
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - TF-X flying car concept gets a fancy new design, Ep. 213

on today's show black rhinos are gonna get cameras installed in their horns we'll tell you why and a really cool installation from forever 21 and flying cars oh no time for the Jetsons no it's tomorrow daily greetings citizens of the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek talk-show in the known universe I'm Ashley Scott James always Cal anonymous pixels high pixels hype there's wow there is a lot of pixels human hype if you have not seen the movie pixels getting destroyed by every reviewer at every site contrary to what I said yesterday which there were no reviews out currently not worth it I'll give it a chance not worth making a video movie about old games sorry today Wow everything I say everything yesterday's episode will be deleted from the records expunged that from your permanent record we got cool stuff we do let's have headlights oh boy people on CNET love them some car tech right believe we're in these things all day and night now we have an update on flying cars those about time so company called Terrafugia we had to look that up thank you for that pronunciation guide on your website Terrafugia announced a while back that in 8 to 12 years we were gonna flying cars and sure enough they're sticking with that actual number and they've updated us with a brand new car like a new concept for what it's going to look like ok it looks crazy this is doesn't look like a car at all a spectacular looking vehicle yeah so the one that was previously announced two years ago was the T FX t FX ok and so this new one this is the new design for the tf-x so they've just updated what its gonna look like yeah I like that so here's here's a few sincere some spots about this this car it's a hybrid electric it carries four people so that's quite a bit yeah it's a street-legal apparently I mean put still let's see it actually exists area and it's easy to fly it says it'll take about five hours to learn how to fly it look at this video it's gonna have like helicopter blades I prepare this is insane yeah this is now let's keep in mind you'll notice that this isn't a real thing usually it's just a CG thing that's because it's just as design and not a fully functioning production car yet they're going to test it out they're gonna test an actual thing but it's going to be a 1/10 scale and they're the size of a large dog yeah ok I got it so the delivery was supposed to be this year or next with a price of $280,000 because what guess what nope it's apparently going to be a couple more years and it's gonna be about four hundred thousand dollars instead of so double the price keep saving that it'll even give you more time to save up your money of course I mean right now if you have $280,000 maybe you can save up an extra 120 just you know to buy this thing so I mean okay so rocket cars we can now since this is kind of a discussion show talk about the pros and cons of this Pro it's a it's an awesome flying car no I was just not gonna say anything oh nothing you don't think this is good at all I don't trust people driving cars let alone the fact that there's gonna be drones in the air as well I'm a big fan of Futurama but it's sky traffic just much just all that all that stuff five five hours to learn how to fly it okay so like if they give you lessons or something I'm sure like something like that I don't know I guess five hours sort of fly seems awfully low considering that commercial airline pilots pilots spend years like racking up enough hours to be able to fly larger planes but I suppose you're only caring be like a saint like a single-engine plane you'd carry a few people in it like not the issue is that the reason for flying is to make it so you can just go straight from point A to point B instead of having to walk instead of having to like veer and go around mountains and stuff like that when a to point B an issue there is going to be that other people are going from point A to point B without any specific pathway meaning you're going to have to avoid people going all different directions and which means you should it should self fly so that it can coordinate but then there's a whole different technology of people having to get there and that's why we have air traffic controllers but now we're not going to have that for that so there's there's going to be crashes there already is already problems that haven't been solved here so I would like for some solutions before it comes out in a few years that does seem like a good solutions before it seems like I do can make a flying car but let's tackle some other issues yeah I mean where we're going we don't need roads that's true doc Brown is right but we do need some we do need some control there there needs to be some sort of system in place as opposed to just everybody flying around willy-nilly like hey look at me I'm flying a car and then crashing into somebody else okay so let's talk about hash tag of the day which is teeny fly car and okay I thought I didn't want to ask you guys like where you'd go or what you do I wanted something more fun so let's say you get one of these cars and you have to gift it to anybody in the world you have to give this car away who would you give it to and why and you feel free to get creative on this like who would you give it to it doesn't have to be like your mom like I mean obviously I'm sure we'd all like to give flying cars to like our favorite relative or whatever but like get creative who would you give a flying car to like Elon Musk it's just the tinker with I'd give it to somebody who's that who could go out there and be doing good in a lot of different places so like my first one was the Elon Musk because I feel like he can go and bring science to other parts of the country or whatever or you know I was gonna say the president so he would stop using that jet and wait using so much fuel for pollution buddy that sounds like a boring answer to keep it to the president anyway what do you got I think I would give it to well I thought a lot about this and I I I think I would give it to somebody who doesn't have a lot of money but needs to travel so I was thinking maybe like I would donate it to a to Logan or to Logan yeah we'll produce a look and obviously my number one choice but and yours too but yeah second choice I mean we didn't nepotism you guys we don't want to just give something away to somebody we know I would probably donate it to like a college to help students go like study a like go abroad and then come back like so that they could like fly there really quickly like see things and study a place and then fly back the thing with your question is you only get to pick one person if it's only one person then I give it to the president of a university who it could use that car okay that's what I would do I'm gonna be like you should you please use this for a year University like donate it to the University I'll give it some university to like send their students places where they maybe he couldn't go otherwise seems pretty good so to modify the question then like is it like where would you give it to yeah yeah you can give it to a company or a place or at school or you know whatever just okay so what make-a-wish Foundation perfect but you have to give it away you can't keep it for yourself that's all and please don't give it to us don't suck up guys that's gross second all right let's talk about the clothes screen this is kind of weird and also fun this is really fun so there is this installation that is gonna be happening in New York or is happening right now I think they unveiled it this morning this is from Breakfast New York their design company that works with forever 21 to make this screen but that's actually not a screen that's not an 80 by 80 pixels screen that is a whole bunch of threads of spooled thread that's that's fabric making those images which is really crazy so again this is an 80 by 80 pixel image or screen but they're actually spools of thread so here they are working on it and the whole thing uses 6,400 spools of thread that's an and the thread is almost seven miles long like that's the total amount of the thread use it's 11 feet tall 9 feet wide it weighs a ton it will only be up for a week and what happens is is it how it works is you literally upload your picture and you can do this right now this is crazy you can post a picture to Instagram and you tag it with the hashtag f21 thread screen and then there is s-21 thread screen comm which will then put your picture up on this crazy screen of thread which is kind of nuts and so you'll put like this so that's somebody's Instagram photo that they just put up with thread that's not it's not any kind of electronics on the screen part of it of course there's a lot behind that and they had to work really hard to figure this out it took 18 months to put this together it's about six to seven months to build and then another about year to fine-tune it and make it better and keep going and they made a great video on how it works in the behind the scenes and stuff if you're interested but if you go to that f21 thread screen com you can watch a live video stream of the actual of the fit of the insulation and you can watch it changing all the time and if your if your picture gets put up on thread stream you thread screen I should say you can go to f21 thread screen comm slash at and then your username and it'll have a little quick video of like it playing which is kind of awesome I still didn't really explain how that the read switch is out so quickly so it's like a loom they have it's about three feet in depth so it doesn't actually go that far back I was surprised by that I thought it would be this big like cube in the back that had this whole thing going on but it almost works like a loom so it runs different color thread through and then basically switches them out as it needs so it's like if you have something that is let's say you have a blue image that's up first and then it needs to go to red well all of the the spools have different color thread going all the way through the line so they go through it and then they they basically roll up see if they have like different colors that go through it so they're able to change the colors very quickly per spool so it's not it's not like they're not all interconnected as far as I'm aware the way from what I understand like they're not all interconnected each spool has its own like roll of color break so easily I mean there's something like when you look at the actual video of it like you can see some of them like maybe have a little glitches or giddy like dead pixels if you will like it's sort of like that but super interesting stuff and I it'll be up for a week it's only up for a week so if you want to go check this out I suggest you do it quickly that's me for a Z cool idea if you're in New York eighteen months to make it those seems like a really long time okay so speaking of cool ideas this is awesome black rhinos not to be a downer but black rhinos are super endangered and they get poached a lot for their horns and they they get killed and left out in the middle of nowhere and then their horns just get cut off it's really sad apparently the statistic is a rhino gets killed every six hours in Africa which is far far too too much if at all I mean they just shouldn't be being killed so this uk-based nonprofit has made the system called rapid that they're hoping will stop at least deter poachers but or stop them or at least enable them to help catch them or prosecute them so rap it is short for real-time anti-poaching intelligence device and it consists of three parts there is a GPS collar for the Rhino a heartrate monitor that goes under their skin which is very thick and a camera that's placed directly in a rhino's horn so when the Rhinos heart rate goes up so for example if it gets shot by a poacher the camera flips on and it can see what's happening so and an alarm goes off and that gives anti poaching teams immediate response ability they can jump into a helicopter or Jeep and get to that Rhino as quickly as possible to help the war a poacher from killing the Rhino which is pretty amazing and so and the horns a lot of people were wondering about oh well doesn't this hurt the Rhino to like put this camera into their horn no actually horns on rhinos are made from a material that's really similar to human fingernails so it actually it doesn't hurt when you sew if you file your nail down like it doesn't hurt you it's the same thing with a rhino's horn you can actually like drill a hole in it and they place the little camera inside and then they that's how it's set up so pretty amazing and they actually want to expand the technology it's not just for rhinos they they're they're saying they're developing a way to use this for elephants because they're hunted for their ivory for their tusks and then tigers which are obviously endangered and hunted for their pelts so really fascinating stuff happening and I like I I mean this is like a great way for me like conservation like this is a great way to do it have they caught anybody well they just started so I don't know if they've caught it I don't think they've caught anybody yet but they are basically this is now rolling out so we'll see if this actually deters it I know I think I'd read a statistic saying like I was like either I think it was 2007 there were only it was under a hundred rhinos that have been poached and then like last year or maybe the year before it was like 1200 so just so many and like it's really just out of control at this point and really I mean these these anti poaching teams like they can they can try to do as much as they can to get to these rhinos in time but a lot of time like you just don't know what's happening and so you just find them and they've already been killed and their horns and it's just really sad so hopefully these anti poaching teams will be able to actually know like where they need to go and win as opposed to just you know having these sort of roaming patrols that make it very easy for poachers kind of get around and escape yeah without being noticed so fingers crossed poachers on notice and on that note we're gonna take a quick break we'll be right back with mod squad maybe one of my favorites and that we've ever done and of course your user feedback and our phone talker for the day so don't click away it's tomorrow daily welcome back to the show we've returned it's a Wednesday which means we like to doodle spotlighting on the Internet community of people who like to make stuff so this is mod squad we love Mario Kart is that I mean that's kind of a universal yes yes all right you consider yourself a professional I'm not quite but I'm good at it okay I'm good at it not quite proudest not quite proud but I'm a I could I can race I can race so let's talk about how this guy loves Mario Kart maybe put him anybody geek sniffing calm is run by this guy who has done a lot of really great mods and he found out a club I guess a couple years ago and now that he was having another baby and so decided to like make his nursery Mario Kart themed Mario Kart 8 themed I should say so here is this guy's finished product which he showed off it was on I saw it on Reddit originally and then it's like all I think I've been all over the internet this week he painted all this stuff using a grid system so like putting something down and then you know drawing all of the grid and then painting it in square by square made it look like the actual track was coming into the room and then back into the walls so he did a bunch of really cool stuff so here's the mobile oh that's adorable it's just amazing you got lack two there and then it's he he made all of his friends and family go to McDonald's and get the Happy Meals with the Mario Cart toys and then send him to him cool but he could have a Mario Kart mobile which is really awesome I love how some of them are upside down like that's awesome they're all like really really fun then they got you know Luigi he said right when he was starting this I think he was thinking about doing a Luigi death stare but didn't want to scare his kids like I skip that is fine but here's where it gets really cool so you see the track coming down and around it swoops up it goes it goes up high you got Yoshi on a motorcycle and then on the ceiling the road comes out of the wall and here it is boom oh wow there's a full sized Mario Kart right there on the ceiling hanging upside down it is a and all of those wheels were made with I think epoxy heat this guy really all out put down he said that the the checkerboard grass he got it Michael's like really expensive to lay on the ceiling to make it look like it was part of the track and he put in LED lighting and all that it's like a full-on light fixture of the mario he said he made the cap out of something he did it's a system he never tried before he bought decals like he had decals made because he's like I tried really hard to paint it but it just didn't look right so I ended up getting some decals custom cut like all this stuff I mean this guy really went all out so impressive incredible ya know impress it's so cool cost I don't even want to know ballpark how many coins how many gold coins so many gold coins Kaelyn so many roughly sculpted it yeah he's straight up maybe of this like this guy and then the hat is separate like he made the Hat separate so you could take it off and it's it's set by magnet like you can just take the hat off on this guy is brilliant yeah well I'm is the actual video like how much does he I think it's like 12 minutes it's like a pretty long and too in-depth video and then he also has an album in on imager of like all of the different steps that he did and he actually has instructions for like just about everything all the materials that he used at geek smithing calm is this guy's website if you want to go check out like all the details its it is a super-detailed post and he's got just every bit of information you could possibly imagine in there it's really really impressive cool so great work okay we got to talk about you guys we asked you what kind of robots you on pilot so let's hit user feedback all right so hashtag TD bought pilot or TD rofl pilot if you're watching on Twitter because I accidentally mix them up in my brain and wrote Robo instead of bot that's my bad but you know I checked both so it's all good is that one good yep I mean you made up for it I did ok so about those robots let's hear what you want to pilot we'll wrote in and said Matrix Revolutions mech suits and do some target practice for science reasons yeah like that one man about this Oliver wrote in and said iron man so I could take over Tony Stark ink and buy a baseball jumbo sized screen to play Portal and watch YouTube and tomorrow do hahaha wait that's a lot of stuff a lot of stuff but I like it yeah I don't know why we didn't think of the Iron Man suit I like the idea of playing portal in a robot costume like me if you play it like play as Atlas like that would be the suit yeah they'd be pretty be super meta they're really intense yeah and then Gale wrote in and said bender and then they put in a delightful bender quote that you can't say haha yeah it's a family show you know guys I'm a shiny metal but yeah there you go ok yeah somebody write in yeah and then you could just drink alcohol that's how you fuel the suit yeah exactly if it's really good answers and and that and and now of course it's time for our very last piece of user feedback which is always ever phone talker for the day all right so Thomas wrote in and he said I took this picture on my moto G 2014 of a heart-shaped lake on tonal log I'm I hope I'm pronouncing this right tonalá G Mountain wicklow mountains Ireland so this is an Ireland and that is a heart shaped like like that yeah that's pretty cool heart-shaped Lake oh I feel so loved however Thomas it's very aggravating to show this to people in Los Angeles as we are in a water shortage no water send us that Lake very beautiful I'm gonna be you're a heart-shaped Lake out of like three drops of water in a little petri dish that's about all it's about all the water we have I don't know how far civilization was away from that yeah I wonder about that a lot of times we see pictures from like Ireland because everything there seems so green but it also seems so far away from anything you know it's like oh maybe there's like a farm like a couple miles down there like houses are like miles apart which strikes me is so strange because it's just something we're not used to or it could just be a McDonald's it's like right right behind it yeah I like that idea just like turns around there's a whole strip mall there it's amazing I'm a really good picture super especially on a moto G like that's not necessarily known for its camera so that was a great shot yeah was really good maybe it's really good at outdoor stuff yeah if you guys want to send in your photography email us tomorrow at we may ask you to verify that you took the picture and that you're giving us permission to show it on the show but if you want to find us on social media to talk to us you can find us on tomorrow daily at Twitter but really you want to hang out with us you gotta come to our personal accounts which is I'm not Ashley's gonna know that kill anonymous it's pretty easy if you want to send somebody to the show send them to tomorrow daily comm it's it's that easy I promise you and that's it for the show today we'll be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird science facts in science fiction crashing together blown up in your face being all sorts of Awesome but until then be it humans see you guys next time bye
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