
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Tomorrow Daily - What looking through HoloLens is really like, Ep. 206

on today's show a transforming truck but it doesn't turn into a robot a really really cool and interesting look at what hollow lens looks like from the perspective of the wearer and legendary pictures releases a VR app that frankly is much better than the reality we're living in I'm not true of most VR true tomorrow Neely greetings citizens of the internet welcome to tomorrow daily the best geek talk show known universe I'm Ashley skala joining me today special guest I fancied man-about-town brian bishop that's me thanks for using my full name yeah fancy man about town I mission I wanted to make sure I got all the honorifics in there ya head tunes um so for you've been on the show before we've had use a guest before thank you for coming back I tried me back I must have done something right you might have we're not done something less wrong than the other people you didn't burn the place down that that qualifies you for a return visit yet yet yet um so tell everybody really quickly uh where what you do who you know where they can find you and then we'll do more of that at the end too yes for sure i'm a professional podcaster you can hear me on the adam carolla show as well as my show the film vault and if you're interested in hearing more of my nonsense i wrote a book called shrinkage that is very proud of it so check it out if you're so inclined and it's not what you think no do you think it's excellent it's great oh is that what you're thinking yeah I surprised with everything I think it it's terrible no it's really good um okay so we have some really cool stories talked about today some why it's VRA our transformer trucks all that stuff so let's at the headlines so we've talked a little bit on the show about what it looks like through a hollow lens so microsoft hololens and microsoft made this sort of partnership that they've been talking about we heard about it a little bit at build a few months ago made this partnership official with case western reserve university and they're going to be doing these sort of medical teaching applications inside hololens so students could actually look at a full sized human body and like peel them away in layers and see how muscles attached to below muscles attached to the body and how everything works the nervous system all that stuff anti-money on cadavers definitely saves money on cadavers the cadaver but just gonna go way down the cadaver stock is plummeting immediately so what about the Traverse stock please so but one of the things I thought was really interesting about this video that Microsoft released was that it actually gives for the first time a really true view of what how you view things through holland so we've discussed what a narrow field of view the hololens okay and for smaller things like if you're looking at the human heart and everything like this is rad this looks so so cool there's something out of my nightmares let the floating heart that's chasing brother I'm beating floating living heart floating around the room yeah somehow still beating but yet disembodied at the same time indeed indeed and and so one of the things that I thought was really interesting is that it shows you exactly how narrow that field of view so you'll see it starts cutting off at certain points and it's not your entire field of vision and I think that was the one thing that a lot of people had trouble kind of describing okay to people who hadn't tried on hololens sure so we saw a halo experience at three and people would put on Hollins and they could see these these people were like okay Spartan like let's go you know let's get you loaded out and all this stuff but it was a very narrow field of view so it was like you felt like you were looking through a little window and I think this video kind of illustrates that perfectly okay which is pretty interesting but I love this idea of being able to use instead of a live experimentation on a person which we can't do anymore because it's wrong and terrible they can actually you know make a holographic living person and have people study it like that which is pretty neat and you could actually add diseases to to these people conditions differ yeah right broken bones like Amy you could do that and people could look at a body and diagnose it in real time which i think is brilliant I mean I think this is a great way to to kind of push forward medical education and in a really great way it is brilliant and all joking aside you know medical stuff they call it practicing medicine for a reason because very few people know no one knows everything about you know something and they practice they get better they learn and this is a way for people to share knowledge and learn a lot of knowledge a lot of times if you're whether you're a patient or a doctor try to become a doctor a student trying to come a doctor you're at the mercy of who you're learning from where you're at or where you have access to and if this opens up the whole world of medical knowledge to the whole world we could train people in other countries and remote areas in Google station in the north and south pole which would be fantastic be fantastic so I'm all for it one thing I am NOT all for connecting this to WebMD no you're no cuz people are gonna be like oh yeah let me see what I have let me see ya I'm all this going on in here they're gonna be so upset and they're gonna they're gonna run to their doctors you like I'm dying yeah everything's wrong sure good noise hypochondria actually have a new hobby exactly exactly but hypochondriacs either feed your hypochondria by buying hololens or avoid by not going hololens because you don't want anything like this but I thought this was so cool and and I'm curious you guys can let us know either on Twitter or in the comments on YouTube does this the field of view thing does that change your position on whether or not you're excited about hololens because I think a lot of people have been really curious to see exactly what it looks like and I think some people might be turned off by the fact that it's a very small field of view but that seems like something that's going to become it's going to improve with time right yeah I'm the fact that the technology exists it's only gonna get better i would assume so but it could be years before i knew a really new headset with full kind of full field of view is how it oh how impatient we've gotten it might be years before we can see trying tiger feel the video oh that's what a terrible thing what a terrible terrible thing um but yeah I just I thought that was really interesting and I love the video I thought it was great and if you guys have a chance you should definitely go over to microsoft research as site and and start looking at they've got more hollow on stuff up so which is really needs pretty name um so from a r to vr you're talking about legendary legendary pictures announced so they've released three apps correct for three different movies looks like a single app with three different folks are single experiences in it so you can like download each one it's pretty sweet you were showing me with your with a cardboard earlier yessum through this fancy viewfinder edible cardboard oh no that my childhood is dying one new awesome thing at a time I was just like a few master oh yeah it's just like a viewmaster you think I you're flying with her the world of warcraft yeah no it's pretty awesome there there's apps where you're flying on the back of a what i can only assume is an eagle oh yeah the Griffins for Emma yeah it said all of the great Griffin's and said listen guys I don't play alliance in world warcraft i'm a horde so I don't fly on Griffin's but apparently you guys do so there you go yes I Anna Griffin over stormwind this will be a wonderful experience for many of you but it was pretty awesome it's one of those things where you put your phone in the thing and it allows a turn the app on allows you to look literally what do you call that not through nor sick if its spherical it's all I can turn around everywhere jus got down the artistry there's just the time must have taken to go into just making the clouds and the buildings and the detail I only imagine what kind of Easter eggs are like planted around yeah I'm curious about that too so we have some footage of like the different okay so here are the different phone just talk about the warcraft on the right to the warcraft so the warcraft one was like the one that I really liked because we haven't really seen anything from more crime yeah I saw some stuff at blizzcon but uh which was amazing okay but but generally sleep let stuff they haven't released yet we're assuming that the full trailer is gonna drop this week ok so at comic-con so this is one of the screen caps yeah so this should be I mean it's this ice looks amazing it's just a matter of time until we get a really good calm excuse me a really good video game movie it's just a matter of time to write I don't think there's really been a great one Super Mario Brothers I thought you didn't let me finish aside from the iconic Super Mario rubs there's not been a great video game movie I guess just a matter of time someone's gonna crack the code no pun intended the director of this movie Duncan Jones I don't know if you've seen his other two movies o moon my favorites moon is fantastic but you guys have not seen moon track it down it's a brainless Sam Rockwell brilliant yes bling he also did a movie called source code that Jake Gyllenhaal really good was much better than it should have been I remember seeing the trailer and thinking this is not gonna be good ended up being really good ended up being really that's always a good sign for a movie or a director or a future movie when the guy is making good movies out of ones that maybe shouldn't be so good okay scripts yeah well yeah kind of ridiculous concepts or oh no concept you're like I get it I get it but no it was a good movie so any other a plays world warcraft so it was like he's the guy wide open this could this can be the thing be the one this could be it and i'm really excited to see this trailer like I'm curious I'm scared like what if I hate it but they also have they also have not only Warcraft they have a crimson peak adjust we barely touched on the other ones oh I can't wait to see this movie I'm obsessed with Guillermo del Toro and i also have a great truck i love gothic horror so this is right up my alley a lot of great actors in this and its really cool so like Tom Hiddleston narrates this thing and you go into crimson peak or to the manor and there's like a scary monster it it's really cool and then there's also a Pacific Rim right jaeger experience what it was kind of weird you're inside the the jager and he's looking at you that's a pilot during the Nura handshaking and at you and addressing you it's pretty cool I make you an i er of different opinions of Pacific Rim I think you liked it a lot more than I did I just like fighting giant fighting robots and I like you know the human yeah I know what I have some room for me was is okay what's not quite as good as I hoped it would be I know boy I think shows a huge fan but ok I think I have a sweet though I think that they're absolutely some issues of that movie like I can understand why some people weren't like oh my god this is the greatest movie ever like i I'm like well i think i would have liked some other things from them excited get there were elements that were sweet great somewhere else that were sweet injures elbow number one yeah he's always great just the best and you're welcome it was good Charlie day like yeah come on I just calm Charlie's just like those guys are many so good um but yeah you can download it it's on iOS and Android right yes and download wreck them out go around the room and look and explore things it's pretty cool and if you don't have a cardboard you don't need one it'll it'll ask you do you have cardboard and you could be like no and it just lets you hold your phone and look around just like we're serious is the way to go though right because I think so the full immersion if you have cardboard do that or a gear I think a gear VR probably work too so yeah really cool stuff from legendary alright last but not least I have to show you this might be better than any RV I've ever seen including like luxury RVs this is a castle truck it comes out of New Zealand this couple built this truck and here it is transforming so it is completely road-legal when it's out in the road Wow yes I start out of the truck yeah starts out as a truck and it turns into a tiny castle that you can actually live in so that's that is it it's a house so here they are building it there's a whole bunch of whole bunch of these great pictures of them building this house over time this is clearly Hobbit nonsense right I like leftover that's what happens when you live in New Zealand you get inspired by Hobbit nonsense and you start building Castle trucks so yeah here it is this is the finished product it's insane so this thing folds out into two rotating turrets so there's the turrets right there the turrets have a composting toilet a shower and a washing chain in them so you can use the restroom in there you can shower you can wash your clothes it has a grid right it's like it's solar one hundred percent off the grid runs on solar power and caught rainwater they catch rainwater that are drought oh yeah well in New Zealand it feels like it probably right um don't bring it to California you'll die do you have to dig your own moat oh uh I would really i think they should well I think that's maybe that's like a recommendation deal breaker for me it's optional optional and then there's a retractable roof so there it is up there and it's got its got a hammock up there it's got a kitchen it's got a kitchen sleeping quarters it's got I mean this is insane it's got a bathtub up top is this for resale this is for competing buy this or is this just they're showing oh this is just they're just showing on this is that this is overachieving overachieving via what did that meet their raises up and putting me cute little castle that they made out of a try me this is it same I love it so much well the short hours later you got a castle I know right it's like absolutely insane I mean if you don't like putting up a tent in the it to go camp down this is the sound of you is not for you that's a full living space look it's like a full kit they got off kitchen I got a whole thing going on here and like and then like I said they can do this before they open it up and this is after that's uh that's lovable and it's gonna be a while away some hours in there there's gonna be at some point someone's gonna be shooting a movie some stars gonna be shooting any easier in yeah in New Zealand I want that I look I got a happy trail track my trailer is the castle so unfortunately does not transform into a robot it just it's a transformer but it transformed into a house which is still pretty amazing um but yeah super cool totally love this idea um hat like happy to see people just making weird stuff that's rad that's all right let's artwork right there man it's someone doing something they love vat of something that is otherwise no one's a useless but an ordinary item you know I mean they're making something totally good um okay so and before we go I just wanna let you guys know the hashtag of the day today is still going to be hashtag TD sdcc 15 I know it's a lot of TD letters sdcc's videocon 15 um and we want you guys to tell us you have a whole weekend now cuz it's Thursday and when we come back on Monday you guys can tell us what you thought of either kill coverage he's over on yahoo covering san diego comic-con you can tell us what you thought of the show was there anything you missed was there anything you absolutely loved you could can't live without what was the best or worst part of comic-con for you let us know that's your that's your mission should you choose to accept it so on that note we're going to take a quick break but before we do we're going to reach out to our friends at siena to gamestop and talk about what games they're playing right now is to play this we'll be right back it's a slow period for new releases right now so following up on Square Enix's announcement of the Fallen Fantasy 7 remake I'm going back and playing the original this week I've been playing the red solstice which is a top-down shooter with some RTS element so right now I'm crossing off one of my games of shame when game I never played in the past and always meant to and that's the original Shenmue news for the dreamcast as you know not many video games are released during the summertime but it doesn't matter exempt still playing The Witcher final fantasy 7 might not look like much today compared to like modern graphics but I still find that it's really charming and the story in mechanics just you know keep me coming back year after year this is probably my fifth time playing a game I'm level of 26 I think I'm pushing a hundred hours now makes it cool is that it plays up to eight players co-op online so that's pretty neat you can get seven of your buds to all go to Mars and shoot much aliens I like that I don't know quite what I think just yet but it's sort of like a train wreck in that I can't look away right now so I love to Witcher i'm probably gonna be playing to which all summer so if we talk next week again it's probably good welcome back to the show once again kale is not here if you couldn't tell he's down at comic-con so I brian bishop here the film vault Adam Kroll show best-selling author shrinkage all correct so far all those things don't go on fancy man about town that's right uh so it's Thursday which means we like to talk about the things that are making us crazy in all the best ways so this is into it brian bishop regale us with what you are into this week i will so iím a podcaster i do podcast and all i do is listen to podcasts i've given up on the radio I don't listen to to any of the apps and music apps I just listen to podcasts all the time because I like being talked to and informed and entertains and all those things yeah and my one of my favorite podcasts which is not exactly cutting edge because it's been around for a while it's very popular but just in case your listeners aren't into podcast do yourself a favor check out stuff you should know this stuff that I listed all the time Josh and Chuck are fantastic the good guys had the opportunity to meet them when they came to LA and it's live shows oh yeah I remember that yeah and they are the show is great super fascinating stuff super fascinating not a lot of production you're not going to be wowed with whooshes and all the stuff on the radio of the Stingers and the whooshes and all that stuff which for me is great because you actually get information the guys talk to you and they talk to each other and they have this great chemistry that's great chemistry that's not forced it's very easy and you're going to be like I said entertained you're going to learn some stuff you'll be informed and you're going to be a conversation with a friend and your and they're gonna be like oh what's the deal with blah blah blah like actually I know that I can tell you what the deal is it that dollar 45 minutes about it which is really cool and I like I always like how and then they always do like a special Halloween episode which is always entertaining and but for me I'm timely stuff to the often really timely that's that was just gonna say the one thing I really like about them is that if they see something in the news or something that you know is maybe a little confusing for people to say okay let's do an episode on this like so how does comic-con work yeah and they'll do like a whole episode about like the history of comic-con and and what it is now and why people go there and why Studios go there and why people might not go there and it's great they are so great yeah they do it on bitcoins am I recently that right because a lot of people are like how exactly does this work and they explained where I came from how it works what the risks are what the benefits are it's a really interesting really interesting show really well done i recommend it for for listening and it's not a terrible time commitment either the like half an hour yeah they're 40 minutes 40 minutes give or take let much less than an hour it's like around like 30 to 40 minutes and you're like an ass hundreds of episodes so you feedback can get into it you're gonna learn a lot yeah so I also i will recommend that as well wait I do love it that's on my podcast list and pocket casts okay so I am into this week I I feel a little bit psychic and a little bit validated because I predicted during our comic-con preview up so that they would announce an app for Star Wars okay and sure enough that's exactly what happened and I downloaded it and it's great it's even better than I could have imagined so this app has literally everything you ever need if you're a star Wars fan this hey this is a massive hub it's not only facts about stuff fun facts about Star Wars ioerror rating news yet like kind of the holocron is sort of thing they have going on on on the website on they have augmented reality stuff you're able to do like these cool augmented reality things they have a force awakens countdown so they have this day in star wars history they have a weather hub so you can say like oh it's 75 degrees that's like the weather on Endor like it'll tell you what whether that's like so here it would be like oh it's 105 degrees that's like tattooing do they have dark days in star wars history like the day you realize episode one sucked oh that was the day you saw it pretty much been walking about you Jace I rock out of here and there we can I recreate that crestfallen sensation ever want to know what it feels like again but they've gifts they've got a sound board in there they have videos they have a selfie section where you can like add in like you take a selfie image like Yoda behinds ething bus cost like ten dollars it's free but uh it's totally free and it's it literally when I say it is jam-packed I mean it is overflowing imagine a Dagwood sandwich guys no no damages your you're literally like 50 years too young to know what a dad what is but a giant sandwich is overflowing with stuff you take a bite of it just stuff falls out that is literally the Star Wars app you take a bite of it and use explosion of stuff just everywhere messy and delicious messy and delicious a hard percent and it's totally free it's really cool it's designed really well I'm really impressed okay I'll check it out if you're just if your Star Wars Star Wars being a person and you release an app you're up to a high standard because because your star wars it's caturday yeah you're the you're the crown jewel and then the movie geek demand you got to be pretty awesome with your app i think i think i like is it doesn't feel forced it's not like hey good look at how cool we are like horse horse um but it's not like a not like hey guys we're so cool like come you know we're trying to be young appeal it no there's no that's just like look guys it's Star Wars take it or leave it it this is pretty great stuff here you go I've at it and it's there's something for everybody in there so I I really enjoy it that's what I'm into you right download that right now I'm still exploring the app like there's so much stuff in there a lot of ground to cover yeah and they're gonna add a bunch of stuff I guess leading up to the force awakens and of course like going forward I'm sure they'll add more so so um so yeah it's really really great so that's what I'm into now speaking of Star Wars we have to talk about your choices for the young han solo movie that is going to be coming out so let's hit user feedback okay so I'm gonna ask you first things you weren't here okay who's your choice for Jung Han Solo young haha what age range are we talking I think 20 to 25 could play 20 to 25 it has to be that age good yeah i feel like the obvious answer is chris pratt only cuz he gets every role second he's the same age that Harrison Ford was and he plays along first i don't want chris pratt we excluded him from the thing like no Chris Pratt okay a little old but he's okay because he's he could pull it off with the acting chops he's legitimately a great actor who people aren't quite on to yet as a great actor just a very good actor Joseph gordon-levitt would be my choice to play young jgl you know what I like I brought up before our friend pin who's a friend of the show rights and he actually suggested jgl as well he's a great actor for me he will be an Oscar winner at some point in his life absolutely nasty young bruce willis and looper and was fantastic so good yeah so you got the shops he can do it that's a good choice and he is a young face like because i feel like he could totally pull that off okay that's a good choice okay so now we have some other folks some reviewers Walter Rodin said who can play han Solo the actor can't be too young thomas dekker comes to mind okay I have not heard of that person really thomas dekker is Thomas's got a joke I don't know gov our face with thomas dekker gosh Walter uh and then Dustin wrote in bed this is only why there's only one correct person to fill the role the anonymous han Solo and that is of course Cale anonymous very youthful looking Kelly oh yeah no he is he could play play Jung Han Solo uh and then Frank wrote and said a young CGI Harrison Ford because Harrison Ford is Han Solo hashtag irreplaceable I feel like that's what George Lucas would have done he would have gone with it with this easier right completely personal charge are sold off or like that young Jeff Bridges intron yeah open like that I'm a little bit weird to smooth young Al Pacino and cappuccino uh young young Michael Douglas and ant-man to be there said vitac oh well it ain't over yet guys yeah young young Michael Douglas yeah the young persons were creeping me out uh Neil Ronan has said Anthony in Gruber played young Harrison Ford an age of Adeline his peers his Ford impression and he sent us this YouTube video so check this out there's that's him he does in fact look like a young Harrison yeah he does actually thats goods got that going for me and he already played young Harrison Ford so I'm gonna tell you right now that guy in his agent are anxiously waiting by their phone yeah did you get our email see ya phone calls and fix yeah I called you I lucasfilm call me by the way this is this is still the thing for the phone like the kids even know exist anymore like this like this right yeah it's this or like like like this hello Oh to get our Tech's oh I hate when people do that put on speaker and then just like swing their phone yeah do kids are so hanging up means anymore is that mean anything does that you don't read button but we don't hang up anymore no we don't press the button we disconnect the call blowing I'm disconnecting on all your mind right now and then Mitchell wrote in and said solo should be played by matt Lanter he voices Darth Vader and clone wars Chewie can be played by Zach Galifianakis alright inspired second choice I like that like that it's really good Merrill wrote in and said dylan o'brien sent in this picture is a handsome devil young young handsome guy and then Jimmy emailed us and said alex pettyfer of endless love I thought that was a good choice too is a good choice for Han Solo maybe better than Harrison Ford great screen presence and at 511 and 25 years old I think he would do a great job I don't think he is well known yet and would be very believable as han solo now alex pettyfer is in he plays for in divergent okay and he is an attractive young man sure i think i probably can pull up a picture of him alex pettyfer i'm gonna use the I'm gonna use my my powers yeah here we go powers of devices there's my power of my device powers devil you know what you certainly is too handsome two hands let's take a look he might be too handsome for the job you guys know why cuz what let's close this is this gonna work is this guy gonna work right here oh oh yeah it's already got it going pretty slow again you know what no sorry to the baby too attractive on solo was a scruffy-looking nerf herder that's true and that man he may be he may his scruff but he's a handsome kiss already looking stunning on some drizzle devil yeah you can't know maybe jus sorry you're too good-looking I hear this all the time you're too good-looking for this I know what hey you hear it all the time it's like I never hear it but I hear other people get it told to them so they tell us a tale to all the time regardless kale know this for you I can barely look Cael in the eyes sometimes like there's this right through your soul yeah it's it's too much it's like he's so people just people can't look at him when he walks around at the grove they look away hope he's dressed up a comic con then yeah so they're not getting the full effect no no he's gotta wear a full face mask who's your choice for the young home so I like to Garrett Hedlund that was my choice um who was fantastic and I I I found this picture yesterday as i was posting about it and I was just like you guys he is perfect let's talk about this during a daily Garrett Hedlund search let's talk but let's just discuss this picture right here because like this guy is han Solo my feet literally han Solo that's him he he looks like a scruffy-looking nerf herder yeah he could do it and he's really charming he's cool I say he was great in friday night light was fantastic so intron he was in Tron and now they're not doing Tron three so the schedules open the naughty ones run three no new they're canceling that after tomorrow land um so yeah that was your user feedback really great stuff you guys and then of course we have our very last piece ears your feedback which is always our photog refer the day alright so our friend Carsten wrote in Carson is an interesting name I've ever heard before the car sets a mix of Carson Mark Carston yeah and he wrote and said hello my name is Carson I'm 15 here are some photos I took with my iphone 5c at the Grand Canyon and in northern Arizona during during my hunt love the show keep up the good work uh first of all these cannot be photos taken on an iPhone these have to be postcards so they look so amazing okay let's take a look at the first one in a full screen crystal egg has already got it he's on it amazing ridiculous I mean the Grand Canyon very this is most photogenic one of the most photogenic places yes i would i would say got lucky with a cloud formation soon oh good i mean the sky so blue everything looks amazing and that's not an iphone 5c so that's an older lens using like an iphone i think is like a 4s or 5 lens it's a 5 lens double penguin violence yeah so it's a couple generations old that looks ridiculously good and then of course this beautiful sort landscape of the trees they're all different colors are so good so good Carson job high five you got a bright future and phone tog raphy ahead of you kutaro is going with kids names these days let's Carsten uh you know people want unique names people name their kids things that are unique they don't want to see because the thing is is I kind of get it I'm sure you did too because I was one of like six Ashley's right school and everyone started spelling or ashleys names different so I got there was like I'm Ashland's I was here only normal Ashley right ashl ey there was like an assh le igh in a sh l ee and a sh e ly and there was I mean it was literally like a hundred different ways though Ashley and I was the only one with the right one it just struck me that my name is Brian with a why so yeah oh sure so oh I'll stop so piehole show myself out pie hole closed okay so if you guys want to send in your photogra for you can email us tomorrow at cnet com you can always send in story ideas if you want to find us on social media where tomorrow daily mostly on Twitter but you can hit us up on our personal Twitter accounts as well if you want hang out with us online you are I am bald Brian with a why I just joined this to Graham just a couple weeks ago so i'm on instagram and twitter as vol de Bruyne fantastic and you can find me at ashleys gather on Twitter and pretty much everywhere on the internet that is it for today's show we'll be back on Monday kale is coming back on monday i do not worry do not panic find the nearest exit and and depart in a calm manner do not trample each other kelvi back on monday but until then we will see you guys next time vegan humans bike you
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