
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - CES 2016, Day 3: A dog game console and Nerdist's Dan Casey (Tomorrow Daily 295)

on today's show a very special guest demonstrates a dog gaming console we also have a human being don't worry and his name is Dan Casey he's from the Nerdist and he's going to tell us some of his favorites from the CES show floor and he might also demonstrate a dog game console daily citizens of the Internet welcome to tomorrow daily domestique talk show in the known universe I'm Ashley 7 i'm jeff cannata and you have a guest joining us right at the top here yes will you please tell everybody what you're clever pet and pleased already who you are and what you do there this is dan Knutson the cofounders of clever pet i'm also the CTO CSO clever pet now tell us what the goal of clever pet is the goal of clever pet is to give America's dogs who spend a lot of time home alone one that people go off to work something meaningful and engaging to do all day long all right so you have done something very special for us here at cnet stage we actually have a very special guest Princess Fiona that's right we'll be joining us uh so if we could bring princess that's not just my stage that is not just a stage name and the name he gives the hotels when he stays out that odd this is all gonna just feel as adorable hi Frances Fiona are so cute look how unhappy she has to be left home alone like please note only mean she wants something ain't fun and engaging to do so uh we also have clever pet we have the console right down here and if you could walk us through how exactly it works that would be great yeah so what the console does is it presents simple games two dogs using lights and sounds it's got three light up touch pads at the front and it's got a speaker in the back so you can present simple puzzles when dogs solve the puzzles by pressing the right button at the right time they get a bit of their food for the day and it's connected to Wi-Fi so you can keep track of how they're doing all day long and we can we can adjust a difficulty in real time and you get adjust the difficulty like oh that's right food yeah that's okay i've been training animals for the last 13 years with computers and machines at people in neuroscience and we're taking the science of animal behavior and bringing it into the home excellent okay well let's uh can we can we test it out this seems like a really smart dog I don't know if this could work on a dog life is amazing okay so so she so so she's in a very simple game it starts out very easy yeah and don't my microphone just fell off here um it starts out very easy and all she has to do is express one of the lit up buttons okay any of them will work any of them will work at the references you could do it is already opened up know what you'll see over time is as she gets a few right the gamer get a little bit harder than the only only be two lit up and she's got a press with their nose alright is there a boss battle we're working on that are their dog raids cuz i have a few dots yeah they come up and take on for a better treat yes he says you know me only two of them are lit up oh no she pressed the middle one I do a flashing one yeah on another one Princess Fiona where's that food at oh gosh that's great that's so great so is there a danger of my dog becoming too clever ah well I don't know I mean I don't want my I don't want a dog to be smarter than me Oh video game I have enough problem with the kids on league of legends maybe you need a wing pup is Fiona will let you will let you go back to the green room and relax and we'll put roll bring the clever pet right up here onto the onto the desk so we can take a look at it oh no no no I think sunny day she will be Queen someday wait also cutest CES attendee I think I can reasonably give out that award uh Jeff I think I would like you to try this okay but I think we need to give you a dog man alright well that seems only fair right um don't Britain you have a theater your majored in theater so I need you off some masks work I need you to and use my proudest moment by the way channel a dog for me up I proudest on it pretend you're pretend you're your dog honor dad this is what I do for a living dogs don't doc are you ready yeah all right okay so it's gonna flash you okay so it these flash yeah that's right as you're harder less fun mm-hmm that's right mm-hmm I know you get I Tragon I gotta eat it I'm not gonna eat that is um I felt what it was like to be a dog it's me your dog in fact um this is cool this garden is a crowd fund right yeah that's right we did a Kickstarter yes so we had a thousand backers just under a thousand backers sign up to get one of these and we've opened pre-orders just during CES so you get them through tomorrow at our website oh so is the idea that we're going to be sitting at work with a little webcam watching the dog play video games uh yeah some people want to play like that so we have a mobile app so you can check in and see how your dog is doing we'll update that with how much they've eaten when they level up and I leveling up yeah dogs the dogs will rule us all Jagran soon my dog will be able to play fallout for me just let me know how it went oh my god to be a cleric yes uh so it any other levels of complexity it's pushing light it so it starts really simple like this to get them to understand how to use a game you know we know how to use keyboards and pens and pencils but dogs don't understand what a button is so the first thing you have to do is teach them that from there we can do things like pattern games so my dog Artie plays pattern games he can press blue yellow white in a row my dog pool and we'll never figure that out I bet they would we got your daughter together as idiots so there that's unloving through nickname we called it whether Italian Greyhounds don't call them idiots uh I'm sorry everybody but the little offensive but they are not bright they are not bright animals and so I were I worry about buying this and having them just stare at it in bart i bet that they're more clever than you think if they like food this thing starts out very simply just by giving them food for free if my dogs are in fact too dumb to use this does clever pet offer a refund yes double-checking frenched uh yeah right dog just fellow I'm sorry so hungry I could figure out the video came from inside of starvation but it won't happen we haven't we haven't found a dog yet and we've been looking yeah so so have you seen measurable increases in chug intelligence capability I'm a scientist so I don't like to claim things before I have enough evidence to prove that so I'm really hoping we'll be able to find that and say definitively but we have seen definite behavioral changes in dogs what happens is dogs get home left home alone and in the best case they just sleep all day I'm not doing anything and they have all this pent-up energy right in the worst case they'll turn the energy onto the couch or worst cases they do what my dog does I gave you take ins who dug a hole in our mattress life yeah exactly exactly so they have they have all this energy and I want to use it they they evolved alongside us to have jobs so we want to put them back to work and make sure they can use that mental and and engaging in a meaningful way to them awesome so pre-orders are open now my next question is what's the next evolution of this is it self programmable where I can program my voice in here to say who's a good boy then I want to be safe I am and then it just hits that one only sure we could do that all right that would be great I think I've you're afraid thank you so much uh-oh thank you so much for this we are gonna take a very quick break and then we'll be right back with Nerdist dan Casey to discuss some of the weirder tech at CES 2016 so stick around don't click away it's tomorrow Daily Show everybody we we do McRaven Casey who's looking very dapper yeah I'm the Nerdist dan you've been here at CES all week as well I've been in the thick of it yeah every Hall you think is it it's pretty thick out there I have to say yeah I don't know the scientific word for it but I've never seen this many people centered in one place I thought like comic-con was a lot but this ya know this is sprawling yeah yes to it was a hundred and seventy thousand people through the doors not any given hi gosh that explains my thickness yeah exactly yeah so you've seen some some cool stuff I have some weird stuff I have what stuff would you like to talk I'd like to talk first of all this is definitely the coolest thing I've seen so far it is a 3d printed jetpack air once airwolf airwolf and jetpack aviation have made a married eprint of jet pack previously this cost about twelve thousand dollars to make earlier this year the bureau you're seeing right now is they flew it around the statue of liberty for people that think that manufactured jet packs are too safe this exactly that and this is yummy differently yourself this is an actual jet actually ones jet turbines like water like you've seen some other places and this is really cool he's with the 3d printing it only costs about four hundred dollars to manufacture Wow affordable for you yeah that's less than the oculus I just bought this dick that next year we might be able to buy a jet pack or a hollow lens for about the same price these might these are my squad goals of tomorrow daily that we can all just get on jet pack seen a lot of 3d printed stuff here at the show and most of it is snapped together plastic so that's what I'm imagining this jetpack is yeah some guy like napping it together pretty much it's eight separate fabricated pieces at the end snap together and then you can strap to your bag the foil inside exactly yeah they've only flown over the sea so far they were very specific about that piece of info it seems like if that seems like a great safety a safety choice yeah fire for something that will not actually liquefy me at my way yeah you don't get a sidewalk Jackson Pollock you ramp up to that definitely don't want to do that uh so I saw and I've been checking out of the e Hong 184 I went and looked at that last night yeah it is a one seater autonomous drone yeah we talked about this a little yesterday this is uh this is nuts I think a one-seater drone is called a personal helicopter is it not I would imagine what it's kind of a personal helicopter but a helicopter implies that you have some control over what's going on this is a robit' flying you around yeah this is a robot that ok so the idea is if you haven't seen it's right here in South Hall you guys should go check it out by oculus you get in there's a tablet inside the cockpit you tap where you want to go and this thing takes off vertically takes you where you want to go short range you got like 23 minutes of battery life and then it lands and there you're good there's no you won't and their goal is you don't need a pilot's license no pilots license required you just get a tap you're gonna go goodness yeah yeah finally something I can fly that I don't eat a silly license for idolatry long as it's 23 minutes away I am golden but 23 minutes as the crow flies as the drone fly so you can get kind of far in LA I feel like you get pretty far in a way I don't it's really neat and there and they said they didn't want to make it a billionaire estoy so they're trying to make this a millionaire toy well I so that was my joke I was like oh millionaires toy them but two hundred thousand bucks that was like the goal so a couple of Tesla's exactly for a personal drone that's not that bad it's a tricky exactly its all-electric they said that it they really say they feel it's safe they just need to get all of the regulations obviously yeah and they want to have enough people on them door they can have regional command centers where somebody watches almost like air traffic control let's talk to me what I can snap it together oh yeah that's why it's like a 3d printed I saw something cool today talk about is the glyph this is a pair of earphones that you listen to your music you just got good sound quality and then let's say you want to watch some video or something like do yeah but I don't want to use my stupid phone screen no flip it down boom Geordi LaForge Geordi LaForge it like it's got look it's got uh I pieces here and not screens you're not looking at screens here's the inside your it's actually using thousands of tiny mirrors to project the image to your eyeballs really so fix it in your eyes so the result is a much higher looking resolution because you're not actually looking at pixels there's no screen door effect there's none of that uh and look how r at Sheila's random lessly integrated with your outfit or I feel very future estas alia doing that I might think that they had a problem with their earphones but I think you're wearing those incorrectly sir yeah how did you fall asleep so forward but you know I tried it and the the visual quality it does 3d it does head tracking to season like stereoscopic 3d years and uh I don't know maybe it looks good you watch the news I think we have Baba got here yes stereoscopic yes yes alright i watch was watching part of the avengers in 3d on it who and and then you can also do a head dragging so you can see 3d stuff it'll search right from your cell phone or from a computer so well one of those 360 360 videos 360 stuff and then check things out that's awesome uh but def yeah our producer just said not not not porn we got skill of course whenever he's doing there no no i'd only want things with VR 3ds story yeah oh yeah we are very important about story here on tomorrow um we also jeff was brave enough to get into the intel sleep pie I got the sleep pod what happened inside its Stygian depth oh well I went to the Year 2247 mine then I came back okay back up time no this is a an egg-like device there's me getting into it there is an egg-like device where you you sit in it and then they close you off you wear the headphones and they measure your heart rate it dropped my heart rate by like 10 to 15 I was 86 when I got in 70 one when I got really uh it is um it's comforting but I just question about like you were laying down so isn't that sort of that's still friend pretty much says it all as like I feel like I would have the opposite effect like my heart rate would double because I'm trapped in this sleep egg for effort yes iPods not for class sure if I was like is there a sensor that detects abject terror because that's what I was um it just seems like an overkill like literally just find a dark place and lay down man I don't know I wanna if it was a sensory deprivation pod I would be in too bad where it's like just totally closes you off from the sounds of the show I thought that would have been really I like it cuz it reminds me of the chairs from men in black which I've always wanted yeah it's chairs yeah exactly uh was another thing that we saw you know I as we stop by there but is actually got to wear the suit I believe yesterday we got to see the applied minds exoskeleton it simulates aging this is really weird it's also here right here in south hall by uh by interesting enough like I think it's upstairs way in the back it's an exoskeleton that you wear in a suit so here's the genworth aging suit this is I as wearing it and as you're walking it can actually limit and restrict your mobility so that you feel older and it's got a bunch of our metric do yes you're in there well so the idea okay wait so we should explain what the goal of this is cuz it seems a little weird I'm gonna buy a suit that ages me to 100 years old goal is to make you feel entropy as it's happening helping of cosplay as my grandparents cosplays your grandpa it's exactly right that's your uh that's rude comic-con cost exactly grandpa where's grandpa the idea is generous wants to take this on the road in a tour to universities and differently no labs things like that and they want to teach people empathy or the elderly so that when they care for them they can sort of get a better understanding of what you know and the experience at the end of the experience a large speaker just shouts call your grandma yeah yeah exactly it's like that they're really on a sweater and anything else we got school uh one thing that I saw its I might be butchering the name sensa diet it's an alarm clock that used it releases sense to wake you up so you can get like cocoa or peppermint to gradually ease you into the morning which I find a civ on a personal level because I do not have a sense of smell so I'm going to be late for all of my appointments what are they gonna solve that tech pro do not have a sense of smell legitimately no you have no sense of smell no where's my handicap parking sticker I had to walk all the way across the parking lot to get here it's unfair can I just say are all your other senses more heightened I can jump ten feet vertically daredevil with your note yeah what daredevil but a thousand times water smell devil or something yeah it's oh okay you're actually pretty lucky because you can't smell the people in the show oh I thought you're gonna say because you're sitting so close to Jeff right now oh yeah that too yeah I'm smell terrible I'm sure you have a delightful massa I'm really shocked by this so this is uh this is the sensor way okk yeah Lexi was checking this out earlier in the week there's there's so much weird stuff over a tech West if you everybody in the audience we have a major way over to check West highly recommended there's 3d printing and robots and just the most random stuff you could ever imagine but keep in mind that a few years ago GoPro was just the founder with a tiny little camera just asked in a stall just asking feel like will you please check out my action camera now they have a booth after install 10 rewrite that size yeah exactly just those little tiny stalls and now it's this huge thing last year i think that BMX riders and stuff so you never know what's gonna be big in a couple years at CES that you saw maybe maybe he'll be generally big deal definitely worth taking a stroll through there to see some of the cooler weird or smaller things yeah checking out one booth and I turned around cuz I heard a little voice it was this tiny vacuum robot that started following me and talking to me I thought it was a bit at first but it was asking me more and more questions it was too much pressure for me so I walked away wow what it what do you believe its mission was I don't know what his mission was but I think it's up to no good definitely working with the first order you're not trust vacuum robots at this show yes I said if he'd had a sense of smell he would have noted right there early I know I would have smelled fear okay Barry I will ask you this what is the one thing tacit why's it doesn't have to be a specific product what's the one thing you've seen at the show where you're like that is a hundred percent pointless a hoe not enough for you like obviously an alarm clock with smell as that totally play yeah for every but what's the Thunder pointless uh there I saw it was a robot that just cleans your grill that's it like you can do that with a spatula no not Paul Wall style like your barbecue grill ah uh just like that was the first one came to mind it just seems like you don't need to have a smart grill you're just believe in yourself you're already pretty smart like do it just take your spatula take the little brush just five minutes after you're done that's it yeah but have you considered armed that helps me clean the grill like I don't get tired like but then i'm just gonna atrophy in ways yeah exactly and then i'll be just like that XO squirt simulates aging i'll be a hundred years it'll be like in wallyworld rolling around in those face chairs listen i will all have retained grills to get my cupcake in a cup I ain't girls that is my goal in life okay so tell us a little bit about what you do over at Nerdist for those of you who are not familiar with Dan cases work Dan works for Nerdist he does a lot of actually you're not really a tech guy so much as you are movies TV like pop pop I cover a little bit of everything I'm a jack of all trades master of none i cover TV comics music science we have special people people are more specialized like kyolic cover science matt grows near covers music like 40 covers games i get to do a little bit of everything which is awesome because i get to see the holes broad spectrum of nerdom i'm the senior editor over there so i cover a little bit everything we try to keep it positive host a weekly pop culture deep dive called the Dan cave written a couple books can check those out online so yeah it's fun i just get to nerd out talk about things I'm passionate about with people who are passionate about those same things what do you think is going to be the biggest trend out of the show this year the biggest trend out of the show this year i think is probably going to be I want us it's I'm torn between drone technology like every like every one of their mother has a drone to show off and I think autonomous vehicles I think that is something we're going to see more and more of a special to Detroit Auto Show right around the corner and I think that's something that they're really gonna be pushing for going forward are you ready to be in an autonomous vehicle you trust it or do you r us Cano I think all I think about every time is that scene Total Recall the Johnny cabs once things go awry I am not ready to let a robot takeover the wii I have to do is pull the head off exactly yeah no they're poorly manufactured I love it okay so how can we find you online we're gonna wrap the show up and then we got to go check out as you mentioned my mom is showing off a droning I'm just joking actually but uh yeah we're gonna go check out some of the show so tell everybody where they can find you and Nerdist online it's pretty easy for ya exactly you can find all the stuff I write about at you can find me on the world wide web at osteo ferocious dan Casey was taken I always wondered about that happen after we wrap here we're gonna have a very long conversation about what life has been like without the sense of smell yeah I'm intrigued that is a nutrient versation we should i wish i would have known that three days ago we all have dinner together okay so that is it for our see our CES coverage at tomorrow daily oh I've been awesome it's been amazing thank you for sharing the field of battle with me though oh thank you monkey writing the best uh we are gonna be back on the cnet live stage not us specifically but seeing that will be back for CES coverage at two o'clock with cracking open a hoverboard yeah get out your fire extinguishers ever been oh I hope that doesn't happen could get dangerous here I'm just saying but that is it for tomorrow daily yes you want to find us online we were at tomorrow daily on Twitter and all over the internet you want to share the show with a friend please do tomorrow daily com and of course you can always email us through the feedback tomorrow at cnet com we'll be back next week with the regular shows every single day yeah so thank you so much for watching our coverage here at CES 2016 we will see you next week but until then be good humans bye guys Oh
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