Tomorrow Daily - The Parrot drone musical extravaganza
Tomorrow Daily - The Parrot drone musical extravaganza
hold on no wait i FB is on this side oh
we're getting word that we actually have
some breaking news some dancers wearing
no clothing on the floor and we're gonna
go straight to that in Southall yes we
have Jeff Bakalar on the scene you guys
we have Jeff Bakalar on the seat I can't
wait to see this we have dancers with no
look he's surprised too he is shocked he
looks a little scared all right she's so
excited like oh he's really excited jeff
says yeah chips a happy man Jeff is a
very happy man we're uh we're hoping hey
everybody guess it's happening we're
about ready for the five-minute ritual
of the dancing drones I'm told at the
complex routine and you know this is
really this is really what every like
every baby drone dreams of when they're
a kid to make it to the big stage Las
Vegas the big show that's how you know
you've made it and we're just patiently
waiting for the drugs there there there
little prima donna ish they have their
riders they have to fit apparently one
of them stormed off in a big tough but
it's ok they've composed themselves and
they're apparently are we almost ready
ok the clock has hit zero we're
patiently waiting for the drone show you
know it's it's a complex routine this is
something these guys study for a very
long time do we have curtains raising no
little anti-climactic here but not a
problem I'm told this uh this netting
here is reinforced uh because God forbid
let me tell you guys god forbid a hole
where to somehow erupt within these nets
oh here we go they pull which are
somehow erupt in these nets the scent of
freedom would just be too much for these
guys and out they go through the net
luckily I'm told the parrot employees
here are armed with shotguns and they'll
just shoot one of these little bastards
out of the sky if they they act out what
I'm told Gary safety first here
it's a complex routine nerves are
running wild clearly holding nothing
back it's a big crowd pleaser here a big
crowd pleaser here at CES the attending
audience or as they like to be referred
to as drone purse I'm told that's what
they're called drone pervs a big crowd
pleaser here at the Big Show in Las
Vegas when you want to compete when you
want to make a difference and you're a
drone you come to Las Vegas you come to
see us so that's what we have for you
today now look is a complex complex
thing right here these are high
complexity moves difficulty level second
to none cackling oh that's impressive
work right now my God look at that look
at the grace look at the majestic
behavior like the Olympics career you
know lots can go wrong lots can go wrong
you can clip a wing I don't know like a
giraffe maybe like a big giraffe from a
window could knock these these things
out of orbit I don't know it's just it's
for the next hour holding nothing back
and God forbid the one thing you want to
you want to avoid hitting nice guys did
you run out of battery you're sent home
packing you're just sent home packing
they show you the door and that's it and
put you out of your misery
this isn't it my fair you have it
varying degrees of difficulty excellent
stuff here
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