Tomorrow Daily - Robot chef can make you dinner in 2017, Ep. 161
Tomorrow Daily - Robot chef can make you dinner in 2017, Ep. 161
on today's show with German university
wants to use electricity to zap your
legs into walking in a specific
direction the oculus rift brings a
virtual windows desktop right to your
face and you're going to be able to buy
a robot chef in a couple of years and
we'll tell you how grapes tomorrow daily
greetings citizens of the Internet
welcome to tomorrow daily the best ski
talk show the known universe I'm your
host Ashley scatter Jeremy's always
crepes crepes anonymous sorry I the
cooking robot I immediately think crepes
for some reason don't ask me well the
grits are really hard to make so maybe a
robot is the best choice there yeah if
I'm gonna have a robot and then we'll
get to it we'll get to it look at that
once I mean not that anyone's excited
about us getting to the crepe making
robot I think some people might be but
let's let's move on so a French man yeah
so sappy people is their first on okay
they're climbing this human cruise
control this is so weird but it's I just
I don't know okay this cuz our Germany's
University of Hanover and they think
they have a pretty interesting solution
to looking down for directions when
you're in a place you're not familiar
with so if you're walking around a city
you're not super familiar with you're
looking down your phone all the time not
really seeing anything and so here it is
uh that's the video you're seeing muscle
stimulation with electricity to guide
people around a room using a smart phone
and bluetooth wait what do you even mean
by that okay so explain so have you ever
gotten like physical therapy or anything
where they put electrodes on your skin
and like you feel an electric current
that sort of contracts and expand your
muscles so artificially making your
muscles move yes so what they're doing
is they're putting these pads on your
legs sort of like a TENS machine or
something like that and their electrodes
that attach to your Sartorius muscle
which is it goes from like here all the
way across the front inside of your
thigh and so they're using these
electrodes to zap your muscles into
turning your leg in a specific direction
so that you're like oh I should go like
oh I should go right here I can sell
bizarre it's so weird wait a minute is
this basically like GPS I mean I'm sorry
autopilot like human autopilot you're
like no one go there and you start
walking and it turns for you it it like
nudges you in that direction it's not
gonna if it was strong enough to turn
you would probably hurt pretty bad um
it's strong enough to where they tested
it on 18 people in their lab and
successful every time navigating them
around without them looking so there you
go that is is pretty into any kind of
cool doesn't hurt though right no it's
kind of like one of those yeah you feel
like a pull on your muscle as if it's
tightening and and your body is sort of
telling you like this way or this way
and then that's it so but here's the
interesting thing so um obviously the
one thing you would think of is like oh
I'm gonna use google maps and I'm gonna
walk around a city and it's gonna tell
me what direction to go in like yes
that's the thing you can do that but
there were other uses that they
mentioned that I didn't even think of so
they said we could help disoriented
seniors find their way back home very
good yeah good helping firefighters
navigate a burning building where they
couldn't see the corridors because of
smoke that's trickier but yeah trickier
but yes and also and I thought this was
very interesting because I in my head
I'm imagining this visual and it seems
like a really bad idea but okay
directing large crowds of people during
emergencies or massive event so a bunch
of people would have to have these
electrodes on their legs but then it's
like what if they malfunction what if
one of them gets wet and all of a sudden
like somebody's like zigzagging through
the crowd like Oh help me like ice like
you launch right in the worst-case
scenario but I've been getting people to
put these on their legs is already
pretty crazy I guess it in the pocket
dystopian future we're all wearing the
same clothes and build them in yeah I
guess so but I guess maybe like if
you're trying to get around disneyland
or it's about putting it on but it's
very interesting I mean it looks
ridiculous like Logan let's see the
video one more time this it with this
girl's legs are like that you have these
like wires hanging and these little
electrode pads I mean it looks
absolutely insane better than watch we
talked to savers like it they're both
they're sitting on the inside of your
lives of course people are gonna wear
this but if they ever got to a point
where they could remotely activate those
via a smartphone and they were subtle
that and without wires then I could see
oh maybe the epi I actually want to try
this out I think this is something i'd
be super into seeing if I could like get
around in action have been like did
turning and whatnot okay great
University of
over call us Hanover shocked me yeah all
right okay so you know how much on the
virtual reality right do I wish I wasn't
here right now I wish I was in virtual
reality we are so one thing I didn't
know that people actually wanted was
kind of their windows desktop in that
virtual space you didn't need a monitor
you put on the goggles and you have your
virtual desktop okay well one man saw
this problem that man's name is guy
godin and he's created this software
called the virtual desktop which is
actually available now it's a free app
what yeah what's crazy about this is you
can go from flat screen to curb screen
so you can see your monitor as if you
know you have a monitor from your face
yeah I like that where he changes the
field of view like you can push the
screen way way back or you could bring
it really close a lot of control over
how the screen acts and moves and so
okay okay one of the benefits that that
I'm seeing here obviously you know we're
talking earlier about how the oculus to
like load up a program you have to shut
the program down open up another program
okay turn back on and then there's a lot
of like is it on is it working what's
happening then beyond that oculus can't
really do everything yet true with this
anything you can run on your desktop you
can run on your oculus rift on this flat
little screen oh the video we see him
load up hearthstone for example he's
about to watch house of cards because he
hasn't caught up on my to catch up buddy
um he also plays diablo watchdogs these
are all games you can't play on your
oculus obviously I'm not gonna be in 3d
they're gonna be on a flat screen right
but being able to play it without a
monitor maybe if somebody's already
using their monitor yeah it's really
cool I think really like again I didn't
really even want this for free that's
the best part totally free he just
updated it there's also a mirror option
so you can watch what somebody else is
seeing inside the headset last time a
monitor yeah helpful for demos yeah so I
mean again it's pretty cool it's called
uh it's called virtual desktop and if
you have an oculus give it a shot yeah
it again really cool way to where I like
that right and it's so it's like you can
run anything we run absolutely anything
I like these little Diablo yeah well I
love diablo 3
the backgrounds like it looks like outer
space behind all the windows that's
really cool like I'm assuming that's
like part of the software where you get
like little pre-loaded little pre-loaded
space backgrounds or ever look like
you're floating around in outer space
with your computer screen in front of
you so awesome yeah so fantastic super
cool again one of the most exciting
things about VR is that sort of open
source and people being able to be like
you know I really want to have the
desktop for some reason to play
solitaire while I'm anywhere yeah he
made it up and it's free so there you go
oh yeah I were goal you could write
stuff with that too like oh yeah heard
processing and was rewriting you could
pretend you're on a starbucks
screenwriting yeah he's here to fall in
it and you know what you have multiple
processes to you can be watching
tomorrow daily and writing on your
tomorrow damn writing your review about
Michelle your tomorrow daily hate I hate
tomorrow daily tumblr com ya que lo que
get good news shoes that's dumb that's
good too much hashtag scout I bet anyway
yeah then you can also use I love it
sorry all right free so tell me about
this cook that's gay cook for me starts
a free start saving your money because
moly robotics says they have the first
fully automated robot kitchen set up
it's like arms it's like robotic arms
just arms it's not an actual Road or
face arms no face out of its they want
to sell it to you this is not just a
prototype this is gonna be a thing that
supposedly you're gonna be able to buy
so we're going to look at and moving and
severally oh it looks so good um it uses
pre-portioned ingredients so you're not
going to see it like chopping up
vegetables and measuring water and like
on set you have to like give it all the
things that it needs to make something
make something but here's here's the
cool thing they want to sell this to you
by 2017 so in a couple years only like
two years like an avid ethically well I
could happen in a couple years well the
price might come down to and I'm sure
it'll look much fancier than this which
is kind of a prototype robot so let me
tell you a little bit about these arms
because they're pretty hard to make and
I can't even imagine how much you'd pay
for maintenance all these things like
what if one of the fingers breaks you
got to call in a repair tech escape
food yeah yeah it would be terrible
there's 20 motors 24 joints 129 sensors
Wow yeah there's a lot going on in there
and here's how they here's how they put
this all together they had a they had a
cook made a chef make a recipe and they
captured it with three like special 3d
software and then they translated all
his movements and algorithms for the
robot arms so that's how it looks so
smooth he's actually mimicking or
recreating a real person's movements so
an actual professional great chef is the
one who's actually making your food it
yes if it's like through via the robot
yes and it but apparently right now it
can make crab bisque can just whip you
up some crab bisque and what they want
to do go when the commercial version
launches they want to have an app store
like kind of like a recipe book where
you have over 2,000 recipes that this
robot can make and yours like download
them and then makes your food okay you I
did not have me until that point ready
us yeah you didn't have me but here's
the fun part Ashley how much does this
thing cause no pricing yet no date no
price no date um but I still skeptical
how much would you pay for that kind of
robot if it did what it says it would do
and it did come with that 2,000 recipes
how much would you pay here's how it
would sell me hey if you guys use blue
apron you and won't use blue apron where
they send you the ingredients yes
already pre-portioned and then you can
justly tell the robot the only way I'd
get into that's only way I'd get into
bed with this robot I smell a
partnership moly robotics I smell apart
because because the whole like you have
to set aside the ingredients I need a
table courts continue no no no no no the
prep work yeah at the whole point of the
robot cooking is that it's my hands off
literally so I'd pay five thousand
dollars I would together that i would
say twenty-five hundred to five thousand
depending on how good it was I smooth it
was what I had access to like that's
kind of my price but it's got to have
that sort of package like Oh lobster
bisque let me open up that package I put
them all in their respective things yeah
good luck robot I'm gonna go play grand
theft auto 5 on PC we'll get to that but
anyway yeah I think that's think that's
the best way to go about it so one of
things they mentioned was like you'd be
on your way home from work and then you
just open up the app tap a button and
robot starts making you dinner and when
you get home is done dad I like that's
also scary to a little bit terrifying
because what if there's no bots hand
brakes and then all of a sudden your
house is on fire not good make sure you
have home automation okay fire alarm I
wasn't into this before but now I'm cool
I thought was all right so that's our
hashtag of the day actually TD Robo cook
and the question is if you could teach
the robot like you're the chef would you
teeth what's the one thing you would
want it to make more than anything else
like what's what's your favorite dish
that you want your robot to make now you
have two options you go two ways on this
you could have it make comfort food that
you like all the time that might be a
little bit easier to make which are you
really using the robot in the right way
or you can get really fancy with it and
have it make something that you probably
can't make yourself go first I'm coming
up with a real good one I feel like I
got a real good one I would like my
robot to make sushi and sashimi because
i am not good at it and it takes very
skilled hands to be able to make good
sushi and sashimi and and rice and I'd
like I would say that that's what I
would have it make I am gonna go a weird
direction and say that I want my robot
to be experimental oh there's there's a
lot of food science out there molecular
gosh I felt like you didn't know this
but if you add lemon to such and such it
adds a Boldin's the flavor or whatever I
want a robot that has the ability to
research that science watches you know
good eats or whatever yeah and find
different ways to like oh we we add
caramel to this or something like that
like we imagine caramelize raviolis or
something like that yeah it it brings
new things to the table that I couldn't
have done myself would it be awesome if
it compiled a database based on like
shows like that so could watch food
network you have this sort of AI in
there and then when you have your dinner
and it says sir if you'd like to add
this it will add this type of flavor
based on this show they go that's
exactly I was a awesome thanks really
good the longest time I wasn't cooking
my eggs with butter uh and I wasn't
cooking about high heat to off heat I
how he liked him being able
to figure that out to make it better
yeah exactly so there you go oh and
there's different styles of eggs maybe
he gives me different I'm like I want
eggs and you're like what you want a
french style you want an american-style
don't like different way oh my god
surprise me robot so do stuff that's
what I go Oh surprise me robot Zoey it's
hashtag TD what TD Robo cook TV take
your robe ok let's see Robo cook so I
sent in your hashtag of the day on
Twitter or you can email us tomorrow at
cnet com we're gonna take a very quick
break but before we go you have to see
this amazing sort of art thing it's a
kinetic sand and light together and it
just looks unbelievable so we'll be
right back
welcome back to the show everybody it's
a tuesday it's a Tuesday same romantic
Mario says it um it's a luigi it's a
tuesday um it's tuesday which means it's
uh we like to talk about all the things
there to be emptying our wall this week
some really good ones I honestly am
surprised kale is even here today
because of one of our new releases oh
yeah let's okay so uh let's let's not
waste any more time see releases are you
actually just playing grandpa thought
like is there a way to play grandpa
thought OPC like via your phone are you
correct your shopping virtual desktop it
yeah he's right I got it I got it okay
ah that's not the first one don't go the
very first game that is coming out this
week very big people are talking about
it is mortal kombat x moral Kombat ten
moral cometic sightings x it sex right
it's sex I think it's x I think it's
it's it's is it oh is it is it is it
time to fight
hi I feel like so pumped right now okay
that's enough all right so yeah mortal
kombat x uh probably the most violent
game that's going to come out this year
if you have any doubt this is to make
sure to check out those fatalities but
they kept the bone-crushing in they've
actually added a few characters did you
know about this Jason Gordy's is gonna
be good also I got it forgot who the
other one was well predator predator
added in credit the predator to this it
looks great a lot of people have
reviewed it and and it's it hearkens to
the old days of when you used to play
these guys but then there's also like
there's new characters that are
connected older characters so for sonya
blade and luke cage's saw a daughter is
in this game no yeah this is cool yes go
i'm not really a fighting game guy but I
oh man I love mortal Congress but this
is like this in battle arena toshinden
are my two favorite fighting games
listen battle reduction is a deep at us
I understand it's a deep cut but this is
a huge release think tank there's
another huge release though there is uh
so not only do we have mortal kombat
coming out this week grand theft auto 5
MP Logan haha till later is on huge
Grand Theft Auto fans obviously our
third a PC release is something we've
been waiting forever it looks it looks
unbelievable 60 frames like it's it's
incredible looking go upgrade your
computer and media beyond that is the
excitement of the of the mods that are
going to be coming and now look there's
none yet but it's it's gonna be soon
I've already put in some time the game
already came out yesterday you can go
check it out on Twitch um everybody's
playing area but heists are here
everything is available it's super
exciting a PC sorry Mac user sorry real
talk I would like a mod that changes all
motorcycles two unicorns so if somebody
could just hurry up and get on that and
be amazing I think that's completely
possible anything's possible on PC or
brilliant viewers are a million times
far this really umpires out there but
anyway that's that's super exciting yes
super good that's actually exactly what
kayla is literally only available for 30
minutes today and then he will go right
back to playing I'm all right I thought
you know you you act like you're joking
but once we're done here today I am
going home and nothing else but grandpa
thought I sleeves not a joke not Joe I'm
excited okay what ya got something else
last thing in theaters unfriended is
coming out i don't know if you're
interested in this I the one thing I
find interesting about this movie it's
the movie where so there's a bunch of
people in a hangout like the entire
movie takes place like in this online ID
on that girl's computer screen which I
find interesting and fascinating i feel
like i would watch it just for that but
the whole premise of the movie is i
guess like a year before the events of
this there's a girl at this high school
that killed herself and then they are
all being like haunted by her and this
hangout chat or whatever and it's
supposed to be kind of like cyber horror
like kind of a new thing so I like I
again I find it interesting but I am
also i don't know if this format can
work for me like i don't know if i could
watch a 90-minute movie like that i love
when horror movies are ambitious though
i do too and that's why i would like to
I'd like to give them so much who's
behind this is it Universal who's making
this ah gosh i think it's universal okay
yeah i'm all for like ambitious movies
they're not like it's not just about
found footage this is the cool like my
teacher real fam this is like new
version of found footage hey you know uh
what's its name of modern family or
something just did a whole episode like
this yeah and it was incredible so who
knows shark do you drop is all excited
about it apparently according to that
but they're excited about anything to
get their name on the trailer oh my god
book club shade thrown I'm sorry gotta
get that was so much shade night combat
seen it come at kale don't come in so
commenting that Lacey methylone yeah I
wasn't there to lovable for listen I
wasn't part of that shade but anyway if
any of you see this that definitely
tweet at tomorrow daily and let us know
if you think about this tell us if you
like there it was scary if it was scary
if it was annoying to have that or if it
was awesome yeah or if it was a good
like use of that sort of framework for a
movie cuz I'm really I don't know could
go either way could be awful could be I
can't stand this it could also be wow
that was really creative and I enjoyed
very much so in every movie is done
through skype I'd hope not but uh
speaking of you guys telling us what you
think yeah time for your user feedback
yesterday we asked you guys use the
hashtag Katie stay to tell us what bet
what you want would want your bedroom
look like if you could do a 3d
projection into a blank room yeah you
guys came up with some really good ones
Travis Rodin said views from Phantom
Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon
oh that's good like that was very odd
Travis very very scenic pin Rodin said I
love us use google maps street view API
to project a view of the user specified
location including those on the moon and
on Mars that was kind of uh what you
wanted to do a little similar yeah yeah
like I'm not a live stream webcam but
using google maps like to have these
sort of photosphere you know you could
go anywhere yeah you should be like in
Compton or something okay yeah plug into
the API plug into the API and go for it
Rick Rhoden said a room where I can
change the decor to places for my
favorite movies the Shire King's Landing
endurance Millennium Falcon there it is
I feel like that is P is one of the
perfect answers right there ok cool wake
up in your Shire and that's like that's
that's in-app purchase that's DLC right
there you could just pay 99 cents like /
place people want to monetize that stuff
man so and then Leo wrote in you'll love
this he says I would die to stay in a
room based on five nights at Freddy's
but the room would have an interactive
game of five nights at Freddy's one two
and three yo leo no no don't do it you
would literally die to have a room based
on that you would die Frank wrote in and
said projected Martian landscape from
the Rovers yeah well like a lot of
people went space yeah yeah and then
this is kind of space Greg rhoda and
said outside in the summer lake tahoe
during a meteor storm Wow Greg very
specific ya romance also rob emailed us
just as a side note to tell us that mega
mans dog is named rush yes thank you so
much we could have licked it up but I'd
rather have you guys find it until
overbearingly rush that's his name sooo
all right extra point what's is like
sisters name or the female that follows
them I forgot
smush so I'll have to find out next time
next time on tomorrow day lush uh so our
last piece of user feedback as always is
our phone target for the day this photo
is from Jason Jason wrightson not Jason
Voorhees he says hi well maybe I don't
look it's a lake with the lake with a
beard good crystal lake cuz crystal
crystal lake hi Ashley and kale here's
picture i took using my galaxy note 4
edge using HDR this is an elk amant
alabama near the river in some of our
swampy areas i saw plenty of ducks and
fish but no Gators this is my first
phone tog raphy submission but i wanted
to let you all know that my day isn't
complete until i get my daily dose of
tomorrow daily i now hate the weekends
because of turbines aha i love you guys
yeah keep up the great work uh come hang
out with us on the weekend thanks jason
voorhees that is jason voorhees i gotta
say that coming out of the gate with
this photo is is amazing I know III h I
can't I cannot believe the depth in this
I like it it looks super fun I mean and
you took this picture with a hockey mask
on that's impressive yeah really
impressive Jess if you killed a whole
like I don't kill the entire cabin full
of camp that's super cool dude I think
don't come visit us it looks so calm dad
you're like yeah please stay at Crystal
Lake don't don't leave this was super
super cool keep taking keep taking with
us alone yeah just we're good thanks
jason has it Logan though right Logan
exactly hahaha so if you want to submit
your phone tog raphy you can do that you
can email us tomorrow at cnet com you
can also send your user feedback you can
send us show ideas if you think of a
segment that we're not doing that you
want to see us doing please feel free to
send that over and a pool yeah i was i
like hearing from from you guys you and
again you guys you guys are way smarter
than us so think of i'm sure you have
better ideas than we do like a workout
segment no yeah aerobics we get
prancercise please don't read it and
savor exercises Ambrose on social media
where tomorrow daily all over the
Internet including tumblr snapchat
Facebook Twitter Instagram if you're on
YouTube you already know what to do
people say it all it all the time at the
end like favorite subscribe and leave a
comment I like the
comments better than like they're out
there but anyway also if you're
listening on iTunes don't forget to rate
and review that's also you know how to
do that I'll forget to follow and also
follow us on twitter i'm at Kelvin event
and I I met Ashley sceva we are out of
here for the day we will be back
tomorrow with a brand new docket of
weird wonderful science facts and
science fiction crashing together but
until then be good humans will see you
guys next time
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