Tomorrow Daily - This samurai-sword-swinging robot arm might be better than WWDC, Ep 190
Tomorrow Daily - This samurai-sword-swinging robot arm might be better than WWDC, Ep 190
on today's show a robot Samurai best
it's human master in a duel oh and boy
what a weekend what a lovely weekend
because robots faced off against each
other and only I think for only 41 and
lastly Apple through their developers
conference yes we're going to recap wwd
it's tamar daily
hey hey everybody welcome back tomorrow
daily you're the best talk show in the
whole world I'm your host Ashley
together joining me as always so that
you uh I'm sorry I just you okay it was
so boring right okay so sleep what's
great is I didn't watch it so apparently
that's good for me but we're going to
recap what happened i'll tell you all
about it right now okay so a lot of
people have been saying what happened
today what is it google IL wasn't very
exciting right well I I hate to break
geofence WWDC zzzzz was all not all that
exciting either but there was some new
things that we can tell you about that
might be coming to your iPhone iPad or
your macbook if you are so inclined okay
so let's start off with iOS 9 so iOS 9
lots of stability lots of fixes lots no
no major visual changes that was iOS 8
that was the big visual change they have
a new UI some responsiveness to some
very specific requests for example you
can ask Siri show me photos from Utah
last August or remind me to grab my
coffee from the roof of the car when I
get in you can ask you can ask for these
reminders like so for right now Siri has
not been very great i made a joke on
twitter they were like oh series taking
over 1 billion requests and I'm like and
she has not been able to 999 million
999,999 of them um so they have this
thing called proactive assistant which I
thought was pretty interesting and
that's that's the whole like you can ask
Siri took sort of proactive it's gonna
guess kind of what you're doing stuff
like that so and you can also ask things
like they did a thing with serious they
like hey play the song from Selma and so
you're not asking for something very
specific but it knows what you want it
knows the specific song from Selma you
want because that's sort of the song
everybody asks for his glory by com ok
so now then it was like oh yeah the song
from Selma ok is it weird it played off
of ok so they played it off of Apple
music so this is a smooth transition go
ahead great transition Apple music 10
bucks a month for a single subscription
this is their acquisition of beats this
is now finally rolling out as an apple
product it is
going to be like I said 10 bucks a month
for single subscription so similar to
Spotify but 1499 for a shared family
account for up to six people get out of
here so which they really they're
shaking that up so I would imagine
Spotify will probably respond in kind
with some sort of multiple account
access for a higher rate okay Mario does
this go to I'm sure that there's a like
a cnet video that goes deeper into this
yeah we have tons of coverage on all of
wwwdcom Engelbert a fee I just want to
give you guys the the sort of broad
strokes here okay and they're also going
to do something called beats 1 which is
going to be a global radio station
they're doing a thing called Kinect
which is kind of like a social media
network but inside Apple music just for
artists so they showed a clip where they
were like oh let's go see what Pharrell
is doing or let's go see what this
artist is doing in the studio and it
shows this like beautifully curated page
of the pictures they've been posting on
social media they can do things like
lyrics they can pick put up audio clips
they can do little videos all sorts of
stuff and so and they curate it all
together like we're seeing on the screen
in this beautiful little setup where
you're able to see all the stuff that's
kind of going on in there your favorite
artists career at this time which is
pretty cool okay um so not not quite
like ping which was a big fat nightmare
and they'll remember that fail very
quickly um alright that seems whatever
both days you're gonna get a three-month
trial it launches at the end of June
it's free trial for three months and
then everybody that has an apple gets a
free trial free trial and then on
Android they're gonna release Apple
music in the fall so they're gonna have
apple music on it on Android devices if
you hear maybe if you have a map book
and you use iTunes but then you have an
Android device you've been looking to
kind of switch over to apples ecosystem
in terms of itunes and all that stuff
real quick poll I Logan would you likely
drop Spotify for this no I'm not doing
it he says now playlist oh my god so
here's the thing i have been hearing
conflicting reports about no offline
playlists I've heard that maybe they
just glossed over that because that was
just sort of a standard feature but they
did make mention of the fact that if you
really like a song in the streaming
service and
Apple music you could tap on by and buy
it immediately like an idea to own the
music no not necessarily no I don't
think so but I but they made mention of
that feature but the thing is is I don't
think that means no offline playlist
very specifically so all right well sure
they break it i'm sure they have it on
the right now okay so any anything else
we're talking about it this thing max
got public transit info so for anybody
who relies on the subway to get to work
school never have that before no no a
lot of so a lot of people you've been
using google maps is a real um oh yeah
no yeah you're right you're it did to an
extent but it wasn't it wasn't very good
and well i mean a lot of apple maps
isn't very good i sighs laughing I mean
I also joked around about how I said cue
the deluge of people who accidentally
got sent to the wrong place because they
trusted Apple maps of their public
transportation just happened to me the
other day I was join the YouTube space
and it through me like a mile away and
then made me Trek all the way back I'd
like I didn't even make it I passed
right now stupid it's insane they also
showed off a thing that is very
Flipboard like called news it's going to
assuming replaced newsstand and there
it's basically it's like Flipboard you
have all these different content
creators and you can see all these like
sort of curated really pretty layouts
for articles and cultures and things
like that they have multitasking on the
iPad which is a really big deal a lot of
people have been asking for that here it
is on video Craig federighi also known
as hair Force One because his hair is so
delightful showing off multitasking on
the iPad it's only gonna work on the air
in the air to as far as I'm aware for
now what why well cuz it's I think it
has to do with processing power it has
to be able to deal with two different
windows but he talks about how yeah I'd
like so you have these windows you can
pull up different things I'm very
similar to what we've seen in a few
different android tablets and also i
mean the surface pro 2 i'll make similar
but it's kind of a little computer as
opposed to just just the tablet but yeah
you can see this is how it works it's
pretty simple looks pretty
straightforward easy to use and I but I
I'm looking forward to that but
unfortunately I only have an iPad Mini
so this will be completely worthless to
me when it comes out in iOS 9 passbook
is now called wallet they change
passbook to wallet so you can use Apple
pay but it's also there like we kind of
feel like it's kind of graduated beyond
just you know like little passes for
stuff so now this is like your wallet we
have Apple pay in there your your cards
are in there now your rewards cards are
in there now all this other stuff Apple
pay also coming into UK so congrats
United Kingdom you're gonna get to pay
with your phone and and all those
checkout clerks are gonna look at you
like you're a wizard yeah when they are
always confused when i use Apple pay ya
like I don't think that's gonna work and
I'm like me go see it worked it's fine
and they're like how did you do that oh
my god did nobody train anybody because
of really good crisps over in London I
love her so is that it prawn cocktail
crisps the best crisps in the world I'm
gonna try this oh you absolutely have to
and then lastly os10 10.11 is El Capitan
that's the name of the the Opera so we
have Mavericks Yosemite going with the
whole places in California so here is El
Capitan there's a performance upgrades
and place is huge the public beta will
be available in july as well as for the
first time iOS 9 will have a public beta
already able to try it out so you know
it was boring in a relative sense I
still think guy google i/o was way more
boring I at least they introduced the
music service thing like their Jimmy I
upon came out you know that was fine I I
think that they were I think they were
both like improving on things that
already existed yeah so it was like
these are great these are all great
things like don't get me wrong these are
all awesome i'm excited for all these
things and i'm excited for all the
things that Google is doing but it it
feels like it was a lot of like
iterative sort of okay well we have this
and now we're just gonna polish it up
even more on both ends at Google and
Apple so hey maybe you know we realized
that not every single one of these is
gonna be like groundbreaking what she's
going with like just you know tempered
expectations I think so and I think this
is sort of it speaks to this kind of
entitlement to innovation that I talk
about a lot where it's like people feel
like we need to have innovative devices
like every year people get mad when
their devices do not like blow their
minds and it's like it doesn't have to
like you Portia's generally speaking
have not majorly changed their design of
their car like they have improved it
little by little every year and it's
their amazing now but it doesn't need to
a completely different car every time it
can still be great but it doesn't have
to be so totally different that you know
you don't have to go to the other side
to make it better for I'd buy into that
men also go to the other side nice you
don't have to you couldn't you make it
better as you go like this it doesn't
have to be like we're here and now we're
way over here now you don't have to do
180 to impress I think it was good it
was fine it was acceptable and
satisfactory I'm sure in all the ways
that Apple people would like um but I
felt the same way about Google i/o which
was like it was it was good it was good
i think there were some good updates i
think people will be very happy with
what they're gonna get in there
operating system of choices upgrade
later this year but other than that
we're done here cool all right mu DC
what'd you get out of 10 ah this 6.5 I
think you gave a 72 the google i/o
actually yeah 6.5 from 27 like right
around i would say right around there
all right it made brought up you know
they kind of forgot about dre if I'm
being honest they not bring out dr. Dre
I forgot about him so the DARPA Robotics
Challenge happened this weekend boy is
that a really cool competition so if you
don't know DARPA Robotics Challenge is
everybody brings their robots together
and they come try and compete in this
obstacle course i love that all
different designs of robots just trying
to like complete this obstacle course
it's really interesting we got a
hilarious video of a whole bunch of
robot cannot wait it's coming up just
wait for that yes but well let's talk
about the winners okay we want to talk
about team cast from South Korea they
want two million dollars with their
robot because their robot is a
transformer in a way that it may can
like transform to put like move
differently oh it's really cool it's one
of only three robots that managed to
complete the course so it's really
impressive okay they're gonna they're
gonna do the transforming I like to see
if you're watching they're gonna they're
gonna transforming in just a second uh
it got through the obstacle course in
under 45 minutes which i guess is pretty
good that's I think I'm pretty good okay
yeah chicken this is their robot right
here um did you think no thank twisting
oh my gosh yeah you see it likes get now
we're different like it changes the way
that it moves and the reason let me give
you the goal okay reeny this this thing
existed this contest was open after the
earthquake and nuclear disaster in
Fukushima Japan in 2011 so they the
whole point is to create a robot that
can complete tasks during a disaster
story so it makes sense that they make
an obstacle course and the one that can
make it through can transmit don't have
to be super versatile right that makes a
lot of sense no that does make sense and
i love how they're saying like bipedal
walking is it this can be really kind of
precarious but then they also have like
you were saying it transforms it has
wheels and it can just wheel itself
around and there's just one of the best
looking there's a lot of ones that were
kind of like janky they had like you
know big giant battery pack behind them
the second place team was team THM see
they had a robot based on Boston
Dynamics Atlas robot there's a lot of
the Appalachian there's a lot of Atlas
robots modifications in there I was a
say yeah I've heard that like a lot of
these entrance to the competition will
take a robot like Atlas or there's
another robot to that they take it us
like a base model and then they add on
to it or they change it up to where it's
like their own robot but they use that
as sort of a jumping-off pretty cool
that is pretty amazing but yeah a robot
competition so that we can have a better
future unfortunately only three of them
made it through the course but two
million dollars to South Korea who now
beat us at robotics and starcraft yeah
and watches every now this this south
korean team team cast is that's pretty
amazing that in a weird way brings us
back to the the the question of the day
the hashtag of the day for the last
article yeah that's true whoops we
forgot to mention that had a second the
day so damn let's go back and mention
the hashtag of the dead okay so hooray
for robots robots but but TD WWDC 15 15
um and tell us are you are you angry are
you bored are you sad are you hungry how
do you feel about what about things at
WWDC comments like to are you really
feeling it is there something that maybe
was missing i personally would have
liked to seen the appletv get a refresh
a new set-top box know what it was so it
uh um our oath and brian tog I'm he was
super team
I cuz i saw him because they have the
live string thing if you don't know and
they were in that little sound booth and
brian tongs like this the whole time
he's like I think it was bummin he was
bomb in there was no Apple TV but he
talked about it on apple byte he was
like yeah there's not going to be apple
TV this year and i have a feeling a lot
of that has to do with it i think a lot
of people are speculating light
agreements with studios for streaming
and all this other stuff like to have
all these sort of you know companies and
partnerships where you're streaming
content times right now we'll see we got
google chrome we got you know i know
there's some great joy mill roku yeah
roku got lost that time just using your
phone but apple i mean i think this is a
really good chance for apple to kind of
take that set-top box area out of the
hobbyist section cuz right now they're
all these sort of like hundred-dollar
boxes yeah i was on fire TV Apple TV
Roku you've got all these boxes that are
about 100 bucks chromecast a little bit
different but still like $35 so cheap
but then you know maybe you do something
like xbox one where you're able to
actually plug your cable into apple TV
and then it's like you can also watch
all of your cable subscriber they've got
a lot of great thing yes okay see if
that comes the past but yeah it's gonna
have to happen relatively quickly so
what about you is there anything you
wanted Apple to show off I just wanted
the apple TV to be honest with you yeah
and I also want them to introduce some
sort of VR headset or a our thing like
yeah I know that they probably just
started working out there like oh my god
every doings we're gonna do this we
gotta do it guys we got a just buying a
our company I want to say they acquired
them maybe a week or two ago so that was
the rumor yeah but I'm sure we're like
that's gonna be the next it's a bit like
the eyelids yeah of course well then of
course like the Apple car is a thing
they were saying that's gonna happen in
the next like five do i do not want an
apple car that's art that's that's the
line for me all right are you draw the
line and then Apple everything I only
have this I don't need to be like
driving around the car and Syrian this
and computer and headset too much cars
too far tell me about samurai robots um
you're gonna flip out like a ninja when
you see this this video is the greatest
thing I've ever seen in my life uh can
we just transition as meanwhile in japan
meanwhile in japan we like to say
motoman nh-24
is a robot that was designed by Japanese
engineers to mimic the sword moves of a
samurai mass yes and so what they did
was they took this robot which is just
one big robot arm it's not like a you
know it's not like Atlas where it's you
know walking around swinging a sword
like a knight of the round table sure
they tracked the movements of real-life
Samurai Master here he is a Sal machi
and they uploaded those moves right into
the robot so they tracked all seven this
guy is he's got World Records he's a
world record holder this this guy is an
amazing are a sword master this guy's an
amazing samurai sword master ok and then
what they did was they uploaded all
those moves into the robot and then they
did a duel between the two of them and
the duel was not them swinging swords at
each other because wow that would be
really dangerous yes but it was a whole
bunch of trials they did four different
challenges basically of diagonal cuts
and then there was like you know you'll
see the different kinds and they're like
okay so you have to do all these cuts
and the robot would mimic that and then
it was that was sort of this would score
all these things and so the robot beat
him I think this is the best story it's
kind of my favorite episode IV honestly
this video is better than that press
confe lievable yeah I could watch this
for why didn't they bring you this robot
out wa museum I don't know this is great
is he not a fit like I'm just going for
like honored here is he not mad that
like it's taking away the art form like
I of them asked like if there was a host
robot I don't think I'm good but I'd be
like you don't understand the art
hosting um something I like horizontal
cut ok oh by the way can I just mention
this guy this Samurai Master can hit a
fried shrimp in half flying a team as it
flies 80 miles an hour of the air p.s
right a fried shrimp a little fried sure
he can hit it like a baseball bat but
just slice it in half as it's going 80
miles an hour through the area so it's
not a joke like he is serious
swordmaster but yeah I don't know how it
feels about having his moves upload into
a robot and then the robot beat him in a
duel David it a thousand cuts I might
favorite part of this entire competition
was at the very end they bowed to each
other the robot bowed at him I'm sorry I
just took a drink while the screen was
off and i almost spit up on chef I'm
sorry I didn't mean it don't look he
bowed again I'm going back to wipeout
watch they're gonna doubt each other
right now look it's a mutual respect no
best keep out out of honor the robot
vowed because he's programmed to now no
honor the robots is respected him this
is cool I saw Tomorrowland this weekend
but I'm still mad about that this is
better than all of that I'm just mad I'm
just mad I'm scared so fortunately the
robot again was it was uploaded it was
programmed to do all those things so it
did not learn to use the sword in such a
great way exact we can rest easy for
tonight knowing that this robot is not
going to go on murdering rampage really
cool video though good fine no I like
that but now we have my robot video that
I was talking about earlier oh yeah
we're so we're gonna come back with your
user feedback and all that fun jazz that
we have afterwards but before we go this
is from the DARPA robot challenge this
weekend here are all the fails
welcome back to the show returns and
we're running along we are running very
long so going coming yeah it's time for
back at haggen go ok people are going
nuts for this on Kickstarter it's called
hydrate me this is a smart water bottle
how weird is that it's already weird go
super weird ok uh it keeps tabs on your
drink your water drinking throughout the
day this is not that there says V this
so this is the prototype yeah it's
pretty stupid looking yeah very dumb ah
but keeps tabs on your water drinking
throughout the day and then tells you
when you need water by glowing there's
no idea of glows I want this so bad ok I
know I knew you would like this kale
drinks like eight gallons of water a day
like water is so important it's so
important it's the most under ok keep
going it holds 24 ounces of water it has
one year battery life and the battery is
very replaceable they say it's a battery
you can find at any like drug store so
probably up some kind of watch battery
it is dishwasher safe which I really
like because a lot of the metal ones
like zojirushi and swell and all of
those you can't put in the dishwasher
you can't dishwasher and it comes in
five colors it talks to your wearables
too and this is the thing I really like
about it so if you're exercising it
actually adjust and knows you need more
water and I'll tell you like how you
need so cool yeah yeah so I thought you
would really like this um it's also
really beautifully designed I just like
that it is very plain it's not like
ostentatious it's very sad or is it
glowing right there telling you hey
buddy drink drink some water I'm glowing
yeah this is great I think I think just
drinking more water is just a nice
addition it helps you sleep better yeah
it makes your skin look better you
either you lose bags under your eyes you
you know your body likes it better do
you digest better so this may seem small
on ebay thing kills dumb he likes water
bottles well I but it's pretty great and
so I I just like the whole thing about
it saying like oh you're exercising you
need more water yeah I'm realizing from
your Fitbit or whatever they you're
exercising so now you need more one now
they need to find a way to make it so it
tracks when you're drinking a lot and
then it's like yo you need to drink some
drunk and you need hydration you should
make a wearable that tracks your blood
alcohol level and talks to the app mine
would be like baby boobs are alarm
sounded okay cool so okay what are your
battery life huh thirty dollars okay so
on kickstart it's 45 we're battery life
though that being said ships december
this year a one-year battery life for
the thing is you have to recharge it
that was the big thing was they were
like we don't want you like having to
recharge your water bottle every nice
dumb so like you have this little
battery it's like a watch battery and
then you just replace it okay cool like
five bucks you said $45 yeah definitely
do those ships out into summer this year
and they asked for 35,000 there's 35
days left in the campaign they have over
two hundred thousand dollars so they're
doing just great cool I can't wait for
this exists I agree I feedback is bakit
Logan on this okay so there you go then
it's already on the market now go get it
alright so now it's time for your user
feedback alright guys so last week we
asked you guys to talk about the Disney
research plan to add walking robotic
characters into the park we had a
terrifying robots that look at five
nights at Freddy's we asked you guys to
take this as a photo challenge and send
over images of children that you think
they're giving a face that would be an
appropriate reaction to see some really
good response very good response I'm so
Mitchell wrote in and here's Mitchell's
yep it's just Chucky terrifying checkers
Joe this here's Jose which he sent in a
picture with his good i love that took a
selfie way to go Joe listen I'm as
surprised as your baby like that's
hilarious jl fox wrote in and sent this
little Brooklyn nine-nine happen in
there Gail wrote in and sent over this
oh hey there's poo wait what yeah
screaming which I love and then Justin
wrote in and said to my geeks at
tomorrow daily I present the sketch out
kid on Disneyland knows what's up I love
is just like Alan think so and then
lastly James emailed us and said love
the show and then that was
picture is a very surprised baby there
was a lot more actually there there was
a lot and also I might add very shocked
that the majority of you did not send in
crying children which I thought would be
the number one image it was mostly just
surprised faces true that but I was
expecting like terrorized traumatized
babies yeah so I don't know think that
these days hurt I think they've seen
some messed up stuff they've seen some
so they've been places they've done
things let's have our last piece user
feedback which is our photog refer the
day I don't know why I did this cuz it's
like that's a normal camera with a
viewfinder but then I do it with the I
guess you do with your phone that's a
battery so hard on yourself just it's
just the gesture Danny wrote in said hey
first time email or long time watcher I
love your show and I watch it all the
time while here's my picture it is a
wonderful picture of the canadian
parliament in ottawa i took it right
after my 10k race which I crushed yeah
you get that water bottle we talked
about you enjoy it so that's Danny
surgery look at the amazing picture it's
colorful and the rays of light I mean
gosh you must have been Celt you must
have thought the entire world was
celebrating you finishing your 10k a
good way to put it that's what it looks
like how does the 1+1 get a photo like
this I mean does a really good job has a
great camera sensor as a good sensor
okay good lens in there sorry but yeah
wow really nice picture great work day
job good job on the 10k yeah a nice job
of the 10k we're really proud of you if
you guys want to send it your phone tog
raphy send us a little story your
picture and what device you took it on
to tomorrow at cnet com and you can also
send us all sorts of stuff on social
media we are tomorrow daily on pretty
much every major social media site I
mean if you can't find us just go find
us on Twitter yeah well you said what I
was gonna say okay all right what about
what about you to dry tunes and you do
you just said just look on those look on
the things oh yeah that's yeah yeah yeah
and plus if you're watching on YouTube
you already there you know the drill
guys you know drill like favorite
subscribe comment whatever all that good
if you want to come harass us on the
Internet I'm at Ashley sceva on Twitter
I thought you already said this no and
I've I kill anonymous will see you guys
tomorrow with another I have know how to
end it will be back tomorrow with a
brand-new talkative weird wonderful
science back besides fiction smash
together at your face and be an awesome
but until then beacon humans will see
you guys next time fine
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