it's so
good for you yes and then and then we
had Ally right in and he said two things
number one extended scene a battleground
or martial art fight or two slow motion
so that's you would be able to kind of
get into those things like you could rig
everything up to like watch that
extended scenes and stuff Richard Burton
said if you have VR I would like you to
be able to pause the scene and walk
through the set that's pretty cool yeah
cool they'd be that cool thing to offer
like if your Kickstarter raising money
for like you know a movie or something
like that you could walk through the set
it was set to her sectoral this amount
of backing if that would be awesome
Neil wrote in and said a choose your own
adventure that takes the majority of
votes every day at ed Brad break and
decides the next part of the show
Oh like a live streaming
I think we should do that instead of
those NBC musicals well that'd be great
hey super good what the Peter Pan just
jump off them she's your venture feed
yourself to the crocodile everybody of
course the internet would make it
everybody died within the first ten
minutes that would be it'd be a very
short holiday special except for
Christopher Walken who would be dancing
at his hook confidence yeah for the rest
of the time like fill the time that's it
end of story
and then lastly Rick wrote in to us and
said a drinking game on Netflix whenever
a character dies a pop-up shows to drink
same thing for Breaking Bad okay like a
game of Thrones or a game of Netflix I
like this I like this idea but also
we're a family show so drink it could be
milk water
listen drinking that much milk could
kill you that's true serve a dirty good
drink too much water
yeah water intoxication that's bad
Netflix presents severe alcohol
poisoning unreal poisoning mmm yes
severe Mel point
and then lastly we asked just as a joke
last week we're asking like what how
would you say tomorrow daily and Klingon
oh boy
so Adam wrote in to us and he said
according to Bing Translate oh no
tomorrow every day translates to I don't
know how to save this and click on you
want to give it a shot
I don't want to give it a shot that that
would get me arrested well what you gave
me the cave first and I can't well now
you're on a roll well that's justice
okay Clark I'll buy that well that's
just luck he says there's no Klingon
word for daily so it has to be everyday
out of the authorities are headed over
your house right now yes sorry about
that so that is our that is our user
feedback and of course we have our very
last piece of user feedback which is
always our phone talker for the day
Thomas wrote in to us he had a really
nice picture he's his Moto G to take it
I says I took this picture on my Moto G
2014 Waze walking on the beach I took
this picture because we don't get many
days where it's sunny here in Ireland
and you can see the island clearly I
hope you like the picture beautiful I
would have never guessed that picture
came from Ireland it looks like it's
some wonderful tropical island it looks
Hawaiian like Molokini or something yeah
it's like a little volcano island in the
distance or something it's really good I
love this I love that it came from
so delightful but I do feel like this
image and we've been talking about this
the last few episodes is ripe for
something to add to like we're gonna add
something this image Oh meme this image
or something so for example last week we
had Jeff Goldblum running with left
shark like wheat there's a beach picture
it was really nice and there's a bonfire
so we have left shark somebody
photoshopped left shark in and Jeff
Goldblum running with floaties okay very
good so you have to explain it to me I
so what do you think I mean could we see
the image more time what could we add to
this to really make it like Pulitzer
prize-winning photography you know what
right shark isn't getting nearly enough
attention it's all left shark we have
right shark just maybe like swimming
like morosely saying what about me you
like looking up his hands so basically
you guys like take left shark and just
flip him horizontally yeah and then make
a sad face yeah turn to smiley face
upside down that's my
upside-down sad he's bummed right shark
has got now not getting nearly enough
attention he doesn't get any love
everybody loves left shark right shark
is the straight man in the whole
operation live sharks free to be like
crazy soil everybody loves left shark
but really you would have no left shark
for that right sure thank you what's the
law shock would be nearly as good that's
for everything there has to be yang
that's exactly words okay on that note
we are gonna close out the show if you
want to send in your phone tog Rafi to
be considered to be featured you can
email us tomorrow at you can
also email us tips tricks hair hair
styling ideas dare you eyebrow styling
ideas face eyebrows like it's good and
and also you can send over stuff to us
on social media where tomorrow daily on
snapchat tumblr facebook instagram
twitter and google+ wear tomorrow daily
TV we're all over the robbed of the shop
on the internet rob the place it's hard
not to find them is pretty tough and
then and then of course if you are
watching on youtube hi guys hi youtubers
make sure you like subscribe and also
comment because we cuz kale does still
read your comments even though he's at
South by Southwest he's still combing
through them well he's at South by you
could call it South by Southwest is
South by South myself that means you're
like an older fancy right we got it
South Bay's the cool way South but some
address South by South by and then and
then if you're listening or watching via
iTunes make sure you rate and review us
cuz that always helps get get more
people to watch which we always like and
then of course how do we find how do we
find you on the internet Brian well I am
on Twitter at bald Brian Brian with a
why and I have a book out it comes out
at paperback in a couple of months but
you can get on a hardcover now wherever
finer books are sold it's called
shrinkage shrinkage and it's not what
you think it's funny and sad it's funny
and sad and also it's sadly funny sounds
like money and maybe and I would say
uplifting in a way yeah you'll have to
read it to find out if it's a YA ongoing
story very good um and and then of
course like you said you're like we were
mentioning your on and pearl your all
official alcoholic shows everyday on
iTunes of course and film ball once a
week on Fridays good fun film discussion
what we do fire Logan occasionally we
also fire producer Logan occasionally
but then we welcome him back with open
arms and
because we'd loved him we love you
producer Logan all right guys on that
note I am signing off I'll be back
actually tomorrow was a new guest host
I've Armand a toy in tomorrow who is a
friend of mine he is super he's like
super gay there's a 12 years old host
he's not 12 years old
Elizabeth but has the delightful
imagination of a 12 okay elephant that's
something so if you would like to tune
in tomorrow I highly encourage you to do
so and we will be back with a brand new
docket of weird technology science
robots future everything all the good
stuff pop culture and until then vegan
humans we'll see you next time bye
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