Tomorrow Daily - Khail and Ashley's best (and worst) of E3 2015, ep. 194
Tomorrow Daily - Khail and Ashley's best (and worst) of E3 2015, ep. 194
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm
Ashley sceva joining me as always is
fallout shelter player kale anonymous of
the going all out shelter you you
actually I think live in that game now
we've lost kale guys not we don't even
need fallout 4 anymore we have fallout
shelter now we just kales long proud
overseer but we've got a lot more games
talk about them ones that have been
wasting my time and my money i've
already spent twenty dollars so wow so
we got but we got a lot of to talk about
for you three so yeah so let's it's not
headlines let's just hit our best and
worst of III today okay so we have three
categories that we picked one of those
categories we picked gameplay conference
Oh trailer huh alright so what was your
best so we're going so for this we're
going best in the worst I mean it's like
as much as we like to be positive on
this show we're going worst because I
really want to I really want to crap on
some some some gamers here is that
there's some missteps and it's and it's
delightful so what do you want to start
with let's go with gameplay okay that's
to wear so we're gonna start with
gameplay best gameplay that we showed
off star wars battlefront excited
because the star with the little star
wars kid inside of me was like crying
tears to it there's a lot of crying that
happened at this III for a lot of people
and for me it was star wars battlefront
just hearing the laser the second the
laser is I started hearing the giftie
and then I started here on our right
down I'm just like I need to live in
this world I wanted I want to get shot
and and cut in half by a lightsaber so
I'm ready to go I I think a lot of
people were worried about this but I'm
just saying that trailer it's minds
blown so what about you gameplay best
best gameplay you know best gameplay for
me I love indie games we've discussed
this and I had to go check out cop head
and I got to play it I got to play the
two-player co-op mode and it is so much
fun the controls are there's a slight
kind of Greece eNOS to the controls that
not really controls agreed on but
generally speaking as a as a sort of
little shooter it is a adorable be
really impressive apparently over sixty
percent of the team is artists like
they're creating content
art and paintings for the backdrops and
everything because it looks like a 1930s
cartoon a living 1930s cartoon it's
amazing how accurate to the time period
they got it and also the gameplay is
really fun you're like a little cup and
you have like special abilities you have
these a little shooter it's adorable and
and actually really really fun so kudos
to those guys they don't have a release
date yet but they said hopefully
sometime next year there is cuphead
gonna be your best of every single
category because it's the only game
listen hot follow for is gonna probably
be the best of in all your category so
it's against the best I am the worst i
like to spread it out okay so worse
first gameplay worst oh we're doing
worse gameplay do it worst gameplay oh
wait I thought we meant the super
awesome best because i'm going with NBA
live 16 because we met group god hoop
god was in the house finally he's making
his appearance at e3 after we've been
asking for it for years and he got on
stage and really just stole the show of
all three he's they're gonna put him in
Fallout I hear it's gonna be great who
God you know if anyone's gonna cheer
show you it's amazing I can't wait he's
going to be an every a game from now on
I'm super excited NBA Live 16 dad who
got dreams alive so that that was my
worst gameplay okay I'm gonna stir up
some controversy right now let's do it
I'm sorry buddy do it worst gameplay for
me is the Last Guardian is the Last
Guardian and I'm gonna tell you why
because this game has been in
development for so long that it it still
looks like a PlayStation 3 game and I'm
bummed that I'm bummed that it took so
long to get there and now i'm watching
it and I'm just like I don't feel the
same as I did in 2009 when they first
announced it it has been six years since
they first announced that game yeah
you've been burned by the how long it's
taken just as I've been burned by uh
split the division yes what man the
divide just can't just perfectly look
amazing don't even tell us when it's
coming up yeah I get I get what you're
saying okay so where's gameplay you
waited too long they waited too long
it's more of a visual thing like I'm
sure enough I'm sure the game's gonna be
beautiful and make us all cry in that
little bird dot weird bird dog Falkor
thing is gonna be you know awesome but
the thing is is it took too long it
looks last gen and that bums me out
because this game should be
just the most beautiful thing you've
ever seen on PlayStation 4 but straight
up if hoop God was in it it would be
better writer a hundred percent better
in fact i Coupe God and that the little
Falkor bird dog thing became best
friends I think oh my you know I yeah
TLC I so we'll see I feel like we could
actually review games by asking if it
could be better if the main protagonist
was hoop got like we should just start
doing now that should be a rating system
he's in super smash brothers by the way
I've gotta go is it getting it yet he's
it's all smash moves all the time for
him so it's breathing okay that's Trey
best conference Rudy whatever you want
to do know let's let's work our way to
conference alright best trailer that's
so best trailer for me and this one was
a surprise and I think that's why it
really affected me was ghost recon
wilderness because i am a I am an
open-world junkie you are I am also a
co-op junkie and I'm also a guy busting
coke dealers junkie oh they're like all
/ yes yeah I did it right before the
show um but but ya know it's it's it it
looks really impressive very big and
expansive and I think a lot of us saw
this and we were thinking of all the
possibilities it just looks it just
looks huge and and this is going to be
the one of the games that's gonna be fun
to watch people play on Twitch and or
twitch stream yourself which i think is
important when you're thinking about
playing a game you know because it's
it's part of the experience now to kind
of put out that shareable that turbo
experience okay so yeah for me ghost
Ghost Recon wildlands really got me
excited for it i called it wild ones
wild limits wild lands but yeah so there
you go looking forward to seeing more
from that again i think they only showed
the true trailer it's not even on the
floor so that's why i also picked a
trailer that is not on the show floor
okay it's Final Fantasy 7 remake uh I
don't know I expected that guy's another
another thing that made people cry
including my seller crying game here he
may have just finished crying right off
stage right for the child car they
announce thyself a sony press conference
and this is the thing that everyone's
been clamoring for they totally sony
trolled us last December when they
announced that we were getting this like
weird pc port of the game and everybody
thought it was the remake it was like
this is it this is it it's finally gonna
happen and then really it's a pc port of
the exact same game and everybody got
mad everybody was mad including me okay
alright so now finally just give us what
we want sony like give us what we want
and they did they
Miley delivered and that trailer looked
amazing I i love the reaction cuz they
actually in the press conference cut to
the audience yes and there were people
just screaming grabbing other people
that you're shaking them it was
unbelievable and to be in that room when
it got announced was really special for
me I mean that was the game that got me
into rpgs like I think for a lot of us
like that was the game that got us into
rpgs and so um I mean I'm just so
excited it's going to be at least a
couple years out i'm assuming 20-year
anniversary released so probably 2017
but i'm so pumped for Final Fantasy 7
remake it's going to be beautiful does
anything it looks anything even close to
advent children like in game I I don't
even know what I'm gonna do it myself
like I'm so excited that should be very
interesting to see if they stick with
the very very old turn based system that
they had knock down or if they go for
like a final yaparim you know man yeah I
don't know they may ruin it completely
ruin everything and then like Eris
survives and she becomes you know I
heard a rumor she sits on the game of
thrones she's the queen of dragons or
whatever and they don't even know what
they're doing anymore and they put who
duck and hoop got in there hoop God is
gonna actually replace cloud strife and
this remake because they have to make it
better and so that's that's what it is
alright best press conference oh we're
not gonna do worst we're trailer oh we
didn't we didn't talk about our worst
here okay so worst trailer hold on worst
trailer worst rail about me to go first
I know okay okay so worst trailer Star
Wars The Old Republic Knights of the
Fallen Empire the longest title no look
mouthful look those trailers are super
cool but that is not how the game plays
out now it's a great trailer not it
doesn't so you know that's fun it's it's
I'm glad you got to make that cool
trailer but it really doesn't like
payout for the game and it's I don't
know I'm not around I'm not excited love
the trailer though great job really cool
didn't work sorry not from that for you
not doing it was it was a fun little
trailer but in brief my worst was
something I did not see which a lot of
people actually I think agree with me uh
it was a trailer that wasn't here which
is a metroid for wii u where's my wii u
metroid you're gonna already gonna start
the nintendo hate where's my wii u
metroid all right listen I'm not shaking
with rage I'm not crying alright I'm not
giving up on nintendo there are a lot of
things I saw that I liked but we're sure
a weirdo fan girl so where my samus at
that's what I'm asking where are Sam is
that and not a 3ds sports ball game I
don't that's not what I'm talking about
I want a wii u game beautiful that's
what I want fair enough so there you go
alright press conferences let's do this
best press conference Bethesda AKA
church cuz you went there and you thank
God praise todd howard and it was
everything never religious experience
and so many people were saved it was
great OH was it was it was more like a
story they like wove it like a story
there was there was all highs and lows
and and it was it was fantastic from the
gameplay to the trailers to the
surprises you know we we got doom which
blew everyone away and the fact that
they stayed in their true to form just
straight-up violence and did everything
crazy and then uh dishonored which was
supposed to be a surprise but ended up
being leaked leaked early what
dishonored to a pretty cool trailer you
know was it wasn't my favorite but and
then of course fallout 4 dog needs not
gonna die you get to make your own house
you get a pip-boy in real life that you
can use with your phone oh really you're
you can be that guy walking around like
you're gonna be at the mall doing it oh
I'm not that guy this guy then you can
download fallout shelter only if you
have an iPhone sorry Android users give
it a couple months yeah we'll see I'll
already be the overseer in the world
yeah we're gonna but anyway so bethesda
and todd howard is is so good on stage
he is really good so good he makes el
all those other guys look like chumps so
taking a page on the stevie job it was
great plan i mean like it maybe not you
they had some amazing announcements it
was just all overall just a great pretty
solid so what about yours nintendo right
no yeah no definitely magento i picked
microsoft oh and here's why so I thought
Microsoft had a few things that really
kind of set them apart from everybody
else uh they had really cool future tech
so they'd haul lens with minecraft all
the good yeah but they have the elite
controller so they're doing things with
their controllers to make people uh to
give people customization option on how
they want to play which i think is
amazing backwards
Pat ability was a huge surprise people
people went ballistic inside that inside
the Galen Center they went insane and
the guy next to me was like no no like
he was losing his mind it was the
greatest and then and then lastly I
thought they had a really good balance
of Triple A games and also in D they
have that really great indie montage and
they focused on some of the indie games
and and talked a little bit about what
they were and and they also focused on
games that were coming out soon like it
was all kind of games that are coming
out the next 12 months not this is
coming out in a few years and we don't
know when promises promises okay yeah
but it did promises promises Sony had a
lot of that where was like 20 16 2016
2017 like we don't know like it was
there was a lot of that and I loved all
those games and it was very nostalgic
for me at Sony but Microsoft really just
was like these are the games they're
coming you're gonna play them and in you
got 360 backwards compatibility if
you've been thinking about upgrading I
mean they really did a great job as a
company of convincing people to upgrade
their 360 to Xbox one's yeah so that was
I thought that was amazing great go
support of their console all the way
around Dean soopers including future of
hollow lens which will all be wearing
next year and you'll be watching this on
hollow lens yeah God gotta help us all
right all right so talk about worst
worst press conference I love me some
cringe so when I say worst press
conference I actually kind of enjoyed it
and so mine was EA oh yeah because I
don't even know but we had a little guy
named hoop God who is at the e a press
conference running theme of we also had
this dancing cartoon zombie that came
out and tried to rile up like nobody let
that didn't work or anybody um and then
the sports thing that they just beat
into your head like it's sad because the
whole audience they're like they're like
all right we got another NFL game coming
out yeah sure Pele is amazing yeah I
love myself Pele it's like a 25 minutes
it like it was really long it's really
long Pele I know you watched this show
so I'm sorry but it was like it was kind
of a showstopper man yeah but come on
the show and we'll we'll fix it whatever
but not she's just call me whatever and
and also I think it and the yarn thing i
like them super cute
we're really made the EA has come as a
whole year's e3 brought to you by your
game yarn guys yarn uh so ya know it was
just crazy wacky all over the place you
know it was the worst in general I mean
after the Bethesda one which was so well
located yeah but uh ya know I love the
cringe I it was my favorite because it
was the worst so so there you go what
about worse press conference for you
you're gonna be shocked Bethesda
Nintendo oh no again like it wasn't it
wasn't because I didn't like what I saw
it's because I was hoping to see other
things that I didn't see so I really
wanted to see The Legend of Zelda
trailer like more of The Legend of Zelda
for Wii U I wanted to see gameplay like
I want to see that stuff and I wanted to
see um you know more first part like
maybe a new kirby game like there was
there was a sort of feeling of
anticipation that nintendo was gonna
surprise us with something and then
there was not really any surprise in
that press conference except for except
for the puppets like Reggie Miyamoto any
water turning into pot they were puppets
and then they turned into Star Fox
puppets so starfox looks really cool but
it dig did also i'm sorry i missed I
kind of missed that press conference and
I'm kind of glad i did not an elephant's
it was amazing so it was good it was
funny ok cool it was entertaining and
like I love Nintendo for those press
conferences in those weird moments where
you're just like this is charming and I
don't know what I'm seeing but I love it
yeah and so there was a lot of that and
that was cool but I also know as a theme
with mushrooms so I can kind understand
why they go weird directly I ankle it
was definitely like one of those
feelings where it was like I I was
expecting more I didn't get it and then
on top of that everything that we've
seen everything that we saw in their
press conference was stuff we've seen
like we've already seen it there's
nothing new and um and so that was a
bummer I mean we saw Star Fox a little
like tiny bit last year but that was it
um some but we still saw it we knew it
was coming so it wasn't any surprises
yeah the booth sucks too i'm just gonna
go ahead and say that oh you shouldn't
hate that movie yeah you bite your
tongue it's a great i like the booth a
lot the Star Fox thing is really cool
again no fear girl those are our best
and worst we are gonna come right back
with a surprise guest a surprise guest
who is it is it Pele it is unfortunately
not pale a better than Pele is it that
zombie uh no okay the old extra cost you
about it in the costume so and she's
gonna give us her opinions of III we
will be right back after this break
don't miss the rest of tomorrow daily
sponsored today by hoop God Oh is he
welcome back to the show we've returned
and oh my gosh there's another person
here it's a miracle it's gamespot
producer just mcdonald coming to us all
the way from Sydney Australia yeah I
totally am just for this show actually
we appreciated you I was really excited
yeah did you pay for that I did great on
a bracket you guys who God's generous
sponsorship thank God uh Roger III so
far uh you know it's been good it's kind
of been a good year I mean I'm expecting
it to be a bit disappointing but there's
been plenty of like awesome new IP and
like sweet stuff coming out they were
like they're not gonna do it and then
they did and it was a thing and it's
exciting it's a very exciting year to be
here and actually be able to be at the
at the blunt of all of this so let's get
into the list yeah we're gonna you're
gonna be the same ones that we did so
we're starting out with best gameplay
what's the best gameplay best gameplay
you know I think I actually have to say
my favorite game play was hololens oh
yeah yeah minecraft on Holly lens it was
just so fascinatingly different I mean
we talked about like VR and the Holy
technology is like being like so full of
potential but to actually say the way
they demoed it and the way that it could
be used to kind of access game worlds in
a hallway that we've never really
thought of as being possible it's like
really exciting yeah it was it really
turned you into a child you like ooh I
want to mess around with that like
minecraft looked exciting like super
exciting again like look into the world
look into your houses I mean I mean they
did a really good job choosing minecraft
it anyway because it's a really good
example if you build these huge world
and then to be get to get to explore the
scope of those worlds via you know just
interacting with it through this
technology is just so cool so you Gary
huge minecraft player I'm actually not
but I'm minecraft is one of those things
I'm fascinated by yeah I do think it's
so cool so yeah I mean I almost went for
Tomb Raider just because I'm so excited
formal tomb raider and it's so I the
climbing and the ice and the and the
more Laura
expected her to get hurt in that trailer
defying but um but but hololens has to
take the case okay so what about worse
worst game what about worst mr. for me
the worst gameplay it was probably uh
gears of 40 interesting it wasn't dark
enough for you was it was super block
gameplay trailer when nothing happened
mm-hmm like like if they were gonna
bring gears back when they were gonna do
this and it was gonna be a whole thing
it should have been more of an event and
it pretty much rounded out that show it
rounded out the conference with just
kind of aimless wandering and back and
forth and it was very very dark yeah
really dark and you sort of saw a
monster at the end and it's like cool
monster alright but it was just kind of
banter and nothingness then it was like
really thats kids that's where you're
going with gears down yeah it's ready
with the audience they're like they're
like show the chainsaw Jake's awesome
dude yeah I record in the audience
deeply I do like the the team-based
let's take on the baddies kind of thing
yeah like meandering hopefully they
actually have more to the game than just
wandering around so i think the
exploration that it's to le yeah that
game isn't coming out till light light
next year and it's probably just not the
right time to be bringing out a trailer
for it right Oh gameplay trailer for
sure but yeah that's what I think okay
alright so now we're gonna move on to
trailer okay so best trailer okay I'm
scared to say my best trailer cuz I just
heard you paint this is a safe space
it's not cuz he just paid it out I
really loved unravel oh wait I just give
crap job no i didn't i did not talk crap
on unravel i think thats all i said was
that it was really weird in that Hulk
press coverage you know was weird when
it ended and then it was like Need for
Speed brave I was just like what just
happened but unravels like gave me the
same feels is like re in the blend for
us last year where I actually cried in
this very room very embarrassing just
quietly to myself because was very much
a good
professional does yeah I know y'all cry
alone and unravel was just like ahh the
fields and just like to see the game
track to come out and be so passionate
and so genuine about like his aunt and
his creation what he was doing I mean
the guy was shaking like he was just so
obviously not there to be a presenter
not there because of his like obvious
like stage presence right just because
he adored what he was doing and just
really wanted to build a connection
between players and this game that he
was that he was making for them I'm sure
it's super fulfilling fulfilling for
someone like that to go out there and
show this game off and get such such an
amazing response yeah I know we were
kind of like wow that was really weird
it's like Etsy this is the ANSI
convention this year with lots of the
world it was the most honest thing
during that press conference by far it
was like I make game with yarn and then
and then everything else was mega
awesome like I was cute really out of
the blue um I thought it was interesting
we didn't get more trailers like that
this year there was it was really the
only trailer of that sort of ilk that
was like oh and it was kind of like oh
like touching and stuff like that there
were a lot of Awesome trailers like yeah
that was yeah yeah that one's good okay
so let's go from your best trailer to
the worst trailer that you've seen the
one that you were just not excited that
would have to be the Triforce here is oh
and you know why it's not because
there's anything wrong with it I loved
link between worlds it was my face cream
from from that year but it's not the
silicate you might want to see right now
I said hi economy I was yellow and two
friends yeah I just don't just want to
always just show me through it I barely
have two friends online like how am I
gonna find them in person with with 3d
esas but exactly or it's like you know
give me a taste of a new 3d experience
yes I know it's a Nintendo and they
won't give it to me for another three
years right but still I think I would
have preferred that so it was just a bit
of a disappointment in that it was just
not really the zelda game that i wanted
that's not the zelda we're looking back
that's not the one try again
alright so now it's what conference okay
so best conference okay my favorite
conference far in a way it was so nice
because it was such a crowd pleaser I
feel like a lot of publishers come out
and say way I like doing everything for
the game is always thinking about it's
what the players want la blah blah and
it's easy to talk a big talk and then
not really deliver I felt like sony's
conference really proved that they could
actually listen to fans and like bring
stuff out give us the last guardian you
know yes okay they're not technically
funding Shenmue but like it give some
stage presence to shin area which is now
completely taken off and funded on
kickstarter already Final Fantasy remake
stuff like that it was just and yes like
I I heard what you were saying Ilya that
it's using you in the future so much
time we're going to wait like Shenmue is
gonna be like it's like Oh PlayStation
five give up on not yes sorry but I mean
and the IP like guerrilla games horizon
looks unbelievable it was great and
certainties constant commitment to indie
gaming is just like they they never fail
on that year after year they always like
put you know devolver everybody else in
the spotlight they give them that time
on stage and show that it's not all
about triple-a and I really appreciate
that about Sony yeah that's yeah that's
one of my favorite things about them to
that they're always willing to bring out
like a nobody developer and really just
elevate them to the level of all their
triple-a titles totally um which is
awesome and they're so friendly towards
developers and X is learning yeah
they're getting better they're getting
about it but it's Sony really kind of
took that gauntlet and just ran with it
i mean like while we're talking about
putting the consumers first xbox does
deserve a lot of credit yeah I don't
think backward compatibility of course
compatibility out because I don't think
anybody saw that coming I mean we all
when the consoles pronounced and it was
like no ps4 xbox one Novak was
compatibility right and it was like well
that sucks but I guess that's just the
bowl game and this happens they have
like you know made actual alterations to
the way yeah putting out there so that
you know long into the device in a YA
games supposedly down to the Xbox one is
just a really cool consumer first
measure alright so we hate to end
everything on a donor with your question
we go the worst car
alright well just um for me it was EA
and it's because they had real high
highs and low lows um I think if you
were really into sports games then EA
would have been fine I'm not so this was
game section which felt like it went for
about four hours probably about half an
hour was a bit of a drag yeah it slowed
down another show I was like they
actually had a lot of great games to
show off they started with mass effect
it was awesome to get another glimpse of
that and a couple of details limps is
right though it was only a glass and
nothing my point being like Mirror's
Edge and stuff like that they had really
cool things to show but the bulk of that
conference went to plants vs zombies and
there oh thank you many many acronyms 16
sports game yeah yeah so many um so I
would have liked to see that the weight
swapped around a little obviously they
just have more to show for the
annualized franchises than they do for
the games that we're really looking
forward to right but um yeah all in all
you know it's better good show it's been
a really really good show there's
definitely been something for everyone
that there's no surprises for everyone
things that people are gonna be excited
about this year things they didn't know
they're gonna be excited about
absolutely tech on every front yeah on
your current tag yes I beulas handheld
hollow lensing everything I mean there's
so much stuff and and I mean I it's just
been a really everybody this year is
like I don't feel like there's any real
losers like I feel like even the bigger
except Nintendo you stop but it just it
doesn't feel like that like every year
kind of like I remember when the xbox
one was announced it was like oh like
like oh man like their make is and then
they backpedal then it was like this big
thing and it was just like oh they
really lost this one to Tony and it
doesn't feel like that this year it
feels like everybody just had really
good style show thing yeah I had
something to get excited yet yeah that's
always a good year um well thank you for
telling us every on yeah fun we like to
have a good time here and where can
people find you today you can stay in
the states if you want write your letter
yeah just I just stay here yeah it's
cool we don't have giant spiders so it's
like told I would be emotions yeah okay
we'll get your Huntsman of your that's
fine I
your pet Huntsman with leash oh that's
good i'm at just mcdonald on Twitter
just mcdonald on twitter your your where
can we find you on I'm Matt Cail
anonymous and or at hookah and i am at
ashleys together also last thing before
we go we did this really really cool oh
yeah actual tour of the show floor and
you can see it whether you are using
your just your phone you can use it as a
kind of a virtual reality look around if
you have cardboard google cardboard or
the samsung gear vr you can use that as
well to watch this experience and kale
and i take you around III it's a little
two minute experience in virtual reality
and we're really excited about it you
can go over to cnet com to check that
out you can always find coverage of e3
over on gamespot com as well as seen at
cons games hub but until next time guys
we will be will be back tomorrow with a
whole new brand new docket of e3 news
not weird wonderful science facts and
science fiction but until then begin
humans will see you guys next time
alright let's burn this place down do it
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