
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - Oculus Story Studio debuts adorable VR short film 'Henry', Ep 217

on today's show the first legal drone delivery happens in the United States and no it was not by amazon also even though you're never going to be an astronaut probably you can still tour the ISS also a really awesome movie that's coming from the oculus Studios pretty soon hopefully cross your fingers it's tomorrow daily creating citizens in the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek talk show in the known universe I'm Ashley sceva that's kill anonymous I windows kids it does Ted pay for your solitaire oh man I can't believe this it's not a story but let me just tell you real quick I'm sorry have been my like favorite non story um for for Windows 10 if you want to play solitaire you know the card game that you usually get for free and you play alone yeah you play alone um there they're gonna offer it for free however it's gonna have ads and have to pay to remove them two dollars a month if you want them removed a month or terminate there's there's a there's a garret there's a little deal okay so okay so ten dollars a year what or ten dollars a year not forever I'm offend two dollars a year so we're gonna go maybe they're assuming listen pal you're not gonna be alone forever hopefully so you really only need to reup this once a year and then you know like oh if you just keep paying every year if you if you're alone like that's totally loneliness despite lonely I don't listen you out there get out there bub or else you're gonna be paying ten bucks here for the rest of your life spend those two dollars on someone that you love or a real deck of cards plus your headlines alright so I didn't mean to be mean about the never going to be an astronaut thing but I've include myself in that I'm never going to be an astronaut unless they make it really easy to be an astronaut which I don't see happening like those online things job just like become a minister yeah exactly the universal life church starts a space station that's what that's what I need so I have great news if you've ever wanted to visit the ISS and you're like me you can now which is really awesome the ESA the European Space Agency just released unveiled launched whatever have you this great tour interactive tour of the ISS so Italian astronaut Samantha Christopher Eddie has been was up there for 199 days she broke a record for the longest female stay up in the international space station while she was up there she took a ton of high res pictures at least 15 in every single pod cool they showed a ton of high res pictures and they stitched them all together into this awesome interactive 360-degree experience you can go to all sorts of different places in the pod if you click on the videos you can get there's like text you can read about different pieces of the International Space Station there's even video like if you see a little play button you can check out like oh hey like what's this and you say I want to check out what this thing is and you can click on the little play buttons and up pops a video with Italian astronaut Samantha she is talking about like what each thing is in each pod like she'll explain what it is it's really really cool i highly recommend it's a great full screen experience on your computer I the only thing that isn't available yet is the Russian pods at the International Space Station oh but they did say the esa said that those are hopefully all be available later this year so they're still working on that so this is while it's in space then oh yeah this is no of course this is she was up there she took all these pictures and this is a stupid question this is recent as of I believe jun 2015 so last month so it's very very recent she she always put great pictures they got stitched together and and it's it's so so cool and if you want to educate yourself about the International Space Station I mean it's a fantastic way to do so and I love whenever whenever the lovely samantha christophe already is talking her hair is raised because there's no grad there's like very low gravity up there so she's got like rage parents talking about stuff so we're browse yeah yeah yeah but yeah so really amazing stuff so thank you esa cuz that's the way I'm gonna get to experience the International Space Station because they'll never be no strong we're not smart speaking of which I don't know how that's that's not a transition oh that's an Ashley s that's Ashley Ashley as transition please okay so let's talk virtual reality because that was almost virtual reality there's your transition there you go I I don't know if you guys have been paying attention but oculus is desperately trying to show that they are not just a gaming device mm-hmm they're trying to show that this could be open up a whole new route for filmmakers and why not have your second offering in that sort of world be from someone that used to work at Pixar that's pretty i present to you Henry the story of a little tiny porcupine he just loves hugs but for some reason nobody wants to hug him and he's had me hug something like bikes that seems pretty pretty bad exactly so this is from oculus story studio this is the entertainment division again this is about Henry a little porcupine that loves to hug this is made by ramiro lopez dois who is a former Pixar animator you can definitely see I can see some pics are in it yep we'll get to the animation I mean the actual animation I assume right that's this is the this is the trailer so they'll start off a little okay not with the quick yeah you'll get somebody X you'll get to me experiencing there you go so there's some of the end there you go yeah well you'll see a little bit more in a living color here in a second um but this will come with the rift when you buy it and it's a little experiencing and I and Ramiro says that it really adds to the way either you're engaging in the film because look I know that if you haven't tried the oculus it's really hard to understand why it's such a cool device yeah living in this world and like being able to experience it with him a Romero says that it makes him seem more real like a real creature rather than having somebody giving you a window it's more like you're actually there so it's again and honestly here's the thing okay it's it's adorable it's super cute and it's definitely the kind of thing you'd want to be a part of there's been a lot of hurdles as to how do we drop someone in a world and make it feel like they're part of it animations is the perfect way to do it pretty good that's pretty good way for you and a Pixar and Pixar people seem to have a pretty good grasp but I know he's not Pixar expert sorry but ya know you should have to wear that on his head um but let me let me read this quote from from one of the from palmer luckey at oculus ok so they say they hope to have 10 to 20 bits of content for rifters at lunch 10 to 20 movie ish type offering righteous things like Angry to anybody that buys an oculus rift and I think that is a great strategy very smart cuz a lot of these headsets launched with almost nope almost nothing well and also I mean you made the point earlier which is it's so hard to explain to somebody what oculus is and how cool it is in VR in general like how amazing it is until you try it for yourself and then you go oh I get it yeah the moment happens the light bulb goes on as soon as you experience something that you're invested in engaged in and that's a great way to have people say oh hey mom like I know you won't like this first-person shooter but check out this cute little video of a headshot like having all these different types of content is a really great way to sort of demo it to your friends it's a great way to show people what these headsets can do and so for it everybody loves Pixar everybody loves pixar everybody I mean and even if you have you know maybe then you have like a tour of the Louvre and you have this and you have this and you have all these different little pieces that suit somebody's life style or suit someone's personality to say oh this is why I need a rift not for gaming but for Pixar films or I need a riff for tours like international touring like I want to go do that in virtual reality like it's a great way to hook people and to get people to share their oculus rift experiences with others which is exactly what they want so really really smart I'm or so think it's it's important that they have content when it comes out because again every other headset didn't sell crazy we had nothing but again yeah branchy out having more than just video games is great because you know maybe my sister doesn't want to play video games on the VR exactly you suck sister do though anyway so that brings us to our hashtag in a day which I will not allow my sister to answer which is hashtag TD Henry question is what's the plot of your blockbuster VR movie you get to make a VR movie what is the plot of that I know pins gonna write a little novel about this pant I bet you panels just send us his screenplay my coby i care is my script so I want mine to be kind of like um almost like a telltale kind of games but okay I'm just been falling back into fallout which is it's a it's kind of a choose your own adventure type thing where it can kind of veer up so it's like a movie but I get to kind of control the ending like it goes different places okay so I totally like that's almost exactly what I was being not a telltale Game but an actual like Ed packard choose your own adventure book that would be awesome so a simple concept of like going into a haunted house but then like ending up in some other dimension or stuff like that is the thing that I want to do like so I would take I would adapt a choose your own adventure book like directly into a VR experience yeah but I like this telltale 12 where you have like kind of an arc of story and and it's a story but then everyone reacts you differently based on your actions and your words like maybe you've heads that talk to the characters that would be really cool yeah I could see people getting a more engaged into it because the problem with VR is you have to get people engaged in the world I can feel a part of it and that's sort of extra I'm choosing the story will just suck you in even more yeah well that's why people love those telltale games because they get to choose which is I mean that's such a hook because people you're a point click ladies okay so yeah that's I'm all about it um okay let's talk about drone delivery this is awesome it wasn't amazon i was shocked to read this the very first legal drone delivery happened calm down Kevin McCallister I the first legal drama delivery happened in the US and it wasn't amazon is actually NASA working with a bunch of other companies private companies and this and this startup drone delivery company called flirty and they use to drones to do this this is a test run in Virginia they did they had a very large drone that was a modified version of a NASA drone that had to go from one airport to the other because flirt ease drones are short distance drone delivery drones oh so there it is delivering a package of medical kit right down onto the ground so there it goes we right on target I don't know that they had like a like a little landing pad or anything but I think they had an area they knew they could drop to tart the item into um so they okay they had six medical kits and they were like we're gonna do six trips six separate trips and we're going to do tests every single time but the great news is guys the first two trips went so well and so smoothly that they decided on the third trip but you know what forget it let's just pack all four of the rest of the medical kits into the drone and deliver them and also that went very smoothly Oh didn't have any issues there was no terrible explosions or immune malfunctions there was nothing bad that happened and so yeah it went very very well and they were saying especially with things like this like medical kits there are a lot of regional areas where people have to drive on you know one-lane roads to get to certain like to get to places and maybe they need emergency services like let's say you know you have a hurricane like hurricane sandy go through rural areas in the country need medical equipment quickly and a lot of times these service vehicles it they have a tough time getting through now that's a good use for delivery drone I agree and so Amazon actually had a very interesting proposition like related to this Amazon proposed recently that they want to make a sort of delivery drone highway in the sky and they would do that by designating a a section of airspace lower than you would see a standard plane flying in and and also just larger crafts 200 to 400 feet above the ground so that would be the area in which Amazon's delivery drones would be able to just deliver stuff and no nothing could fly in that space unless it was approved by amazon this is like their idea this is not actually going to happen I don't see this I don't see I don't see the united states of america going yeah let's just give 200 to 400 feet above the air everywhere except above to Amazon like I don't see that the Amazon layer p amazon lane and so so Amazon error was saying oh yeah we want to have this like zone and then we'd have a buffer between 400 and 500 feet where nothing could fly and then it would keep smaller craft safe from bigger crafts and vice versa so interesting idea that they want to they have they think that the way forward for delivery drones is sort of this kind of highway section of sky at a certain altitude above the ground so we'll see but I mean it's again so many regulations like rules new things need to start happening with unmanned aerial vehicles especially with companies and people like I'm act like that you keep tying amazon back into this because amazon is doing it for amazon course they are but the thing is is private corporations a lot of times push innovation in terms of because of capitalism they want a bunch of money so they're like how can we make more money let's deliver via drone and so they're really leading they're one of the leaders in the push for drone delivery yeah so you can't deny them that but I will deny that I don't want to look up in the sky here I dream I for the for the like medical supplies grace send somebody emergencies I love all this I like the idea of our organ yeah like the patient organ donation like you get from one hostel the other you don't have to sit in traffic you can you don't have to pay for a helicopter to airlift it they can just get there like that would be great but I don't know about this like I'm sorry everybody I don't need my phone mount for my car to come via drone like not yet I mean I haven't gotten to that point where i'm like i need drone delivery like I just don't I look they deliver on sundays isn't that enough everybody isn't that enough Sunday's empirical all right on that note we're gonna watch a big rig leap over uh we're gonna watch a jump it's insane it set a world record it's really cool we'll be right back it's smart daily haha welcome back to the show uh kill do you have do you get out of bed early in the morning dew you'd like enjoy getting up early you don't strike me as the kind of person who just love it card I wish I wish I did when I was normal yeah yeah tell me how I can fix that well you can definitely fix that with this week's Mod Squad so it's a guy on YouTube his name's Colin Furze he's an inventor's builder made some really cool stuff and now maybe I'm not gonna say he's crossed the line because I think this is hilarious but i also have wily coyote amount visions in my head this is a catapult bed he made a catapult bed to launch you out it's yeah he says it's very low pressure he doesn't want to blow you through the roof or anything like that it's got a big steel frames got a giant hinge on it you see there's a headboard there space for a headboard there's an air compressor underneath it was just knock you right out knock you right out of bed then push you right out of there so he built this whole thing and he's like yeah okay here it is like it works the frameworks he was testing the frame that was what the video is it's him building the frame and now as of tomorrow if all things go according to plan supposedly Colin will be posting an actual like video of a full bed like he's gonna put a mattress in there and I'm assuming he's gonna test it out I mean I'd ask a friend to test it if that was me I wouldn't he's being nice about it being nice about it this guy needs to build stuff for the Acme corporation like right like this seems like a bed at Wiley coyote we're like goofy would sleep goofy exactly exactly where he has a problem getting up out of bed and then finally is like he is the launch amount of the books like it just slide you out of the bed so there's that yeah and it also has a blue warning light that flashes like when you're like say your alarm goes off is you a blue warning light flashes like hey bro like get up or else no no that Urraca the problem is getting up in time to get that to get out of the way yeah maybe that's the dangerous thing so I thought that was really funny and really calling out with super brief like but very entertained by it thought I tomorrow tomorrow supposedly I'll go over to Colin Furze f you are ze let's all go all over to Colin Furze his youtube page and watch the demo because he says he's gonna upload it tomorrow okay so right there you have it but now let's go from Ubik 60 you might actually see somebody get launched in outer space who knows maybe there will be a malfunction alright guys now we got to talk about you it's time for user feedback we asked everybody to use the hashtag TV nu AI to think of nice things autonomous robots could do for us as opposed to weapons because everyone so scared of killer robots and mine was to replace it would replace me yes and that would be great that would be sooo I would like from him maybe just have a robot drive me around that would be a nice autonomous room but I'm gonna get that anyway self-driving cars so Oliver wrote in and said I would make a robot cat so it would be a ninja cat name would become kills pit whoa yes Oliver thinking about kale will wilt writes in and says hey I teachers tailoring curriculum to maximize how much each person learns more smart people equals less problems and innovation not less innovation more innovation less problems more innovation they say Las innovation he's just said less problems more or less problems and innovation so I think he meant oh oh yeah yeah I don't think you meant less good thing about I got what you were saying Rick wrote in and said the AI should watch all the game of thrones and walking dead episodes and predict which character would die next hahaha shoutout to kale and honest oh yeah what's up yeah you I don't know if I'd want to know I don't was gonna die next cuz I be scared I wouldn't want to know the odds the percentages like you know there's people who'd even had a bet man yeah you're a betting man that'd be a good one you want to know the odds you're like all right I'm gonna go down to go down to my local bookie and put money down on you know sons of winning the game of thrones like I wonder if you could do that I'm sure you can Dustin wrote in lastly says the best use I can think of for new AI is of course an autonomous pizza delivery drone that you don't tip whoo and you keep the dude maybe the drone was made a pizza to just eat it thanks drone I sound like edible drones like send it over it's made of chocolate but you can only fly it when it's cold outside of the residuals Mel the sky Oh Toby the worst all right guys it's time for our very last these user feedback which is always our phone tog refer the day so we didn't spend a lot of time on Mod Squad but that's because this is a little bit of a longer email but he describes the location age of the picture of so well that I want it so this is from Joshua and he took this with his sony xperia m2 and he says Mabuhay hello Ashley kale and the awesome crew of tomorrow daily my name is Joshua from the Philippines and I would like to share with you my photos of our church and hopefully be considered as phone down for the day i'm using my sony xperia m2 LTE this is the Mary Immaculate parish in Las Pinas City located in the southern part of Manila in the Philippines it's also known as the nature church because the architecture and the surrounding surroundings full of thick palm trees and plants we're gonna get a little history lesson here let's hear it this roman catholic church was built in nineteen eighty six using a roof made made of kogan and 40,000 footstool palm leaves chairs pues made from typhoon filled star apple trees straps and logs kneelers made from flat pieces of wood a patchwork stone flooring and wooden slabs mingling with pebble wash out and from above is a dove lantern made of windowpane oyster shells flying from the fringes on the center of the ceiling illuminating the church by night also there's a mini chapel located behind this rock cave and adoration hall once you enter you fill the privacy solemnity and the spiritual silence been an avid fan or show since episode one keep up the good work and God bless Cheers Joshua so that's the trick that's a church that is a straight place that is a location of worship that's beautiful Wow more people go to church if it was in a place like that Oh Mike people take vacations to places like that book rooms at that church book a book a resort stay that's an incredible thing that you for sharing and making a little bit more history we very like we're like both sides yeah the coins so I like stories I like stories about places UK I mean I'll take I'll take all of it it's great if you want to submit your font ography and maybe a little story of your own you can email us tomorrow at cnet com you can always find us on social media as well we're tomorrow daily mostly mostly for promotional purposes so if you really want to talk to us find us on social media i'm on twitter at ashleys together at kala na move yeah and it's super easy I promise you and we're actually pretty good about responding people pretty good trick unless you're the worst like his sister which case yeah well never stop watching this she doesn't want you to stop watch start watching this show so you're gonna stop yeah there we go perfect alright guys that's it for today's show we will be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird science back science fiction stuff blown up in your face but until then vegan humans to see you next time bye
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