Tomorrow Daily - Oculus Rift gets a Q1 2016 release and we better upgrade our PCs, Ep. 193
Tomorrow Daily - Oculus Rift gets a Q1 2016 release and we better upgrade our PCs, Ep. 193
on today's show fiat has a fun new way
to help you parallel park your car and
oculus has officially revealed their
consumer headset a new controller and
games so much to tell you about it star
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the bestie
talk show noon universe I'm Ashley
scavenge Emmys always punching the sky
very lightly kill anonymous yeah it was
it was a busy morning I think after
today's announcement we all want to hop
into virtual reality finally I think
we're we're starting to see that
everybody is starting to understand the
power of virtual reality because of this
oculus press conference but let's get
right into it and let's hit the
headlines that would have been in stereo
if you'd been wearing an oculus rift so
yeah that's that's brand new reveal all
right so I kill us had a press
conference this morning in which they've
revealed a lot more than we thought they
would yeah they revealed okay so it
broke down like this they revealed the
consumer headset finally they revealed a
brand new controller and then revealed
games so let's start off with the brand
new headset does the consumer headset
they've had two other headsets out that
were the developer ones but they
revealed hey here's your consumer and
say this is what you're buying in the
box yeah it's coming out in 2016 so next
year very early q1 it's going to have a
headphones that are removable love that
it's gonna have an o LED screen inside
it's gonna have like changeable lenses
you can change that it's gonna have a
lot of it's gonna it's going to be able
to conform to what your visual needs are
going to be so you don't get ahead to a
headache I really liked that little dial
that helps you adjust the pupillary
distance for the lenses themselves
because it's like you have the screen
and then the two lenses that you're
looking through and the little dial we
thought I thought maybe it was for
nearsighted this where it was like you
could adjust it based on what your like
your prescription would be not so all
right it's this way so that's these
aren't even that interested compared to
the right site so I'm really fast okay
well so so uh some other stuff we didn't
expect so now they have a controller
there's a controller that comes with it
and it's the xbox one controller so big
surprise a controller that already
exists so does this mean there's going
to be Xbox connectivity yes there's
going to be Xbox connectivity you're
gonna be able to play some of your xbox
games including like Halo and Forza kind
of obvious a so I know you have to I got
so basically you're going to watch it in
sort of like a theater mode it's going
to be you wearing the oculus and it's
going to be a screen inside the oculus
what should be cool I guess if you don't
have a good headset or some TV if you
have a little TV that's great because
then it looks like you have a huge team
or it's not like that no high def right
yeah so yeah and also there's going to
be a little mounted camera then show
that but there's gonna be a mounted
camera so that it can sense where your
head is and movement stuff like that you
have a sensor they say I laughed because
they said something along lines of like
it once you put it behind your monitor
it becomes invisible and I'm like wait a
minute it's not i don't think it's a
camera that I think it's inferred like
we were wondering upset infrared like it
i'm using them i'm using the camera sort
of tracking they've used the term camera
too it's not like a camera recording you
right yeah but anyway so that is pretty
much the best things about the headset
so good move on to the huge surprise
which was the brand new controllers okay
yeah so this is the oculus touch they
look really strange like controllers
you've never seen before two little
round two little round controllers they
have little analog sticks on top so you
can move around there apparently
sensitive too they have triggers around
the edges of the controller our little
sensor so they can sense where it's
going you're moving your head yeah it's
it's gonna be more it's gonna be more
organic apparently they were going for
the feel of you usually reach out into
the virtual space I'm going for a more
accurate representation so you it's not
just you sitting there with a controller
reaching out for stuff this way I got it
so I guess the big thing that they were
saying was that oh you're gonna be able
to do gestures that's like that with
your hands it'll it'll sent your
gestures so they said always give it a
thumbs up like he's like I'm gonna give
you a thumbs up that was my ex I was
like oh pop Palmer I rolled my eyes so
much during the thumbs up it was so
dorky like it was my favorite though
because he came out with his little
flip-flops and his jeans and he was like
so Southern Californian to me like it
just it was really endearing but also I
was like dude get it together yeah they
didn't show off at him actually using it
per se so they but they said along with
all of this stuff that you're going to
be able to get him there's gonna be
at e3 i'ma show off more at e3 but that
brings us to the gains ok so again it's
all been a question mark of what games
are going to be on any of these headsets
because there's been like third-party
developers that have been working on
stuff right but now we have some
official looks oh my God look at this
one this one this is Valkyrie this one
was showed up at e3 last year you step
into a space fighter pilot Eve Valkyrie
our edible apparently like the whole
three-dimensional space of no I ran as
an incredible thing that was a game that
turned me on oculus at e3 last year I
put it on and I got to play a little
demo or his dog fighting and there was a
guy next to me just like you're sitting
next to me now and I was like yeah ha
and I was making a comment Tim and there
was a starship there and I was just like
whoa and it was just this weird moment
where I was like okay I get it like that
i'm sure you look like a me is amazing
and so yeah I totally look like a maniac
that's awesome next up there was from
insomniac games of all people to make
ratchet and clank and they also make the
resistance series so like credible
developers really high edge of nowhere
which looks amazing it looks kind of
like uncharted yeah but also kind of
like out what's that one in the snow
anyway it looks really incredible it's a
third purse it's a third person game
which I think Logan agrees is weird
right Logan yeah it's a little weird VR
you're supposed to be in merged
immersive but anyway so it looks
incredible the graphic look amazing we
don't exactly know how you know it's
gonna look VR you're not seeing any VR
head movements or anything I feel like
this movie could also be titled
alternately Tom Hardy inception yeah
yeah this game I'm sorry this game could
be titled Tom Hardy and inception in the
fourth level no he was down in the snow
fighting and stuff hey that's what i
would i'd say that's the one I'm the
most excited about because it looks like
the most story driven but that's not to
be said that this next one that they
announced gunfire games Chronos Chronos
which is uh which is pretty cool because
as you're playing the game you age so
you have to enter the dungeon in
different ways let's get a boulder you
get magic and you're wiser but so it's
gonna yeah that's definitely your kind
of game I had to leave like I had to
stop the press conference to get here so
I was just like okay I gotta go but
want to see all this and I missed this
so this is super fascinating to me and
yes you start out young you can fight
and then as you play the game you're
getting older and so you have to like
change the way your you're tackling the
dungeon it's really interesting they
wrapped it all up with a really great
image of some of the other developers
that they're working with some of which
you may hear at e3 some of which you may
not I wrote down some of the bigger ones
are square enix and Harmonix same time
and then they add some other ones that
aren't huge developers but I'm sure
they're going to bring some a game to
try and get their name out there so so
there you go hopefully we'll see some of
that at e3 um and also vive you got it
you got a subsidized there i'm sure i
got a ship it up but all right roll
ourselves those oculus touch controls
are super oculus touch controls so OKC
sports games teach you how to box and
stuff so I wanted so coming out of it I
gotta I gotta give them I gotta give
them a like a night 8.5 out of 10 on
this it's pretty cool what I would have
liked to see them play some of the games
okay yeah i know they added like we got
games i'd like to see them play some of
the game fair enough and also would have
liked them to say hey you know this IP
we worked with them to make it a VR
experience in the ocular I see I know
this game were to exist but now you can
play it VR we know that you can like
kind of hack to get that but we like I
want to see someone jump in and and or a
game that's coming out but this may be
announced at e3 and say will you lose
your mind or will you super lose your
mind don't thank you fall out Dawson I'm
the vine so it's like what if valve
announces that I will buy the vibe for
them you'll go night Kayla losing all
right so um so I guess it is this our TD
of the day yeah of course okay she's RTD
of big teen TT riffs 16 because we've
done rift before so I want to make sure
i get your feedback on this specific /
tag TT root of 16 the question is
question is are you gonna upgrade your
pc for this cuz you gotta have a pc got
to connect so let me give the specs uh
no but i think they've mentioned it on
the website they say have the specs
available they i don't think they went
over them in detail on that during the
actual you know I if I recall correctly
mmm it's pretty miss is pretty high it's
high socks are it's a it's a 970
graphics card course very least and an
i5 processor
I've I seven I'm you might be right for
it i'm pretty sure it's i-5 at maybe I
seven and then I think they said at
least 16 gigs of RAM so yeah I mean
there's a lot of people out there with
not that video card at the very least I
would imagine you probably want to have
an SSD Drive tool to access everything
very quickly yeah that's like low high
end you're not gonna want to have lag in
your oculus cuz it'll probably make you
sick you'll lose your frames yeah yeah I
mean it's ready great yeah you want it
to be smooth so are you gonna I'd like
is this a thing was this enough is this
keynote enough to make you say I got to
upgrade my pc you're going to have to
2016 upgrade your pc that's the other
important thing no price point we were
not given a price point as to how much
this is gonna cost how much the headsets
gonna cost remember it comes with a
controller which is what and a heavy box
and headphones right XD bucks just for
the controller in retail already and
also the controllers the the touch those
are prototypes so we knows we don't know
if those are coming out in 2016 if
they're smart they will come at the same
time so you can get the full experience
we don't know how much all of that cost
so the question is is it gonna be are
you willing to upgrade your pc and then
by this and by this i mean let's say at
the minimum you're gonna spend what
1,500 bucks upgraded pc like between a
thousand and fifteen hundred let's say
lo ND that's how much I spent but I
bought it was brand-new brand-new cool
yeah so let's say like between a grand
and 1500 then you're spending I don't
know like a few hundred dollars maybe
400 like 399 for grip here's how we'll
test it um producer Logan doesn't even
have a pc so the question is are you
when you buy a piece we buy a pc and
then would you get the rift and why one
for Heroes the storm anyways he's
already buying one so crazy guys such a
low income and figures if you don't have
a computer the question is will you buy
a computer just for VR because right now
there's nothing that works in fully
inside the headset it's not native to
the headset you have to use your
processing power of a computer to make
it work okay alright that's that's what
the question there you go well yeah
upgrade okay so now we've talked about
this we scrapped the third story because
we were so excited about oculus we're
going to talk about fiat and this really
awesome integrated kind of it's an ad I
was done by Leo Burnett which is really
popular famous
ad agency here in the States but they
did this thing where it's basically
interactive parking and its people being
projected on a wall and they help you
park your car which is really really fun
so let me tell you how this works
because it's not live and that was the
thing that surprised me was I thought I
genuinely thought that the people on
this billboard were people who like
we're in a studio like helping you know
helping people park their cars right not
so so here's how they did it they ended
up taking the parking assistant
technology from the Fiat 500 they put it
all together they added some software
and then they filmed people doing this
they film people with their hands out
and then getting closer and then going
back out so they can change the speed
then and then they change the speed
based on exactly how close or far they
were from the other cars in front and
behind them you would look at the stick
what does amazing like this is such a
fun add these are kinds of ads that I am
willing to happily deal with and watch
because they are fun and interactive and
of course Fiat was like Fiat makes
parking sexy fiat makes parking cool
Fiat makes parking look like child's
play like it was a whole bunch of
different things and and it's just so
awesome like I love it I totally love
that they did this it's so funny it's
ultrasonic sensing tech that is both in
the car the fiat 500 and then that's the
tech they use to actually help people
park their other non fiat cars around
and and i love that in if you have
somebody gets hit they were like what
are you doing like they freak out and
they're like no no no you should never
draw attention if you hit somebody's car
just like he did not think I was that
young man why did you feel rain that's
my favorite I would uh yeah my girl
would be totally mad if the if the bunny
helped me park like hey I'm mark I got
just leave it Calhoun she's pretty cool
no it's so awesome I love that they did
this this is a really great way to sort
of use technology in a way that's fun to
also you know sell your product of
course but you know it's like I really
enjoy the fat I love these creative uses
like the KFC trait i / i love these
creative uses of technology and
advertising because really it's like
nobody wants to see another look i don't
need to see a 30-second ad about fiat in
front of a youtube video
about cats like a like goats and
sweaters like speak for yourself all
those things sound great okay well I
know what you mean like I would rather
see the crawler gun interactive yeah
we're work more creatively doesn't even
have to be harder but work more
creatively for my eyeballs and this is a
great way to do it I mean obviously
there were people taking pictures of the
billboard and it was just so fun and
exciting like this is the kind of stuff
I love to see so yeah that's what VI and
Leo Burnett have been doing this little
experiment super fun but that is it for
our headlines for today we will be right
back we have some great into its and
then we also have we also have your user
feedback and our phone target for the
day so don't click weights tomorrow
daily oh you right and watch this great
video uh just just watch
welcome back to the show if you're
wondering what you just saw before we
went to break that's a ramen commercial
for nissen and really you guys seek out
that commercial because the rest of it
is even crazier than the first part it's
like he's his head on a bunch of wild
horses he surfs through an ocean of
ramen noodles it's amazing it's my
favorite new commercial a hundred
percent um I want to now go out and buy
that kind of cheap ramen that's that's
my new plan so but it's Thursday which
means we have to talk about the things
that we are excited about it's into it
how are you feeling this week kill what
are you we've steam summer sale that's
right whoo if you're a PC gamer you know
about the steam summer sale basically
steam and and just makes all their games
is like up to sixty percent off some are
like eighty percent off yeah you're
looking at right now this is actually a
live feed of the of it right now going
on right now so you'll see some that
have like seventy percent off anyway
this is a huge deal for PC gamers cuz we
got we spend money and never play these
games yeah this one is great great to
just add it yeah great opportunity to
add to your stack of shame this is what
i use the steam sale for some of the
good ones on here the tales of the
borderlands pretty good what is it the
binding of isaac is pretty good they
have GTA 5 and all the GTA games are on
sale all of them wow i just picked up i
just picked up for the steam sale grand
theft auto vice city and grand theft
auto 3 which I'm never gonna play cuz
I've already played them through like
three or four millions but I bought them
because they were four dollars yeah so
yeah it's steam summer sale is great it
goes on for like a week plus I can't I
can't wait to buy a bunch of games i'm
never gonna play i always take the steam
sale as an opportunity to buy a bunch of
indie games that i've been checking out
but i can't like i always want to try
them but then it's i'm also like i just
can't spend like twenty dollars on a
game that i just have no idea about like
games that works like indie developers
you've never heard of and stuff so this
is a good opportunity also to do that
yeah that's true
I was like The Binding of Isaac or
whatever that game as I've never which I
was great yeah I want to play that you
can get it for so cheap so uh speaking
of games I'm an e3 e3 is coming guys
it's like winter in Game of Thrones
except super better than winter and Game
of Thrones yeah just hit hit hit the
horn on that too um so this is what
we're doing for you three this year out
here solo our grand plans for you 333 I
figured we just tell you guys now we are
going to be not having a show on Monday
so there will not be a show on Monday
but I will be down and so will kale on
on the ground at all the press
conferences so you can follow us on our
Twitter's at ashleys gather for me and
I'd kill anonymous and you can see all
the things that we're doing on monday
that's press conference today Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday when the show
floor opens we will be on the show floor
doing tomorrow daily every one of those
days we're really excited about it we're
doing some other fun stuff that we can't
wait to tell you about but then we can't
tell you about yet and then and yeah so
here's some of the stuff that's really
exciting I mean we're looking forward to
seeing like what you fall out for uh
Yoshi's woolly world i'm looking for to
seeing a legend of zelda game iso Liam I
want to see don't want to see them I
want to see the Mad Max game I know it's
gonna suck Mad Max game I mean there's
all day there's so many dirty sex battle
shouldn't be assassins creed one that I
won't wait in line for us is creed yeah
yeah bell London one the old London back
assassin's creed that was awesome and
yeah uh battlefront it looks there's
there's to fall out like press
conferences type things there is
definitely a watch those yeah just it's
gonna be so much great standing here
don't forget also the VR headsets are
gonna be a big thing this year too so
they'll be oh I'm sure I know what yeah
by the way in case you're wondering
beyond that both producer Logan and I
yep well be good we'll be checking out
will be checking out the VR almost
exclusively like we're gonna be getting
our hand grubby little hands on
everything else make sure you tweet a
kill and tell them what you want to see
if there's something VR at the show NVR
I know it's such a good look for you it
really is okay model pounds I came out
of the womb I'm like oh it was like
virtual reality in a little way um so
yeah that's that's what we're doing
we're doing the show floor so tomorrow
daily next week will be Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday so if you don't
see us on Monday don't panic just head
over to social media and will be online
I'm sure so many of you will panic
you're not going to panic speaking of
you it's time to talk about your user
feedback all right good this is a story
speaking of you speaking of you speaking
of you you it's like an indie film all
right um so we asked you guys to use the
hashtag TD musk and you guys emailed us
at tomorrow at cnet com you sent us
stuff on social media tomorrow daily on
Twitter I you guys made some comments on
YouTube great stuff great stuff guys and
that's where you can find us all the
time hey see we asked to give us a plot
to the comic book the imaginary comic
book the continuing space adventures of
elon musk which really should be a thing
I picture him as a little kid I imagine
a little kid and his space suit is a
little too big and I like that he has
maybe like I me saluting and there's a
flag an astronaut hamster has like a
sidekick talking astronaut ham I can get
down on that that has just a little
adorable anyway he'll pairs thank you
going uh hey sis wrote in and said must
get superpowers touring the LHC the
Large Hadron Collider ghost dr.
Manhattan creates life on Mars Hyperloop
Ashley and kale TD Mars edition I like
all of this was a great plot great I
like it till he said dr. Manhattan cuz
dark Manhattan just ends up leaving he
caleb wright wrote in and said today mr.
musk is going to supply the world with
wireless power via has satellites solar
power farm i like that idea free energy
that would be amazing a gale rodents at
Elon Musk versus the petrol powered
Martians or how Elon Musk saved Matt
Damon because I'm great this is pretty
good yeah I'm r l mckee road and said
please fund an underground moon colony
and soon I'm down for that they'd be
scary underground moon Connie yes symboi
jr. wrote and said he just needs to take
over nuclear fusion that's that's all he
wants like even in real life like that
could be a story take over that whole
entire area of research and then Lewis
wrote in and said Elon Musk creates a
symbolization of meta humans on Mars
hashtag the flesh Oh me that might be a
flash spoiler i don't know i don't watch
that i don't watch it
but so yeah super-good user feedback you
guys had some great ideas so funny and
once again our hashtag the day they TD
rift 16 16 like the numbers and tell us
tell us your pc plans for oculus rift
you gonna buy a computer you gonna
upgrade or not maybe you won't um either
way tell us about it tomorrow at cnet
com tomorrow daily on Twitter all the
good things and now it's time for a very
last piece of user feedback it's time
for our photog refer the day I messed up
uh we had a we had somebody send us a
picture a couple few weeks ago and I
thought it's a messiah Keef but I was
wrong because he wrote in and said hi
guys since the last time I Ashley messed
up with my name LOL so I'll go with my
nickname Kip so this is kip yes that's
much easier thank you Kip Kip said I
want to show you guys my panorama shot
of Niagara Falls taken by my 1+1 during
our road trip around the US well worth
are four thousand miles on the road the
best talk show in the known universe
hashtag Kip Kip I'd app he has tagged
his own name I guess so PS love loves
your star wars shirt Ashley I know I
love that shirt too I can't wear it
every day though because I'm killed
would have to deal with my terrible
smell me already happen even more so
yeah it's incredible this is make sure
the same 1+1 guys before yeah um he's
really he's really selling that phone I
love the city in the background I mean
this is like such a fantastic panorama
it's gorgeous you can see some of nature
and like some roads on one side and they
got the city and the falls right in
middle is just such a good picture yeah
really good composition excellent work
kep kep sorry but actually mess up your
name yes I would have done it too
probably I am sorry I apologize I try
really hard to pronounce things
correctly because it's important to me
but unfortunately sometimes I am not
perfect because I'm not fully robotic
yet i'm only like ninety-eight percent
Cylon so I'm gonna get that two percent
someday though on that note as I said
you can email us Francina com I find us
online do all those things that is it
for the show today for this week please
tune in for our e3 extravaganza next
week tuesday wednesday thursday for
daily we will be back on Tuesday with a
brand-new docket of video games all day
every day all next week but until then
vegan humans will see you guys next time
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