Tomorrow Daily - 'Human skin' notebook designed for tattoo artists, Ep 186
Tomorrow Daily - 'Human skin' notebook designed for tattoo artists, Ep 186
on today's show mi tease robo cheetah
can now recognize and jump over your
corpse and a book made of skin has a
really good use surprisingly well uh and
our full recap of Google i/o and some of
our favorite stuff from the conference
sera daily
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm
Ashley skellige enemies always
Disneyland a fishy and auto kill
anonymous haha twas good this weekend
that's my aficionado voice oh look a
good time I ran into a few viewers not
necessarily from this show but the van
to pay off fans I day mate as I call fo
case F ok oh I don't wanna I can't say
it can you just say it anyway but yeah I
was really cool I think we all had a
pretty eventful time since last time but
then I get to talk about yours for sure
right yeah yeah you talk about videos no
I oh yeah I oh let's talk about it right
now okay first things first technic you
want on a technicality yes there is
everybody I know you didn't see them
with a cockpit I got the cherries IQ
unsuccessfully periscope okay so I again
technicality I did say by noon so you
won based on the fact that I could not
get a periscope out in the keynote room
it was impossible so hard once the keno
started could not do it the service was
so bad but delicious Tim Stevens and I
did do a half hour long keynote after or
we did a tour of the show floor after
the keynote was over so we did get a
periscope in but it was afternoon and I
felt like you won so I babies cherries
it's tough to periscope at large events
I even tried to periscope at Disneyland
and it worked once out of the million
times a little choppy is a little choppy
alright what let's talk about what you
did there yeah it's a google i/o so they
had the keynote on Thursday it was
really cool i was like front center like
i was the first row behind the google
employees like right in the middle oh
wow nice awesome had great seats great
seats and there was so some people are
saying this was kind of a less a little
more subdued I oh there wasn't it wasn't
this like crazy no skydivers nothing
like that but there was some interesting
stuff to us because we had some VR VR
news there's some really cool futuristic
wearable stuff not like watches but like
Drew jeans like I will talk about and
then also a google google photos which
is a big thing people are talking about
i know you're just you dying to get
under those so try not to eat too many
those poor ITV's those poor itunes
listeners are gonna be delicious
chomping down on chickie from their car
so all right so what are we starting
with all right so we're gonna start with
VR so go guard board got an upgrade uh
which I have I've right here google
sorry board what about how do you
upgrade cardboard well it only takes
three steps to put together now there's
not like a washer in here it's like
literally just a very self-contained oh
is this the actual heads is the new
headset so you just take that out I'm
gonna show everybody right here so you
open it up you take the side so you flip
them around like this like so and then
you put your phone in here and then you
just push that and then there that's it
that's it to cardboard Wow okay there
was a problem before that I couldn't use
like my iphone 6 plus yes and now
cardboard Google cardboards official
cardboard app is available for iOS as as
like one of the resident VR junkie in
this office I was really impressed with
this thing yeah I'm a little button they
added a little button like this is not
it's great so that to me is like an
evolution can you can take things I like
present videos it presses yeah Shapps
your screen which is fantastic um it's
it's really cool and and I picked one up
and I wait I wanted to bring it back
down for ya check out and then they also
had so not only iOS support they talked
about expeditions which is like a
virtual field trip that's the one thing
yet every when people use this thing it
gets so gross like 10 10 or 15 people
use this at i/o and you guys I don't
know if you can see that yeah you can
totally see there's a staff or head
grease stain from everybody I used it so
yeah so you said a virtual classroom
virtual classrooms that are saying we
want to give classrooms the abilities or
go on these like virtual field trips or
the teacher can control exactly what the
students are looking at all at the same
time which is really neat and then also
they had jump google which is a
collaboration with gopro to create a 16
go pro in the round here it is oh that
looks really cheap virtual reality can't
really chat to obtain why said ok so for
hero fours or 16 hero forces like eight
thousand dollars think it's so expensive
but the one thing about Google jump that
I thought was interesting
and they did mention you're going to be
able to kind of view this content now on
YouTube right but but they said it was
only for select partner so you're not
you you will be able to cobble this
together yourself but on YouTube the
people who are going to be publishing
this stuff or like select partnerships
at first before they roll it out to
everybody so this is like a yay with a
question mark yeah like yay like that
would be what it would sound like so but
it really cool and interesting and
definitely I mean between cardboard and
this like VR that runs the gamut of like
the cheapest possible VR experience and
the most expensive possibly are
capturing experience but they did have
some really amazing footage that you saw
a second ago with the depth calibration
and stuff I mean some of the algorithms
are insane I wasn't impressed with
google i/o you were not I wasn't at all
guys weren't because honestly this guy
we already had this guy I know it's nice
it's really nice that they made it
easier and the whole you know a GoPro
thing we also people we're already doing
already doing that extremely the
important thing from this is I think
that they are only voice that there vr
is opening for everyone Google is
interested in doing that yeah I agree so
so I think that was that was the good
news not necessarily although a little
yeah no no new a lot people were
surprised no new hardware at all so no
new watches no new phones and tablets um
no nothing no google glass updates which
some people thought maybe we'd see oh no
no google glass updates stop it sarcasm
uh but you know some people just wanted
more from google so I that actually
brings us to our hashtag of the day
which is TDI oh uh huh and I want to
know what product you were hoping for
that didn't happen so what's the thing
that you were hoping for to see it I oh
that you didn't see obviously for you
google glass yeah I wanted google glass
for sure no um I don't know I don't know
I was I don't know what I was hoping you
were just whelmed dwer you not under
whelmed not overwhelmed just whelmed
yeah I don't know what is hoping for us
hoping for that like a big announcement
because I feel like everybody like
Microsoft did hollow lens that blew
everyone away yeah you know even you
know the Apple watch even though I don't
care about it that was a different thing
Google didn't bring anything they've had
smart cars and they've got all kinds of
stuff but this just was less that's like
it that's the thing I was hoping for is
more self-driving car stuff i mean i'd
like some i think i agree with you and
that there was no real like mike drop
announcement so then that's usually the
thing that these key notes are kind of
reserved for ya you almost wonder if
maybe like something they felt maybe
they had something but they felt wasn't
quite ready after prime time which you
know Google's got google labs and
they've got you know they have all that
crazy stuff that they have in there like
secret x labs so maybe but you know at
the end of the day it it was good and
there was Android M which a lot of
people are excited about there's a lot
of really nice tweaks and upgrades to
the features of Android there and then
they also had android pay which is a new
version of similar to Google Wallet and
stuff like that but yeah no real
hardware updates I'm with the exception
of cardboard which I wouldn't
necessarily call hardware so um yeah TDI
Oh tell us what you would have liked to
have seen at the conference last week um
Cal please tell me about this book made
of human skin because I only know of one
really and it's the Necronomicon and I
don't think this is it how do you open
the Necronomicon I don't know don't you
have to say something I think you do
okay well this book you don't have to
say anything special to open it so this
story is more of a kind of like uh this
is really interesting and now I might
want to share it with other people
because it's a really weird story you
should share this so this is a book made
of artificial skin from front to back
excluding the covers from front to back
artificial skin to ret to replicate
different parts of the human body now
why is that because tattoo artists mean
a place to display their work yeah and
also there's a big issue if you don't
know if you need a practice how to do a
tattoo not practicing on me can't do you
have to do it on somebody so this book
works for multiple reasons and and this
is a now this isn't actually a book
that's per se coming out it's like this
is this video is made by tattoo art
magazine and a Brazilian ad agency Lou
Laura tbw they work together to create
this like video for this concept for
this book where artists could you know
doing tattoos and or show off their arts
so smart yeah so I mean yeah it's it's a
it's a huge issue my cousin has a
terrible tattoo on her back it's a it's
a juggalette tattoo so I already started
off bad but then it just looks like a
blob um but yeah it's not done well over
time that things just gonna spread
underneath your skin and look just
terrible so this book is really cool
it's not really for sale but it's a
really cool concept um no I first
official state ID anything to do so
could you imagine if they started doing
stuff like you know how they're growing
skin and labs like basically they could
3d print out these books and just 3d
print out this like synthetic skin in a
book and then just bind it and then ship
it out to you maybe this is a
Kickstarter ya book Kickstarter who
knows we might might see that someday I
like it skin book I think it's uh yeah I
think it's good I mean maybe sometimes
you know you have an idea for a tattoo
maybe I'm like would really like Roger
Rabbit you know and I'd be like okay
well let me see what it would look like
on skin right like I mean usually sketch
and everything but there is something to
being able to say like I have an idea
but I don't know how it's gonna work
like maybe new inks maybe you want to
try new inks that's another thing like
there's constantly new inks being
released out on the market and stuff so
maybe that's the thing test our new ink
see if you like them so tattoo art
magazine it's a great idea but
somebody's got to do it I know you're
not going to you too busy making
magazines why don't you print your
magazines on artificial skin that seems
like a great idea had to your magazine
pages even the actually fully tattooed
that would be so skinny hey one is
special edition issue honey your skin
magazines showed up Lou he's like
playboy she's like no its actual skin
it's the hairy edition all right anyway
so that was our ridiculous story that is
to follow up are serious google i/o now
we have a scare citing story so we're
just running the whole gamut today of
emotions mi tease robo cheetah which
we've talked about on this show before
we love this thing we've report on this
thing three times it always involves
like it's like once every what three
four months before mancilla ok so this
water now better is not better but go
ahead uh it can now run five miles an
hour on a treadmill and jump and and
recognize time and jump over objects all
right then
is awesome it's so close to being a
cheetah it's so terrifying new
algorithms are letting this robot see
obstacles the way a person would and
then so detect an object estimate the
object's height and then figure out the
distance away so it can time a jump over
it so there's three different algorithms
at work here it can leap over objects up
to 18 inches tall it can do that while
maintaining its average runs beats here
you go what right over hurdle and it's
gonna be the hurdles it's gonna be robot
Olympic hurdles and noticed by the way
these are not perfect drops of these
obstacles like when you drop them on
their date their gay could be sideways
that's not like really timed or anything
yeah it's really taking a look at like
okay here's this thing here's how it
looks tears without a safety harness by
never get running around we talked about
it being untethered that was the last
update now it can jump over your dead
body after it murders you can just keep
on going kill mighty is killing it hey
litter so good finest is so good now
another thing to keep in mind you can't
tell the video but it is loud really
loud it sounds like uh and like a
go-kart like a homemade go-kart it's so
it's a gas-powered which is great
because now you can hear coming in the
night when it's chasing after you very
true so it cleared on a on the indoor
track this indoor track it cleared about
ninety percent of obstacles which is
pretty good it's untethered as we
mentioned and the next want to have it
leap over objects on softer terrain like
grass so they want to teach it to chase
you in the grass now apparently i want
to know their exact layout what they
want to do for like the next twelve
twelve year yeah I might actually ask
them that question because the Robo
cheetah will be present at the DARPA
Robotics Challenge out in pomona this
weekend so I might get to swing by and
check that out so we may or may not be
able to go we're trying to get press
access we'll see if here's what I want
to know I want to know what they are
project like by the project what they
have set up as goals okay as far as they
can say and then I want to know what
each of them would secretly personally
make it do okay
all right because I want to know like
each of them had their own idea but
they're also working together so I want
to know right i'm sure they all have
their own like little dream for this for
the rowboat Rita but yeah it's um I mean
like I said scare siding so cool to
watch but also like wow if that thing
ever turned on us like no good no good
at all I mean I can barely run five
miles an hour so that thing is
definitely gonna take me out k i'll
probably better runner than I and we'd
probably survive oh yeah I can't run
that thing how fast gonna go five miles
an hour oh okay so yeah it's printed
you'd be able to yeah till run outta gas
so you gotta wait for drone yes that's
it for the headlines we will be right
back with back utter hackett your user
feedback and of course our photogra for
the day but until then don't click away
it's to our daily
welcome back to the show kale has the
cherries it tastes like victory Oh real
quick we didn't get to we didn't get to
do it because um we weren't here but
Logan's birthday was last week I know
Logan's birthday was last week so happy
birthday I'm sure Logan and everything
producer Logan feel free to tweet him at
Logan boy uh you can do send him your
birthday wishes please what do you want
the hashtag to be TD what Ruby on the
spot I know that's what we do TD TD TD u
TD feel more money more problems Mo
Money mo problems yes oh my god even one
version does that it'll be a success
please hashtag more money problem ok so
we got to do a thing now I we gotta do
it yeah we got to do a thing we got to
do it's monday so we gotta do becker
hackett let me ask you a question uh so
when you wake up like let's say on a
saturday morning we have no trash cans
here so you're gonna have to just yeah
sorry um when you wake up let's say on a
weekend and you wake up to like let's
say what is it good to wake up to me the
smell of coffee or breakfast cooking
like is that a thing that you would like
yeah like okay so it sounds pretty good
alright so that means because you said
yes we're going to talk about the sensor
wake which is an alarm clock these as
cartridges to wake you up with what is
technically smell-o-vision which I find
very fascinating so this company or an
this product was created by an 18 year
old kid who took it to the Google
science fair last year and it was named
one of the 15 inventions that can change
the world and all right let's not get
too crazy well Google named at that now
it's on Kickstarter it's a cat it's a
little box and you have these capsules
that you pop in there with different
scent profiles and each capsule works
for about 60 alarms and they have all
kinds of smell combos so one of them's
continental breakfast that's espresso
and response oh cool qua sont yeah sweet
peach and strawberry candy which i think
is called sugar rush seaside and jungle
which is like fresh-cut grass ocean tea
tree and
aquat ginger and peppermint and even
bacon and orange juice because they just
hit their strength first stretch goal
very cool congrats small-batch testing
they tested this with about a hundred
people at woke up on ninety nine percent
of the people up in under two minutes
whoa like and softly not like but like a
big okay so okay so it can't change the
role a little bit the idea is they want
people to wake up happy relaxed and
ready to tackle the day and they fear
the best way account hungry and the bet
they feel the best way to do that is
through smell and there's been a lot of
research done us to like the positive
effects of smells on your like chamomile
eucalyptus on route you know relaxing
like you see a lot of that stuff in
massage places where they say would you
like an oil that's like a eucalyptus oil
to help relax you or whatever same type
of concept just transfer it into this
like little alarm clock okay so that's
what they want to do um if you maybe
let's say your sinuses are acting up we
got allergies we a little sniffly can't
smell anything if you don't wake up in
three minutes after the alarm goes off
and the smell like releases then there's
an actual audio alarm so you're there
covering your bases for you they're
making sure that you don't sleep in
because you didn't smell the eight wakey
wakey eggs and Bakey yeah um but yeah so
they want fifty thousand euros they
already have Oh for a hundred thousand
euros nice with is that him by the way
is it that is him I believe that is him
tease get there's 29 days left in the
campaign and about 88 US dollars 880
euro gets you an early bird sensor wake
and if you missed the early bird they're
saying it costs about 30 bucks more um
retail okay so it's gonna be 120 for you
to buy it how much are the cartridges
did they did they say that I didn't see
how I decided whether the back it or not
so I no longer I didn't see how so you
get a cartridges and they last for 60
alarms so 60 is not terrible not
terrible but if you wake up every single
day to an alarm like seven days a week
it's only like that's less than 10 weeks
so that's like nine weeks okay celery
this alarm that alarm is free but you're
not waking up to smell yeah and it's not
gentle and I see
yeah exactly this is meant for you to be
like relax and more energetic in the
morning and more peaceful but their
thing is is that you can also get packs
so if you pay a little bit extra over
the ad euro I want to say it's like
maybe 10 5 or something you get extra
capsules that you can pick so they have
like deals where you can get them in
like bundles and stuff like that alright
so cool we can check that out and I once
again it is called sensor wake all one
word I honestly think I'd probably wake
better if it was a bad smell like if it
was fart I know I was gonna say like
sulfur rotten eggs yes skunks just dirty
dog dirty dog wet dog just the gross
pack can we make the gross back you know
like that would be sort of like jelly
bean flavors where they're like Bertie
Botts every flavor beans like they got
the good stuff like popcorn I'd wake up
for popcorn that's me movie pop you're
saying I'm away you don't know what
you're putting in there's all the
mystery one yeah you like a mystery
smell pack and it could be something
really Pleasant or something really
distant what if they have like
girlfriend like they have one that
smells like you have a like a girlfriend
line next to you it's perfume but you
don't have your single you like oh oh
forever oh yeah and then you wake up sad
and nobody said hey just like every
other day but you don't need an alarm
clock with a girlfriend smell for that
yeah oh but that sends her wig and I
thought that was really low I'm bakit I
think I'm kind of in on it like I feel
like I'd back it to its fine by 420
though I i would say 81 the 80 bucks
like feels like that's appropriate but I
want to know how much those cartridges
are gonna be to replace but how much
would you pay I want popcorn cartridges
for cartridges yeah for the four little
pods I would say a cat per capsule it
pay like 10 bucks how much do you um the
little fresheners in the house cost like
about six seven dollars well if you bite
well here's thing if you buy like the
actual full thing it's like you know ten
dollars but then the cartridge is like a
pack of 3 is usually like eight eight
dollars Logan would you back this yeah
yes yeah I'm kind of on the fence but
I'm just trying to be helpful because I
think it would be cool I'm kind of in on
it just cuz it seems like one of those
futuristic things that they predicted
from like the 1930s like we're like well
you're going to wake up to the smell of
bacon in the morning even though there's
no breakfast you mean those crazy guys
from the
30s they were like just put a bunch of
wings on your arms and jump off a
building yeah we're gonna wear phones as
hats like yeah just totally that's that
is exactly what I'd imagine this this is
that future which is kind of fun okay
you're ready to talk about user feedback
uh-huh let's do it all right so with two
years our feedbacks get through TD flag
where we asked everybody think of like
new earth flags and then people didn't
like that question they didn't and then
we also have we also have TV eco cap
which is where would you want to take
the little eco capsule and simpler
people like that question all right so
get a real mixed bag for the flag Ricky
wrote in and said TV flag if it's good
enough for Captain Kirk is good enough
for me hey the united federation planet
yeah look it's all point wait but this
is this is just one plan there's our
planet that's the Star Trek United
Federation though so okay but that was
like multiple planets but funny pinned
then sent us an email and was like hello
ashlyn kill I suspect that many viewers
will suggest using Star Trek's United
Earth flag or the United Federation of
Planets flag I will go one step further
and proposed not only using the flags
from Star Trek but also uniforms and
insignia yo pen come on man wouldn't it
be a hoot if some intelligent
extraterrestrial who's been monitoring
earth television broadcasts encounters
NASA astronauts or unmanned spacecraft
so the whole gamut of Star Trek flags
uniforms and insignia and thinking Star
Trek is real immediately dispatches an
ambassador to earth to negotiate
membership in the United Federation of
Planets I can see the news headline
NASA's Star Trek cosplay because okay
alright that's enough of that in order
to shout out that's good it's fine we've
all been a comic con we know what that
looks like now I love it done okay like
then he wants to general aliens lion
patrol them with started I love it forms
I pin I love it I'm not wearing a red
vest was not weird sure I do around
you're at a red shirt elbow I'll go gold
on the world shirt ok so then on the
other side we had eco capsule people so
eco cap arnold wrote in and said I'd
live in the lap lands it's Sweden and
have dogs pull my eco capsule here's hi
first person view dogsledding pic
that I love that yeah person I like that
you just living loving your life and the
dogs are doing all the hard work there's
pulling around face all wrote in and
said the Amazon jungle which I also I
think that's a good one keep it keep it
real all right and then Kota wrote in
and said on a barge or small ship live
off the sea go to port for supplies now
I just want a boat with this tech like
where your head's at yeah you want to be
a pirate that's what you just saw eco
capsule in the ocean have it float that
would be really cool wait he was just
gonna be floating around in the end of
cab should there be well no cuz if it's
solar-powered maybe you have like a
little solar powered engine cuz he wants
a boat version of it so you'd have to
have like some sort of propellers oh man
Barcelona solar sails you can sail okay
cool wind power that's cute it's a good
idea but you guys came up with some good
stuff and then of course we have our
very last piece of user feedback which
is always our phone target for the day
friend of the show and viewer antonio
road in friend if friend of the show
meaning this is the first time we've
ever mentioned antonio because this is
the first time Antonia has ever written
in he says hello my name is Antonio and
I wanted to share me a picture with you
guys this picture taken with my one plus
one on my trip to Japan I must visit
place and my favorite place in Kyoto
Japan really enjoy your videos keep it
up thanks is this our first one plus one
I know we've had a way I think
we've had two before this okay but it
takes really nice pictures and this is a
bamboo forest he was saying it's a
bamboo forest I was gonna say cuz I
almost got this phone and I died I
didn't like the front-facing camera but
this is fantastic but the regular camp
is really good really really good very
cool it was this is a very
well-constructed shot to it is I like
that there's people at the end there
it's got I mean it just looks so good
looks really really nice this is a
lightful I like all the the brown kind
of like where the fences are like the
bottom half it starts so weird yeah I
like it very cool it's really rad so
yeah that's that's Antonio's picture
Thank You Antonio for that delightful
photo if you want to submit your font
ography to be featured on the show you
can email us tomorrow at cnet com you
can always send us your feed user
feedback if you want to as well if you
absolutely hate email you can always
find us on social media or tomorrow
daily on all the
ones and and tomorrow daily TV over on
google+ and our personal tubes are at
kill anonymous fans out Ashley's
together that's it for the show today
you guys Kayla's gonna go eat this
entire entire case of cherries and we'll
be back tomorrow with a weird wonderful
docket of science fiction and science
fact blown up in your face but it till
that vegan humans will see you guys next
time fine
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