Tomorrow Daily - Prominent tech and science experts call for killer robot ban, Ep. 216
Tomorrow Daily - Prominent tech and science experts call for killer robot ban, Ep. 216
on today's show Stanford University is
teaching robots to play games a whole
bunch of scientists and prominent
technology people have signed a petition
to ban killer robots finally you can
play half-life 2 on your watch tomorrow
greetings citizens of the internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek
talk show in the known universe I'm
ashley's together that's kale anonymous
I don't punch here in a long time you
haven't and you know just its likeness
stall I'm getting hit with maybe a
little nostalgia yeah yeah yeahs been
that long you know what I would before
we get started I know like we never
dress us and it just look you're
watching a talk show we're gonna tell
you about some great great articles
that's true we're also going to wax
about it a little bit to kind of get
further into the conversation very true
as is what's great about this sort of
community that we're in and the sort of
internet culture that we're a part of so
we get to talk about together we get to
come up with new ideas and really you
know scratch our brains about all this
stuff so it is a talk show so please
enjoy it as as entertainment yes has
entertained and be entertained you okay
you be entertained that was that a
did I put it in a fun way I think you
put it in a way so let's hit the
headlines it's just some comp there's
some confusion about what this show is
there's just some comments sometimes be
like murder just tell me the story in 30
seconds it's like well you can go and
just like read that yeah instead but
we're gonna show it to you we're gonna
talk about it give you some extra
information and then we're gonna we're
gonna any have the conversation with you
guys and I should hope that you like us
enough to want to hang out with us like
I don't agree with that I don't think
any we should like this just pretend
that we're the voices are coming out of
a hot model or something like totally
good okay so let's talk about this
petition because this has kind of been a
big deal it's been all over the internet
this week love this this is ok guys this
gonna be hot again hit more caveats
today this is gonna be a hot button
topic so please try to be respectful of
each other although it's a very
controversial thing so ok I don't think
its controversial but there has been an
open letter that has been published by a
group called the future of life
Institute that has been calling for a
ban on autonomous weapons okay so we're
a familiar terminator Wow autonomous
weapons okay machine prominent
scientific and technology minds of our
time have signed this position petition
we're talking about Elon Musk's keeping
Hawking Steve Wozniak
these are people who are extremely
well-versed in technology they are you
know they're in it every day they
understand the ramifications of what
autonomous weaponry would mean now they
define in this petition autonomous
weapons as ones that quote select and
engage targets without human
intervention so you send this robot off
and we've seen this with very
controversial drone programs where you
send these drones off to autonomously
bomb a location without understanding or
knowing what targets they're hitting so
you see a lot of inadvertent civilian
casualties with drones which is awful
really bad not good but there is also so
there's something to be said there for
not allowing robots to choose who's
being killed there has to be some sort
of human element there like there has to
be some sort of human element there we
can't give that control to robotics and
AI that's the argument all right okay so
um for me i mean i dont the the the fear
here is that at some point we're gonna
get into a global AI arms race where
it's going to be you know every country
sort of like the nuclear arms race but
with autonomous robotics which seems
like autonomous robot race seems like a
really bad idea right because then if
you're racing a lot of times you don't
stop to really think about what you're
doing and so you just go and you want to
be first and forget all the consequences
and you like there it's not properly
thought out the steps are not taken and
a measured and safe fashion and so
that's why this petition has been signed
I know that this sort of strikes you
particularly right now because you just
got done watch catching up with humans
humans yeah and so and this is a big
kind of discussion that's being had on
the internet with a lot of our just a
lot of our media that were that we're
watching and seeing like you said humans
mr. robot deals with robots we're I mean
obviously a Roomba is going to come get
you but the argument is is that we're
already working on autonomy and so many
different things in technology like
let's take a stand now like nip it in
the bud basically
or it gets out of control and say no
autonomous weapons like we cannot have
this we get including the drone programs
like we got to just stop all this but
you didn't say the names of the people
that were attached I did I did I Stephen
Stephen Hawking Steve Wozniak I mean
Elon Musk these are all people and I'm
sure like at some point if he's so
inclined Bill Gates has also expressed a
concern about AI getting out of control
I mean we've seen many many different
scientists and you know technology CEOs
and experts I mean all kinds of people
roboticists getting into in the
scientific community getting into
petitions like this and making quotes
about things like this thing like we
cannot let a I get out of control so
it's really interesting that we're kind
of living in the time where we feel that
it is so imminent even though it might
not be that we have to have these really
serious discussions of these you know
these kinds of petitions about it I
think the people that are worried about
it are worried about kind of the
snowball effect of you know it's it's
only going to go from one little thing
and that's gonna kind of grow so if you
know they make one mistake and then oh
let's take for example you said they're
gonna you know have an AI race so we're
just seeing those as numbers right just
a matter of if X country versus X
country well we have 50 a is that were
like robots are bad right you like our
we're gonna throw 50 more you know what
we gotta update we'll do 20 more and
then we'll do 30 million more and then
just a Baroness are now ours can do this
thing and now this one can detect you
know like specific types of people like
you know there's a lot of fear about
hard AI we don't have hard AI up we do
have a lot of soft day I I mean we have
a lot of it and so I mean you're the
soft day I lives in our phones you know
like this stuff is we want to have
self-driving cars I mean this is all
soft day I so the idea of hard AI coming
along and really kind of making those
decisions for us is probably not a great
idea and so I I don't disagree with the
petition you know I know that there are
some things I was just listening to this
conversation is gonna go along wit I was
just listening to Sawbones which is
really great podcast they were talking
about burns and Sydney McElroy who's a
doctor she mentioned she's like you know
war is a terrible thing but for burns
specifically like we made
a lot of advancements in world war one
and World War two because people were
getting burned by things we had never
really seen before and and so while war
is a thing that kind of galvanizes some
forms of innovation like I would rather
not have I'd rather it take longer and
just not go through that process because
there's people's lives involved and
that's terrible so that's I mean that's
what I say this is that our hashtag of
the day well I figured we would turn it
around we'd turn the frown upside down
because that's obviously a really
serious topic and we are using that
thing these guys are no it's it's very
us here it's an interesting topic these
people are these three I mean these big
people like Wozniak and and then on my
musk and like there it's just for
conversation I mean where they're
obviously not an important up in arms
against anything that specifically
that's happening but it's just to kind
of protect it and these guys have their
eye on that sort of world so yeah again
a chance to get people's brains out
there hopefully this doesn't get too
crazy it's really gonna be too crazy
until we hit hard AI which at which case
I think we're gonna have some very
serious problems but will happen let's
see let's do a sh tag TD new AI and
instead of thinking of a bad type of
autonomous robot let's come up with good
kinds of autonomous robots I got one a
host robot that will do a much better
job than us than me yeah I like that
that's really good we'll get him a
walking dead shirt that fits perfectly
look just like mr. robot and and they
won't mess up any information no no
they'll be completely not new and be
affected by any of the comments and they
don't need a paycheck know so well a
thing maybe someday maybe we do it how
to pay them pay the robot robots maybe
pay them in some sort of robot currency
I would make a robot that detects your
chemical imbalances in your brain and
decides what kind of compliment you need
at that exact moment oh no that's bad
why because we've come self reliance on
that no I don't think so I mean I think
maybe they're just randomly sprinkled
throughout the world you just like
randomly run into this robot I was like
you're like whatever you needed at that
moment maybe you're feeling down about
something it was just like don't worry
your hair looks
you thought you got a bad haircut in it
so you just randomly like your haircut
looks so in my scenario I'm at a
stoplight I'm just bummed the cart rest
up picks them in Vegas hey you're pretty
smart you're they're pretty great Khal
anonymous and then it just drives away
under the end of the sunset I like it so
yeah TD new AI that's the that's the
hashtag uh so what is this about playing
off life on a SmartWatch okay uh so
weird so basically this guy has found a
way to play half life 2 on your android
watch something not many people have
been asking for but I do kind of want so
this guy basically you're like us
youtube or dave bennett made it found a
way to put and the half-life 2 on your
SmartWatch I mean that's really that's
really the story here the downsides are
the other part of the story which are
that look it looks a little shoddy you
know I mean half-life 2 is an old game
but that doesn't mean an Android watch
can run it and its full potential as you
can see it runs pretty smoothly yeah it
goes it ranges from 60 frames a second
which is the normal expectation to two
frames a second maybe if there's too
much action going on yeah two frames a
second that's not good not so great um
he's also apparently I he's 0 for
android phones as well okay it's not
like a copy this was just him to show
off he's loaded up team fortress classic
and portal on phones portal on phone
sounds fun but also very difficult um so
as you can see he's it's not like he's
gonna beat the game on here which I'd
still like to see I mean that would be
kind of amazing if he beat the whole
game Super Bowl play through on this
kate twitch stream oh right from your
android wear never watch that oh look at
it it's terrible it would just be guided
by third as it crashed yeah it crash the
crashes all the time so there you go up
yep it crashes a lot so I'm assuming
it's some kind of like emulator right
it's like whatever the engine is it
emulates it just moderate it out that's
pretty interesting you go how about you
that's that's no confirmation of any
half life at all it's just on a watch
welding so going from humans playing
games on robots if you call a smart boy
watch a robot at two robots playing
games with humans Stanford University
have this vid
so they released it last week and I've
been saving it and I finally was like
okay today's the day they have an
artificial intelligence lab which looks
really fun by the way it looks like a
fun place to study and create robots
they have been teaching robotic arms to
do things like play ping-pong like
you're seeing right now play cup and
ball catch stuff and have all these
great sort of detection skills that this
one right here is one that true follower
quad or a helicopter and like basically
catches them on a landing pad which is
pretty neat and so they said in the
video it's pretty great they're like
they're not really good at it like you
watch the ping pong one and it's like
you know they're just like they miss a
lot and they try really hard like ouch
so that's pretty good but then like
sometimes he's just like blah yeah just
like I never mind I messed up so um so
it's pretty cool that they're doing this
and this lab seems like a really fun
place to hang out they're pretty good at
catching stuff they do the Japanese cup
and ball game and they said that this
all of this work so watch he's going to
do the cup of all boom I can't even do
that I can barely do that they said it's
a foundation for more complex tasks that
robotic arms would be able to complete
which is pretty exciting I mean just it
generally for robotics and then also I
would imagine really exciting for the
students who are like studying this in
developing these robots which is pretty
cool wow that does look like a fun place
to go it looks pretty fun I like when
you watch the video they're all everyone
seems like they're having a great time
like and they're fascinated by what's
happening they're really engaged but
they're also having a really good time
like no one seems like I'm miserable
like nobody seems miserable at the
Stanford University artificial
intelligence lab that's which is pretty
amazing cool alright guys we're gonna
take a quick break we're gonna come
right back it's it's Tuesday so we're
gonna we're gonna talk about some new
stuff that's gonna be our wallets so
don't click away it's tomorrow daily
welcome back to the show we've returned
it's a tuesday which means it's time to
tell you about the things we're gonna go
broke for time for new releases
Genghis may have been drinking place
artificial biggest needs to get it
together he needs to get it together all
right first release I have been hearing
great things about mission impossibles
out this week rogue rogue nation rogue
nation this is the movie where Tom
Cruise well he done he's known for doing
a lot of his own stunts right yeah like
he's really into this like but there was
a future at where they're like hey he's
actually it really honest to god
attached to a plane and we took off and
landed like a time yeah with him
attached to this plane which is crazy
and like simon Pegg's in it and Jeremy
Renner yeah the areas he's that's he's
actually attached to that plane I mean
he's tethered and they just you know CG
doubt the cabling but those are really
his legs flailing in the back as the
plane actually in real life takes off
from the ground we really they did it
seven times they do it seven times no
thank you that is crazy that's pretty
awesome though and he's also climb he
climb the building and Dubai yeah did I
think belief oh right yeah yeah but
please that was scary I would not like
any of that he also apparently in this
movies like underwater shot a scene
under water continuously for six minutes
which is that's like Houdini levels of
breath holding yeah that's intense so if
anything go see that movie just because
of Tom Cruise's commitment isn't the
perfect summer moves to the craft of
acting really great summer move he went
straight method on that one was like I
am a spy uh and then also coming out
today I don't know some of you may not
be familiar with this series but King's
Quest the night to remember they're
rebooting King's Quest and apparently
again also getting really good reviews
this is a an episodic game where it kind
of rise with telltale where they're
gonna do like different episodes of king
grams history and how he came to be king
and it's going to go over five episodes
the first one drops today go check it
out its out for I think both xboxes both
Playstations so ps3 ps4 xbox one xbox
360 and then also pc so you can get it
on just about any platform no wii u
sorry guys no iOS no android not yet
really sit on iOS and gameboy advance
sorry about that well the developers the
odd gentlemen and they're here in LA and
a lot of times they do stuff for iOS and
Android so we might see it come to
mobile maybe if Ciera is interested in
if there's enough interest they you know
from the fans to make ready getting
crazy reviews I didn't play the original
I did I loved it I played I specifically
remember a lot of playing kings quest to
and it was really really hard because it
was like Space Quest is like the
controls are you know the arrow keys and
you have to like there's there's no
there's no tips no hints there's nothing
it's just just you're walking around a
giant map and sometimes you'll walk into
a screen and all of a sudden it be a
monster there he was gonna eat like if
you don't have the right item yours dead
like that's it it's over and you got to
go back to your last load point which is
usually like 10 minutes prior which is
terrible yeah those old games had a real
big bite yeah yeah so um so yeah new
king's quest which is pretty cool and
then lastly uh something a little bit
different than movies and games but a
very important released windows 10 comes
out this week whoo be careful yeah maybe
wait to download it we'll see well it's
better some guy that was like I'm on
working on a really big project right
now I was like go download it yet oh no
no you don't want to do anything until
you're a percent sure to two great
things about Windows 10 though is that
it's been in beta for a long time and
which means that a lot of the lot of the
software manufacturers developers have
been able to make their stuff compatible
right away what is this commercial oh
they're trying to their bids a
globalizing sort of the idea of windows
and and um different like you get a free
baby no no they be that would be amazing
you got a free baby I want an agent baby
you taught they talk about how like all
of these kids will never know the
concept of these older computer concepts
like it it's actually a pretty good
commercial you mean like not having the
Windows Start button like well now I can
windows hey I know that's I'm saying
lucky kid never known a life without
with a start button and now they're
gonna learn it so yeah that's Windows 10
comes out and it's free if you have I
think it's windows 7 service pack 1 and
newer you get a free upgrade um I had to
today I like set up the thing to like
download tomorrow so why not I tried out
I don't know if my computer will handle
it because it's old I have an old
decrepit Methuselah computer that needs
to be upgraded desperately but
if I'm gonna I have so many games that i
have like modded out and I'm if I hit
that button well I'd imagine the state
like Steam and Oh battlenet they're all
ready to go for that upgrade girl girl
hey girl you don't know about Fallout
mods and how sensitive those little
things like okay you're right I'm not
gonna play that game farrah not till I
beat it again alright fair enough okay
well let's uh let's let's move on from
the delightfulness of new releases to
the delightfulness of your comments it's
time for user feedback what's the deal I
never I never really registered that
user feedback has a thumbs down on it
yeah like it's like up or down up or
down but some people are like I don't
want to move to Mars I don't want to go
to 450 to be what about that guy yes I
had said the show's okay like what did
you say it's pretty much back to us he
said it he said thanks yeah you guys are
you guys are pretty good on Twitter I
don't know if you saw that he max rode
over to us on Twitter and was like you
guys are you guys are pretty pretty good
thanks for saying and I wrote back and
I'm like we think you're pretty good too
I don't think it can get he's pretty
pretty okay pretty okay uh we asked you
guys use the hashtag TD Claude tell us
what you'd use that little tiny cloth
from from Vanderbilt with a little ella
the little wrist on it that what petty
thing would use it for it you guys
really came through on this so thank you
for being as petty as us Kirk wrote and
said I'd probably clean my laptop fan
hopefully then my laptop will stop
cooking my leg like there's all kinds of
good visuals on that toasted leg
syndrome you got to be careful about
that Dustin wrote and said I would use
it to finally learn how they get the
caramel in the caramel bar like that it
kind of does I think you need to watch
that on how does it have how did this
get made or it like has how it's made oh
yeah that little show where they do like
here's how they make chocolate like I
like that I like him in a room with that
little claw and a bunch of candy bars
yeah I like that too I would use it to
pinch the bottoms and figure out what
the flavors were on an unmarked box of
assorted chocolates that's a great use
of that load clock dragon lover wrote in
and said I would use the claw to pick up
insects and put them outside that way no
one would have to kill them it's a very
delicate kind of thing to say dragon
lover dragon lover said that also insect
lover Ricky Rodin said take all the
green M&MS out of the bottom of the M&M
no the freshest mms are at the bottom of
a jar take did you say take all the
green apparently the green ones are the
freshest because they remind your grass
trees living after unless experiments on
this all right fair enough thank you and
then lastly Matthew wrote and said I
would like to see a micro claw that
would be the arch nemesis to micro
inspector gadget and I have to add on to
this because Matthew wrote that tweet
and then spike tiger wrote I'll get you
next time miniature gadget which made me
laugh I than said I was hoping that
somebody would write about dr. claw cuz
that was my that was the lower third I
picked fresh I was like dr. Clough oh
okay and settled though dr. cloth way to
pick up on my cues there Matthew high
fives to you but yeah so that was your
TD cloth feedback somebody else said
like I would I would use it to like like
tape pick up like take things out of my
wife's meal like or like steal food from
her without getting my hand slapped oh
and then and then pin Rhoda and said
like his kid is picky eating wise
doesn't like a lot of stuff in their
food so you can pick out all the stuff
they don't like yeah like that sound
like everybody really a good answer
we're trying to take things out of their
food I get it yeah take all the stuff
out of your food alright guys temporal
ESPYs use your feedback it's our photog
refer of the day
this is from our delightful viewer
William he took this with his asus
padfone x a sous IC asus uh and how do
you pronounce it you work at cnet how do
you pronounce it i have always heard it
pronounced uh internationally I've heard
asus and then here it's asa a lot of
people to asus and whatever was the CEO
said sorry but with it's a great
question I knew I haven't been in person
to a so here's your SS pad a fan packs
from William and it's as beautiful what
I mean I guess like a rice field or
something says shot in arlington
Tennessee one evening while heading to
pick up dinner there's not much hype
about my phone but I love it and in my
opinion the cameras impeccable love the
show and also did kale say I'll be back
when he left for san diego comic-con I
think I think he I think maybe did a
nice job William I think maybe kale has
not quite turned in his resignation as a
terminator fan justic no no I I can't
crab can't ever can ever say any of
those awesome phrases ever again if
you're gonna turn in your resignation as
a terminator fan you gotta stop all
right no more robots for me no we're
robots alright guys if you want to send
it your phone tog raphy you can email it
over to tomorrow at cnet com tell us
what phone you shot it with tell us a
little story about it and give us
permission use it on the show how big
light fool yeah don't forget to give us
permission I give us permission tell us
you then but don't give us permission
yeah I know there might be an
autoresponder set up at some point to
ask you to like say I agree to like some
terms or whatever but anyway uh send us
your photos send us your story ideas and
of course you can always find us on
social media where tomorrow daily on a
few of the bigger social media networks
but really if you want to talk to us hit
us up on Twitter the two of us
individually I'm at Ashley skele i'm at
kill anonymous and that's it for the
show today guys will be back tomorrow
brand new duck and science fact science
fiction blowing up in your face but
until then
newman's you see you guys next time
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