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Tomorrow Daily - This flag design could represent Earthlings on Mars, Ep. 185

on today's show scientists now have a way to print al panels on uneven surfaces a giant auction for movie props from Rick Baker special effects shorten air monsters creatures okays props so good and lastly a graduate design students idea for a flag that represents everyone on the earth unless you're an alien tomorrow daily greetings citizens of the Internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best Keith talk show in the known universe I'm Ashley sceva join me as always Harlem Globetrotter kale anonymous that was really impressed you just passed it I was an alley-oop was amazing some guys just dunked like three feet away thanks for catching that Kareem incredible oh kuri my office like I didn't recognize you from the back there ok awesome um it's Thursday mostly because we film this the day before but you know if I you really did not even let us hide that at all yesterday yeah sure you're like by the way we're jerks I'm all transparent about so right now you are not here I'm here but I'm not here so right now in San Francisco at Google i/o she's at the Google press conference thing yeah at the keynote at the keynote doing what what are you doing right now can you yes yes you do I'm listening to Larry Page after he parachuted onto the stage uh no I don't know what he's gonna do I mean it's it you can't really top that one google i/o where they have the for google glass when they introduced it they had the guys like jump out of the plane and i like scale down with building yeah come into this I mean it's kind of like an action movie so I don't know how they're gonna top that but there should still be some really amazing products there so I'm sure this go watch it just go watch it yeah um and I don't with Google messaging us right yes that was google definitely on text messaging me ah but we have some good stories today so let's not waste any more time one of the things that I think we haven't really spent a whole lot of time thinking about as a global society is what flag are we going to put down we send a human to Mars is it going to be the flag of the country of the astronauts is it going to be what if the astronauts that get sent to Mars are from different countries do they each put a flag of like the country they're from like does everybody get to put a flag down can I give you the American answer yes America good any right wearing the right shirt for that idea no that's a good point because we as a people are hoping to trip like travel to planets and be there as a people rather than as a country separated right and so and of course in the 60s it was a race to the moon against the Russians and so they're like we put an American flag was a very American thing but maybe just maybe the sort of trip to Mars might be a little bit more of a global pursuit which it definitely feels like at this point so um this guy named Oscar Pern felt is a design graduate from Sweden and he decided to design a flag that represents earth as a whole which I thought was really cool is a really good idea so this is a video of him like I'm putting this thing together it is seven interlocked circles and they represent a flower which it represents life on Earth and then how things on earth are all linked to one another whether that's directly or indirectly so this got these seven kind of interlocking circles almost a little bit not unlike the Olympic rings the Olympic rings but there's nothing like exactly like the 11th or seven instead of five and they don't have color and then the background of the flag is blue to represent all the water on Earth and and so he was saying that maybe something like this could even be used on earth to remind us that we're all part of one community if you think about it because a lot of astronauts have reported this sort of phenomenon but this overwhelming feeling of global community as they look down on Earth from the International Space Station or from capsules and things like that from space which i think is so cool and I love this idea that we might have some day we might you know go to Mars and put this flag for Earth down like almost like marvin the martian it's like I claim this I claim this for more exactly we would just be doing the exact opposite and taking Marvin the Martians planet for us we like this we claim this for it's ours um so it's a project it's not anything official this guy just decided to go and make this design he took he checked out all of the different like a bunch of different flags from different countries I'm and created I don't know why this is not quiet shush um but yeah I he took a bunch of different designs and just really kind of went for it and created this final you're going to see the final in a second hair it's gonna color there you go so there it is white rings and then there's that you can see the flower in the middle like a little flower in the middle so yeah it's really cool flag really simple but also very powerful and then this was sort of his ideas like oh this is what you would see behind a global astronauts official photo so I'm not a real photo no no so give it like kind of put this together so um so that brings us as a hashtag a day which is TD flag and we want to know what you think should be on the earth flag like what's the thing what should it look like I mean this guy is just one person what about your ideas you guys I'm sure have some great ideas I know obviously your first choice Cal would be troll face but if you had a second choice what would that choice be God's sum up the entirety it's tough human existence in one in one image first of all I wouldn't put a bunch of circles I was five um god I don't know I guess to this point yet to simplify the concept if i simplify because it's got to be easy recognizable I'm recognizable so a flag with the planet earth on it a flag with earth just a picture of birth I like that I like the one from futurama ok the one from futurama is like it's the American flag but where it were their stars there's the the planet Earth perfect it's called the earth that can flag the earthy can fly we're thinking flag I like that one I'm a hot okay so what about you what do you want yours to be alright yo Chris Pratt it's just crazy Chris Pratt I on a flag so many Photoshop that we haven't gotten any Photoshop from you guys yeah hertha can flag from futurama perfect that perfect that seems like a pretty good yeah it's pretty good um but yeah I think maybe just a Chris Pratt of like Chris Brown's like he is a great ambassador i'm wearing my guardians of the galaxy shirt convene oh yeah so conveniently today he's a great ambassador in the star so that is true um i would say gosh I i think i like the idea of a photo of Earth but then I also feel like I mean obviously I think it would have to be blue cuz of Earth is mostly covered in water and then I think just maybe like um you know like the sounds so dumb you know like the bathroom the silhouettes of like a person there's like men and women good picture yes I think you just have like those and then like a background that's like Earth so it's like blue and green it's like lamb so you here are some people you want to represent humans as well as the planet gotcha okay people as well as the earth itself because I think the earth is I mean it's important you gotta rip the earth but then us like it's you know we're gonna be the ones taking it there so why not people to how about this how about we think outside the box mr. flag maker and let you do it and make the flag in the shape of that flattened earth that they've made you know when they make those yeah make it in the shape of the flat endure like a geography map and then you can put your humans on it I like that or you could make that was why we may getting a flag for a planet we don't necessarily have this it's not gonna have the same atmosphere everything's completely different how was one question I add I was like why not make the flag a different shape like you have an opportunity to make it like a triangle or like some other you know like an octagon or something cool like something futuristic you know Battlestar Galactica like cuts the corners off of all the pages and stuff do that like may it look futuristic guys like I don't know I thought that was cool if you guys want a photo shops on the year bonus points if you want photoshop your flag we highly recommend it Chris Pratt on it though every flag all right so okay tell me about Rainmaker please ok so back to back to our nerdy pop culture stuff because so you browse the internet or watching movie in belek man i love that creature whatever well it's probably it was probably done by Rick Baker probably well you're in luck because Rick Baker is about to do a giant auction to auction off some of your favorite creatures from movies that he's worked on including gremlins hell boy Harry and the Hendersons Planet of the Apes men in black and a lot more if you're watching just you know play a veritable who's who of some of these people some of these characters this auction is happening tomorrow which is may 29th and you can hop on there it's obviously going to be a very expensive auction that's a look at those characters yes some of them are actually animatronic so some of these actually have their like gears and then you could probably use servos and actually make them may scare you as you walk in your house oh my god but there's all kinds of cool stuff there's I you said there was one that was like a couple hundred bucks right yeah I was looking through the catalog and it's I want to say like the lowest price thing like the estimate cuz they give you estimates only what they think it'll go for I want to say was a like a skeleton hand from the Haunted Mansion movie with Eddie Murphy and it was like 200 to 300 dollars like that was their estimate so there there was some stuff that was affordable in the general sense of the term I know like the Harry and the Hendersons they had a full-body like muscle suit with the headpiece and the the gloves and everything and that was they said like seven to nine thousand dollars yeah 30 yeah there's gizmo but this is a prop store auction they actually do you can go on there anytime you want and look at and look at props and stuff like they had the Jurassic Park barbasol can there a while back that went for way way too much was like two hundred thousand dollars Oh like ah just just shy of joined a thousand dollars to throw away most had all of it saved up but it was too yeah again tomorrow and these are all by Rick Baker he has some of the those little those little those little roaches from oh the thing that they had that I think was the creepiest was obviously the skin suit from men in black Vincent D'Onofrio Vincent off real skin suit terrifying just disgusting a cockroach the saggy cockroach skin suit yeah yeah gross um yeah no I love this and i've i've been to prop store before and if you go you can actually bid online before the auction starts so if you go like you can put in your bid and it's like if you win you win but if not not a big deal and you'll have to be present during a live auction but then there's also like you could call in place a bit like there's all kinds of ways a bit so if Rick Baker or his movies are something you're a fan of you can always check it out you are they had the Hellboy hair that one that was that that I think would be the thing to actually like a mad cat with like the whole yeah if you get that if you get the Hellboy hand call us cuz we want you to co-host this show but yeah there you go so you can check it out tomorrow mmm good luck yeah good luck if you're if you're bidding good luck I thing I think you're one of millionaires that watch the show do you know what L like if you've seen Al tape and stuff right you go to like festivals everything so sure you see it all yes you could just say I go to a lot of big festivals concerts and raves and stuff yes okay you're talking about so L panels are pretty rad but unfortunately they are they have to have a layer of plastic in them so they when you bend them too far they can shatter a fracture and then the screens now is good like you can't see the glow as well well researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Franz bender GmbH & Co have created a process that prints al layers directly onto surfaces without the need of this like layer so check this out they're going to play this video and you're going to see that they have removed the pay their they've removed the plastic from this process they have taken that step that bit of al paneling out of the equation and they are now able to print an e el panel directly onto paper and these are them so you can see you watch that's paper they're moving it around and they printed it directly onto the paper like that's not a special like separate thing that they then put on to a layer paper so they focusing on printing it onto paper or just anything anything so they were saying we can print it on two Spears we can actually like straight-up print onto a sphere we can make a whole al panel on a sphere they said any 3d object can have al coatings now at a low cost so this might change the way we kind of ceal layers on things like we might see more of them and they said we can print onto surfaces that are concave convex shaped weirdly that have an uneven surface and they've also found a way to keep the layer consistently thick like so they're like it's not you know all over the place is like thick part thin part now if they can keep it pretty consistent and they said the reason why is there's a new pad process that a pad printing process I should say that can conform to different shapes as it applies the AL coating making it possible to keep it consistent all the way around so that's that's the process that's the rubber pad right there see that that red thing wow that's the process that enables it to be able to be printed directly on to a 3d any 3d object and they said it does with this particular process it does not take much to print at a commercial scale so they can really scale this up pretty easily pretty low cost and also it requires fewer steps than normal al printing and they have a range of colors that you can apply to different services so we might be seeing a little more electroluminescent paneling that's some futuristic clothing right there like I drew these stars lit up trick leggings easy might these up thinking that would be amazing I'd love fun blocking consolation anyway that's cool that be glorious oh yeah pretty awesome i just thought it was really cool i can't wait to see that sort of applied in everyday Tron Legacy Tron leggings Oh should get me some Tron leggings Tron leggings see ya know that is pretty cool I would like to see that the Tron Tron world good good good on you good good on me thank you alright guys that is it for our headlines we'll be right back with into it because it's a thursday and of course your user feedback so don't click away it's tomorrow daily welcome back to the show we are back I'm doing your return intro you returned sorry you say we've returned hang out with me way too much you go welcome back to the show we've returned it's Thursday that is exactly the best impression of me I've ever heard and on Thursday we like to share with you the things that were I don't know you don't really have a sex structure one this is into it that's literally the best thing I've ever heard oh that's what I'm into this week your impression of me oh really thought of changing my name what OH race okay so all right this week on into it I went super selfish with this one because I'm into Disneyland this weekend actually this last week they've started the celebration for their 60th anniversary of Disneyland which is just down the street from the studio and I'm actually going on Sunday so I'm very excited they have a brand new show that's hosted by neil patrick harris the the color of light color I've got this whole new brand new light parade thing anyway I'm super excited about it I haven't been a long time I've you don't know about people that anybody lives in California California is going to Disney that a lot all the time most everybody has an annual pass and goes there like two three times a year yep I haven't gone in years really oh this is like yeah so I'm very excited I'm going with a giant group of friends if you see me say hello I don't know why you I don't know that be a super coincidence if we that would be amazing but anyway it's their 60th anniversary it's their diamond anniversary and yeah you know they redid they be jeweled the castle that's like a thing they like they put a bunch of diamonds on to Sleeping Beauty's castle and stuff I'm we're both big Disney his you guys when you grow up in Southern California it's like kind of a that's a thing you're always there yeah it's one of the cheapest forms of entertainment if you amortize it out all the time so we're not we were kids my mom you should just bias annual passwords and we just continue on all the time so the cheapest way to keep us entertained all day long on the weekends mhm I've been there been there in that exact situation yep so so they got Disneyland I will see you there I'm actually if you follow me on Twitter I said a couple days ago that i'm in a periscope and i probably am I'm gonna I've got a if your cell phone charger too I I believe it'll stand a better there and Google then it will google i/o you're probably right your prob can't wait to get those cherries I'm really excited for this grandbaby is it yesterday we bet a bag of cherries Makka cherries on periscope anywho I oh and you guys will know the result of that bet like as you're watching the show because I'll have already tried and probably failed silly oh yeah by the way uh let's say I have an hour to periscope before the you want stay before the press conference starts or do you want to say during like the actual conference during the president you know there's a better chance of getting something done beforehand okay bye all right okay whatever you want to do because I totally trust that you won't like cheats okay since I noon lets say by new i have to get five minutes out by noon okay all right oops oh how much i might as well just vibe that bag of cherries on sunday night i said i mean i already know it's gonna happen anyway i'm probably remember you to come on the show all right good that's fine just caleb is gonna be cherry covered in turn i am into guacamelee so if you have a playstation and you have playstation plus you can get this game for free right now and it's the Super Turbo Championship Edition which includes some extra DLC like an extra area in the game there's like extra collectibles things like that so qua Camilla is a game if you are not familiar with this I think the first time I saw I want to see maybe like some artwork for this I thought it was a fighting game but no it's it's a platforming adventure game it's a platformer and it's awesome like the artwork is absolutely beautiful the mechanics of the platforming is unreal it's so well done the controls are really tight i love a good platformer the way Cael feels the open world games that's how i feel about plaque like platforming and collection games just give it to me all day let's that's what i like give platformers that i have to collect stuff in so little story about guacamelee last friday i downloaded it to my playstation 4 and i played it for 11 hours straight which is should be illegal in most states it probably is and then i played it more over the weekend and i have already beaten it but i was i loved it so much this week that i had to tell you that if you haven't played it you must because it is so good and it reminds me of like all of the old Metroidvania is where it's like you have the map so they have the secret areas where you get chest and all these you know extra stuff there's costumes that you can buy with silver that you find in game and then you can also buy extra costumes for like DLC I want to say it's like a dollar two dollars or something like that so um yeah it's a great game the developers I mean they're really they did a fine fine job in this game and it's just really well polished it's so fun and the DLC whatever the original game was must have felt maybe a little bit short just because the DLC like fit in seamlessly I never felt like oh this must be the area that's DLC actually they look it up after I was done playing the game find out what area was added so it's so good so so good and it's free until PlayStation Plus rolls over for next month which I think ground zeroes metal gear solid ground zeroes is the free game one of the free games for next level he paid money for that game twenty bucks for like a good like a two hours of a game takes two hours to do uh but yeah so guacamelee guacamelee so good you guys so so good highly recommend highly recommend but um yeah you should play it anyway that's what we're into so now it's time to go over some more cheater feedback let's hey user feedback so because we're not in on Thursday you're not it well I'm not in you're not in here right now you're not yes I am you pre-recorded yours and Logan is projecting it on looks like the projections wrap does the projection look okay Logan okay good yeah no stuttering that's good to hear hi so we're doing another round of TD cheats which is what should cheaters do to get back into the game like what penance should they pay yeah and again you guys came up some good ones i wanted to youtube to Martin wrote in these are YouTube ones all right one of us Twitter and there there's a couple of different ones so Twitter a player that is caught cheating should be locked in with half stats in a corrupt skin as a brand I like that half stats that's rough I don't what they stay they locked in with half again I wouldn't go back to the game I'd say it would take twice as long like to level up and stuff like maybe I don't know anyway if they really want their account back I like that corrupt skin though and then Ralph on YouTube Rodin said reformed a-holes deserve a break hahahahaha I don't agree uh people deserve a second chance YouTube commenters okay goodnight rode in on YouTube and said if you're caught cheating the game should be able to discover when the cheat was installed into the game files and reset your progress back to that point as a warning that's really smart I like that if they can figure that out but yeah yeah that's perfect because some of those guys it would be fair because some of those guys in case you missed a story when they made a video to apologize for cheating they were like well I've been playing for a really long time and then people started cheating so I had to start cheating so if it reaches its back then it make me know validates our story yeah yeah that makes sense okay yeah no I see that I guess that's a good one and then a very lastly Rick wrote in on Twitter and said player must donate five retail copies of that game to the ones in need or to those who deserve it yeah I like that to donate five retail copies of the game and I'd like I don't know how you would dole those out like maybe buy raffle or something like that but I really like that idea where it's like well you got to buy an extra copy of the game now and the game dev would really like the fact that you bought five more copies of the game yeah it's like it's like rabbits just keep multiplying copies get bought because people just keep chinking yeah or maybe just don't cheat that should be your number one choice I'm surprised nobody said that don't cheat that seems like number one doesn't look the number one answer but it wasn't nobody said that everyone's like punish that everybody really wants to punish everybody okay we got to talk about our very last thing which is our phone talk over the day that is a very it's a huge funk it's just just too big too much yeah I wanted the iphone 6 and I got the 6 plus and it's just too big I love um I like a big phablet whoa whoa like it's not like this is the iphone 6 plus hello um fear us wrote in he said he took this picture with his Galaxy Note 4 he said hello I'm sorry for this long email but i have to tell you the story about this photo well maybe it's a mini story I don't know you decide is he saying all this yeah okay so there's this awesome building that I pass by on an average like once a month for the past five years and I was gonna send you the picture and tell you how that I've never actually seen anyone get in or out of that building for all those years so basically I was gonna send the photos and have that be the story lot lo and behold I passed by the building again yesterday with the intention to take a photo of it and send it to you guys only to find out there's a person going into the building what talk about a no irony i guess so i guess is he's saying all this to ya this is all in his email so i guess this is the whole story LOL keep up the good work so let's take a quick look at this building because Luminati confirmed is that over go oh my god this is a this is like a masonry this is like a freemasons building it's like a weird what is that I wish we could zoom in on this I feel like we should but um yeah this uh this building looks ominous and I'm gonna I'm gonna say that you're right and that is to say I'm gonna say it's a secret society yeah are you with me it looks like a building that would be a secret society right we're Benedict Cumberbatch lives of course I will hear yes and he rules over some sort of weird secret society obviously and I think that that door is actually a fake door to make people think that's a real interest it's not like there's obviously some secret entrance where these like weird statues are on the sides of the door yeah I totally agree with you on that yeah there's like a crate definitely not a real door for show fake fake yeah they painted that on this touch the pylons in a specific order then it opens a door totally my green so yeah that's a that's we're gonna that's what we're telling you is up with that building it's somebody was trying to get in but they probably nobody would be so foolish as to be seen if there were a real member of that secret society was a great email yeah super good so thank you for sending that in if you would like to send in your photogra fee to be featured on the show please email us tomorrow at cnet com you can also send over your user feedback if you hate email we got you covered run social media twitter facebook Instagram whatever you want tomorrow daily we're also on tumblr and people seem to like that so I don't even know that our tumblr exists we put up pictured I put up pictures every day of phone time for the day that's like the featured image so you can go to tomorrow daily on tumblr com okay and also if you want to follow us on twitter at kalyan onimous and a dash luis guerra and i'll be at this weekend trying to periscope design and she'll be giving me a bag of cherries because she's gonna try and trimmers go probably try and Fingal i oh so let's see who wins and as always if you ever want to share the show with someone just sent him to tomorrow daily com it's not easy that's it for the show for this week guys will be back on Monday with a brand new docket of weird wonderful science back in science fiction but until then vegan humans will see you guys next time fine you
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