Tomorrow Daily - We found this old episode of the show in an archive, Ep 154
Tomorrow Daily - We found this old episode of the show in an archive, Ep 154
on today's show we're going to tell you
about the IBM Simon personal computer
it's a weird little gadget and Sony's
decided to start making consoles along
next to Nintendo so that's weird let's
talk about that we'll talk about that
that is weird and an article I saw in
the newspaper the other day says that no
one's using the Internet I'm not really
I don't barely even know what it is
tomorrow daily
greetings everybody welcome to tomorrow
jelly the only geek talk show on the
internet cuz let's get her head exactly
pretty fresh I mean cnet just launched a
month ago yeah I know it's great that
you know now there's a place for for
tech yeah like God like on this like
thing where people we can like log in
and do stuff like it's pretty cool I'll
weird is a little bit weird but anyway
we're gonna do our new show for you
there are some super bizarre things that
we have to talk about like that Sony
thing is like throwing me I don't even
know where begin with that but let's uh
let's hit the headlines here so IBM has
this really weird I guess it's a phone a
cellular phone but it's it's not it does
other things it's called the IBM Simon
personal computer and they're calling it
a personal digital assistant like a they
said it's PDA is the you have to carry
around a big computer well its kind I
guess like I mean it's kind of a like
little computer with a screen on it so
it's like a celly it's like a cellular
device and we've been hearing about it
for a couple of years but it's finally I
guess we're finally gonna be able to buy
it I mean if you're rich but like it's
about like eight inches long so it's
pretty small yeah that's thing I need
tiny and it only weighs 18 ounces so
it's like a little over a pound which is
super light and you're gonna be able to
like use it to have like Oh your office
in your phone so that yeah like it's
everything on your phone it says that
you can make and receive phone calls you
can use it like a fat yeah but I have a
computer what but they like they said
you could take it with you and like do
your business other places like you
don't need to take your IBM with you
your Macintosh you don't need to take
that with you you can do electronic mail
on this thing and something called
cellular pages which I don't even know
what that is so cellular pages but
that's the battery which is like really
small yeah that's a tiny little battery
but I was expecting him to use like D
batteries or like sees like a few C
batteries but yeah you can like touch it
and there's a pen that you can like pick
things with
but it runs it's not daus though it's
like a graphical user interface they're
saying right I guess I can see how this
be useful for business people like I
guess they have to do work when they're
not at work yeah I mean there's a quote
that I saw attached to this product was
that it take quote takes all the gadget
tree of the modern business executive
and puts it into one unit so that sounds
very fancy yeah that's really strange it
looks it but it's a but it's a phone
yeah it's like a cellular phone it's a
phone that you take and then it connects
to like places and then you make calls
I'll tell you what once i get a cellular
phone then maybe i'll think about
getting something like that what you're
gonna be waiting a long time not a
businessman so i don't need it well
here's the thing bellsouth cellular is
gonna sell these and they're gonna be
really expensive like eight hundred and
ninety-nine dollars with a two-year
contract or a thousand ninety nine
dollars with no contrary he's never
gonna spend that much money on now on a
businessman thing but i mean i get like
all in one knot is fine but how often I
mean I know I send a lot of faxes but
like do I need something to go out and
send like well I'm Howard and about
having my day no I can wait till I get
home and use my computer like you said
in my fax machine talk to people yeah
just pick up the phone and call somebody
yeah so yeah super weird but I mean hey
if you're interested it's supposed to
come out like later this year august i
think they were supposed to release it
in May but then they said no we can't
we're not gonna make that so they said
August yeah you know I can I talk about
another thing that nobody saw coming
yeah so you we all know Sony you know
the guys that make your like your
headphones yeah my woman i go i love my
walk yeah we're walkman um well they
decided to make a video game console
they would like you can play video games
on like a super nintendo yeah like a
superintendent but it's all there's it's
called the it's called the playstation
so it's as the sony playstation oh yeah
what's crazy about it is it's gonna use
discs like cds well did you compact
discs yeah i know i don't know i don't
know how that's gonna work out but I
mean it's not gonna be a cartridge
anymore so now i can have to blow in it
yeah what you but I like to like you
know wave you a drop a card you like I
don't feel it's always safer like we
just see you
you can't scratch a cartridge yeah that
seems pretty good see these are cool I
like yeah I mean they're all right so I
get I guess we'll see but uh yeah we but
it's different than you know the Super
Nintendo and the Sega Genesis so I mean
it's like why why is Sony getting into
this it's so he's weird so it's so
strange we heard about it looks cool
though look at that there were yeah that
looks really perfect unbelievable yeah I
mean I think those are pre-rendered like
I don't think like I don't think that
those are it's like a bug me at the
cycled movie like it's okay I think they
just made it and then they're like okay
this is what we think it's gonna look
like but it won't it won't look like
that it's not gonna look like that do
you think Sony's gonna get like into
movies or something I don't think so I
mean I never heard a while ago like
there was it I don't even know if it's
true or not but we heard like I remember
reading somewhere in like I don't know
like nin 10 don't read somewhere in some
magazine that they were saying that like
oh it's gonna be maybe gamepro like it
was they said something like oh they're
gonna work with Nintendo on a console
but I guess that's not happening anymore
no that's crazy well anyway this all
this sony playstation will be out this
year in Japan I don't get it for free we
have to wait till next year the
playstation playstation or playstation
like place T playstation or playstation
I have no idea what you're talking I'm
sorry I'm just trying to figure out it
for now it's like kind of weird so I one
word so like how do you but I mean that
brings the question I mean obviously
heard how we feel but our topic of the
day is a do you think this will have a
chance you think the PlayStation is that
the sony playstation will have a chance
moving forward with like having it on
cds instead of cartridges and what and
going up against Sega and Nintendo which
I already have a Nintendo I can't afford
cavesson I have a Sega Genesis and a
tenia and Anna Super Nintendo it's like
I don't I don't need another console
like I don't I don't need it oh yeah wow
you're like rich well my parents like
they do the thing where it's like for
Christmas they'll say this one thing is
for all three of you and so it's like
it's that kind of thing you're gonna get
shows we did well we yell shafted on
that so it's like oh you and your
brother have to share this forever and
then we end up fighting over it it's
terrible um but I don't know I say too
little too late I don't know I don't I
don't it's gonna be tough I mean they're
gonna really have to make something that
we've never seen before I love those
graphics I love the the way it looks it
looks really really real well beyond
real if it's so yeah um I definitely
wanted sony playstation so that'd be fun
next year next year the controller's
weird do you see how many like buttons
it is so many I mean what are you gonna
use them for I don't know like my mind
can't even process that many buttons is
it I mean it well it's kind of close any
SS the little bumpers like they have the
ones on the top yeah but it has the ones
on the bottom and the top yeah that is a
little bit weird we're super weird um so
I gotta talk to you about this article
and I'm curious as to your opinion I saw
this in the new york times in the paper
the other day and I was super kind of
scared because we're doing the show now
with with Cena on the internet and this
article said that no one is actually
using the internet somebody's watching
this I don't think so I don't think
anybody's watching this because in the
new york times they said the internet
might be overhyped because they a lot of
people are saying like Oh 20 to 30
million people around the world they're
using the internet but what I read was a
lot of experts think that number is way
too high they say it's way way way too
high like that it could be ninety
percent less than that's like ten
percent of that amount like two to three
million right yeah no I mean I I mean
like I can't what I use the internet
barely I don't even know how to use like
that got this thing so we get our like
AOL disk or whatever yeah and it you get
like an email an electronic mail but
like who I don't know anybody I don't
want to email anybody really they said
ask your friends for their electronic
mail addresses and I'm like why I talk I
could call them yeah so it doesn't I
don't know but so they said that it
might the problem is is that there's
about they think experts think there's
like two to three million internet hosts
out there and so the argument is how
many people are accessing the internet
from those hosts so they're saying oh
in an office building maybe it's ten
people are accessing the internet from
that spot okay but then a lot of other
people are saying no it's more like two
to three yeah like two to three people
are accessing the internet cuz nobody
else is nobody wants in and so a lot of
businesses like people who are trying to
like make their businesses on the
internet I don't know how that works but
I've got a lot to do besides email
people so yeah maybe pen pal business
look at a pen pal business can look at
like places and go on AOL but yeah um
you do chat room so you could talk about
do the chat rooms i go to chat rooms
sometimes ASL guys tell us ASL yeah so
um but yeah I'd like I just I think it's
really weird and they're saying that out
of those two to three million hosts like
a million of them might be like they're
calling it a firewall like it might they
might be firewalled which I guess is
like an electronic so scary it's like an
electronic wall that it keeps out bad
people like hat and they're calling it
hackers say hackers oh so they said oh
this is to keep out bad people but
nobody else can have that internet so
it's there maybe it's only two million
people see men have a firewall I hope so
it sounds really dangerous like I don't
know if we do or not but I mean I feel
like I should ask all right well I guess
not many people are using the Internet
well they said there's no real way they
say there's no real way to know exactly
how many people are using the internet
and that will just have to wait and see
so we might actually like they keep
saying like oh there's gonna be this big
revolution where people are gonna do
everything on the internet but it's like
if this few people are using it like we
might be waiting a really long time I
know if the people don't adapt it I mean
we're not gonna people aren't gonna use
it yeah it's not gonna be very good so
maybe use the internet I try it like try
it I'm sure you I'm sure you've gotten
an AOL floppy disk and you're in your
mailbox yes I think it's kind of a fun
hobby like I kind of just mess around
with it sometimes yeah we have an
electronic mail at the show which is
pretty cool we'll talk about that yeah
we'll get to that later so well let's do
a quick break and then a commercial
break and then we're gonna come back and
we have a summer movie preview or really
excited man there's there's a lot of
movies coming out so many good
these look amazing and then we also have
into it we're going to tell you all the
cool stuff that we really like so stick
around its tomorrow daily
welcome back to the show we're back and
we want to talk about all the cool
movies that are gonna come out this
summer someone look amazing like we
can't wait so let's talk about our
summer movie preview all right let's get
started okay so first off uh we have a
speed speed yeah it's a g10 yeah it's
about um it's got kiano you know Keanu
Reeves from don't ads uh which one is
that is that the blond guy or the dark
hair the dark-haired guy okay yeah okay
it's it's about it's about him and he's
in a bus and like it can't like there's
a bomb on it oh okay yeah that's
exciting yeah there's a bomb on it and
um yeah it just so like a die hard alee
like intense it's like it looks like it
may be like intense diehard ish action
movie yeah okay cool girl and it is
really good looking Dennis Hopper isn't
it yes citing I love him mm-hmm oh this
looks really good I feel like I'm so
nervous watching the trailer just
watching the trailer I'm getting really
freaked out so that one comes out on jun
10 okay so there's that one okay well
you take the next one okay I'll take the
next one so the next movie that we have
coming out which I am pretty excited
about is the Flintstones that comes out
mates yeah they're like cartoon no
they're doing like with real people
they're gonna do it with real people and
I am super excited because Elizabeth
Taylor is in this movie I guess and low
oh she obviously would like I mean it
that it means it has to be pretty good
right yeah I guess she's a legend so I
am really jazz and I used to watch tips
crazy this looks cool and I watched it
when I was a kid so like and they made
it look like they're in the Stone Age
which is crazy so I've like that's
really exciting to me like I really hope
this doesn't become a trend where they
turn cartoons into live action I mean
wow hopefully this will be just kind of
that's really weird yeah cool special
thing I don't know yeah it does look it
looks good yeah it looks really fun and
I'd like I'm just I don't know I'm
pretty excited and that like a look he
skates off the dinosaur just like in the
cards unit looks awesome the Steven
Spielberg's making this one right I
think so yeah you got the dinosaurs yeah
well he after will dress a purpose out
last year yeah yeah
gonna be scary ya know I was great so
this will probably be like really fun
and like super good so what else what
else we ok next one is the shadow this
coming out july first ok but this is is
this like a you're really in a comics
just like a comet it's not a comments
break my movie i know people don't
really like go for comic book movies
that much not really yeah but alec
baldwin's in it but yeah Alec Baldwin's
in it it's it looks it looks pretty good
i like i like how movies i know it's not
a popular opinion but you know some
sometimes people like to go see these so
i don't know if i would see I'd like
this looks kind of I don't know it looks
kind of like really pulpy like it it's a
little bit too much like a comic book
for me like it I don't I feel like it
needs to be adapted over it's not for
everyone yeah I get it no it's alright
you take the next one all right so uh
then we have the mask which has that guy
Jim Carrey in it who's been like he's
really funny yeah it's not a living
color honey he's funny yes fire marshal
bill on in living color oh yeah yeah
yeah so he's in this movie and a parent
like it's kind of weird like the plot of
this movie is super weird i guess like
he's a nice guy and everyone walks all
over him and he has like kind of a sad
life right so why is it called the
masculine way he finds like a mask i
guess like in the trailer he gets a mask
and it makes him like this weird like oh
not a cartoon character be looks like a
cartoon but he's a person and he does
like all such a wacky cartoony thing oh
ok that's crazy it's uh yeah i don't
know how the girl in this is pretty hot
too she is extremely attractive it's
ridiculous um I like I've never heard of
her before Cameron Diaz diet diet
Cameron Diaz um and so yeah look Barry
is he's getting the mask it gets stuck
to his face and then he turns into like
a weird cartoon guy whoa all right I'm I
want to see that yeah I want to see that
for sure it looks really weird okay okay
and then this one so this is june
twenty-fourth uh the lion king this is
the new disney yeah it's the new Disney
movie I don't know but yeah it's been a
long time what was the last one I think
was Aladdin yeah like back in 92 92 but
this is the lion king it's about lion
and in Africa yeah it's a it's an Africa
the trailer is really cool like I saw it
before movie and I was just blown away
with the animation yeah really
incredible the guy who plays Darth Vader
is like the guy is the lot the dad lot
of deadlines yeah yeah you know who's
you know who is the Sun lion jtt from
home improvement he is a heartthrob yeah
the girls love he wasn't I think I saw
him in Tiger Beat was he is unstoppable
JT really like everybody loves him
unreal great what I'm looking forward to
meet you too yeah that's our summer
movie preview um we let us know I sent
us a letter if you want to tell us what
movie are excited about um you can find
read him like a week from now our
address is in the phone book if people
use the internet yeah well okay so like
let's talk a little bit about the things
that we're really excited about cuz we
do into it too oh yeah oh you okay so we
like into it we at for me oh okay I'm
really excited about guts do you ever
see that show on nick no it's like it's
pretty popular like it's been out for a
year so I love Nickelodeon like a
watchdog oh yeah Nicolas great and so
guts is sort of like American Gladiators
but for kids like so it's pretty fun and
like they all come out and Natalie's
weird like athletic challenges and stuff
and then at the very end if you have
enough points you get to climb what they
called the aggro crag and you get to go
to the top and if you win you get peace
of the aggro crag and like lights up and
stuff whoa I want to do this it looks so
fun like i want to be a contestant on
the show please nicola get slimed I they
don't fly me at all but like I would
imagine you could probably just do it
yourself like go you could probably walk
around the corner they have like the
slime somewhere around there it's
Nickelodeon you know and the referee in
this is so hot what she's so good
looking yeah she's great like I love her
Moira she's awesome she's like my
favorite referee of all time like we
Alex see it's just like it's just like
American Gladiators but for kids and i
hope this looks fun oh look at all the
nerves are using i know they're crazy i
have that bone arrow do you have it oh
my god i have the loot shoes
I live in shoes I that's so what i gotta
build this in my house i have all these
things yeah it's really great okay okay
what are you into I'm into what
everybody else is into which is Serge I
don't know yeah Serge what's a day
without Serge that's true very delicious
surge um I drink it with every meal any
chance I get every chance every single
never fails this commercial is totally
awesome is it pretty great commercial
look at that busted couch this is like
really exciting it's really sweet my
parents don't like it though do they
yeah they say it's bad for you cuz my
parents won't let me drinkin they say
it's bad for they say my head's gonna go
parents don't like anything I like they
said if i drag it my heart would explode
at or my head oh like i might blow up
they said it's too much say that about
everything yeah they said they also said
Oh rot my so there you go yeah feed the
rush drink search I'm really into it
there's something every day though so
there you go that's gonna be around for
so long like it in a hundred years or
still gonna be drinking surge um so you
guys if you want to like so I was saying
we have an electronic mail like you
don't have to write us a letter anymore
um you can actually like electronic mail
us it's called tomorrow at like this
it's at I know I know the a with a
circle around it yeah it's tomorrow at
sea wondering what that key was for calm
and like I don't it might be like on The
Today Show they were arguing whether it
was at or about like I'm not really a
Katie Couric was saying like she thought
it was about but I think it's at I like
about abouts nice do so tomorrow about
cnet com is good okay so you can you can
electronic mail us and then um you gets
really hard to remember it is really not
a weird okay just super weird um you can
always just write us a letter you can
find our address in the phone book we're
at television the city ok Los Angeles um
so it's super easy to find ooh get out
your phone books look it up whatever um
and you can like write us the letter
which would be super nice that's pretty
much it they get the only person access
but I don't like giving out our fax
number but that's the only way you can
really contact us so you gotta hit us up
on those sorry yeah but that's it for
our tomorrow are
daily here on cnet your one-stop place
for technology on the internet right
that's I think it's the only one think
we're the only but thanks for watching
everybody and be good humans and we'll
see you next time
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