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Tomorrow Daily - We want U.S. versions of Shanghai Disney's 'Star Wars,' Marvel attractions, Ep 210

on today's show turning feelings into fabric what's coming to the newest disney theme park and oculus buys a company that's gonna make them even better I can't even imagine that tomorrow daily dirtying citizens in the internet welcome to tomorrow daily best geek talk show the known universe I'm Ashley skills killin ominous um wow it's it feels like it's been a hundred years since comic-con like I was just thinking about this morning you ever have that like time sort of slows down when you go to an event up like in your face all the time and then you come home and it's like everything goes really slowly I'm still tired from comic-con yeah like my leg muscles still are the best my little nerdy leg muscles aren't so good sad that we skip leg dad guys we skipped like okay all right well uh let's let's not waste any more time what's at that one I don't know if you've been keeping up with what's going on the VR world but it's been a lot of headsets and a new controller from oculus well guess what they just announced a brand new partnership that Facebook an oculus they did they announce that they've act acquired a company namely pebbles now what pebbles is the pebbles interactive I think uh pebbles creates motion gesture software so it's looking like we're starting to see oculus move into the controller less world of via um it uses custom optics sensors and algorithm algorithms are pebbles paves the way for better touch functionality in oculus and other oculus partnered headsets like the gear VR yeah yeah yeah it's it's no they get the recognition on that that's crazy yeah pebble has been a leader in this for a while they're they're kind of a small company but I mean it's it's it's really crazy that it's it there on out there like this has come about so quickly obviously it's not gonna be a part of like the first wave right yeah because the consumer headset comes out in 2016 yeah so yeah it could be it you know it could be uses it as a side method it can be used as the main method I'm sure we're not going to see this for a while but Sir see some examples but yeah this I mean this is the ultimate goal of VR is immersion full immersion and faint like finger like being able to reach out and like grab things again like seeing your hands was always a big kind of thing that always struck me is weird that wasn't available but now if oculus touch right if the controllers yeah I got seems maybe like this could be what they add to it well I guess touch their motto as their goal has always been to make it not feel like you're holding a controller but you that you're kind of immersed and this is just full immersion I've always said that that was a big hurdle to like yeah having your hands and being able to touch things and move move it it in real space that's just gonna put you even further into it all right I think that really is one of the biggest hurdles so there you go pebbles pebbles we might see some really cool stuff from pebbles not the watch guys not pebble pebbles with an S yeah also more than one okay I saw that really briefly this morning the headline it was like oculus purchases pebbles and I was like wait wait wait so I had to click on it I'm like ah icic its pebbles so that's not the watch Mike what if you want a SmartWatch for it's weird all right you're a big Disney fan I'm a big Disney fan we're all big Disney fans here there's a new theme park coming to the world the world at large is coming to Shanghai it's going to be called the Disney Shanghai resort huh clever very clever uh so see a Disney CEO Bob Iger was talking about this and there was this really awesome concept video that accompanied showing off like what the park is gonna look like to be very high-tech there's gonna be all sorts of state-of-the-art stuff like you would expect from Disney including this really awesome looking Tron kind of roller coaster which just looks super rad there it's called the tron light cycle power run this is going to open next year so it's it's coming soon this is not something that's ten years away where they have to break ground they've already been working on this and here a couple the other franchises you're going to be seeing at the Disney Shanghai resort you're going to be seeing Star Wars they're gonna have a launch Bay where they're saying they're gonna have set pieces props memorabilia from episode 7 that's Eve that's coming out this year they're gonna have all sorts of and a cinematic experience which i'm guessing might be something a little bit like what we saw at the Marvel experience right where it's like kind of yeah which would be pretty cool and then there's also going to be a Marvel experience where they're gonna have like briefings and they're gonna have superheroes walking around and then they're gonna have sort of at Disney California Adventure they have the artists alley where the animation you can do an animation class and learn how to draw a Disney character they're going to do that for superheroes to say here's like have comic book artists come in and teach you how to draw like superheroes and stuff and then they're going to have a fully pirate-themed land called treasure Cove which is gonna be all Pirates of the Caribbean themed so it's going to be fully like a full land dedicated pirates of the caribbean and and for those of you wondering like we'll gosh like i live in the US when are we going to start getting marvel star wars like all this cool stuff in our parks d23 expo is next month which is disney's big conference and and there we're kind of expected to sort of learn a little bit more about what the future is for disneyland and disney world in california florida which a lot of people are speculating and like if you go do I is it sad that I go to like rumor sites for disneyland for like construction and stuff is gonna like mice chat my sage and stuff or it's like they tell you about all the little rumors and things that are gonna be coming to the parks like rumor is toontown is going to be shut down in California yeah you're gonna add like either Star Wars or Star Wars are Marvel back there all of Tomorrowland is gonna be getting like revamped where you're gonna have like you know maybe the stark Expo type thing or it's gonna be all Marvel like we've heard a lot of rumors about what's coming so maybe we'll hear a little bit more about the actual official expansion plans next month so that's pretty exciting poor Roger rabbits cartoon spin Oh her ass in peace that's sad but it's cool western what what is the reasoning behind them making a Tron roller coaster I like like i love i love me some tron but disney doesn't love them some tron does he not anymore now a third tron and they like abandoned their little Trump party thing like I think it's more like it I think that is specifically in their version of Tomorrowland and so I think it sort of fits in with the aesthetic of that area of the park and then on top of that like it's just gonna look really cool blacklight I get it that's cool but that che hai park sounds amaze yeah it's really rad I like it my next fire next year it's gonna open next year so it's gonna compete with my money with Harry Potter wizarding world here in LA which harry potter pi win cuz going she was shanghaied disney shanghai resort seems really expensive so i don't know if i can afford that but that brings us to our hashtag just hashtag TD Mickey we did something similar with the Nintendo theme park I want to know what high-tech ride or experience you can pick an experience like the make up something would you want installed at your nearest Disney theme park so it doesn't have to be in the state doesn't have it could be anywhere there's Disney theme park you live in Japan you can pick that your new Euro Disney like any of that stuff what do you want installed what's the thing what's the one thing you're like just dying for hmm I can already I hear the gears turn actual lightsabers just real lightsabers just have actual lightsabers they're just that's it like and you can you fight with them or well I mean you can fill in the blanks all you want there but like once I have my lightsaber I know what I know what my life's gonna be like that's a good point I mean everybody's gonna kill themselves but I'm just gonna like you're gonna be a Jedi right out of it i'm gonna be like it or like you die yeah you don't want to use this but ya know it'd be cool like actual lightsabers or like even fake actual lightsabers where it just does a beam of light and it's not like a plastic thing not plastic yeah what if I do you remember the void those like big virtual reality experiences we've put on the headset and then they had like you know remember that like thing that they're gonna open that we talked about I want something like that where you basically get a VR headset and like it's like laser tag and then you do it like themed to something so you could do Star Wars of you good one like storm troopers vs. rebellion like Empire versus rebellion yeah we know Tigger's yeah totally I mean that's it that's a war that's that's a word that's been going on forever yeah it was so cool we could do this like amazing virtual reality thing where you could do like run around and do like virtual reality laser tagging which had to be like they would be like a version of Battlefront yeah that would be pretty that'd be pretty sweet I think every every Park needs to start doing recon yeah I agree um okay so lastly we got to talk about this like feelings and if everything so weird but actually kind of impressive in its own way this comes from this a clothing brand called abstract and it comes from three people web designer Bjorn Carmen textile designer Christine bazan and fashion designer Julie hell's Erickson and what they have done is they have created this website where you go to the website say your on your macbook or your your laptop you type in a story that you have feelings about okay so let's say it's like oh when I was a kid my grammys to bake these cookies and I love them and we would you know tell stories together whatever so here's the actual thing so it tracks your facial expressions as you're typing in this story and remembering it either fondly or sadly or you know whatever your feelings are about it it also tracks your keystrokes so whether you pause whether you type really fast and get excited about something or whether you take your time and type slow and all of those things go into this sort of data visualization that turns into a fabric pattern that you can then apply to all of the different clothes for sale on their site so you type in your story do all the stuff and then this is what comes out it kind of looks like glitch art like it reminds me a little bit of glitch art and what it is is it's a it's a full data visualization and these are the different things that sort of contribute to what this looks like so emotions picked up by the facial recognition correspondent colors so let's say you tell a sad story are gonna see more like blues purples but maybe there's some happiness in it well then it might blend in some Reds things like that and then you have content that will make the actual pattern Bill Cosby's it does look like a Cosby sweater and then also your keystrokes like depending on how fast or slow you type what you did it chooses the scale of the pattern whether it's really really tiny a really really big and then you can apply it like i said to any of the clothes on the website and then they will print out this this custom fabric for you and ship you a jacket a sweater a skirt a dress you know whatever you choose that's on the site which is crazy like this scene is like a whole lot of work for some clothes right yeah but it is interesting it's very interesting that Bill Cosby sweater that crazy glitchy Cosby sweater but but they were saying like there would be a lot more they're still in testing phases and they're saying like as they go they're getting better and better at it so they might actually be able to make like some pretty cool stuff and you can manipulate the story so like let's say as you're typing you can see the patterns start to emerge in you say like oh I really like this one bit you can actually repeat a line in the story over and over again and get that so why don't you just create your own pattern well you could but the thing is is like this is sort of like creating a pattern of but with a story behind it I guess or like your emotions behind it right so it's like you'd wear the sweater and like remember the story you told about your gram I'm not trying to be jaded I'm just trying to be like it makes it may be a good it like as fight financially it may be at rickys to like choice well extra financially it might be a tricky choice because these are not going to come cheap because they're handmade because they have to like take that data visualization the claws make the cloth like put together your clothes like the whole thing it and this is all handmade stuff they're saying like a one sweater is it'll cost you like 300 bucks so that's those days I thought it would be that's gonna be a son Jay Z level not jay z but definitely it's up there it's not going to target um it's not picking out some of your target but it is a really good conversation piece and I feel I know some people who are really into art that would be into this as like a conversation starter type thing where it's like oh well this fabric is a story that I told one time about you know this break this terrible breakup I had a sad it is well that sounds very conceited in the way that you said that well that's those those are my our friends I'm sorry our friends you're kind of full of yourself so I noticed my sweater but it's about me I wrote a story about me and this is my face yeah this is my sweater yeah or you could give it as a gift you could say like is great story about our friendship and here's here it is in fabric this is how i feel about friendship and then you look at your like i don't know if this is good or like so you feel like a jumbled mess about friendship i don't know but i thought it was really interesting yes cool abstract with an underscore after it yeah i find it really interesting i think it's cool that people are like thinking of these things like it's pretty neat but thats it for our stories let's take a quick break we'll come right back its into it time after we come back we get to talk about things we like and then we also have kind of your user feedback because i totally forgot about it yesterday but i got some tweets from you so i didn't forget you and then our photogra for the day so don't click away it's tomorrow daily whoa let go welcome back to the show we've returned that was if you're wondering are quick right before the break video is called the Magnus effect so you put a little bit of backspin on a ball and drop it from a very high place and actually curves out as it falls which is pretty amazing um at least that's how it was explained to me it could be thought it was hoop God so I was looking up on my phone to see if fair I listen it's if it's magic and it involves a basketball it's probably who got all praising yeah um so it's Thursday so that means we have to talk about the things that cuz all about us right now it's all about us right time for into it it's like at a nice Joe Pesci impression all you need now is an Elmo to spit on that they don't get that I know but now they're gonna look it up and they're gonna find out uh kale please tell me what you're into this week it's this is so lame I'm into something I was into I think it was on my into it a while back yeah but I never finished it so I'm into shadows of Mordor right I finished it because I hate it I picked it up and it was like and I was like I hate this game I hate it and then at some point of it oh my god I love this game and then I hated it again and now I'm playing it again and i love it it's like the best game ever 2 love-hate relationship that's it's got that stupid feature where if you die like if you get killed by uh-uh then they get stronger he get killed by the same or call multiple times to get stronger and stronger and more defense and like his friends get stronger and so at one point like I was fighting guys they went from level 8 12 0 16 just because I kept losing against them and they'd like leveled up and they were a higher rank and they became more chiefs and I was just like well this sucks so it was not quick but it was ultimately my fault I got the hang of it after playing Batman and now i'm also trying to make him my into it so that producer Logan will eventually play oh very good I like that I like that there's some sort of like subtle there's it's not even subtle you're just like pretty slow gonna need plays games yeah I mean you know because he has to cut the like trailers and stuff into this so it was an exciting way to get him to like pushing them like it inception I'm glad that you're not you didn't totally rage quit you only like rage quit for a little while and then like you said use Batman as like your training to come back and like totally smoked this game and do oblivion it's a really amazing game it's a really really good game and I'm actually gonna do after the show so excellent we're going to it any nominations were this morning I'm really big into television I love watching TV i watch this literally what I do in my spare time like that and play video games like that's it so I was really excited because this is actually a really good year for nomination some really good stuff Outstanding Comedy Series I had some really great things like transparent which amazon prime like I mean netflix and amazon prime walks way to a bunch of nominations Silicon Valley was in their parks and rec last season unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt a Netflix show I mean like really really good veep HBO so like HBO walked by thing with the most nominations looks like a valley to win that would be awesome but I'm gonna say it's not gonna happen um but yeah drama series really good better call Saul I really love better call Saul Game of Thrones home landmass a little old house cards man it's a little old Mad Men last season and then and then orange is the new black which a lot of people weren't sure about because there were new rules this year saying that if you were like you could choose what to submit in there wasn't a rule hard fast rule I'm like if you have a half hour show it must be submitted as a comedy so orange is the new black they were like well what do we submit us because that show can be very funny and they were like but we're kind of more of a drama but they had been submitting previously as a comedy so they were really all excited to be nominated in drama because they weren't sure because that's a much tougher category to get nominated in a few there's there's a lot of really good comedy on TV but like usually there's a handful that are like very obviously the best and then but drama right now scripted drama is just so good interesting so I thought I like I'm like a TV nerd this is like my thing I was super excited to see a lot of people get nominated that deserved it this year Tatiana measly from from orphan black got nominated finally after years and years of people on the internet like screaming at the Emmy Academy being like what's right with ya like dodgy animes Lee is amazing because she plays all those clones yeah and then like and then I think Jon Hamm got nominated twice like once for lead actor in Mad Men and then once is a Guest Actor an unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt because he plays the the past or whatever like so great so so great so it was a really good year for nominations I'm actually really looking forward to the Emmys like last year it kind of fell a little bit boring so I feel like this year is a little bit more of a refresh a little more competitive a little more diverse in terms of like what types of shows and where they came from so every year we just keep getting more more cord-cutting like shows showing up in the emmy so it's it must be making a lot of the network's really nervous yeah there's a lot of good there's a lot of good stuff was daredevil nominated for anything no a lot of guys get out yeah just go I don't it might have been nominated in lesser categories that like it wasn't like any of the main ones it wasn't but you know there's always season two it's a fresh show so it's got plenty of time so much time that's what I meant you right now Emmy nominations now I get to start my betting pools start an Emmy Poole yeah buddy I'm all in on daredevil daredevil just all in good all right guys let's time to talk about user feedback I may have made a terrible mistake yesterday during the show by completely blanking and forgetting to mention the hashtag of the day that's no big deal we didn't talk about it but that's okay because I asked some people on my Twitter going to give us some answers so yesterday's hashtag was technically TD breathe and we were gonna ask like what food you'd want to inhale if you could turn it into a Miss cuz we talked about the alcohol architecture I think you just assumed I'd say pizza so you didn't even ask the question yeah maybe it's not just telepathically knew and I felt like it had already happened because I can see it so clearly in my mind's eye the whole conversation so glad that conversation like we must have and what did you say like cupcakes I'm sure yeah I was like donuts donuts cupcake something something was choked a lot of sugar in it um so what would your said would it be pizza yeah yeah be pizza mine would be donuts or cupcakes see ya there'd be pizza care all right um but I asked a couple of you guys you guys had some good answers uh this jose wrote in and said imagine a hot nasty 97 degree day with no chance of a breeze then you inhale some cold strawberry ice cream missed I like that that's marks really good like that like cold mist that seems really cool um no puns Walter then wrote and said no I enjoy eating my food he likes to masticate chew his chew stuff yeah um and then we got a couple of other ones just really briefly uh chocolate we saw bacon a Nutella atmosphere mmm that's a good one yeah somebody Brandon said I'd want to breathe in kale not kale it's got to be better than eating it to get my nutrients it's good breathe in vegetables like that would be cool no breathe man and then the Tulsa Nader said so much k so in all caps she's just a strip cheese yeah this is a good question that was a question so and good answers thank you and sorry I apologize I wish I would have remembered but like I said I just I really felt like we have that conversation and then I guess we didn't so hey the shag today as TD forget yeah TD whoops was my bad um alright guys let's talk about our very last pc user feedback it's our photog refer the day are you thinking about shadows order right now oh that's kind of great I'm thinking about cuz i have all the warchiefs anyway ok well like how far into the game did you actually drop out i was i think i'm at the end of the second act I don't know if that's how games don't work in 30 ish yeah I feel like I've got to be near the end I skip the sty skip the story I'll be completely honest I am ashamed of you I just don't I don't care you just want their like combat well I'd it's just the whole Lord of the Rings like like i love i love learn no I love lower the rigs but when they're messing around with stuff that isn't the main story of like we're following the ring bearer it's like do we must do rescue the princess from the orcs like we yeah that's how these games yeah so yeah that's it's just not not super interested in the gay it's a great game here in Game place so anyway fair enough so what kind of pretty picture we got 40 we got a good way Cavill wrote in and said hi took this picture of my Nexus 6 on a boat between Finland and Sweden about a week ago who's about half past midnight and the temperature was a pleasant 25 degrees Celsius the sea was almost totally still what a super way to spend a summer evening enjoying the views on ms viking grace Wow that is a that is a ridiculously nice picture that's like wallpaper for your computer yeah you guys I'm gonna post it to tumblr to our tumblr tomorrow daily tumblr com you can go get it and use it as a wall wallpaper for your for your machine whatever that machine maybe could do it on your phone to look really nice it's dark enough to where the icons would stand out but not so dark that you couldn't see details I like fantastic well does rates so good story too he was a really good story is fantastic i love stories if you guys want to send in your photog raphy send us your pictures and a little story and what device you took it with you tomorrow at cnet com you can also find us on social media where tomorrow daily on Twitter but usually really you want to find us as individuals on social media yeah I need to do that you can go to add kale anonymous or at ashleys skele it's just that easy if you want to send someone to show to the show to show you want to send someone to show send them to tomorrow daily com that's that's pretty much it it's very easy to share alright guys that's it for the show this week we'll be back on Monday with a brand new dog and a weird wonderful science facts science fiction geek pop culture gaming whatever and until then vegan humans will see you guys next time you
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