Tomorrow Daily - Enjoy a cocktail in space with this 3D-printed cup, Ep. 238
Tomorrow Daily - Enjoy a cocktail in space with this 3D-printed cup, Ep. 238
on today's show researchers create a
vomiting robot to study viruses a really
cool compass that doesn't require you to
be able to see it to use it and guess
what astronauts looking to get drunk in
space your answer is finally here Oh
first world space problems sera daily
bringing citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best ink
talk show in the known universe I'm
actually skeleton that's kill anonymous
we're back after a safe first world and
then space outer world space problems
first space station some first World I
don't know we're hiring an editor
towards it to write our script right
right heading our script now I have that
still first world cuz they're from Earth
those are their problems they just
happen to be in Earth's orbit first okay
I'll still count in his first world cuz
they're in our orbit alright you win
this time all right fine let's have
headlines so log this under the category
of first world space problems ah because
you know you know our december i havent
know that you know our this drink
anything in space yeah literally in
microgravity will float all around and
be in a bubble and getting to the
engines and all the electronics it's not
a good thing I have this big like Capri
Sun looking packs yeah the little squish
bottles well uh a whiskey company has
decided that it wants to help the
astronauts get tipsy drink drink drink
your whiskey in the right way which is
to sip it you don't want to drink it
through a straw of course so they've
created a device that will let them like
sip at their whiskey in microgravity
that's pretty amazing so uh this thing
is the thing is not very easy to explain
um but i will tell you look like it
there's like a million pieces yeah
they're all the concept designs i'm sure
yeah there's there's there's a lot of
cool stuff going on here um give me one
second yeah so basically this whiskey
company has decided they wanted to
create a device and basically the way it
works is the bottom of the bulbous class
is made of gold-plated stainless steel
it contains a spiral ring for a
reservoir of whiskey to cling to through
a phenomenon known as capillary action
the whiskey is drawn upward through a
helical helical channel within the side
of the glass to a mouthpiece at the rim
for a space traveler to drink oh wow so
they don't have to like you there's no
suction at on boss so that's pretty
awesome right yeah so it uses
similar mechanism as the espresso cup
that they use on the ISS okay and what
the great thing is that this can be 3d
printed so the astronauts don't need to
be set these glasses they have a 3d
printer on the space station yeah then
you can print out the whiskey cups
anytime they want um they also need a
drink it's going to take you three days
to prepare come on so they also to test
this they used a very tall tower which
you saw at the beginning of this called
the Tsar mop tower then Germany used to
research the microgravity experiments
all right to see how that worked yeah I
think they do a lot of space kind of
space generalized space experiments
there so that's pretty cool so there you
go they're not it's they're not looking
to like mass produce it just yet but
yeah belen tea Valentin whiskey is
really hoping to get some some magical
moments hey man space tourism is gonna
be big and you know you're gonna want to
be like Don Draper as you're in your
suborbital rocket checking out earth
you're gonna want to be you know have a
nice how nice fine glass of whiskey so
maybe that maybe that'll be a thing
there you go pretty good space tourism
it's a good idea I mean listen it's
gonna be a thing someone's gonna want to
or need to get alcohol up in a rockets
like when we have actual space tourism
when like virgin virgin goes Virgin
Galactic goes up into space with SpaceX
starts doing those like you know those
rocket trips people are paying money for
like two boys at $250,000 or something
for a ticket it's like they serve
alcoholic beverages on these flights on
a regular flight so why not in space
yeah so that's smart I drink it out of a
Caprice I'm probably patent it and then
all of the alcohol companies will have
to buy it from eminen will be super-rich
there you go there thinking ahead uh so
that brings us to our hashtag of the day
which is TD drink we want to know tttttt
cocktail you changed it since we walked
in here now TD cocktail so we want to
know now that you can drink in space
what type of alien would you think you
could sit down and have a drink with you
can be fictional come okay okay it could
be like et would you have a drink of
thing I would have not having ed he is
the most boring basic alien and the
entire well maybe it gets really fun and
likes to party if he drinks oh and then
he like glows and it's like a ring
yeah yeah I wanted to be ET uh no I
definitely want it to be um what is it
that green space lady from Star Trek all
right okay you know that one yes I do
that's thought I was just that just a
nice sexy alien babe yeah just mean babe
Oh what about you I would go you know
Star Trek like I thought of Star Trek to
i think i would have it I don't know if
he'd have a drink with me because he's
half Vulcan half-human bus fuck I don't
have a drink with Spock and like talk
about the universe seemed like he'd
drink get philosophical with it you know
like you have a drink or two you start
thinking about the vastness of space and
time do you do that I do that so yeah I
would do I would want to have a drink
with Spock I think I'll be right fun and
if not Spock then I'd sit down bones
bones doctor oh ok yeah boats savage
your good thoughts let seems pretty good
now we could commiserate about how
miserable you're not the stick in Star
Trek you can do it you do any alien
alien fictional pyramidalis yo ho that's
a good ones a good ones lately all right
tell women I'm sorry good you feel like
I'm getting drunk with some beautiful
ladies who are also aliens come drink
with kale okay so let's talk about this
really cool compass this is pretty
awesome it's called Anna motifs and this
is an engineer named Adam Spears who
designed this he's a postdoc in robotics
at Yale so definitely a really
intelligent guy and this is it it's
actually it's kind of like a compass but
it's designed to help people get around
without being able to see so if you have
visual impairment or if you even if you
can fully see and you just want to to
get around without having to constantly
be looking down on your phone this
device is pretty awesome so it's a 3d
printed a device that helps you sort of
find which way to go based on its
movement so it has two different ways of
moving so it can extend out the top
piece can extend so and then also can
rotate so it says oh you need to go this
way it'll extend out and tell you which
direction to go and it will actually get
closer to the center as you need to slow
down so when it centers again you know
you have to stop and wait for your next
direction so it might rotate and
turn right so then you would go right
cool just pretty cool so um right now
they didn't they use this in a very
interesting way which was what you were
just seeing the the complete darkness
video that you were looking at they
actually use this in serve like a
theatrical sort of a stage play where
but I think they adapted this story the
cutest astronaut I've ever seen in my
life by the way it's a sick Welsh maybe
she's an alien you should come have a
drink there so but they did this thing
where they picked somebody with a visual
impairment and somebody without set them
in a pitch-black church and then had
actors performing the play around them
as they were navigating through the
pitch darkness with vianna motives which
is pretty cool wow so it's kind of like
an experience I concept very high
concept is to experience but they that's
that's how they were using it and right
so right now Speier says that it's used
with sensors in the room location
sensors in a room but he wants to be
able to expand that and have it just
connect to like for example your GPS on
your phone and then it would be you be
able to use it anywhere because
especially he didn't want it to have any
sound or any light because one if you're
visually impaired you're not really
maybe see that light very well and then
the other thing is is cities are loud
and your senses are heightened if you
have a disability in one so you're I'm
sure you're hearing is well like
daredevil you're hearing is very
sensitive so if you were trying to get
around the city trying to listen to this
little tiny cube while the whole
metropolitan areas honking cars and
people walking by and noises and just
all different kinds of sound there's no
way you'll be able to hear that little
box so they wanted it to be as easy as
possible to use while still giving the
most effective directions which is
pretty cool so it's like it's like a
compass for the visually impaired pretty
awesome a weird way to show it off I
like it yeah yeah yeah I dig it i think
it's a really cool thing and then i love
you beautiful astronaut yes well well
done pretty astronaut lady in the
costume all right i got to tell you
about this I saw this story a couple
weeks ago and you guys actually sent
this in a few times but I wanted to wait
for video of it and it's a short video
but so worth it a research team at the
University of North Carolina North
Carolina State University I'm sorry they
made a vomit robot and this is
it vomit machine and loo looks
disgusting it looks terrible and there
it is blowin chunks but now we have
video thanks to the BBC that made this
video they want to study the
transmission of the norovirus so
norovirus is a pretty common virus it
makes you feel real sick in your stomach
and a lot of people get it and it's very
highly contagious and they wanted to see
if it could spread through the air and
sure enough they created a vomit machine
and found out that indeed norovirus can
in fact we spread through the air and
and at an alarming rate so it's a lot of
virus / like / you know X like expulsion
I guess so yeah they one of the
researchers who's in charge of the
project is this interview and she's like
we wanted to use chunky vomitus like
fake vomit us but we couldn't because
the limitations of machine and for that
I am grateful because that would have
been super gross but what it is right
now is it's it's actually quite tasty
it's just dyed green vanilla pudding so
they just spit it out on so that's
they're studying how its spread so
that's why it throws up into a box and
then they can see exactly where it
splatters and then they can say oh well
this is how its transmitted and all that
other stuff pretty gross robot yeah puke
and robots guys puke and robots pretty
good on that note we are gonna take a
very quick break but before we go you
have to check out this drone who caught
a fish was just pretty pretty great you
you you give a drone a fish he eats for
a meal but if you teach a drone to fish
she can eat for life profound pretty
good um but yeah we'll be right back
it's tomorrow daily
welcome back to the show we've returned
it's a it's a Tuesday we're off
yesterday it's a no back at her Hackett
maybe tomorrow maybe I've got something
that might terrify you but pretty good
pretty cool but for now since it's
Tuesday we're gonna talk about something
you do like and that doesn't terrify
which is always new releases but one of
these things might terrify well we'll
talk about in a minute until super mario
maker is coming out this week friday
it's time you could finally create your
own Mario levels reviews across the
board I've been pretty good like what
are they I haven't seen tens but I've
seen a lot of like eight to nine okay so
a lot of people say it's very solid very
interesting I don't remember who wrote
it but i love the might-have-been kotaku
had said this game just should not have
been made I'm shocked that this game was
made because Nintendo is so protective
of their ips that to give people
complete free reign over creating Mario
levels is just mind-blowing like the
idea that that's a thing is really
mind-blowing okay and so um but people
really love this I I mean you can
literally do this much maddening I don't
I don't really want to place always
absolute madness i will say that and
like the other thing is is yeah so it's
like sometimes you can even go all the
way from like eight bit mario all the
way up to i think it's like 64 bit or we
level Mario's like 60 SNES Mario so
really great stuff you if you didn't see
the Nintendo World Championships the
finale was five levels five Mario maker
levels that they had to run through that
we're really challenging but yeah pretty
impressive amazing um we talked about
this how this really if it had been
released at the wii u launch could have
been a really great console seller
because it literally shows you exactly
kind of it shows you exactly what you
would be looking for in terms of why the
wii u exists like it makes great use of
the gamepad it is a perfect example of
hardware like really shining for the wii
u and so it's it's super good you can
share levels this is like the big thing
that people are really excited about
you're gonna be able to play levels and
you're gonna be able to go download like
the best makers in the world they're
gonna be making these levels and you're
gonna get to see them and all those man
Logan are you gonna get this not for him
you guys are like super in the Nintendo
not here's my ability can download other
levels from other people and their crazy
not as right yo what was him and I are
still playing metal gear you are that's
true right Logan yeah that's and that's
a lot of hours so I understand but yeah
Super Mario maker 50 hours years and
also a little anything but yeah I don't
know this kills ever gonna finish metal
gear um alright let's talk about the
visit which is the movie that's coming
out this weekend I'm actually its
eminent Shana lon yeah but it's like a
it's like a found-footage style could
redeem could redeem maybe somebody's
told me that it was it's like finally
he's good is he back he is he back uh
this these commercials have terrified me
ever since I saw them like with the
grandmas standing there and it says
these kids you go to their grandparents
house and they're excited to be there
but there's some weird stuff going on
and they make sure they go to bed every
night at nine thirty and there's a scene
where the grandma is like telling the
daughter like go good can you reach into
the oven and client can't climb in there
and clean go get clean it out and then
she like no no really get in there and
it's just terrifying me this whole movie
seems incredibly scary it seemed this
seems really weird it's not an
explanation of it where it sounds scary
the grandma's coming at you I'm just
like maybe she's possessed we don't know
yeah we don't know what's the twisted
joint what they're quick em night didn't
he say he didn't want his name on this
like because he didn't want people who
expect a twist or there's something he's
been talking a lot about this movie sure
did do a lot of press for it yeah yeah
they might have been that he was worried
about the twist people expecting an
awesome maybe there's no choice maybe
was just a straightforward story maybe
that's the twist there is no twist
unevenly wake baby nevermind God maybe
as I say the twist is that there is no
twist but then he paid that twist so
there would be a twist oh I like it when
you're watching tomorrow daily and
inception all right let's talk about
let's go way back
back in our time machine and talk about
your user feedback from last week I
think we talked about this at what
Wednesday TD hulu try went to hulu and
people wanted to pay extra oh yeah free
right you business uh you guys have very
strong opinions about this very strong
opinions some people are even angry some
people at us no just angry at hulu okay
go on uh so Walter wrote in and said I
would pay twenty dollars per month for
no ads and offline viewing for all
Network shows which is a pretty serious
that's like Adam and that's it i would
say that that's a real incredible demand
Kevin rodent said nope no four dollars
more for hulu fine with ad breaks needs
more variety same at over and over I'd
pay for tomorrow daily though whoo Kenan
Watts Kevin wats team Kevin watts is i'm
on team Kevin men team can today yeah
yeah way to go man uh Andrew Rodin said
I'd pay anything with an asterisk if
there was a two-time playback speed
seriously how can anyone binge-watch at
one time speed can't even watch tomorrow
daily at one time speed that means if he
watches this at two times speed the show
is over in about ten minutes which seems
pretty legit and we probably sound like
chipmunks I mean we sound like Chipmunks
normally right I'd have can't even it
may be dogs can hear us it we should
just talk really slow to screw this guy
over how does that sound ah I'm done
that's pretty as we grade the joke was
okay with you on that one uh so when he
left an asterisk and I looked and he
didn't actually write anything else so I
think he says anything in that Astrid
means within reason like not a hundred
dollars I've never tried the watching
binge watching things faster than faster
I think I could if it was like our show
there's a talk show but then cuz that's
like listening to a podcast at twice the
speed but then I think I don't know that
I could do like walking dead am I do I
mind the only person that do you do that
Logan I do one and a half speed it's
just that it's just slightly faster just
slightly so that you can get a more
efficient and I drive drive in no I like
that I like that
I just asking all right so yeah I'd say
talk shows yes a dramatic shows no and
comedic shows because you there's a
sense of timing in there that only gets
really relayed through actual the speed
at which it was intended to be played I
don't know that's just me and then
lastly Mitch wrote and said sure I would
pay the extra four dollars if it was all
that free and also if they just add all
10 seasons of friends I could only dream
and then he has a little sniffly sad
face that's what that's the you know the
problem nobody told him life was gonna
be that way no it's true should I know
yeah you should have I just could have
you said up but we just do lunch like
that but if you watch that at two times
the speed you would be on time yeah
totally i did that on purpose from i did
on purpose for Andrew alright guys let's
talk about our last piece use your
feedbacks time for our phone target for
the day see you said that fast I thought
you said fast so that sounded like
portman unintelligible I'm sure you
can't even hear no we're obsessed with
this thank you Andrew uh Cody wrote in
to us and sent us this picture from a
device that we haven't had we haven't
had on the show yeah blackberry q5 he
says hey my name is cody i have a few
pictures from you from barry's bay and
canada is one of the most beautiful
places I've been it is a very small town
I took the pictures on a blackberry q5 I
also give you permission to use my
photos keep up the good work guys so got
some really really nice pictures here of
barry's bay and Ken blackberries bag I'm
assuming it's blackberries bag yeah yeah
is that maybe blackberries backyard and
Waterloo wow that place looks gorgeous
yeah this is amazing my brother went to
Yosemite this weekend he sent back so
many nice pictures and I was jealous but
this is pretty equivalent to a fantastic
National Park excursion in the US that's
amazing i'm very cool gorgeous pictures
yeah it's interesting to see photos from
a blackberry yeah they don't they look
good I think I look good and a q5 is not
i don't think it's like a major flagship
think it's like a one-step is there a
reason why they're square probably
because he took them for instagram some
people have sent a minute they've
already cracked them for instagram or
they take them in square mode and i just
sent over to us but if you guys want to
send in your phone tog raphy you can you
can email us tomorrow at cnet com send
us your picture what device you took it
on give us permission to use it in the
and also tell us a little story about it
cuz we love story time and of course you
can keep up with the show on social
media or tomorrow de Leon like Facebook
Twitter all that stuff but really really
come hang out with us i'm at ashley
scott on twitter and I'm Matt Cail
anonymous and whole lot on Twitter on
the Twitter on Twitter excellent and if
you want to send anybody to the show
just send them to tomorrow daily com
it's just that easy that's it for our
show today we'll be back tomorrow the
brand new dock at weird wonderful
science back science fiction gaming geek
pub culture tell the stuff okay but now
do it slow for Andrew I don't want to I
won't you know why because it's not
being a human will see you guys
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