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Tomorrow Daily - CES 2016, day two: Nick Cannon, iJustine and Joey Graceffa

on today's show we have entrepreneur technology investor all-around good guy and RadioShack's newest chief creative officer Nick Cannon joining us on the show we also have the 2016 CES entertainment matters ambassadors iJustine and joey graceffa it is day two of CES we're still alive amiracle barely but this is tomorrow daily greetings citizens of the Internet and and attendees of CES 2016 welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek talk show in the known universe I'm Ashley ask Evan and I'm Jeff caƱada and we are in day two of CES we got think we got awesome guests come in we have tons of tech to talk about we've seen some really cool stuff already today this morning indeed I actually saw a drone right over here in South Hall that seats a person it is a huge drone this is called an airplane no it's got four it's got four copter it's a quadcopter it's a person in a pod and they can take off and fly I want it is it a person that is is a willing participant or do you just capture people and take them with you it would be pretty amazing it you know we're not quite there on tractor beam technology but I really like the idea of getting that all together and and and just just taking people from the sky and picking them up but our guest is here would not waste any more time I'm very excited everybody please welcome technology he is the chief creative officer at RadioShack you might know him from America's Got Talent you might know him from his music career he's acting he's in shock he's also a tech investor and a geek please welcome Nick Cannon to the stage everybody thank you so much you're so you're such a tech enthusiast you come with your own microphone I do I just come in inhale this is how we do it I feel like I'm hosting America's Got Talent right now well you have any Talent I hope so yeah man have you seen anything great so far the show man you know what I have I saw some really cool stuff I mean I love coming here every single year but it feels like this year it feels like everybody's all about I think they're calling them because they don't want to call them televisions but they're more like like they went beyond the television technology beyond television yes so they're calling them like hubs or they're calling the portals or their color and all these things because they do so much more than just being a television because it's your it's your device it's your computer it's we're on refrigerator washes your clothes so it's like these device these giant screen devices that really control your whole office of your whole home I really love about you this is your I think seventh year seven year here as he is you were you are a bonafide geek I'm a nerd you know what I've always been a guy who's been in a technology I mean even hence the the job at RadioShack and everything it's it's really just something that's in me because I've loved gadgets I love music and I started off in electronic music not in the sense of like EDM but in that sense of like synthesizers keyboards drum machines that was actually where I first learned to play the drums is on actual electric drum set so all that stuff was always interesting to me as a kid and then obviously video games and stuff and now that I've become an entrepreneur I've had the opportunity to invest in a lot of things software hardware all of those different things so it's working out so do you come to CES as a potential investor you come as a fan or a little bit of both I mean usually I'm always coming because I have a product or something that I'm launching myself but I get the opportunity I mean I've made so many great business deals here over the years so I look forward to it each and every year because I get that opportunity to actually find new products find new things to invest in and find just different partnerships really yeah yeah it's cool one of the things that I always really enjoy reading about when you talk about stem and getting its really excited about stem and so my I'm really curious as to how you might bring that into your your new role at Radio Shack well that's the thing I mean when you think about what Radio Shack is and stem technology I mean really is education but it's fun education there's electronic education and uh I personally you know because I was one of those kids I was diagnosed with ADHD and it was always really difficult for me to focus but then when you think about the stem stuff that actually is stuff that kids are actually already innately are doing when it comes to video games and drones and coding like this is stuff that like I have a four-year-old that works you know all the gadgets better than I do so so it's just it's something that's innately in them and then it actually helps with mathematics and science and stuff like that so here what we're trying to do our Radio Shack is just encourage people yeah this has always been the core place where you could come and get your remote-control cars and stuff but it's also a way to learn everything from coding to how to put conductors together and all that stuff so it's really fun because it brings that idea of what toys we're all about - education yeah there's a lot of stuff like that on the show floor robotics that are geared toward very very young children stuff that we always wanted to have when we were kids like we've got a drone and robot build your own robot come on the future is here it's not the little Robby robot anymore like it's the robots that actually do things yeah are you ready for the internet of things are you ready to connect your refrigerator to your TV to your car I'm trying to figure it out that's what I said like bees and bees up portals or whatever they call it oh it's like I'm a little taken back from like I don't know if I want to be you know watching my refrigerator that takes a picture every day I don't know if I'm ready but yeah I'm up for it on a personal front with your social media you're really digitally savvy yes I try to be that is such a world that I mean I love it I mean I'm actually casting a lot of my television shows now I'm casting a while.i now through I've been casting it through the internet and through social media for the last few years and where he actually haven't even have my app that I'm casting yeah my incredible app and its really a social media platform that allows people who are artists entertainers filmmakers creatives to kind of load up their content and create this community where it's not you know or even those days of MySpace really who I want myself to be heard this is actually a place where you can actually really be heard now actually casting shows through that and I've created some great relationships with some incredible youtubers bynars even digging into snapchat right now figuring out some really talented people to put them on a television platform is there an app or service that you think is kind of really up-and-coming in terms of content creation and sharing man there's so many like I said if anything I would say my incredible act that's the one we want everybody to start to focus on but you know like I said it's I've actually been amazed on how snapchat is actually turned into a place where people are being discovered and actually could communicate and people are making some great content I mean it it feels like that same way that vine was a couple of years ago that you know people are actually really doing some really cool things in that space yeah and the cars you know the cars that are showing this year at CES I think are pretty exciting too right yeah I think in a car in a couple of hours I'm taking the test-drive in the self-driving car so I'm a little nervous because I don't know if this is the last time we talked to you yeah exactly so hopefully doesn't drive me off too far I'm looking forward to it because last year I took the I guess it was probably just the the virtual tour and it was nice you know because I didn't move I was actually planted but but now I'm actually going in the car so let's see how that it's going to be actually I think safer than human beings driving you around so it's like some weird I robot stuff and he just takes perfect thank you so much for coming and talking to you is there I mean obviously incredible you want to definitely check that out yes definitely check out the incredible app spell with the capital letter in incredible after that for my initials in a yeah more than anything we're just pushing forward and continuing to make content and continue to make some great consumer products I love it I think it's great what you're doing to get kids involved who that's really cool that's what it's all about thank you everybody we are going to take a very quick break we will be right back with entertainment mater our ambassadors they they picked up the torch from you yes sir just me and Joey grassville will be with us but until then stick around smart Daly so we have returned and we have two new guests on the stage the CNET stage it's the ambassador's yes entertainment matters yes okay I just seen Joey why does entertainment matter well do you not like to be entertained first of all of course it matters but I mean this is the place where you know entertainment pop culture tech everything sort of is combined in one and it's incredible so do you as ambassadors have to physically greet everybody who comes in as that you have to entertain everyone individually we do we give high fives that's great so you guys the reason you were chosen is obviously you both have huge subscriber bases on YouTube you are pretty my mean you guys are everywhere kind of a little bit you guys have really blown up and are examples of this sort of self content creation becoming a brand which is really inspiring to a lot of people out there who love to watch who you are what you do and what you're into so here at CES what are some of the trends that you feel you're really excited about did you preorder your oculus yes no I just found out that that's out and you can preorder it I actually had a Developer Kit like a couple years ago so it's cool to go to their booth and see how far it's coming it's not like a huge brick on your face now but I think sleek and looks cute they're all getting lighter they're all getting more comfortable I just was all the way across town at the HTC booth and looking at the vive and check out isn't it great with the front-facing camera yeah well it's really cool to does a lot of the things is you kind of lose your sense of space so with these other newer devices you actually have controllers you can have tactile feedback and interacting with things in this fake world and you can feel free to walk around because you're blocked off in the real space and virtual space so you know having that sense of perception it definitely helps yeah and the new controller has a dedicated camera button so you push it and it's like your hand has a photograph on it that's a moving picture of what you're seeing and you can just hold it up it's so cool so so cool okay so virtual reality you're really excited about I I agree I think it's pretty amazing and I'm excited it's also odd how it's such a crowded space and nothing is actually available in retail yet none of the headsets what about you what are you excited about what have you seen that's really been like oh gosh besides you mentioned meeting bb-8 I did meet bb-8 I don't know if it's the bb-8 but it was a bb-8 there's only one BBA just like santa claus i think there's actually four or five that they use on the film you know spoiler alert but i mean there's so many things at CES you know I know you have dogs as well so the pet tech is incredible there's so many things that they're they're coming out to make your pets life easier and you know the pet parents life easier I think we're demoing with potentially a dog video game console I know I think I know exactly what you're talking about that they have a really cool time-lapse video of it and they show like the dog going out throughout their whole day of like playing with the game it's so awesome it's so great that not only are like actual human baby moms excited about tech but dog parents are like oh my god my baby needs this technology explain this to me a dog video game console I don't remember what it's called it I'm blanking on it but it's like sort of his little device and there's different lights that light up and the dog will hit them and I think yeah you read it oh you're a good dog yeah there's also another thing that I saw it wasn't here but I think it's already out it's like this little pet monitor where you can talk to your pet and be like hey sit and you can give it a treat what I mean thank you yeah and then so I think petcube also has a little laser that even might play with them Burchard like away from yeah I may even have I think last year they were doing a promo where you were able to play with a whole group of rescued cats in San Francisco there was like a cat rescue and you're able to like use the laser pointer and the control instead it was adorable but yeah yeah drone tech I mean there's drones are so huge and I think the problem that we're gonna be facing obviously is now you're have to register your drones and where do you fly your drones and drone regulations and don't be a a mean person with your drone and go do crazy things but there's so many things and people if you're not good at piloting a drone that's potentially dangerous to a lot of people so using intel's realsense technology they're able to sort of sense that depth perception so basically you really can't crash it and also so we've talked about on tomorrow daily a lot of anti drone technology and it always amazes me that I was really surprised we didn't see a lot of this at CES this year but I think next year we might see some so law enforcement agencies so for example in Japan a drone landed on the roof of the Prime Minister's house with radioactive material last year and so the the Japanese police were like we have to figure out how to get these drones out of the sky without being dangerous so they actually put together a huge drone with a net underneath it and it chases after drones that are in illegal airspace and it captures them the dog video game controls it so they have dogs contra now it's controlling and then there's there's another one here that was developed here in the States held drone defender and it looks like a giant anti-aircraft gun but instead of actually shooting a projectile at a gun it shoots a radio signal that interferes with the drones flight confuses it makes it think oh I'm out of range I should return to my master and then it either land safely or returns so you can get it out of spaces that you know law enforcement might need to like fight fires in California we have problems with drones and fires yeah and they're know like with a DJ I think they have sort of like the no-fly zone so they make it easy to know I can't actually fly here so I think it's just the awareness and knowledge of what you can do and what you can't do with the drones is super important have you seen the drone that is able to carry a person yes take this picture here on this camera this is crazy it's like the size it's a huge hot it's basically a tiny one person Halleck drone copters I got four it took hold of me as a pilot inside it right that's maybe your Emmy it's right savants are see I guess it's like an unmanned here it's a mobile aerial vehicle they actually I'm gonna hop in the drones take me for a ride and you control me on the ground oh my god there might be awesome I would not be terrified I would be like this is exciting because I don't know how to fly but I mean you have a friend fly you that knows how to fly true but I think it's actually just might be a helicopter that's shaped I always show up at your house and you like just hop in drink tonight I'm just gonna happen the thing fly me home listen you're sober chopper if you open up over in Las Vegas they have you know uberx black car all that stuff and at the end there's a Wi-Fi car so some of the car services have Wi-Fi in them and then the last one is uber chopper where a helicopter can come pick you up and fly you over the strip for a little while well here at CES the traffic is terrible so basically I'm like can I get the quickest car in the quickest location but it is I mean I'm so glad that you Burres in Vegas now I mean it really is life changing so as entertainment ambassadors what do you guys think as entertainers as people who are consuming and creating entertainment what is the stuff that's happening here at CES that's most interesting to you from that perspective like handheld it's very small like almost the Osmo which is actually made by DJI I keep I always blur those letters together they just do not fit and flow off the tongue very well but yeah it's made by them for vloggers would be great because it's really really great for creators such as yourselves who are out and about doing things all the time right um in the sense of what you guys are doing outside of CES I know that previously you guys work together on a kind of a web series that you've made fight-fight of living-dead right and but you're right now working on a series for YouTube red yeah I'm cute eyes are you allowed to tell us okay so essentially it's like a murder mystery so it's gonna be like kind of like clue meet survivor with a bunch of youtubers thrown into a murder mystery scenario similar to fight a Living Dead actually where they're not the contestants aren't going to know anything about what they're going into and they have to essentially live to the end I agreed to do okay well you know there was some talk about I was like hey man is this the same thing so I'm not gonna know what long as you're not the victim that's the only embed no I think that'll be really fun I mean doing the fun but living-dead was sort of this really surreal experience because it was like a living video game I mean you work in this everyone thought it was sort of scripted I was like that was not scripted we were actually genuinely terrified yeah it was I just seen in the conservatory with we've been Osmos that's all the time we have we're gonna let you go enjoy more of the show and and see everybody else who wants to talk to you guys obviously super popular where can we find you on the internet because obviously we want everybody subscribe if they haven't already yeah I'm just I just seen everywhere online perfect thanks guys Jesse and Joey thank you so much for hanging out with us actually that is it for today's show we are all done it was all yes all the time lots more coming up there on CNET though yeah we have a lot of great stuff stay tuned for all of our coverage we're right in the thick of CES day two and we'll have more content right here on the CNET stage live from Las Vegas thank you so much guys be good dear moon
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