
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - Birdly uses VR, a fan and your flapping arms to simulate flight, Ep. 151

on today's show a really cool virtual reality set up that makes you fly like a bird and the Transformers finally here yes they're in China though but so lookit we'll get to that oh okay and Boeing patents something that looks mysteriously like a force field exciting tomorrow daily greetings citizen to the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek talk show in the known universe Rios Ashley skeletron me as always uppercutting the sky kill anonymous so that was a slum 125 hired 20 FPS that was on a gopro yeah it's really good but yeah so I you did you get a chance to play any video games lately I know is I've been playing final fantasy 14 a lot still um look out Louisville I got an axe like a bug power leveling right now sounds like trivia crack add me as I'd so boys we're about to all start playing trivia crack together and we're late to the game super whatever runs late to that game but that's it's fine uh we have some I'm a story this first story is so exciting that you might you're gonna freak out so you haven't seen the video for it so let's hit headlines okay so we talked about handy at South by Southwest the hand I was powered by the smartphone okay I thought that was my favorite thing coming out of South by Southwest oh how wrong I was because I saw today birdly and we're gonna talk about birdly because it is an oculus rift which you know okay fine gives you an experience of like being a bird no this is an entire machine that you get in and you put your hands on these little slats at the end of the wings and you flap them like a bird and there's a fan in the front that blows air onto your face Kayla you're missing it look please look at this amazing machine your it's gonna be I'm gonna buy you this for Christmas this is what I'm gonna do so this was at South by Southwest oddly enough in front of the Google Fiber booth is little fiber like I don't know what this has to do I mean maybe fast internet like a bird like I'm not really sure what that correlation was but this is from the Institute for design research at the zurich University of the Arts and again use this oculus rift sonic feedback a fan and a rig that mitla hey you lay face down in it you have your oculus rift on and your arms are extended you have to flap your your wings Oh physically yeah if you look around you can even see your wings yeah you can see the wing and stuff so that's what it looks like it looks insane it looks totally insane it looks like something crazy that your grandpa built in the garage and it's like a girl come see this black in contraption i made like but with virtual reality it's like amazing it looks so fun do you want one i kind of want one no really good exercise I'll tell you what I'll tell you what this would be really cool if they build in like some sort of superhero simulator that's our imagined like you're like your ships man and then there's like little buttons you can sign man you're like flying we're on man um yeah the bird element is kind of weird well I'm sure that's like that sort of straightforward easy kind of accessible did anybody that you know in the articles try it and they were like no you may look dumb but it's really cool so we have footage of somebody who was at South by using it and they say that footage this is not ours not ours okay uh but the woman inside this kit like seemed to really enjoy it she's like wow she was pretty excited all right and there was a guy to I think that didn't he enjoyed it as well so I'd like they seem to be very fascinated you know all right so it's a different way of using google maps totally kind of look remember fly over the place see your house you pick what barbecue you're gonna write and then you swoop down and you steal it and then you fly away that's it that's an incredible that's an incredible leap in virtual reality while the bird was just an interesting could a weird application though I wouldn't have thought of but now that I see it it seems so obvious yeah that's what it is it's again it'd be really cool if it was like a superhero thing but yeah and I guess now you can you can really make that joke like I just flew in from whatever wherever and boy my arms are tired cuz your arms will actually be tired and that was the worst joke that's the worst guys that's the low point of the show I promise okay girl tell me about transformers okay so you know everybody loves transformers dad they do right well no more than this man in China okay who decided I'm he's just gonna start making transformers and he's using he's basically using used car parts and stuff to make these these uh transformers because you know transformers are made as you do there are parts yeah oh my God look how big that one is yes so these these are gigantic it's like a 20 foot tall transformer holy crap yeah so he uses scrap parts from a bus and Carson make these transformer models the first model he made took three years to finish Wow so it was the labor of love but now he's actually selling them profitably sold um what where do i send a check okay so he's making over 1 million what is this you you want oh yeah you want chinese yeah sorry every year now and yeah they're gigantic so they're actually making a profit what started out is kind of like a hobby is now like a business for these guys he's not a Chinese farmer anymore yeah transformers was the biggest movie in China ever so it's like it's the biggest Wow the biggest like grossing movie in China yeah that's I mean because quite it was actually it took place in China and was like one of the most recent one was the transformers 4 interesting with Mark Wahlberg so yeah there you go wobble what so that the big giant transformers I mean they don't transform down into like a car I don't know what the scale is unbelievable giant statue it's like having it it's like that city in Japan that has a 150 foot Gundam like in front of the city it doesn't do anything yeah there yeah it's incredible I've distorting your house so there you go if you want one of them you can contact him I don't have to contact information will have the show with old notes trainee China transformer builder builder sure you'll find it yeah thank our builder ma'am that's pretty cool it's just it's just cool to see people love that craft engines oh so that's making money all right hash tag of the itd junk TD junk what would you if you had a bunch of scrap parts and you can build anything let's say we actually had any kind of building knowledge we could make something cuz i have legos okay all right let's say you make anything what would you make I'd make an asshole from water world's oh I would I would I would make a little water world village in the middle of the ocean holiday and just by myself because nobody else wants to live in water world except for me Kayla stand the sight of a post apocalyptic stuff the sovereign aquatic it was either that or Megaton I'm going with the fact that its Megaton from fallout um I'm going with that that's gonna look crappy because we're using I look terrible so either megaton but I'm gonna go with the asshole because the from water world's is a floating island like a crap I like it so what about you I would go with a i think i would go with a spaceship like a giant weight i build a studio for us to do the show in on a spaceship it like and make it look like a spaceship like made out of junk like that's what i would make the the place where they live in mystery science theater 3000 yeah there we are k yeah let's do that yeah or we can real my first idea was like oh Millennium Falcon you can make that out of crap cuz that's a big hug big hunk of junk big hunk of junk this is I feel like there's a lot serenity from firefight yeah kind of it I didn't want those who were kind of the obvious answers I wanted to like yeah I wanted to get a little out of that let anybody that was thinking inside the box so very that but they're really good at thinking outside the box so TD junk t junk that's for you um okay we got to talk about force fields Boeing Boeing just filed for a patent okay and I don't know if a lot of you guys know this Boeing you probably know makes planes but they also are a security and defense company so they do a lot of stuff for military purposes like they make stuff for military use vehicles things like that so um they just got a patent granted to them named method and system for shock wave attenuation via electromagnetic arc and that kind of lay man's down to the force feels a little bit it's a little bit like a force field so this is obviously not this this page is actually from Boeing I found okay so on cnet we have this article up about the same thing and this guy made this patent yogi video guy made this video and it's actually it's like not a bad video and it kind of shows the patents and stuff so I thought guys are generally good job of illustrating exactly what it means so here's we're not quite in the realm of sci-fi movies it's not going to create a little force field around you that you're gonna you know oh no like no one's ever going to be able to shoot me or stab me or anything because I have a force field around no this is for protecting things that are near explosions so let's say there's a vehicle or a structure that you want to protect this patent has a sensor that would detect the explosion shockwave if it thinks that it's going to hit the target that you're trying to protect an arc generator would create a plasma field between the target you wanted to protect and the explosion and that plasma field would be made with lasers electricity and microwaves and they would heat and ionize the air so then so it would make it either a different temperature a different density or a composition then the shock wave coming at you then atmosphere around it so when the shock wave comes at it it basically acts as sort of like a an invisible buffer between the explosion and the target so it puts something here that changes the density of the air and makes it less likely that this target will be damaged by an explosion fuses it in a way it doesn't like block it complete this important completely this is it that's still cool by the way amazing video I know yeah it was really good i saw and i was just like ok this actually illustrates it very well so I good job Patti nice so so that's so no did boeing respond and me like hey wait a minute it's the patents granted granted it they're working on it and that's a thing that I mean obviously there are a lot of applications not only for you know maybe not only for military but maybe even just for building so let's say for example there is you know some sort of explosion and you want to protect your building from say a gas explosion or an earthquake and that that causes explosions things like that like I mean I could see where this would be a very handy piece of tech not a place is that this would work I'm sure it's just the beginning for Boeing just reach different applications for this sort of electromagnetic arc which i think is rough future military stuff it's like way beyond like what we even know it really has had got like laser gun have you heard that theory that like I heard it once when I think I was like 12 years old somebody told me they were like whatever you hear about any military in the world like developing there they're literally like two days plus BPO oh yeah yeah no I think we've all heard that I just dont worry yeah they actually have a visibility soon they actually can teleportation that's yeah they got rocket packs it's just they're up in space right now fighting space wars and we got no idea exactly exactly no I love this this is old news yes totally like really really but I think it's cool that they got this patented and they're they're gonna move forward with with this sort of technology so good for you bowing this is awesome yeah nicely done alright we're going to take a quick break we're going to come back with into it because it's the last day of our show this week and of course we have your user feedback a lot of you guys want some canceled shows to come back and we have our phone tiger for the day and it's a note for picture just like you asked so stick around is tomorrow daily welcome back to the show we have returned is Thursday which means we're obsessed with stuff just like every week on Thursday when we're obsessed with something so it is time for into it all right killed would you like to go first yes okay so not only does in May do we start the summer movie season but we also start summer music festivals get out your flowers Rams whole bunch of music festivals odds I mean this is a this is a big thing in California especially we have tons of music festivals all the artists that are promoting albums and some of them that are just trying to make a little a little small come back so uh yeah so it now it's a mad scramble to try and buy tickets for these everything $400 tickets for stuff like that so here's some of the ones that that we're excited about work said about outside lands a kind of excited by dte DC electric daisy carnival are generally excited about Coachella yeah Milan Coachella's one for celebrities it's okay um yeah it's great because you know a lot of videos come out on youtube of like oh my God look who showed up at such-and-such concert or look who died on stage or whatever I don't know what's happening Logan what's the one you're going to okay he's gonna hang out fast so hit up Logan if you're going to hang out yes meet up with them can follow on Twitter yeah and so yeah we're really excited about a lot of these if you are going to any of them let us know we're going to the we're going to them and I'll say what's up yeah so like kale and Logan are really big music like you guys are really into going out I just like rats yeah not all sorts of stuff so I'm a lazy homebody and so I don't get out as much but I do go to places every now and again I like that i'm a lady i go to places every now and again i might go i might go out I don't know and take my dry cleaning somewhere I might leave the house and do that okay like sometimes I'll leave the house all right do you want to know what I'm into it better be fast uh every music fest it's not um but it does speak to my my willingness to be a lazy homebody it is called fan TV and fancy V reminds me a little bit of herbs our TV fan reminds me a little bit of can I stream it the website can i stream it yes which is great it's good but it's hard to navigate on mobile it's kind of a nightmare and it loads a little bit slow so um TV fan is a nap by fan TV that's why I mix them up fan hatton owns them so we did this I film this on my on my iPhone I literally captured straight from iphone this is the app and here it as you can see like what's in theaters now what's opening this week there's trailers you can see what free movies are on the internet I thought that was really cool if you go into the second column you can check out all of the different stuff you can search for whatever you want so I look for breaking bad and I'm going to tap on it and you can see it's going to show me literally everything I ever needed to know about breaking bad it'll give me an episode guide it'll tell me when it's on TV if I am logged in like and pick my isp my service provider it'll show you exactly where you can watch it so we'll see Oh Netflix you can play it right now you can stream it right now you can buy it on itunes for this price you can do this you can do this so it'll tell you exactly where everything is it's really crazy you're just format I love how everything is set up it's just really stunning and one of the other things i really like is you can go in the app Logan can you pull up Mike my own individual camera really quick so you can go into the app and I'm just going to show you really quick you can go into my services and you get all of the different services from like all the different channels like Hulu and a and E and AMC like every single channel or service you can think of is on this list Wow and you can say I don't use that service so I all unchecked like a Cinemax like I don't subscribe to Cinemax oh okay I'll uncheck that so now it just won't show up in my surgery that's incredible it's a really intuitive it's a super good app and as it's free um and I really I dig it and it'd be your ads or something no no not the next and it's only for iOS or is also free Android they okay so it's only for iOS right now they had a thing though this is the refreshed like they rebuilt this app like from the ground up okay so this was the brand new kind of relaunch of TV fan and what they're doing is they're working on it a not only are they working on other versions for other os's mobilizes but they're also working on a web compatible one so you can pull it up literally on any device even if it doesn't have a nap so Windows Phone or a lot of devices and you'd be able to use it for rather have a nap so they're like we can use it from the web I'd rather have an apt to but but if you have let's say a Windows Phone and maybe they're not making an appt then you'd be able to go to the web version of it and you'd be able to pull up the and use it just a working yeah this is fine but I dig it you can no doubt they have a they have an online like a website version of it so if you go to fam TV it's there but add that's what I'm into right now like i dig this so much i think it's so cool and I love that it's all at my fingertips and I can just say like oh is that streaming like oh I gotta I gotta find out if that's like actually on netflix or if i have to rent it this is gonna this app is gonna stress you out soon but like I have so many things cool i know you can put everything i what am i going to do with my life you can also put it on your staying and i go to any fest you can you that's true i won't go to any fest because of this but you can put in um things that are out that you are waiting for to like show up on streaming services and it'll notify you when they pop up dad I like which is really really cool they can be like you and you can choose like daily or you can choose weekly so it's like if you're like please don't bother me like you can have it just send you every week just say okay these are on these things on your watch list are now which is pretty cool so I got everything covered alright totally like it that's what I'm into good nice hopefully you guys if you try it and if you enjoy it if you hate it you can blame me that's fine um alright you ready to talk about you ready to talk about what everybody wants all right let's go into this you go you go okay so two days there's a lot of good ones I'm sure there are two days ago we have so many responses on YouTube Twitter everywhere email of people saying what show they want to bring back for a little TV event because of the x-files being brought back so um Rob wrote to us and said TD event millennium another Chris Carter series which it was very short-lived you don't remember it did you watch pop rock you did I showed you yeah I did put some move on okay did I pick one from YouTube okay so from YouTube we have John paddocks at pushing daisies should be brought to netflix for Gracie's and people that definitely watch it there thank you thank you um and then we have mark he says more sci-fi the ended too soon v from ABC needs a real ending plus the aliens were just super model humans that was a good show mark do you member that show didn't watch it that was a really good show it was and it was a reno but I get there's a look there's my just about to watch now I'm a big TV like history but like I'm all about it's okay okay Eric Hayden from from YouTube said Batman Beyond finished too quickly oh good I don't know the return of Joker was a nice little button on the end of that one okay I could man I think you think that was at the end but anyway okay i'll give you that no days off tweeted flash forward I understand most shows that make people think there we go our pin band canceled since reality TV kills brain cells but please those guys are playing with fire though the flash for there's like this show will never end we won't answer any of your questions and then it got cancelled people are like so then what happened I got it can I have one more for you there's tons we have times we've tons of but so em from YouTube and I don't have it if you can watch okay pull up pull up my screen Oh huh em you just you see just made that thing go to sleep Senate game genie cousin and game genie coach we always ask for Game Genie coach so now you have to have something about it to that cuz we also got some in our email okay so um Frederick says I would love to see fringe come back I sure Shannon says I would love to see the greatest american hero brought back to see where the characters are now everything all right right Nick said my vote for TD event is almost human and wife wants to vote for Star Trek Voyager yeah almost human didn't get its chance they're like mixed up the episodes and kept moving the day they fireflight it John says two shows they should bring back as terra nova staying with fox shows that got canceled because they need to finish the boat and math simple storyline and surface because i would like to know what happens after the east and west coast camp flooded so it seems like sci-fi really gets screwed over a lot of people search by a lot of people sci fi and then lastly david wrote and said when I was a kid 100 or so years ago all the shows i really liked inevitably got canceled after one season 1 i'd like to see was a superhero comedy called captain nice and then he sent in the wikipedia script anxiety never heard of this police chemist Carter Nash a mild-mannered mama's boy who discovered a secret formula that when taken transformed him into an explosive burst of smoke into Captain nice as mentioned it star william daniels a great actor better known now for his work as the voice of Knight Rider and mr. Feeny mr. Feeny I was created by book Henry the comedy writer who hosted SNL a bunch of times it was funny stuff on its own but love to see it going after the current superhero craze even its packaging could be a parody of the comic book miniseries concept love that one that's a deep dive that's going way back yeah that's a reach basically a new IP they like a fresh CIP that's a reboot to bittorrent I like it uh and then of course Joel Schumacher sent in a game genie code and he said joel schumacher thank you I said oh thanks for Batman and Robin um thought I was done in my favorite Super Mario Brothers game GD code for the NES and ul TKA this turns all enemies added toads hard to find online but I included an image for reference love the show I like that he included an image that really brings it together kale and then he said kale and Ashley 4 2016 presidential election so no no I don't want that job I like this one I'm too busy not doing anything I really like to take care of the nation yep Chester also sent us a huge load of Game Genie code so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna post all your game genie codes on our tumblr and you can just anytime you just go referee screwed with me why all of a sudden we've been mentioning the game show you gene codes thing like months but we've said yesterday I haven't gotten any we were like we're complaining about it and everybody sent in Game Genie now we have to do a live stream where we use your game genie code can we do that I don't think we can no Cena hates when we play video games no that's not true you know that's not true I mean I mean rigging and NEX to stream on Twitch lien here's a modulator guess I gotta figure yeah we got I got that no problem excellent well uh ok so that was your user feedback there was so much more we're really sorry couldn't get to everybody it was literally a it was it was like Hogwarts like getting the letters if they were just coming in like comments were coming in all through the ceiling huh it was insane oh I'm not it was it was so good and thank you for that great sorry we couldn't get to all of them um ok time for our very last piece user feedback photogra for the day the very delightful Mary sent us a picture from a note for ok so here we go are you ready she said utterly love the camera on my note for here is a quick picture of the first daffodil of the spring from my front yard she didn't send it in response to yesterday's are you just picked it no she sent in response because it it came in that email came in after we said like sending pictures of you know yeah so she said oh I act early love I am on board with this camera it's looking out a bright and cheerful that daffodil looks it's there so much hope yeah for the spring I don't even I don't even want out anything to it it's just so cheer it makes me so happy the color though like see that's it cuz so rich again I'm very into this net like very very into this cuz I just went through the like process of buying my new phone yeah I don't like my camera now no I was thinking about getting the note and I kind of wish I did know he almost I could get my daffodil pictures in and I marry kill almost got a note but then decided it was too big to big hand it was cuz when I was holding it like there's a little unwieldy I don't like my grip isn't that strong and so when I held it up to my head I borrowed somebody's itself by and I was like this is if this slips out of my hand even just cuz I hands are greasy from BBQ no it's just like so ended up in the m8 i will say if you are not sure you want to get a large phone like a tablet as where I hate that phrase but if you want to get a large phone and over like a 5-inch phone or five and a half inch phone or even a 6-inch phone my suggestion to you is if you really like large screens yeah you will get used to it I was I don't know or the six i went from the iphone 5s to the 26 plus which is a little bit taller than the note but also the know is a little wider notice wider and that's the issue honestly but the thing is is you get used to it and like I almost took this back at least twice there were days work for two weeks I was like I think I don't think I like this I think I gotta take it back and then but then I got you saying now I don't ever want to go back like I know exactly why i like i love the larger screen like I don't want to go back the six plus is kind of the sweet spot honestly it'sit's not to what that was again the issue is like I can't like my cameraman well you know yeah it wasn't like I could get a good grip on it but the iphone just small enough so like so like hold it and like kind of put my hand cuz it's that locking position that I needed okay so but masa I like I that's our breakdown of all the cellphones at 2015 catch us next time on cnet yep exactly monster trucks sunday sunday sunday I like the end I was like to end with the most lunatic art we did you take it this if you make it this far in the episode right off the receipt yeah you see our brains kind of unravel now this is our professionalism is gone by the end of the episode so if you would like to contribute to the show in a way if you like photo shops where I think we're good on game GG codes for now but if you want to send maybe a treasure to family recipe I'll take that or if you want to send in your phone tog raphy today you can do that tomorrow at cnet com we're also on social media snapchat tumblr twitter facebook Instagram tomorrow daily and tomorrow daily TV over on google+ and if you're watching on youtube we read some your comments you guys have been really really stepping up with the comments which is awesome pretty good does yeah because i mean i would like for us to start supporting youtube a little bit more well we've got our men got our hands on a lot of plates but like I really want to focus a little bit more on youtube so thank you guys for doing that don't forget to like favorite and subscribe because everybody to do that but we mean it we're serious you don't you well but anyway so do you you know I met him too oh okay no both of you and her but uh so anyway don't forget to live here and subscribe and also if you're listening on the iTunes podcast that's another thing that I really enjoyed thank you for letting these are the reason I mentioned these are my favorite ones now the itunes podcasts don't forget to rate and review and i dare someone to leave at game genie code in the thing ever i love tomorrow daily here's how you beat Fester's quest or something like that anyways quest okay let's not worry about anyway so and I don't forget to follow us on our personal Twitter's I'm Matt Cail anonymous and i'm at ashley said yeah I finally have my phone back so I can tweet he can actually tweet again my tweets today we're about jesse eisenberg ball he looks so good as Lex Luthor you guys we haven't seen it please look it up it's in black and white just like all the other DC character reveals but what looks pretty cool i retweeted some of the beta color oh okay great we don't their color eyes unless you google it or Paul comes with it that's very true alright guys I that is it for us for this week we will be back on Monday with a brand new show filled with science technology robots space whatever else we can get our hands on pop culture and everything in between but until then vegan humans will see you next time you
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