Tomorrow Daily - Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets, Ep 165
Tomorrow Daily - Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets, Ep 165
on today's show a creepy humanoid robot
that can read your facial expressions
Disney's 3d printer that uses fabric
instead of plastic and some AR goggles
that you're supposed to wear while you
drive around so it's weird can't
possibly go wrong Mauro daily
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm
Ashley see how the join me as always
kill anonymous then you beat me to it
but yes that is your name ok I'm so
happy yeah cuz we get to talk about AR
today so I'm very excited about me too
and it's really cool and futuristic as
all they are as yet as all our show is
so let's have headlines alright so let's
let's jump right into this augmented
reality because I've actually been
tracking this story for a while ok so
this is a brand-new AR technology we've
seen microsoft's hololens ok but now and
we've also seen google glass who cares
but now BMWs decided to make some AR
goggles goggles that glass is AR goggle
they look like all the time II pilot
goggles and you're supposed to wear them
not only while you're walking around and
doing stuff but also while you drive cuz
BMW yes seems dangerous there's some
pretty cool tech a lot of stuff that
google glass promised us but a little
bit more enhance so let me talk about
what's being shown off in this video a
little bit in case you're not hearing it
ok so you put on these doofy looking
goggles it looks like you're gonna get
in a sidecar in a motorcycle and put on
a scarf yeah it looks it looks pretty
dorky but she put on these goggles
they're really cool you one of these
goggles and there's a lot of features
that you wouldn't expect from driving
goggles ok for one I when you're looking
around you have like live gps it'll show
you up in your just up wherever you're
looking like to turn left to turn right
also you don't really have blind spots
anymore because i'll let you see through
the car because for these goggles
they're built to work with your Mini
Cooper Oh your man Cooper will have
cameras on the side so that you can
basically see through your car it really
is a lot to promise and they're saying
that it's not available right now so
kind of a concept but that there it's
coming sooner than we might think which
i think is the case for all AR every
single AR it's going to just pop up on
your desk area code I think by this year
we'll start seeing the consumer one
like next year it'll start like it'll
blow up and up yeah once people get over
their watches I think you're right I
felt like I think that you're right and
that AR is gonna be like the consumer
technology that people like everyday
people use because it gives you that
sort of like you were saying with the
poster it's like oh it's sold out or oh
there's tickets you can buy tickets like
it gives people at sort of everyday
experience as opposed to VR where it's
like go hang out in Jurassic Park like
it it's accentuating your reality that
should be accentuates reality she waits
um but yeah so another one of the things
that they showed off in this so they've
been working on this since 2009 which is
crazy actually much longer six years but
one of the things they show off in one
of their old timey videos was that you
can put on the goggles and it'll give
you like a step-by-step tutorial on how
to like fix your car it'll make it so
you see your engine and it's like 3d and
it'll be like then remove the muffler
and then it'll like vision like
especially remove the muffler and you're
like oh why am I removing my muffler but
it's it's like an x-ray vision so
they're like trying to make your car
like a whole nother interactive sort of
experience that's crazy so that brings
us to the today today is the TD of the
day so this is the question that we have
for you our hashtag is TD cars and we
want to know from you our lovely viewer
what's the extra tech you come up with
for your driving experience would you
like to add to your driving experience
if you could in the future if you want
to join BMW and help them come out with
something else what would you want uh
who that's a really tough one I think I
would want the ability to I'd want my
car to be able to like okay so for
really getting hypothetical here I'm
assuming at some point Hyperloop is
gonna be real because these are my
dreams and I want it to happen really
bad so I would like the ability to just
link my really awesome car to the
Hyperloop and just like shoot my car up
to like San Francisco in six minutes oh
oh you're going extremely always I'm all
in on this like future world like I want
to be able to drive my little car up to
my little tiny like you know the BMW
like Q of the three the foot is a three
or is a super tiny like a mini you drive
it up it's like a little capsule car and
that you
they just shoots it out of the Hyperloop
so that I could just say time travel no
the Hyperloop it's not time travel I'm
just saying if we're going that extreme
oh yeah you got a sick time travel all
right I think Hyperloop is more likely
than time travel but ok fine time I
think maybe like a nice of some sort of
beverage serving one I know that that
seems like super but all with all of
these how often people drink coffee and
how little people actually drink the
amount of water they're supposed to
drink a day if the car was kind of an
assistance in that and I know it's like
super bougie for me to pick that is
really Bujji what hey this is my choice
killing it or not I'm not like well I
want it to drive me to places i mean my
lungs you're gonna get something like
that but if you were like you're driving
around I want to stop and go and get
water all right all right just say push
press the button and the cup pops out
yeah little cup to spend just like
vending machines just pops out puts your
coffee in there and then it goes well
wanna be I wanted I don't want to stop
at star because it'll be so driving at
that point anyway so you I won't even
matter you just sit there read the paper
I shot all about all the likes of your
classes yet not yet nope you don't trust
them not yet all right fair that's why
I'm like ultra this is something I trust
that it won't screw up we have drink
making robots I trust my car to make my
drink my stuff okay I gotta tell you
about Han I guess hon it could be hand
I'm gonna sue matan no relation to solo
this is from Hanson robotics they
introduce this new and it's probably
hands super creepy robot there he is
named han han de robot named creepy
uncle me pay it named super creepy robot
face with clear body he made his debut
at the Global Sources electronics fair
in Hong Kong and his face is made of
this material that Hanson robotics calls
and this is not a joke rubber which is
short for flesh rubber which are two
words that I would never like to see
next to each other in a sentence again
in my life it's really lifelike and
creepy and it's like we said it's
mounted on a clear body which is also
super weird but okay now we're getting
into the robotics part of what he's able
to do so yeah I don't like that skin
that's really weird me
he is programmed to recognize and
interact with people in front of him so
they will interview him they're asking
him questions like where were you born
if he gives pretty boilerplate answers
kind of standard like sort of robotic
answers but he can maintain eye contact
because he has tracking devices in him
that enables him to maintain eye contact
with you he can identify your facial
expressions and respond in kind so if
you're angry he might give you a s'more
of a soft look to try to soothe your
anger things like that at 40 motors
underneath that really creepy face mask
that is controlling him voice
recognition and they were saying it's
potentially the use case for this would
be like kind of a customer service robot
in hotels museums like four tours tour
guides things like that and they are
actually this is going to be a
commercialized robot they will be
bringing a version of this robot to
commercial markets however it will be a
female robot named ava which if it's any
indicator if Han is any indicator I am
already frightened of and they are going
into production full production later
this year so much sooner than most
people would imagine that's so these
people their tech is not just the rubber
but also the robotics yes okay and
what's what's the what's the programming
behind his like reactions and
interactions and supply so he has like
sensors and everything that's sort of
like he has voice recognition so he's
able to sort of talk back to people ask
him questions but they're really simple
questions so he doesn't have like an AI
that's really intelligent if they're all
kind of pre-programmed answers that I
would imagine you would kind of like in
a cut in service situation you go to a
hotel and say I'd like to check in and
it would sort of hear those words check
in and say okay you'd like to check in
like blah blah sort of like a when you
call a customer service line of the
phone it's like what would you like to
do today and you have to tell it and
then it says oh you'd like a
representative like give me one minute
so I think it would be something really
similar to that they ever seen Total
Recall and Johnny but that's what this
looks like hi I'm Johnny bots and he
drives a cab around yeah it's not it's
it's the uncanny valley like this really
small they should have picked a guy that
looks like he could beat my butt like
yeah join me looks like
but I will say this this kind of
technology because they want it to be
customer service it would be really cool
if they were to use it in a place like
Disneyland and make it a character from
like a movie so if it was like Mickey
Mouse and he worked customer service any
call and you go to a resort you're like
making where's the bathroom haha don't
know I'm told have a magical day and
then he strangles you because robots are
terrifying this is five nights at
Freddy's but no it's a variance oh my
god thank you finish your Logan there's
Johnny bot just creepy and gross this is
Johnny but so my postal look older
brother and fun and helpful and it just
you don't you know you're not dealing
with a real human big and it's we're
fine but I'm telling you if they make it
look like a cake like if you're
interacting with like Indiana Jones and
he's tellin ya be really cool the buffet
opens at 11am but that was hate me
awesome does that take you out of it
though like to have him say like Merle
the buffers over his way cuz he's
Harrison Ford and it's like you don't
want Herod you got Indiana Jones telling
you were the buffet by this time they
will have figured it out they've got
that that turtle talk crushed yeah yeah
where they already have technology where
they can they can talk to people luck if
they get that going I am so in Kayla's I
am totally in for that they already have
talking Mickey Mouse's i don't know why
i'm trying to sell it to disney but i'm
telling you if they're gonna do customer
service they need to make it a
characterized so that it finds a
friendly face yeah I see it it's
approachable it's really approachable
and people want to interact with it you
have to make it so people don't you
something fake alright so there you go
creepy still speak speaking of Disney
you actually pretty provided with an
excellent segue speaking of Disney
Disney research yeah get her in that
check we had pay you in quarters um we
do pay kalyan quarters uh so Disney
research has a 3d printer that I thought
was pretty interesting it actually is
using fabric to 3d print which is weird
and cool they're trying to make pliable
sort of soft or at least semi rigid
objects for 3d printing and so this 3d
printer uses fabrics as its main
material so it's going to make a little
rabbit ok so this 3d printers going to
make it a little rabbit and what it does
is instead of a traditional 3d printer
where you have it printing layer after
layer of plastic it's actually it you
can see it what it's doing right now it
is a laser that is cutting
the outline of every single layer of
this rabbit from a roll of felt like a
really big role of felt and then heat
sensitive adhesive gets applied between
every layer so as they build it's like
okay layer got it this is sped up time
seven but it's like okay layer laser cut
it add this layer of like adhesive warm
it so that it becomes adhesive because
it's not adhesive until it gets heat
heat it up and then they keep adding
over and over and over again until they
have this sort of 3d printed 3d printed
soft object but one of the neat things
about this is that it is multi-material
so this 3d printer can use two different
types of fabric and a single object
making it possible for things like a
embedding circuit prints into pieces of
fabric so you're able to sort of make
things connected you can make Internet
of Things objects you could make things
that have circuit boards ingrained in
them which is pretty cool so yeah it's
they made a two and a half inch tall
rabbit two and half hours do we have the
finished result I think so i think we
have it stored the end of the video so
there it is it's a little too little
tiny rabbit so they did buddy they did
bunny print tests primer is a test this
is expedient look at soft though so
that's the thing that's kind of crazy
lets me look I was really expecting
something better will do what's not that
this not that there's anything wrong I
get that it's layered and it's soft yeah
that's pretty cool so here's the
interesting game you totally made the
point of what what I was about to say
next which is they were saying we know
that it looks super weird and not it
looks really rough when it's small but a
larger print the layers because the
layers have to be a certain thickness
because they're using felt they can't
have it super fine and they can't sand
the edges of it so they said the bigger
the item is the smoother all the edges
would be and look so they're like if we
made something a rabbit that was much
bigger it would look much better it's
just and it would be much smoother
because the size of the felt makes it so
that smaller objects looks a lot rougher
I can see this being used for like
cosplay or something like that kazakh
rangers nicely like um custom toys out
like if you know they've got look oh
yeah like so that's where you can put in
foreign types of electronics to make
them interactive your custom and toys
and a gift shop idea was some that I had
but the flaw how long did that take to
make that ugly little bundle they said
two and a half hours so does ours for
this let's say you're out of theme park
and you're there for the week or you can
order it beforehand and pick it up when
you go there so that would be a good
thing you could model it online in a
little program send it to the park and
then you would pick it up at the park
and that would be like your big souvenir
for this for the time anyway it's just
something I know it's something about
yeah I like period Disney's doing it
doing these really like weird sort of
interactive kind of projects that are
like whoa look at this yeah like this so
that's a fabric they're able to
communicate with what this board inside
the fabric to like make the eyes light
up or like you know LED light up and
stuff it's pretty cool pretty awesome
super flexible but I yeah I can see the
interesting beginning yeah interesting
be very interesting that they're showing
it off so boldly yes very much this is
all the stuff because you're like let's
go with this all right so that work
that's it for the headlines we will be
back its new release day so we have all
kinds of crazy stuff with it with the
caveat oh it's kind of better tank but
um that and then we of course have your
user feedback and our photog refer the
day so don't click away it's tomorrow
welcome back to the show it's Tuesday
well we are always excited about
Tuesday's because we get to tell you
about all the things that are gonna make
us broke its new releases
you know you know you know some of us
are already broke that's I go Brooke
every week it's just like a closet goes
watch a show because we're already broke
that's that good point yeah you make a
good point no but there is there some
good stuff out good stuff but all just
about everything this week is stuff that
already has a pre-existing release but
is like either an update or an expansion
or you know like lot so we'll get into
this okay first thing out this week
super excited mario kart 8 second DLC
200cc racing got new track six new
tracks two new cups is this the animal
crossing lines yes I get the villager
you got dry bones as one of the racers
they got new racers they got all kinds
of new stuff but the 200cc racing is the
thing I'm most excited I've got it I've
got live stream this tonight oh it's
gonna be so fun it doesn't come out till
Friday Friday Friday Friday what comes
out friday well I'll nintendo released a
by the way we throw it out um but yeah
they even have like the bait yeah look
at oh my god I'm so excited about this
you don't even know I'm freaking out so
I am I already paid for the way that I
fangirl so way back i'll be crushing
Michael Hobbs in this but on Friday
night um and then the second thing
that's coming out this week which I have
to just I encourage you to pick up this
game if you don't have it shovel Knight
is coming out for PlayStation products
so PlayStation 3 ps4 and PlayStation
Vita if you have a Vita get this game on
your Vita it's amazing um shovel knight
is so much like old retro games but in
the best ways the soundtrack is amazing
the game plays incredible the controls
are so good like this is literally a
modern it's not even a reimagining it's
just it's a really clever and modern
take on old-school gaming this is
considered one of the best indie games
of all time easily one of the best i
have ever played and i play a lot of
indie game I haven't I haven't heard one
bad thing about this game yeah it's very
good it's so dumb pc um I think he's
gonna on steam okay I think um it's only
you though so if you look so much like
rogue legacy that I didn't play it but
was that Kratos yeah those Kratos they
did it for the for the promo there like
they dropped him in there and everyone
like was like they're freaking out so um
yeah I like I'm telling you it's usually
pretty inexpensive like under 15 bucks
it's so worth it i love shovel knight
like a huge shovel my fan um also coming
out this week if you've reordered and
you got the pre order in before it got
pushback is the Apple watch oh my god
you're gonna have a watch ah you're
gonna get watch Brian tongue um goody
maybe we're we're not we're not getting
a watch so we're not gonna get but um
yeah I guess so Apple change the website
to now say like you can't get it on
April 24th because they're super sold
out of them but they are coming out this
week and and of course you know if you
pre-ordered one minute producer Logan
was getting one are you getting one
pretty sure Logan anymore dhoom not
there it is there you go um if you're
getting we had a three if you're getting
an Apple watch like tweet at us I said
no but send us a photo or can it take
photos I can't take from now there's no
camera on board you know I used to have
a watch that would take photos did you
yeah a little-little camera on it I'll
set a walkie-talkie watch uh-huh yeah I
had a remember the old the old Dick
Tracy watches when the Dick Tracy movie
in the 90s came out with more on Beatty
and Madonna did then hey one of those
Donald I think so yeah I love that watch
so let's get those instead um yeah
totally i'm gonna buy those in a
heartbeat yeah I let us know what you
think if you get it cute hella anything
so I'm really curious and they watch
tomorrow daily on there I don't I
wouldn't because the battery life is not
so great but case mechana is it looking
family watching our daily on the watch
video on the airport oh thanks i can't
watch the video lectures you can picture
as you can see okay and then the very
last thing that's coming out this week
is actually a blu-ray release it's a
combo pack break in and break into
electric boogaloo good attic yes if you
have take that Sh all night if you
listen if you haven't seen break in or
break break into electric boogaloo i'd
say is the bigger classic but if you
haven't seen these movies like they're
hilariously bad in all the best ways and
it's all like battles like everybody
fights by breakdancing it just listen
guys just see this movie that's all I'm
telling you but it's out on blu-ray and
it's a combo pack and it's a great party
buddy see in this movie I've seen
rigan too okay and I've see I've seen
parts of break in one but I haven't seen
the whole visit four by three it looks
like I'm sure it is I but it's it's out
on blu-ray what what's the pros of
having it on blu-ray listen four by
three nice SD listen it doesn't matter
like it you can watch break into on
YouTube and you'll still get the amount
of joy meant enjoyment that you could
get watching in a blu-ray I'm just
letting you know that if your film
enthusiasts you must own this cup of if
you're a filament there's yes you have
to have break into I totally agree with
that I think Leonard Maltin like a good
look at this it's amazing it's amazing
it's timeless is it really doesn't exist
in any time period that anyone should
have ever ever exactly um but look at
the transfer is really good thats all HD
and stuff I mean it's yeah you gotta
gotta check it out so good it's bad so
bad it's good so good as bad it could be
either um but just FYI those are your
new releases okay we got to talk about
what you guys have to say about
yesterday's episode so it is time for
using feedback there will never be a
good segue for that for that ever
especially not break into you can't say
way out of that without I mean taking a
dip in quality just how it is sorry um
yesterday we asked you guys use the
hashtag TD nail to tell us what kind of
technology would want on your nail well
you want this touching a very strange
question so I assume the answers are
just a straight super weird but in all
good ways Frank wrote and said I want an
apple pay on my nail quick and easy way
to pay cuz time is gold I like a pink
okay I like many of them a photoshop it
it really makes me believe that they
they really want it to happen or they
really want this joke because you took
the time so good on you prank no matter
what no matter what Michael wrote and
said the ability to shave quick and easy
TD nail no razor no blood look how would
that work we just tap your finger and
your hair falls out of your face thank
you musically just go like this and it
like maybe sends an electrical signal
it's like electrolysis yee-hoo Gucci no
I like that it's just very scary to have
a razor on your oh he said no razor no
were so saying he said hashtag no razor
all right i'll buy it I
Andres hay-soos wrote and said nail
thermometer you have the flu and you
suck your thumb to know if you need to
call your mom for some chicken noodle
soup I think you go step further and say
if you have a fever it automatically
notifies your mom and says you need you
can't fake school and you can't fake it
to go to like you can't be Ferris
Bueller then no there's none of that
sorry guys what you have no ditch days
you'd hack it you could definitely hack
into your nail your cyber now your
cyborg nail your Bionic nail and then we
got an email from Chris and said the
thumbnail is a great place to put a
passive NFC chip so your phone unlocks
when you pick it up which is a better
option than the NFC tattoo unless you
put the tattoo on your thumbnail
brilliant it's a pretty good one that's
a good one I like that one a lot NFC NFC
right you can also do the pay thing to
in that fantasy yeah yes boop boop
you're using it to like scan a bunch of
stuff otherwise I got burned on it's
your business card in your thumbnail
business cards transfers it's such a we
can you imagine to business manner like
they're like that's great videos do
business well now you just scan it over
your life your phone is gonna be the
others know then you have a thumb war
and whoever wins you get the data I like
that you get all the business you can
all business uh so that's user feedback
except for our very last piece of user
feedback which is always our phones I
refer of the day
Jesse Roden oh I gotta be honest with
you I'm spoiled after yesterday this
better be somebody's baby somebody well
can it be like a photosynthesis baby a
baby of nature can be nature like oh
yeah look at that cool nature baby Jesse
wrote in and said hello Ashley and kale
we all have spring fever here in
Colorado and i thought i'd share with
you guys at tulip in our front yard this
was shot on my iphone 6 although i
absolutely hate it wait what he hates
his iphone 6 I still thought it was a
good picture I'm a new watcher but i can
say that i will be watching the show
every day that it is on wait what but
look at the great picture we'll talk
about that in a second look at it what a
nice picture i see it's of nature baby
it is it is incredible flower very
detailed that's insane I'm pretty makes
me want to run outside and for all I
gonna in a meadow somewhere I really
wish I knew why he hated look I know a
phone person I you know right now i'm
using the note i have an antenna aight i
love this but why do you hate your eye
flight right back to us jesse and tell
us why you hate your iphone here i'm
done i'm just curious mean again I don't
like it I just for own personal reason
we just like to move oh yeah but huh huh
just breeze like check out his photo I
hate my phone my phone it's alright
judge great well and get well cuz he's
got spring fever yeah you have spring
fever that's that's serious if you had a
touchscreen iron nail you could suck
your thumb get some chicken noodle soup
through weird um if you guys want to
send over your phone tog raphy if you
would like sent over segment ideas story
ideas whatever you want email us
tomorrow at cnet com of course we are
all over the internet on social media or
tomorrow daily we're all be the internet
well have a shop like spaghetti on the
wall it's just just look for tomorrow
daily facebook instagram twitter
snapchat tumblr where everywhere i might
shut down that snapchat though cuz no
one ever uses it no-one ever text us no
one ever snaps us you don't know how to
snap i don't know how to use it I'm old
I'm in a woman I'm gonna die soon I just
I don't know if it's for me so I'm
saying guys I can't I can't handle all
this social media all at once it's
usually done your snap cuz you're gonna
die soon
probably fair enough I just you know I'm
getting old if you're a YouTube watcher
don't forget like favorite subscribe the
same thing that everyone asks you to do
and leave a comment so we can talk to
you guys and if you're listening on
iTunes don't forget to rate review and
follow us on our personal Twitter's I'd
kill off and add Ashley escape oh that's
it for the show today we're gonna be
back tomorrow with a brand-new docket of
weird science facts science fiction
colliding smash together becoming great
things but until then everyone vegan
humans I will see you next time bye
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